
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
US Forces Start New Training for YPG/PKK Terrorists in Syria By Mahmoud Barakat, December 06, 2021
Video: Stormy Winter Comes to Syria By South Front, December 03, 2021
Russia Is Primed for a Persian Gulf Security ‘Makeover’. The Multi-trillion Dollar Chalous Gas Field in the Caspian Sea. By Pepe Escobar, December 03, 2021
Countdown to World War III? By Michael T. Klare, December 03, 2021
A Microchip Containing Your Vaccine Passport Information Can Now be Embedded in Your Hand By Michael Snyder, December 03, 2021
Israel Tells US to ‘Immediately Halt’ Iran Nuclear Deal Negotiations By Dave DeCamp, December 03, 2021
Brzezinski Spawn Vows to Complete Cordon Around Russia, Unite Ukraine, “Democratize” Belarus By Rick Rozoff, December 03, 2021
Erdoğan Offers Donbass Mediation so Turkey Can Encroach on Russia’s Sphere of Influence Again By Paul Antonopoulos, December 03, 2021
Russia, China Poised to Forge Alliance By M. K. Bhadrakumar, December 02, 2021
Brzezinski Brothers Want Biden, NATO to Reprise Father’s Confrontation with Russia over Poland By Rick Rozoff, December 02, 2021
Algorithms of Injustice: Artificial Intelligence in Policing and Surveillance By Roxanne Kelly, December 02, 2021
US Officials Allege Israel Behind Cyberattack on Iranian Gas Stations By Israel Hayom, December 02, 2021
Who Gains from Ethiopia Tigray War? By F. William Engdahl, December 02, 2021
“The Real Anthony Fauci”: The Most Striking Fact in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book By Thomas DeLorenzo, December 01, 2021
NATO Summit in Riga Unlikely to Bring Unity to Increasingly Divided Atlantic Bloc By Paul Antonopoulos, December 01, 2021
Video: Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: Bioweapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor By Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and Stew Peters, December 01, 2021
Will Sudan Militarily Provoke Ethiopia to Save the TPLF on Egypt’s Behalf? By Andrew Korybko, December 01, 2021
Remember Pearl Harbor, Mr. President? “Washington is Talking Itself into War” With China By Douglas Macgregor, December 01, 2021
On Doorstep of Belarus, Russia: NATO Chief Speaks of Article 5, Nuclear Policy, Military Buildup Along Eastern Flank, Three Potential Casus Belli By Rick Rozoff, December 01, 2021
Arming Against China: The US Global Posture Review By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 01, 2021
Dangerous Crossroads: Goading China to Go to War By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 30, 2021
New Variant Hysteria Comes from Same Institution that Popularized Lockdowns and Previous COVID Scares By Jordan Schachtel, November 30, 2021
The Spy Business. Just Follow the Money By Philip Giraldi, November 28, 2021
The “Great Reset” or the “Great Pretext” … for Dystopia. By Diana Johnstone, November 28, 2021
The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld By Prof Peter Dale Scott, November 28, 2021
The Elephant in the Room: Cell Phones By Edward Curtin, November 28, 2021
The WHO Recommends Genetic Manipulation and Gene Editing of Humans “To Promote Public Health” By Jens Bernert, November 27, 2021
Pandemic No Excuse for White House to Keep All JFK Files Secret By Oliver Stone and RT News, November 26, 2021
Video: State of Chaos in Northern Syria By South Front, November 26, 2021
14 ACIP Members Who Voted to Jab Your Young Children — And Their Big Ties to Big Pharma By Children’s Health Defense, November 25, 2021
Corrupting Science: In Syria Probe, OPCW Erased Experts’ Inconvenient Findings By Aaron Mate, November 25, 2021
US Spreads Fake News of Russian Plans to Invade Ukraine as Kiev Shows Off Javelin Missile System By Paul Antonopoulos, November 25, 2021
Over 30 U.S. Artillery Pieces, Dozens of Tanks, Thousands of NATO Troops Moved to Belarus Border By Rick Rozoff, November 25, 2021
Big Brother Israel a ‘Stalker State’ By Michael Jansen, November 25, 2021
The US Is Dangerously Flirting with the Afghan Scenario in Ethiopia By Andrew Korybko, November 25, 2021
Video: Saudi-led Coalition Intensifies Efforts to Counter Yemen’s Ansar Allah By South Front, November 24, 2021
America’s Privileged Policy Elites and Their Lack of Accountability By Ted Galen Carpenter, November 24, 2021
30 Flights, Some Only 12 Miles Away: U.S. Bombers Practiced Nuclear Attacks on Russia By Rick Rozoff, November 24, 2021
NATO Conducting Provocative Drills in Latvia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 24, 2021
The Baghuz Massacre Underlines the Necessity for Freeing Julian Assange By Kim Petersen, November 24, 2021
Sino-Russian Collusion over Taiwan, Ukraine Seems Improbable but Isn’t By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 23, 2021
Biden’s Numbers Tank…as US Rattles Sabers at Russia By Rep. Ron Paul, November 23, 2021
At Arms, the Enemy Is at the Gates! Frenzied US-NATO Militarization Escalation against Russia By Manlio Dinucci, November 23, 2021
Pushing for Regime Change in Ethiopia By Andrew Korybko, November 23, 2021
Remembering John F. Kennedy’s Vision for the Future that Should Have Been By Matthew Ehret-Kump, November 23, 2021
The High Stakes of the US-Russia Confrontation over Ukraine By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 23, 2021
Video: US-NATO Setting the Stage? Internal Issues in Ukraine Suggest Donbass Escalation Is Imminent By South Front, November 23, 2021
Israel’s November Joint Naval Drill with the UAE and Bahrain Is Clear Message to Iran By Uriel Araujo, November 22, 2021
Sleepwalking into a “Dangerous Conflict”: Russia-NATO War over Ukraine Is Becoming Increasingly Unavoidable By Prof. Glenn Diesen, November 22, 2021
Video: Attorney Harrison: Tackling Explosive 9/11 Crimes the Government Has Ignored By Mick Harrison and Kristina Borjesson, November 22, 2021
Is Biden Looking to Reignite a Dirty War in Ukraine? By Russell Bentley, November 19, 2021
There Is One Place in Cuba Where Torture Occurs By Raúl Capote, November 19, 2021
Government-backed COVID Testing Firm Under Investigation for Planning to Sell UK Resident’s DNA By Jack Bingham, November 19, 2021
Diabolical: How Digital ID Will Control Your Life By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 19, 2021
Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets By Alan MacLeod, November 18, 2021
Syria’s My Lai? US Massacred 70 Civilians and Covered It Up By Aaron Mate, November 18, 2021
Britain’s Two Job Politicians By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 18, 2021
Iraq’s Current Crisis: A Direct Result of US “Humanitarian Assistance” and Military Intervention By Robert Inlakesh, November 16, 2021
Lukashenko Isn’t Putin’s Hybrid War Puppet By Andrew Korybko, November 16, 2021
Whistleblowers Expose US-led Coalition Mass Murder of Women, Children in Syria By Alex Lantier, November 16, 2021
The Real Anthony Fauci. RFK Jr. Discusses His Book By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr, November 15, 2021
Technology Patent Suggests Tech Overlords Are Planning to Digitally Surveil People, Grant “Freedoms” Based on Vaccination Status By Ethan Huff, November 15, 2021
Making Another ISIS in Afghanistan. ISIS-K in Khorasan Province By Bradley Devlin, November 15, 2021
Ray McGovern: The Man Who Got Russiagate Right and Tried to Warn the Public—To No Avail By James Bradley and Jeremy Kuzmarov, November 14, 2021
Pakistan’s Economic Woes Could Worsen if It Does Not Impose the EU’s Liberal World View By Paul Antonopoulos, November 12, 2021
“Yes, These Are Bombers Capable of Carrying Nuclear Weapons”: Russian Strategic Aircraft, Troops to Jointly Patrol Belarusian Borders By Rick Rozoff, November 12, 2021
Erdoğan’s Quest for a New Sharia-Based Alliance By Burak Bekdil, November 12, 2021
Video: Kiev’s Confidence Boosted after Spike in NATO Activity in the Black Sea By South Front, November 12, 2021
Who Tried to Kill Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Kadhimi? By Steven Sahiounie, November 11, 2021
Afghanistan: Between Pipelines and ISIS-K, the Americans Are Still in Play By Pepe Escobar, November 11, 2021
Science Fiction Has Become Fact: The Metaverse Is “Big Brother in Disguise”. Freedom Meted Out by Technological Tyrants By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 10, 2021
There Is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 and COVID-19: Edward Curtin By Edward Curtin and Geopolitics and Empire, November 10, 2021
Inside Cuban Dissidents’ Planned “November 15 Plot”: Unpacking the Archipiélago Facebook Group By Arnold August, November 10, 2021
The Bloody Trade By Michelle Fahy, November 10, 2021
“The Propaganda System”, “Ideological Capture”: Economic Elites Buy Us Off with Trivial Protections – While They Raid the Common Wealth By Jonathan Cook, November 10, 2021
Portugal and Spain Sent Troops to Participate in Provocative Drills in Lithuania By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 09, 2021
European Response to Poland-Belarus Migrant Crisis Is Hypocritical By Paul Antonopoulos, November 09, 2021
Pegasus: Banned Palestinian NGO Staffers Hacked with Spyware, Report Says By Mustafa Abu Sneineh, November 09, 2021
Ethiopians Mobilize to Halt Western-backed Coup Attempt By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 09, 2021
Why’s the US Manufacturing Another Crisis in Nicaragua? By Andrew Korybko, November 08, 2021