
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation By F. William Engdahl, July 24, 2021
The Assassination of Martin Luther King. Racism and the Growing Cancer Blighting U.S. Foreign Policy By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 23, 2021
Pegasus Project: “Snooping on Citizens” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 22, 2021
The Final Nail in the Constitutional Coffin: How the Atlantic Council’s “Domestic Extremism” Argument Lays the Foundations for Shadow Governance By Emanuel Pastreich, July 22, 2021
“Syria Has Been Effectively Balkanized Between America, ISIS, the Kurds, and Turkey” By Fra Hughes and Steven Sahiounie, July 22, 2021
The Politics of Aggression in the Black Sea By Renee Parsons, July 22, 2021
Kremlin: Russian Hypersonic Missiles Reaction to U.S. Missile Shield Near Its Borders By Rick Rozoff, July 21, 2021
Leaving Afghanistan: Why Not Iraq and Syria? By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 21, 2021
Pegasus Rides Again: The NSO Group, Spyware and Human Rights By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21, 2021
Video: US Drone Allegedly Strikes ‘Resistance’ Groups, as Chaos in the Kurdish Regions Never Ends By South Front, July 20, 2021
The Recent Unrest in Cuba: A Textbook Example of Fake News and Media Warfare By Marc Vandepitte, July 20, 2021
Our Billionaires Are Blasting Off. Good Riddance! By Sam Pizzigati, July 20, 2021
Geopolitics Behind Jovenel Moise’s Assassination? Haiti’s Rapprochement with Russia, Venezuela and Turkey By Ezili Dantò, July 19, 2021
Forensic Methodology Report: How to Catch Israel’s NSO Group’s Pegasus By Amnesty International, July 19, 2021
Poland Should Follow Ukraine’s Lead by Using China to Balance the US By Andrew Korybko, July 19, 2021
The Bay of Tweets: Documents Point to US Hand in Cuba Protests By Alan MacLeod, July 19, 2021
Biden Targets Iran. Cyber, Military and Legal Provocations. Economic Warfare By Donald Monaco, July 19, 2021
Democrats and Republicans Unite to Demand US Invasion of Cuba By Michael Tracey, July 18, 2021
US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election: Former Solidarity Activists Echo Imperial Talking Points By Roger D. Harris, July 18, 2021
Pentagon Gains Two New Air Bases in Hungary By Rick Rozoff, July 18, 2021
A Fifth of the Air Force’s Combat-Coded F-22 Stealth Fighters Are Headed for Guam By Joseph Trevithick, July 18, 2021
Cuba and Venezuela Under Siege? The Failed “Soft Coups” By Peter Koenig, July 18, 2021
Washington’s Interference: Continued US Sponsored Destabilization in Haiti and Cuba By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 18, 2021
US Concern for Cuba, Latin America Is Spin for Intervention By Tamara Pearson, July 16, 2021
Battle of the Atlantic: Citing Nazi Germany as Model, U.S. Military Chief Hails New NATO Command By Rick Rozoff, July 16, 2021
Video: Saudi-led Coalition Attempts to Retake Baydha from Houthis By South Front, July 16, 2021
British Billionaire Richard Branson “Goes to Space” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 16, 2021
Bomber Joe Biden Strikes Iraq and Syria: Retaliation Breeds More Incidents By Philip Giraldi, July 16, 2021
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 16, 2021
Space Odyssey 2021: The Big Failure By South Front, July 15, 2021
MH17 Trial Judge Reveals US Intelligence Switch — From Satellite Images Which Don’t Exist in Washington to Tapes and Videos Fabricated in Kiev By John Helmer, July 15, 2021
Red Alert in Iraq… Time for the U.S. to Decide By Amro Allan, July 15, 2021
Ukraine Reprised: Victoria Nuland Discusses Belarus with Ukrainian Official By Rick Rozoff, July 15, 2021
The SADC “Comes to the Rescue” of the Government of Mozambique, Dispatches Standby Force By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 15, 2021
Time to Stop Sending Canadian Troops to Haiti By Yves Engler, July 15, 2021
The Nuclear Race Accelerates By Manlio Dinucci, July 15, 2021
Takeaways for Russia, India from Merkel’s US Visit By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 14, 2021
On the Brink in 2026: U.S.-China Near-War Status Report By Michael T. Klare, July 14, 2021
Has Biden Botched Diplomacy with Iran? By Daniel Larison, July 14, 2021
Paris Announces Troops Withdrawal from Mali, Admitting Failure of Its Sahel Strategy By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 14, 2021
The Miami-Haiti Connection: Another Mercenary, Another Day By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, July 13, 2021
NATO Chief Meets with Egyptian, Israeli Foreign Ministers at Alliance Headquarters By Rick Rozoff, July 13, 2021
Say Hello to the Diplo-Taliban By Pepe Escobar, July 12, 2021
Video: Bigger than Snowden. Neuro Weapons. Directed Energy Weapons. Mind Control. Targeted Individuals. By Task Force EU Coalition, July 12, 2021
“Ignore No Soliciting Signs, Use Your Script”: Vaccine Door-Knocking Documents Revealed By Zero Hedge, July 12, 2021
There’s a Dirty Tricks Campaign Underway in Peru to Deny the Left’s Presidential Victory By José Carlos Llerena Robles and Prof. Vijay Prashad, July 12, 2021
Sham Surveillance Safeguards Vs. Tucker Carlson By James Bovard, July 12, 2021
“No One Has Died from the Coronavirus”. Diseases and Deaths “Caused by Something Else”? By Rosemary Frei and Patrick Corbett, July 12, 2021
Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy By Dan Cohen, July 12, 2021
Afghanistan: Deadly Costs of a War for Profit Won by the Taliban By Gilbert Mercier, July 12, 2021
The Problem with Wikipedia and the Digital Revolution By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 11, 2021
Video: The Afghan Army and the Taliban Ramp Up the Fight, as Turkey Primes to Join in By South Front, July 11, 2021
NIAID, Moderna Had COVID Vaccine Candidate in December 2019 By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 11, 2021
FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines. Analysis of “Adverse Event Outcomes” By Informed Choice Washington, July 09, 2021
Meet the Consulting Firm that’s Staffing the Biden Administration By Jonathan Guyer and Ryan Grim, July 09, 2021
A Hybrid War to Replace Afghan ‘Forever War’? By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 09, 2021
The Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan? India’s Limited Security Options By Andrew Korybko, July 08, 2021
Revealed: UK Troops ‘Secretly Operating in Yemen’ By Naseh Shaker, Phil Miller, and Mark Curtis, July 08, 2021
On Assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse: Black Alliance for Peace Smells a Rat By Black Alliance for Peace, July 08, 2021
What Is Wrong with the “Humanitarian Crossing” into Syria? By Rick Sterling, July 08, 2021
Pharma Funded 2,400+ State Lawmakers’ Campaigns in 2020 By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 08, 2021
Warren and Khanna Demand Probe into Undercounting of Civilians Killed by US Military By Julia Conley, July 08, 2021
NATO Aircraft Participated in Turkish-Pakistani Air Combat Exercise By Rick Rozoff, July 08, 2021
‘Rule Britannia, Britannia Rule the Waves…’ By Eric Margolis, July 07, 2021
Video: COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity By The Corbett Report, July 07, 2021
Biden Betrays Another Campaign Pledge—Admits that U.S. Will Continue to Bomb Afghanistan By Nick Mottern, July 07, 2021
The Dark Side of Brexit: European Citizens Being Detained in Migrant Holding Centers in UK By Rafa de Miguel, July 06, 2021
Deadly June 10th Spill of Toxins from U.S. Military Base in Okinawa Could Sick and Kill Thousands By Pat Elder, July 06, 2021
Is Foreign Meddling in Ethiopia Actually a Proxy War Against China? By Andrew Korybko, July 05, 2021
Bolsonaro and the CIA Conspire Against “New Pink Tide” in South America By Nathalia Urban, July 05, 2021
US ‘Airstrike Diplomacy’ Continues in Syria-Iraq By Brian Berletic, July 05, 2021
Black Sea: NATO Drill Practiced Strafing Russian Ships By Rick Rozoff, July 05, 2021
Foreign Minister James Cleverly Accused of Breaking UK Ministerial Code over Arms to Israel By Mark Curtis, July 05, 2021
Anglo-American Tripwire Traps Russian Bear By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 05, 2021
5 + 3: Turkic Superstate in Caucasus, Central Asia Under NATO Tutelage By Rick Rozoff, July 05, 2021
Leaving Bagram Airbase: The Day the US Imperium Turned Tail By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 05, 2021
Horn of Africa: Washington’s Next Arab Spring? By F. William Engdahl, July 02, 2021
Who Ordered the Killing of Malcolm X? By Jeremy Kuzmarov, July 02, 2021
The Known Knowns of Donald Rumsfeld By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 02, 2021
US Censorship Is Increasingly Official By Alan MacLeod, July 02, 2021