
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Video: The PCR Test Fraud By BBC Panorama, April 01, 2021
The “Defender-Europe”. US Army Arrives. By Manlio Dinucci, April 01, 2021
‘Breaking Through’ — States Report Growing Number of COVID Cases Among Fully Vaccinated By Megan Redshaw, April 01, 2021
Video: A Spring Promise of War Dawns in Eastern Ukraine By South Front, April 01, 2021
Thousands of Migrant Workers Still Being Held in Detention on the Southern Border By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 01, 2021
Dozens in Central Florida Contract COVID-19 after Being Fully Vaccinated By Louis Bolden, March 31, 2021
Two Ambassadors to Syria with Wildly Different Analyses By Rick Sterling, March 31, 2021
“Poor Rich Haiti”: How Imperialists and Local Oligarchy Have Sought to Destroy Haitian Agriculture By Lautaro Rivara, March 31, 2021
Biden’s Ukrainian “Putin Push” Could Lead to World War III By Bruce Wilds, March 31, 2021
Biden’s Grand Strategy Is Delusional and Dangerous By Andrew Korybko, March 31, 2021
NATO Warplanes Intercept Russian Aircraft Ten Times in One Day from Arctic to Black Sea By Rick Rozoff, March 31, 2021
Germany Hits Pause Again on AstraZeneca After 31 Reports of Rare Blood Clots, 9 Deaths By Megan Redshaw, March 31, 2021
Canada Suspends AstraZeneca COVID Shot – 2,530 Injuries and 24 Dead Following Mostly Pfizer and Moderna Shots By Brian Shilhavy, March 31, 2021
Bill Gates and His Empires. “Ushering In the Great Reset” By Dr. Vandana Shiva and Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 31, 2021
Video: Strikes at US Positions in Iraq, Chaos in Northern Syria By South Front, March 31, 2021
“American Style”: US-backed Fighters Seize US-made Missiles Heading to Other US-backed Fighters in Syria By South Front, March 30, 2021
Video: No Time for Israel to Celebrate Election “Victory” By South Front, March 30, 2021
The Hidden Danger: Digitalisation and Mind Control. “The Prerequisites For Total Dictatorship” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 30, 2021
Why Is Everyone in Texas Not Dying? By Jeffrey A. Tucker, March 30, 2021
Deadly Blood Clots Caused by COVID-19 Vaccine By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 30, 2021
WHO Postpones the Delivery of “AstraZeneca” Vaccine to Syria By Khaled Iskef, March 30, 2021
Iran-China: The 21st Century Silk Road Connection By Pepe Escobar, March 30, 2021
U.S. Secretary of State Blinken Wants to Break China-EU Relations By Andrew Korybko, March 29, 2021
Toronto Children’s Hospital Recommends Back to School without Masks or Social Distancing. Detailed Report By John C. A. Manley, March 29, 2021
Stop COVID Testing Immediately: PCR and Quick Test Swabs May be Cancer-Causing By Peter Koenig, March 29, 2021
African Branch of ISIS Plans to Form Islamic Caliphate in Mozambique By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 29, 2021
Video: Who Are the Quad and Why Are They After China? By TRT World, March 29, 2021
Former Supreme Court Judge Lord Sumption Expects People Will be Forced to Wear Masks, Stay Home for Ten Years By Steve Watson, March 29, 2021
If Israel Accuses Iran of Doing Something, Israel Is Likely Already Doing It By Ted Snider, March 29, 2021
The 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF): Repealing AUMF Will Mean Nothing if We Don’t Get Out of Afghanistan First By Adam Weinstein, March 29, 2021
US Military Launches Task Force to Fight Information War Against China By Dave DeCamp, March 29, 2021
North-Eastern Syria: “We Will Kill You, We Have Prepared Killings for Infidels.”: ISIS Childrens’ Vow By Steven Sahiounie, March 28, 2021
High Probability Radio Frequency Radiation Causes Brain Tumors. Expert Report By Dr. Christopher J. Portier, March 28, 2021
Dangerous Crossroads: US-NATO vs. Russia-China in a “Hybrid War” to the Finish? By Pepe Escobar, March 28, 2021
NATO Headquarters: Blinken Announces Last Global Crusade By Rick Rozoff, March 28, 2021
Western Media Quick to Accuse Syria of ‘Bombing Hospitals’ – But When Terrorists Really Destroy Syrian Hospitals, They Are Silent By Eva Bartlett, March 28, 2021
Implanted “Vaccine Package” ID: Germany’s Parliament Has Ratified GAVI’s Digital “Agenda ID2020” By Peter Koenig, March 28, 2021
Iran and China Sign 25-year Cooperation Deal By Heba Nasser, March 28, 2021
Can Russia’s S-400 Sale to India Trigger the Collapse of the US-led anti-China “Quad Alliance” By Andrew Korybko, March 27, 2021
The “Corona Crisis” and the War of “The Super-Rich” against the Earth’s Citizens By Emanuel Pastreich, March 26, 2021
Welcome to the “COVID Testing Industrial Complex”, Which Is Fast Becoming a $100 Billion a Year Industry By Jordan Schachtel, March 26, 2021
Denmark Extends AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Suspension for Three Weeks By Euronews, March 26, 2021
Scientist to FDA: You Are Ignoring ‘Clear and Present Danger’ Associated with COVID Vaccine By Dr. Hooman Noorchashm and Children’s Health Defense, March 26, 2021
AstraZeneca Vaccine Correlated to Blood Clots, Death. Norwegian Physician Pål Andre Holme By Line Fausko, Martha CS Holmes, and Oda Ording, March 26, 2021
Why Scottish Independence Could be Main Obstacle to ‘Global Britain’ By Johanna Ross, March 26, 2021
Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s Interim President. Again. By Massoud Nayeri, March 26, 2021
Video: The Conflict in North Syria: US Continues to Smuggle Oil, While Turkey Complains to Russia It Can’t By South Front, March 25, 2021
Anthony Blinken at NATO Summit: Nord Stream 2 Is “Bad for Europe”, “Bad for the US” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 25, 2021
“The One Who Accuses Is the One Who Is” – President Putin’s Response to Biden’s Calling Him a “Killer” By Peter Koenig, March 25, 2021
3,964 Dead 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” By Brian Shilhavy, March 25, 2021
The US Knew All About the 1976 Coup Plot in Argentina By Telesur, March 25, 2021
Russia, China to Resist US but Engagement Is Preferred Option By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 25, 2021
New Details of US Drone Flights in UK this Summer Raise Concerns over Safety and Corporate Cronyism By Tim Street, March 25, 2021
Canadian Aid to Yemen Is a Humanitarian Band-aid By Yves Engler, March 25, 2021
Increasing Nukes and Trimming the Military: Global Britain’s Skewed Vision By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 25, 2021
Will Turkey Give Up and Bring Back the Syrian Militants from Libya? By Khaled Iskef, March 24, 2021
“The Big Picture” Is Ignored in the COVID Debate. What Is the End Game? By Peter Koenig, March 24, 2021
US Hypersonic Missiles in Europe Five Minutes from Moscow By Manlio Dinucci, March 24, 2021
Video: The Brand New Space Race. “Who Will Reach Mars First, Who Will Colonize the Moon” By South Front, March 24, 2021
Confused in Afghanistan: The Biden Administration’s Latest Trick By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 24, 2021
Silently Disciplining Research. “Freedom of Speech Is the Right to Scrutinize Power and Society” By Prof. Ola Tunander, March 24, 2021
Terrorists Launch a Deadly Missile Attack on Aleppo By Steven Sahiounie, March 24, 2021
Will Israel Use ‘Bunker-Buster’ Bombs Against Iran’s Nuclear Program? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 24, 2021
Video: Bill Gates and “Philantro-Imperialism” By Dr. Vandana Shiva and Berenice Galli, March 24, 2021
American Encircling Strategy Forces Russia and China to Get Closer By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 24, 2021
Kosovo Opening Embassy in Jerusalem Defies Turkey but Confirms Vassalage to US By Paul Antonopoulos, March 23, 2021
Saudi Arabia’s “Renewed Peace Push” in Yemen Is Welcome, but Incomplete By Andrew Korybko, March 23, 2021
Video: Saudi War on Yemen. Six-year Epic Failure: Riyadh’s Crusade on Sana’a By South Front, March 23, 2021
New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots By Megan Redshaw, March 23, 2021
Capitalizing on Conflict: How Defense Contractors and Foreign Nations Lobby for Arms Sales By Dan Auble, March 23, 2021
Bill Gates’ Bad Bet on Plutonium-fueled Reactors By Frank N. von Hippel, March 23, 2021
America Should Swallow Its Pride on Iran By Geoff LaMear, March 23, 2021
Unnamed Western Officials Spread Dubious Claims About Iran By Dave DeCamp, March 23, 2021
Uneasy Russia-Turkey Relations Are at Risk of Deteriorating By Uriel Araujo, March 23, 2021
The “Great Reset”: Will There be Food on the Table? By Julian Rose, March 22, 2021
Coming to the Playing Field: Biden Puts Australia First. “Buttering Up” Allies against China By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 22, 2021
IBM Partners with Moderna for “COVID Reset”. “Health Passports Are Here” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 22, 2021
Ten Years On, Syria Is Almost Destroyed. Who’s to Blame? By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 22, 2021
Biden and Blinken’s Unprovoked Attacks on Russia and China Backfire… Because If You Live in a Glass House, Don’t Throw Stones By Scott Ritter, March 22, 2021
New US Defense Agreement: Free Entry of US Forces into Jordan By Middle East Eye, March 22, 2021