
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
The Polish Missile Incident Was a Close Brush with Nuclear Annihilation By Scott Ritter, November 21, 2022
The Never Ending Suppression of the Truth: Feds Sued for Withholding Records on JFK Assassination on November 22 1963 By Natalie Hanson, November 21, 2022
Were the 9/11 Aircraft Electronically Hijacked and Remotely Controlled? By Dan Hanley, November 20, 2022
It Took 64 Years for the U.S. Government to Admit to Its 1953 Coup that Grabbed Iran By Eric Zuesse, November 20, 2022
Maligned in Western Media, Donbass Forces Are Defending Their Future from Ukrainian Shelling and Fascism By Eva Bartlett, November 20, 2022
Thuggish Ways: Mike Pompeo, Punishing Leakers and Getting Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 20, 2022
Video: Ukraine’s Undeclared War Against NATO By South Front, November 20, 2022
Istanbul Terror Attack May Prompt Turkish Invasion and Deportations By Steven Sahiounie, November 20, 2022
Israel’s Right Wing Religious Coalition Seeks to Annex West Bank Settlements By Ibrahim Husseini, November 18, 2022
US Expanding Its Military Presence in Syria By Free West Media, November 18, 2022
Poland WWIII Scare Shows Why Top US General Wants Peace By Douglas Macgregor and Aaron Mate, November 18, 2022
Signs of Diplomacy in Ukraine? Finding a Faint Pulse By Ted Snider, November 18, 2022
US Aid to Ukraine Invested in Corrupt Crypto FTX Scheme. “Instead of using funds to fight Russia, the money was invested in the FTX Ponzi scheme” By Free West Media, November 18, 2022
Saudi Arabia Signs $30 Billion Cooperation Agreement with South Korea By The Cradle, November 18, 2022
Crypto Fraud Exposes Woke Capitalism as a Scam By Michael Shellenberger, November 18, 2022
The “Informal Russia India Iran Troika” on Afghanistan By Andrew Korybko, November 18, 2022
Wars Tend to Bury Facts: The Polish Missile Narrative By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 18, 2022
Terrifying Vision of a “Digital Gulag”: G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme By Tom Ozimek, November 18, 2022
Regime Change in Iran: Gulf of Oman False Flag, Following the 2019 Script? By Gavin OReilly, November 18, 2022
The War in Ukraine, Geopolitical Forecast. The Kremlin’s “Indecision” “The War Will Continue to Widen”: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and GEOFOR, November 17, 2022
The US Hinted that It Might Sanction Ethiopia on Human Rights and Military Pretexts By Andrew Korybko, November 17, 2022
Misinformation: AP Admits Erroneously Reporting Russian Attack on Poland By John Leake, November 17, 2022
Google Is Sued for Auto-installing COVID “Spyware” on People’s Phones By Didi Rankovic, November 17, 2022
The FBI and “Zero-Click”. Surveillance Software Called Pegasus By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 17, 2022
Meet the Globalist Billionaires Behind the Presidential Ambitions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis By Shane Trejo, November 17, 2022
Sweden to Change Constitution to Allow 8 Years in Prison for Revealing Relations with NATO By Rick Rozoff, November 17, 2022
How a Lightly-sourced AP Story Almost Set Off World War III By Connor Echols, November 17, 2022
Blowback: Italian Police Bust Azov-tied Nazi Cell Planning Terror Attacks By Alexander Rubinstein, November 17, 2022
Russia Strategises with Iran for the Long Haul in Ukraine By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 16, 2022
Israeli Nuclear Arsenal Condemned by World’s Governments in Overwhelming UN Vote By Sameena Rahman, November 16, 2022
US, Japan to Start Large-Scale War Games as Biden Meets with Xi By Kyle Anzalone and Connor Freeman, November 16, 2022
Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine By Judicial Watch, November 16, 2022
Biden Says It’s ‘Unlikely’ Missile that Hit Poland Was Fired from Russia By Dave DeCamp, November 16, 2022
Germany, Spain to Train Ukraine Troops Under EU Program By AFP, November 16, 2022
Europe: U.S. Nuclear-capable Bombers Drill for Strikes in “Highly Contested Environments” By Rick Rozoff, November 16, 2022
Perverse Priorities: Cut Public Spending, Keep Nuclear Arms and Warplanes By Richard Norton-Taylor, November 16, 2022
“The US is a Paper Tiger where Saudi Arabia is concerned”: Interview with Ambassador Peter Ford By Peter Ford and Steven Sahiounie, November 16, 2022
U.S. Military Psychological Operations (PSYOP): “The Weaponization of Information” In Support of Global Military Conquest By Scott Bennett and Basma Qaddour, November 16, 2022
Poland Says Missile Strike Was ‘Unfortunate Accident’ By Arpan Rai, Aisha Rimi, and Maryam Zakir-Hussain, November 16, 2022
Russian Rockets Hit Poland: An Excuse for NATO Article 5? By Kurt Nimmo, November 16, 2022
U.S. Will Have Spent $100 Billion on Ukraine this Year By Eric Zuesse, November 16, 2022
The Zelensky-Bush War Rally By Caitlin Johnstone, November 16, 2022
Everything You‘ve Always Wanted to Know About: ‘Good’ Wars, ‘Good’ War Criminals, ‘Good’ Dictators, ‘Good’ Separatists, ‘Good’ Oligarchs, ‘Good’ Money Launderers—And Their Antitheses! By Felix Abt, November 16, 2022
Video: Amid Russian Retreat in Kherson Region, Ukrainian Offensive Operations Continue By South Front, November 15, 2022
The USA’s Military Empire: A Visual Database. World Beyond War By World Beyond War, November 15, 2022
Washington Keeps Alienating Its Policy Partners By Ted Galen Carpenter, November 15, 2022
Canadian Journalist Added to Ukrainian Hitlist By Deborah Armstrong, November 15, 2022
Ukraine Plans to Create ‘Israel-Like’ Arms Industry to Produce NATO-Caliber Weapons By Kyle Anzalone, November 15, 2022
CIA Director Burns Meets with Russian Spy Chief in Ankara By Dave DeCamp, November 15, 2022
The Ever Widening War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 15, 2022
Congressional Amendment Opens Floodgates for War Profiteers and a Major Ground War on Russia By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 14, 2022
Canadian Professor Attacked by Mainstream Media for Opposing NATO Narrative on Ukraine By Aidan Jonah, November 14, 2022
Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation By Ken Klippenstein and Lee Fang, November 14, 2022
Video: Russia’s De-militarization of Ukraine Continues. US Sending Decades-Old Arms to Kiev By Brian Berletic, November 14, 2022
‘ISIS Bride’ Returns to Canada, ISIS-ISIL, Daesh Terrorist Militia, Funded by U.S. Coalition By Ken Stone, November 14, 2022
History of Obama’s Support for US Special Forces Operations and Drone Strikes. Massive Civilian Deaths Categorized as “Collateral Damage” By Shane Quinn, November 14, 2022
The Secret Wars of the US Imperium. “Unauthorized Hostilities” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 14, 2022
Video: Russian Withdrawal from Kherson and Its First Political Results By South Front, November 14, 2022
The ‘Persian Spring’: Attempted Regime Change in Tehran. Sudden, Violent Nature of these Riots, Whose Behind Them? By Gavin OReilly, November 14, 2022
The Stage Is Set for US Combat Troops in Ukraine? The Russian Army’s “Kherson Retreat” By Mike Whitney, November 14, 2022
COP27 Deliberations Reaffirm Imperialist States as Main Obstacle to Ending Climate Change By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 14, 2022
U.S. Has Now Spent $60 Billion for Ukraine’s War By Eric Zuesse, November 13, 2022
‘Seize the Moment’: Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley Sees Opportunity for Peace Talks Between Russia and Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, November 13, 2022
Stolen Election Update. “Mysterious Sharp Upward Readjustment of the Count for Democratic Candidates” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 11, 2022
Watch: US Drops Experimental ‘Parachuted’ Missile in Arctic as Warning to Russia By Zero Hedge, November 11, 2022
Walking Wide Awake into World War III By Prof. John Weeks, November 11, 2022
Conspiracies Are the New Normal. Public is Spoon-fed Fear and Confusion. By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, November 11, 2022
White House to Send Ukraine Avenger Surface-to-Air Missiles By Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter, November 11, 2022
Video: Watch “Imran Khan’s Full Interview with Piers Morgan on Surviving Assassination Attempt” By Imran Khan and Piers Morgan, November 11, 2022
Defense Sector Spent $101 Million on Lobbying During the First Three Quarters of 2022 By Taylor Giorno and Filip Timotija, November 11, 2022
The Bunker: The Trillion-Dollar Pentagon By Mark Thompson, November 11, 2022
Who Is Winning, Who Is Losing, the Ukraine War? By Eric Zuesse, November 11, 2022
Is Turkey Changing Course in Idlib? By Steven Sahiounie, November 11, 2022
Apple Is Tracking You Even When Its Own Privacy Settings Say It’s Not, New Research Says By Thomas Germain, November 10, 2022
Let’s be Clear: If World War III Happens It Will be the Result of Choices Made by the US Empire By Caitlin Johnstone, November 10, 2022
Russia’s Tactical Retreat from Right-bank Kherson Region – Victory for Kiev? By Drago Bosnic, November 10, 2022
Prominent Arab Tribe Denounces US Occupation of Syria By The Cradle, November 10, 2022
Between 64 and 135 Children Killed in British Military Action in Afghanistan, Analysis of MOD Compensation Payments Reveals By Murray Jones and Action on Armed Violence, November 10, 2022
No End in View for Ukraine War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 10, 2022
U.S. Elections: Google Is Shifting Votes on a Massive Scale, but a Solution Is at Hand By Robert Epstein, November 09, 2022