
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
GRTV: London 7/7: The Key Evidence By Tom Secker, July 06, 2012
Poisoning Arafat By Uri Avnery, July 06, 2012
Israel Saber-rattling against Iran By Kourosh Ziabari, July 05, 2012
Going Rogue: America’s Unconventional Warfare in the Middle East By Sharmine Narwani, July 05, 2012
Wikileaks Releases Syria Files By Global Research, July 05, 2012
Barack Obama, his Mother, and the CIA By William Blum, July 04, 2012
“Latin American Spring” Kicking Off in Paraguay By Adrian Salbuchi, July 04, 2012
The 7/7 London Bombings: Documents Prove that the Official Story Cannot be True By Tom Secker, July 03, 2012
GRTV: The 7/7 London Bombings in 7 minutes: Unanswered Questions By Tom Secker, July 03, 2012
America’s Covert War of Terror: A Journey into Moral Depravity By Chris Woods, July 01, 2012
Africa’s Deadly Spy Infestation By Mark P. Fancher, June 29, 2012
Washington and Ankara Intelligence Op? Syria Blamed for Turkish Provocation By Stephen Lendman, June 26, 2012
US Sponsored Terrorists: The Menacing Plots of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) against Iran By Kourosh Ziabari, June 24, 2012
CONFIRMED: US CIA Arming Terrorists in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, June 22, 2012
Western spy agencies ‘sharing intelligence’ with Syrian rebels By Joseph Fitsanakis, June 21, 2012
The United Nations Monitors in Syria are Spying for Washington By Stephen Lendman, June 21, 2012
Iran’s Intelligence Ministry arrested 20 People allegedly associated with the Assassinations of Nuclear Scientists By Kourosh Ziabari, June 20, 2012
REVIEW: The Manufacturing of a President: The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House By Wayne Madsen, June 17, 2012
American Narcos: The Real ‘Masters of Paradise’ By Tom Burghardt, June 15, 2012
The CIA and Polio in Pakistan By Kelley B. Vlahos, June 13, 2012
VIDEO: PNAC: The Dawn of a New Fascism By Global Research, June 13, 2012
VIDEO: Bilderberg: The Covert Globalist Government? By Abby Martin, June 06, 2012
Israel Formulates Tripartite Plot to Destroy Syria By Dr. Ismail Salami, June 04, 2012
Murder, Inc: Official Obama Policy By Stephen Lendman, June 01, 2012
CIA SABOTAGE OF SYRIA PEACE PLAN: Miami Cuban Dissidents Join Hands with Syrian “Opposition” By Jean-Guy Allard, May 31, 2012
A Secret War in 120 Countries: The Pentagon’s New Power Elite By Nick Turse, May 26, 2012
SUPERPOWER: Behind the Scenes of America’s National Security Apparatus By Global Research, May 24, 2012
Syria: The New ‘R2P’ – “RESPONSIBILITY TO PRETEXT”: Human Rights, Democratic Reforms, Al Qaeda and now WMD By Finian Cunningham, May 21, 2012
Washington Promotes Kurdish Uprising: US “Kurdish” Threat Aimed at Turkey, Not Syria By Tony Cartalucci, May 19, 2012
VIDEO: Pilots For 9/11 Truth: Intercepted By Global Research, May 16, 2012
The Case of the Missing Terrorists By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 15, 2012
Fighting Erupts in Lebanon: US, Israeli, and Saudi-funded terrorists destabilizing Syria now under fire in Lebanon By Tony Cartalucci, May 14, 2012
U.S. government smear campaign against reporters exposing the drone wars By John Hanrahan, May 14, 2012
Drugs, Terror and the Mlitarization of Mexican Society By Tom Burghardt, May 14, 2012
Syrian Rebels Admit Terrorist Bombing Campaign By Tony Cartalucci, May 10, 2012
VIDEO: Whistleblower: US Government Needs to Keep Fear Factor Alive By Sibel Edmonds, May 10, 2012
University Told To Prepare For “Evacuees” During NATO Summit By Paul Joseph Watson, May 10, 2012
VIDEO: The Secret US/Japan Nuclear Program By Joseph Trento and James Corbett, May 08, 2012
Russian Opposition Caught Filing into US Embassy in Moscow By Tony Cartalucci, May 06, 2012
NATO’s Secret Army By Dr. Daniele Ganser and Alexander Artamonov, May 05, 2012
COVERT OPS PROMOTE SECTARIAN STRIFE IN PAKISTAN? Hands Behind Shia Massacre in Pakistan By Dr. Ismail Salami, May 05, 2012
Alleged US Army doc: re-education camps and psy-op missions aimed at activists By Global Research, May 04, 2012
One Year On, Still No Evidence For Osama Bin Laden’s Killing By Brit Dee, May 03, 2012
WHO WAS OSAMA? WHO IS OBAMA? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 02, 2012
The Piece of Paper that Killed Bin Laden By Alexander Abad-Santos, April 30, 2012
“UK agents leading Sudan oil war plot “? Unconfirmed Report By Global Research, April 30, 2012
Early “Psychological Warfare” Research and the Rockefeller Foundation By James F. Tracy, April 29, 2012
“SYRIAN OPPOSITION”: Mossad, Blackwater, CIA Led Operations in Homs. Weapons from Israel By Israa Al-Fass, April 26, 2012
THE GLOBAL SPY APPARATUS: You Are All Suspects Now. What Are You Going To Do About It? By John Pilger, April 26, 2012
ECHELON: Exposing the Global Surveillance System By Nicky Hagar, April 25, 2012
THE PENTAGON’S “COUNTERINSURGENCY WAR” ON LATIN AMERICA : Colombia, America ‘s “Military Launchpad” By Rick Rozoff, April 25, 2012
AMERICA’S AFRICA: Hollywood Celebrities Provide “Mood Music” and “Star Appeal” for US “Humanitarian Wars” By Finian Cunningham, April 23, 2012
Suspicious Death of Dr David Kelly: Doctors Seek New Death Inquest By Dr. C. Stephen Frost, April 23, 2012
WikiLeaks: Kony 2012 creators spied for Uganda By Global Research, April 20, 2012
“HUMANITARIAN TERRORISM”: CIA to Expand “Remote Control Assassinations” in Yemen By Patrick Martin, April 20, 2012
HISTORY “HELD CAPTIVE”: CIA Claims Release of its History of the Bay of Pigs Debacle Would “Confuse the Public.” By Nate Jones, April 19, 2012
ISRAELI ETHNIC PROFILING AT EUROPEAN AIRPORTS: Stockholm airport bars Israeli airline over Shin Bet security inspection methods By Zohar Blumenkrantz, April 19, 2012
The “SOLO” File: “The FBI’s Most Valued Secret Agents of the Cold War” By The National Security Archive, April 18, 2012
“RUNNING SHORT OF NEW TARGETS”: Israel’s Secret Service is “Cutting Back on Assassinations” in Iran By Julie Lévesque, April 17, 2012
VIDEO: Sri Lanka: Reconciliation Versus Interventionism By Global Research, April 17, 2012
VIDEO: Meet Nicolas Sarkozy: The American Candidate By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, April 17, 2012
VIDEO: US Heavily Presses Turkey into Ganging Up on Syria By F. William Engdahl, April 16, 2012
CIA TORTURE: The Zelikow Memo: Internal Critique of Bush Torture Memos Declassified By The National Security Archive, April 15, 2012
VIDEO: Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 By Prof Peter Dale Scott and Michael Ruppert, April 14, 2012
VIDEO: “Guidebook to False Confessions”: Key Document John Yoo Used to Draft Torture Memo Released By Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye, April 13, 2012
PAKISTAN IN THE WAKE OF BIN LADEN: Private Security Companies Constitute a “State within a State” By Antony Loewenstein, April 13, 2012
What’s going on at the Turkish-Syrian border? TURKEY SHELTERING FREE SYRIAN ARMY (FSA) By Pepe Escobar, April 11, 2012
VIDEO: The SECRET SERVICE ON 9/11: What did the Government Know? By Kevin Ryan and James Corbett, April 10, 2012
Obama Justice Department indicts ex-CIA agent for exposing torture By Bill Van Auken, April 08, 2012
TERROR BRIGADES AS AN INSTRUMENT OF WARFARE: Pentagon Trained M.E.K Terrorists In Nevada To Use Against Iran By Sherwood Ross, April 08, 2012
“NGO”: The Guise of Innocence. By Jenny O'Connor, April 08, 2012
Seymour Hersh: US Trains And Facilitates MEK Terror Attacks In Iran By Richard Silverstein, April 06, 2012
THE “SPECTER” OF AL QAEDA IN AFRICA: A Cover for Western Reconquest of the Continent By Finian Cunningham, April 05, 2012
Israeli Experts Mum on Iran Attack to Support Bibi’s Bluff By Gareth Porter, April 03, 2012
IRAN: THE TERRORISM TRUMP CARD By Brian A. Burchill, April 03, 2012
VIDEO: Free Syrian Army Foot-Soldiers of Western Military Alliance By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 02, 2012
Who is Kofi Annan? The United Nations “Peacekeeper” Handpicked by the CIA By Thierry Meyssan, March 31, 2012