
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
U.S. Documents Describe Hiding of Military Assets by “Rogue Nations” & Other States as Major Security Challenge for 21st Cent. By The National Security Archive, March 28, 2012
FABRICATING A “SMOKING GUN” TO ATTACK IRAN? Israeli Spies Disguised as Iranian Soldiers on Mission Inside Iran By Julie Lévesque, March 27, 2012
WAS MERAH THE KILLER? Doubts Regarding the Conduct of French Intelligence and Police By Alex Lantier, March 25, 2012
Australian Mining Magnate Accuses CIA of Funding Environment Groups By Patrick O'Connor, March 23, 2012
VIDEO: US/NATO Proxy War in Syria Follows Precedent Set in Bosnia By Benjamin Schett, March 22, 2012
French Terror Attack: All the Hallmarks of an Intelligence Psy-op and False Flag By Kurt Nimmo, March 21, 2012
VIDEO: Fast and Furious: The Hidden History of the Drug War By Bill Conroy and James Corbett, March 21, 2012
Possible U.S. Involvement in Covert Warfare in Syria By Raven Clabough, March 20, 2012
MIDDLE EAST: The CIA Operating behind a Web of “Pro-Democracy” NGOs By Patrick Henningsen, March 20, 2012
ORWELL 1984 “RELOADED”: The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center By James Bamford, March 19, 2012
Mossad and CIA concur: Iran is not seeking nukes By Global Research, March 19, 2012
Drugs, Guns and Nukes: Iran as the New ‘Dope, Incorporated’ By Tom Burghardt, March 18, 2012
Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia By Prof Peter Dale Scott, March 16, 2012
African Ping Pong: US Plays both Sides in Uganda. The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is a US-backed Guerilla Force By Richard Cottrell, March 15, 2012
SPYING OPS: Australian Secret Squadrons Operating in Africa By Julie Lévesque, March 14, 2012
VIDEO: KONY 2012 Hides US Support for Repressive Ugandan Regime By Kambale Musavuli, March 14, 2012
OCCUPY: Infiltration of Political Movements is the Norm, Not the Exception in the United States. By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 13, 2012
WAR PROPAGANDA: Staged Media Reporting from Syria: Fabricating the News By Patrick Henningsen, March 12, 2012
SYRIA:Terrorist Groups Committed Atrocious Massacre in Homs to Elicit International Support against Syrian Government By Global Research, March 12, 2012
The Dirty War on WikiLeaks is Now Trial by Media in Sweden By John Pilger, March 12, 2012
Cyber False Flag to Push for More Restrictive Laws? By Kurt Nimmo, March 09, 2012
VIDEO: Obama Desperate for Excuse to Attack Iran By Benjamin Schett, March 08, 2012
Who’s Behind Anti-Israel Bomb Plots? By Gareth Porter, March 05, 2012
VIDEO: Pentagon Admits More 9/11 Remains Dumped in Landfill By James Corbett, March 01, 2012
VIDEO: Russia, China Confirm Boycott of NATO’s “The Enemies of Syria” Conference By Webster G. Tarpley, February 29, 2012
Infiltration of Occupy: PART I – Infiltration to Disrupt, Divide and Mis-direct are Widespread in Occupy By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 25, 2012
Made in Jordan: Thousands of Gunmen Preparing to Enter Syria? By Global Research, February 22, 2012
VIDEO: C-SPAN Audience Rejects Fake Terror Claims By Global Research, February 22, 2012
Turkish Secret Agents Trained by the Mossad Captured in Syria By Global Research News, February 22, 2012
CIA and Mossad Rebuilding Spy Ring in Tunisia By Global Research News, February 22, 2012
Towards the Creation of the US-Canada Police State. “Counterterrorism” and War on Drugs used to Justify Sweeping Reforms By Dana Gabriel, February 22, 2012
U.S. Trojan Horses In Venezuela By Nil Nikandrov, February 22, 2012
US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II. By William Blum, February 20, 2012
VIDEO: US-NATO Support Al Qaeda-Affiliated Rebels in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 20, 2012
Why I’m Suing the FBI, the DoD and the CIA By Jason Leopold, February 19, 2012
VIDEO: FBI Latest Government Agency to Target Social Media By James Corbett, February 18, 2012
US, Israel Invoke Terror To Ratchet Up War Threats Against Iran By Bill Van Auken, February 17, 2012
ANOTHER PRETEXT TO WAGE WAR? The Fingerprints of False Flags Against Iran. The Thailand, India, Georgia Terrorist Bomb Blasts By Finian Cunningham, February 15, 2012
The Western “Left” Reveals its true Colors: “Progressive” author Tariq Ali says “Assad has to go” By William Bowles, February 15, 2012
Colombia: ‘Intelligence service colluded in journalist’s assassination’ By Charles Parkinson, February 14, 2012
Special Ops Now Defines The Pentagon’s Expanding Wars By Danny Schechter, February 14, 2012
Egypt: US-funded Agitators on Trial: US “Democracy Promotion” = Foreign-funded Sedition. By Tony Cartalucci, February 13, 2012
NATO’s “Secret War” on Syria: Replicating the Libya Model By Stephen Lendman, February 11, 2012
Israel’s Mossad Teams up with Terror Group to Kill Iran’s Nuclear Scientists By Richard Engel and Robert Windrem, February 09, 2012
Syria Assassination Plot: 1957 Intel. Documents Reveal How Eisenhower and Macmillan Conspired against Syria By Ben Fenton, February 09, 2012
VIDEO: Russia’s Elections: “No Question” US is Backing Opposition By F. William Engdahl, February 06, 2012
Colombian Paramilitary received support of President Uribe’s intelligence agency DAS By Adriaan Alsema, February 06, 2012
In The “Real Non-Propaganda World”, Does Iran Constitute a Nuclear Menace?. By William Blum, February 03, 2012
The Assange Case Means That We Are All Suspects Now By John Pilger, February 01, 2012
Mossad chief holds secret U.S. meetings on Iran nuclear threat, Senate panel reveals By Barak Ravid, February 01, 2012
US Army Goes Underground: Special Ops Deployed Worldwide By Global Research and Global Research, January 27, 2012
BEHIND CLOSED DOORS AT 10 DOWNING STREET: A Crucial Behind the Scenes Episode in the Run-up to the Illegal War with Iraq By Dr. C. Stephen Frost, January 25, 2012
VIDEO: India Fingerprinting, Iris Scanning Over One Billion People By James Corbett, January 23, 2012
Iran War: US Eyes Covert Ops and Middle East Gendarme Role By Dr. Ismail Salami, January 21, 2012
THE WAR ON IRAN: Nuclear Assassinations Just the Tip of the Iceberg By Dr. Ismail Salami, January 19, 2012
Iran Says It Has Evidence CIA Was Behind Assassination Of Scientist By Global Research, January 15, 2012
Terror Attacks, U.S.-Israeli War Games Raise the Prospects for War with Iran By Tom Burghardt, January 14, 2012
Iran sends rare letter to U.S. over killed scientist By Raheb Homavandi, January 14, 2012
Assassination in Iran: Obama Administration is CEO of “Murder Inc” By Finian Cunningham, January 13, 2012
US Steps Up Covert War Against Iran with yet Another Assassination of a Nuclear Scientist By Finian Cunningham, January 11, 2012
Regime Change in the Russian Federation? Why Washington Wants ‘Finito’ with Vladimir Putin By F. William Engdahl, January 10, 2012
Who Says What on the Internet: Homeland Security Collects “Personal Identifiable Information” on Users of Social Media By Global Research, January 09, 2012
Trigger an “Accidental Confrontation” as a Pretext to Wage War on Iran By Deniz Yeter, January 09, 2012
SYRIA. US-NATO Sponsored Suicide Attack? Report: Terrorist Bombing in Damascus By Global Research, January 07, 2012
Iran/Iraq ‘Defectors’ and Disinformation By Robert Parry, January 04, 2012
New CIA Drone Bases in Afghanistan and Central Asia By Sikandar Shaheen, December 31, 2011
Softening Up Iran for the Final Attack By Wayne Madsen, December 30, 2011
Homeland Security’s Covert Surveillance of Facebook and Twitter By EPIC, December 29, 2011
Chavez muses on ‘US cancer plot’ against Latin-American Heads of State By Global Research, December 29, 2011
Obama’s Global Murder, Inc. By Joe Kishore, December 29, 2011
Spinning the News from “Reliable” NGO Sources: London-based “Syrian Observatory” Consorting Directly With British Government By Tony Cartalucci, December 27, 2011
2011 YEAR of the DUPE: One Year into the Engineered “Arab Spring,” One Step Closer to Global Hegemony By Tony Cartalucci, December 24, 2011
Pentagon Plans Space Telescopes To Spy Anywhere On Earth By Global Research, December 15, 2011
Western Elite Wages Info-war to Justify Syria Invasion? By Prof. Igor Panarin, December 14, 2011
IRAN-DRONEGATE: Washington’s Acrimony over the Downed Top Secret Spy Drone By Dr. Ismail Salami, December 14, 2011
Wall Street Propagandists Scramble To Cover US Ties to Russian Protesters By Tony Cartalucci, December 12, 2011
Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: NATO’s “Humanitarian Watchdog” By Maidhc Ó'Cathail, December 11, 2011
Inside Romania’s secret CIA prison By Matt Apuzzo, December 10, 2011
CIA ‘secret prison’ found in Romania – media reports By Global Research, December 09, 2011
Israeli Intelligence Report: US Drone downed by Iran Cyber Attack By Global Research, December 08, 2011