
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Seymour Hersh: The CIA Is Filled with Criminals By Seymour M. Hersh and Elon Green, February 09, 2023
Why’d the CIA Chief Unexpectedly Tell the Truth About Russian-Chinese Ties? By Andrew Korybko, February 09, 2023
Western Powers ‘Blocked’ Ceasefire Early in Ukraine War: Former Israeli PM Bennett By Jack Montgomery, February 09, 2023
NATO Soldiers Are fighting in Ukraine as Mercenaries: Austrian Colonel By Chris King, February 09, 2023
Video: Twitter Files and the Death of Russiagate By Joe Lauria, February 09, 2023
America’s “Rules-based International Order”: U.S. Attempt to Control Russia and China, Replace U.N. By Eric Zuesse, February 09, 2023
Assessing the Dangers: Emerging Military Technologies and Nuclear (In)Stability By Michael T. Klare, February 09, 2023
Biden Bullies China. But It Won’t Work By M. K. Bhadrakumar, February 09, 2023
The £1BN-Plus Deals: The Arms Trade is Enmeshed in Britain’s Universities By Jinsella, February 08, 2023
Russia’s Strategic Aims – In Consequence to a Collapsing U.S. Empire By Alastair Crooke, February 08, 2023
New Cold War Propaganda: About China’s Spy Balloon and the US Spy Planes That Have Violated the Airspace of Sovereign Nations By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 08, 2023
Israel Deepens Support for Ukraine Despite Claims of Balancing Its Relations with Russia By Ahmed Adel, February 08, 2023
The US Continues Escalating in Ukraine By Margaret Kimberley, February 08, 2023
Ballooning Paranoia: The China Threat Hits the Skies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 08, 2023
“Deviation Maneuvers”, Towards A “One World Order”? Fierce War in Ukraine, Militarization of Covid Vaccine By Peter Koenig, February 06, 2023
US Declares War on Turkish Tourism Economy. Ankara Retorts: “Take Your Dirty Hands off Turkey” By Steven Sahiounie, February 06, 2023
Ukraine — The Inevitable War By Chay Bowes, February 06, 2023
America’s Balloon Obsession Is an Attempt to Prevent Detente with China By Drago Bosnic, February 06, 2023
China’s Response to the Balloon Incident. Derailing the Sino-American New Detente By Andrew Korybko, February 06, 2023
White House-linked Venture Capital Fund Boasts China War Would be Great for Business By Sam Biddle, February 06, 2023
German Prosecutor Found No Russian Involvement in Gas Pipeline Sabotage By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 06, 2023
Paranoid Politics and Weather Balloons By Kurt Nimmo, February 06, 2023
Is the Trip of the Secretary General of NATO Aimed to Instigate the Creation of the Asian Version of NATO? By Kim Hoon, February 06, 2023
Cold War Estimates of Deaths in Nuclear Conflict By William Burr, February 06, 2023
The US Department of Defense Controlled COVID ‘Vaccines’ from the Start Under A National Security Program. Lied the Entire Time – Were Never ‘Safe and Effective’ By Armed Forces Press, February 05, 2023
A Russian Victory in Ukraine Won’t End the War By Mike Whitney, February 05, 2023
How the U.S. Obtains New NATO Members by Subversion, Followed by Coup, Followed by Ethnic Cleansing By Eric Zuesse, February 04, 2023
CSIS Report: Ukraine-bound Munitions Deliveries Could Negatively Impact “U.S. Capabilities in War with China”? By Ahmed Adel, February 02, 2023
Biomedical Security State, British Edition By Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, February 02, 2023
German Leopards: More Killing, Collaterals, No End in Sight. With a Historic Perspective on Germany’s Repeated Role in Attempting at Conquering Russia By Peter Koenig, February 02, 2023
Croatian President Added to Ukrainian Kill-list By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 01, 2023
Bill Gates Warns the Next Pandemic Will be Worse Than COVID By Mac Slavo, February 01, 2023
Understanding the Pentagon’s Provocation of Russia By Jacob G. Hornberger, February 01, 2023
Qatari-European Relations Damaged by Qatargate, Aggravating EU Energy Crisis By Uriel Araujo, February 01, 2023
A Panicked Empire Tries to Make Russia an “Offer It Can’t Refuse” By Pepe Escobar, February 01, 2023
Pentagon’s Prediction of ‘Inevitable’ Conflict with China in 2025 Shows War Is America’s Primary ‘Export Commodity’ By Drago Bosnic, February 01, 2023
Lithuanian President Demands Russia’s Red Lines be Violated By Kurt Nimmo, February 01, 2023
Air Force General Demands Preparation for War with China By Kurt Nimmo, January 31, 2023
Why Is Victoria Nuland Coming to Sri Lanka, Second Time in a Year? At the Forefront of US Incursions By Shenali D Waduge, January 31, 2023
Bolton’s Big Error on China and North Korea By Daniel Larison, January 31, 2023
How I Tried to Prevent the 2003 US Invasion of Iraq, and Why I Failed. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, January 31, 2023
‘War Is Clearly Back on the Agenda’: US Says Israel Was Behind the Drone Attack on Iran By Jake Johnson, January 31, 2023
The C-17A Has Been Cleared to Transport B61-12 Nuclear Bomb to Europe By Hans M. Kristensen, January 31, 2023
Joe Biden Says “Our work is far from over!” By Philip Giraldi, January 31, 2023
Russia Open to Discuss Arms Control with US But Seeks ‘Understanding About the Parameters and Principles of Coexistence’ By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 30, 2023
Daily Mail Bombshell: Army Spied on Lockdown Critics, Sceptics: “Now We’ve Obtained Official Records that Prove They Were Right All Along” By Glen Owen, January 30, 2023
WHO Introduces a Global Patient File By Free West Media, January 30, 2023
Report: Israel Was Behind Drone Attack on Iranian Military Facility By Dave DeCamp, January 30, 2023
Why Is the Mainstream Media Being So Quiet About the Military Strikes That Are Causing Massive Explosions in Iran? By Michael Snyder, January 30, 2023
Playing with Nuclear Fire By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., January 30, 2023
At What Point Does NATO Stop Arming Kiev Regime? By Drago Bosnic, January 30, 2023
This Time It’s Different. Neither We Nor Our Allies Are Prepared to Fight All-out War with Russia, Regionally or Globally. By Douglas Macgregor, January 30, 2023
The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War By Richard Hugus, January 30, 2023
Ukraine Air Force Commander Says Pilots Are Training to Fly F-16s in US By Kurt Nimmo, January 29, 2023
Revival of Russia-African Relations: Sergey Lavrov to Choose Between Illusions and Reality for Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, January 29, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime Lies Shape Narrative Echoed by War Propaganda Media By Kurt Nimmo, January 29, 2023
Pfizer Director Caught on Camera Admitting Pfizer Controls the U.S. Government By Brian Shilhavy, January 29, 2023
Going for the Kill in Kosovo By Stephen Karganovic, January 28, 2023
Lockheed Wants Ukraine’s War to Expand Into Russia By Eric Zuesse, January 28, 2023
‘Doomsday Clock’: 90 Seconds to Midnight By Pepe Escobar, January 27, 2023
Iran FM’s Trip to Syria Was to Address ‘Misunderstandings’ By Rania Berro, January 27, 2023
The Pentagon’s Perpetual Crisis Machine. Dangerous Escalation of Its War against Russia By Jacob G. Hornberger, January 27, 2023
US Lawfare and the Destabilization of Latin America. “Lawfare used as a “Weapon of Warfare” By Brian Mier, January 27, 2023
Tempting the Banksters: Zelensky Courts US Companies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 27, 2023
If Ukraine Is Right, Russia Was Right By Ted Snider, January 27, 2023
US Marines Open New Base on Guam to Prepare for Future War with China By Dave DeCamp, January 27, 2023
Russia Warns Depleted Uranium Will be Considered a Nuclear Weapon By Kurt Nimmo, January 27, 2023
Bill Gates Warns Australia to Prepare for the Next Pandemic — Which Could be Man-made and Far More Brutal Than COVID By Alexandra Bruce, Aidan Wondracz, and Associated Press, January 26, 2023
Leopards vs. the Russian Bear. Alert Memorandum for the President By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, January 26, 2023
Halt This Crazy Rush to All-out War By Eric Margolis, January 26, 2023
Mossad and CIA Are Training Christian Extremist Militia in Lebanon By Steven Sahiounie, January 26, 2023
What Can the United States Bring to the Peace Table for Ukraine? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 26, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime Calls for BlackRock to Do Business in Shell Shocked Ukraine By Kurt Nimmo, January 26, 2023
German Foreign Minister: We Are at War with Russia By Kurt Nimmo, January 26, 2023
Allegations of Genocide Return to Peru By J. B. Gerald, January 25, 2023
Video: Ukrainian Self-determination. Col. Douglas MacGregor with Scott Ritter By Douglas Macgregor and Scott Ritter, January 25, 2023
Lula Just Became the First BRICS Leader to Publicly Condemn Russia’s Special Operation By Andrew Korybko, January 25, 2023
Make No Mistake, War Hawk American Policy Helped Start This War in Ukraine By John Kennedy, January 25, 2023
Mission Creep? How the US Role in Ukraine Has Slowly Escalated By Branko Marcetic, January 25, 2023
Pompeo: ‘Only’ Civilians on Plane at Risk in ‘Rembrandt’ Soleimani’s Killing By Daniel Hilton, January 25, 2023