
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Russia, Ukraine and US Resistance to the Shifting Direction of History By Jack Dresser, June 13, 2022
War in the Middle East, Iran Versus The Emirates? The Insidious Role of Israel. ‘Russia and Ukraine Gulf Edition’ Coming Soon? By Gavin OReilly, June 13, 2022
US Engaged In “Offensive” Cyber Ops Against Russia in Ukraine: NSA Director By Zero Hedge, June 13, 2022
Ukrainian Army Shelling of Donbass Civilians: A Day in Hell Without End By Christelle Néant, June 13, 2022
Julian Assange Spying Case: Judge Suggests CIA May Have Received Illicitly Recorded Conversations By Jose Maria Irujo, June 13, 2022
Everything the Mainstream Doesn’t Like Is Russian Propaganda By Manlio Dinucci, June 13, 2022
Washington’s Failed Push for Anti-Russian Global Consensus By Ted Galen Carpenter, June 13, 2022
Russian Ambassador Claims US Asked Him to Defect By Morning Star, June 13, 2022
New Bill to Boost Missile Defense for Israel & Arab Partners, Citing Alleged Iran Threat By Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter, June 13, 2022
Global Food Crisis: Ukraine Is Demanding Weapons in Exchange for Resuming Wheat Exports By Andrew Korybko, June 12, 2022
US Cyberattacks on Russia Could Escalate to Real-world Conflict By Drago Bosnic, June 12, 2022
Millions of Tons of Ukrainian Grain Exports: Zelensky’s Delay In Opening A Sea Corridor Threatens the World with A Global Food Crisis By Paul Antonopoulos, June 12, 2022
US Government Admits Participation in Ukrainian Biolabs By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 12, 2022
Who Owns the World? By Peter Koenig, June 10, 2022
Ukraine: 100 Million Russian Books in Line for Ban. Dostoevsky, Pushkin, … By Jonathan Söderberg, June 10, 2022
Creating Cold War Conditions in Asia Isn’t Easy By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 10, 2022
Canada Complicit in US Blocking Cuba from Attending Summit of the Americas By Arnold August, June 10, 2022
Ukrainian Official Admits She Lied About Russians Committing Mass Rape to Convince Countries to Send More Weapons By Paul Joseph Watson, June 10, 2022
The 2020 U.S Elections: Zuckerberg, Rockefeller, Google and the Privatization of Election Integrity By F. William Engdahl, June 09, 2022
Ortega Links Non-invitation to the Summit of Americas to Nicaragua’s Close Ties with Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, June 09, 2022
Biden Works to Prolong Ukraine War: Craig Murray By Craig Murray, June 09, 2022
South-South Cooperation
US, Europeans Submit Anti-Iran Resolution to IAEA Board By Jason Ditz, June 09, 2022
A New Generation of US-trained Extremists Is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback? By T.J. Coles, June 08, 2022
What Are the Prospects for Peace? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 08, 2022
The Shelling of Donbass Civilians: Two French Journalists Under Ukrainian Artillery Fire for Five Hours By Laurent Brayard, June 08, 2022
Towards “Global NATO”: Britain’s Bumbling Foreign Policy Over Taiwan and Ukraine By Mark Curtis and Richard Norton-Taylor, June 08, 2022
WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 08, 2022
Australia’s Newly Elected Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese Rushed to Meet with Joe Biden in Tokyo After His Election Victory to Fortify Anti-Chinese Alliance By Murray Horton, June 08, 2022
A Spanish Court Calls: Mike Pompeo, We Want You By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 08, 2022
The Links Between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates Explained By The Week, June 07, 2022
Bilderberg Meets in Washington: Bilderberg Does China. An Economic Hurricane is Coming By Pepe Escobar, June 07, 2022
Day 100 of the Russia-Ukraine War By William Walter Kay, June 07, 2022
“US Imperialism is the Greatest Threat to Life on Our Planet”: Mapping US Imperialism By Mapping Project, June 07, 2022
Kiev’s Forces Attack Civilians in Donbass Using Long-range Artillery By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 07, 2022
Gina Haspel Watched the Waterboarding at CIA ‘Black Site’: Ray MCGovern By Ray McGovern, June 07, 2022
Biden Rocks the Middle East. Partitioning Syria May be on the Way By Philip Giraldi, June 07, 2022
US Wants to Surround China with Missiles – But Can’t Find Asian Country to Host Them By Ben Norton, June 07, 2022
Uproar in Cyprus After Israel Carries Out Military Exercise Aimed at Lebanon By The New Arab, June 07, 2022
The Death of the Ministry of Truth — What Will They Do Next? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 07, 2022
Biden’s Apocalyptic Attack Dares Russia to Respond By Renee Parsons, June 07, 2022
US Supreme Court Expands Government Secrecy Powers in Torture-related Case By Robert Pallitto, June 07, 2022
US Ensures “Russia-friendly Voices” in Moldova Are Silenced By Paul Antonopoulos, June 07, 2022
Military Hardware for Ukraine: Who Plans to Supply What? By Jan D. Walter, June 07, 2022
Most Americans Accept “Ukrainian Defeat”: Opinion Poll By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 07, 2022
Discrediting Dissenting Viewpoints: US State-Affiliated NewsGuard Targets Consortium News By Joe Lauria, June 06, 2022
US Battled World War II Nazis, Today US Side-by-side Ukraine Nazis By Renee Parsons, June 06, 2022
Ukraine May Have to Give Up Some Land in ‘Negotiated Settlement,’ Biden Says By Gerald Celente, June 06, 2022
US Threatens Ethiopia and Eritrea with Illegal “Legal Designation of Genocide” By Alastair Thompson and Ann Garrison, June 06, 2022
Russian “Partial Victory” in Ukraine Is the Only Possible Scenario – US Expert By Uriel Araujo, June 06, 2022
Are France and NATO Shipping Depleted Uranium Weaponry Into Ukraine? By Freddie Ponton, June 06, 2022
Trump Said We Should “Get Along with Russia”. He’s Right By Mike Whitney, June 06, 2022
Yes, the Navy Is Trying to Recruit at ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Screenings By Nicholas Slayton, June 06, 2022
Where Does Military Aid to Ukraine Comes From By Katharina Buchholz, June 05, 2022
Pressure Mounts on Pentagon Over Lack of Oversight for Ukraine Military Aid By Dave DeCamp, June 05, 2022
Spanish Court Demands Pompeo Testify on Apparent Plot to Kill Assange By Rachel Olding, June 05, 2022
The Mysterious Death of Osama bin Laden By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 05, 2022
The US-NATO Bombardment of Libya, Destroying a Nation By Shane Quinn, June 04, 2022
“Black Skin, White Masks”: Lt. General Michael Langley to become the first Black commander of AFRICOM By Jeremy Kuzmarov, June 04, 2022
A New War in the Middle East? Israel Military Exercises Simulates Invasion of Lebanon, War with Hezbollah, and Iran By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 04, 2022
Israeli Military Rounds Off Massive War Games in Cyprus Simulating Lebanon War By Yaniv Kubovich, June 04, 2022
Scott Ritter: Phase Three in Ukraine By Scott Ritter, June 04, 2022
Study Finds Latest Monkeypox Outbreak Is Result of Biolab-manipulated Virus Possibly Released Intentionally By The Expose, June 03, 2022
Syria: “The U.S never gave anti-tank weapons to al-Qaeda.” Former U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford Misleading Statement By William Van Wagenen, June 03, 2022
Kissinger Nails It. For Once. By Mike Whitney, June 03, 2022
Video: Latest Developments in Ukraine-Russia War: Philip Giraldi, Judge Napolitano By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 03, 2022
Poland Suddenly Realized That It Can’t Indefinitely Fund Ukraine & Its Refugees By Andrew Korybko, June 03, 2022
Biden Administration Blackmailed by Israeli Government By Michael Jansen, June 03, 2022
History: Did the CIA Subvert the 1968 U.S. Presidential Election? By Robert E. Aldridge, June 02, 2022
The WEF Great Reset “Snakes” Are Slithering Together in Davos By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 02, 2022
Bombshell: Special Counsel John Durham’s “Failed Russiagate Investigation” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 02, 2022
Geoff Young: Peace Candidate Who Wants to Abolish CIA Wins Democratic Primary in Kentucky By Jeremy Kuzmarov, June 02, 2022
Seven Days in May. How the CIA and the Pentagon Took Hollywood By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 02, 2022
Azovstal’s Neo-Nazi Fighters Will be Prosecuted as Criminals By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 02, 2022
How the Nixon Doctrine Blew Up the Persian Gulf, Undermined US Security By David Wight, June 01, 2022
Ukraine Fires Own Human Rights Chief for Perpetuating Russian Troop ‘Systematic Rape’ Stories By Zero Hedge, June 01, 2022
Ukraine Forces Continuous Shelling of Donbass Residential Areas. Results in 24 Casualties in a Single Day By Drago Bosnic, June 01, 2022
US Would be Maintaining Biolabs in Indonesia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 31, 2022
Global Food Security: Is America Illegally Importing Syrian Wheat, Smuggled Out of a War Zone By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 31, 2022
Biden Is Fiddling as Jerusalem Burns By David Hearst, May 31, 2022
Ukraine Is a Millstone Around Europe’s Neck By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 31, 2022