
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
From Hong Kong to Xinjiang…: Beijing is Catching on to Washington’s Insidious “Regime Change Tactics” By Aeneas Georg, November 20, 2014
Senate Blocks any Limit to NSA Spying on Phone Calls By Patrick Martin, November 20, 2014
US Defense Department Organizing Covert Operations against “the General Public” By Thomas Gaist, November 19, 2014
The CIA Won the Midterm Elections By Philip Giraldi, November 15, 2014
Scandal: Last Seconds of MH17 Flight Were Snapshot by a US or UK Spy Satellite By Oriental Review, November 15, 2014
US Sponsored Islamist Insurgency in Xinjiang? China Jails CIA’s Uighur Imams By Kurt Nimmo, November 12, 2014
US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Burkina Faso? Coup Leader Trained by Pentagon By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 11, 2014
The CIA and Drugs, Inc.: a Covert History By Douglas Valentine, November 08, 2014
By Seizing E-Commerce Website Silk Road 2.0, the FBI Provides Protection for Violent Drug Cartels? By Eric Blair, November 08, 2014
Another Fake Bin Laden Story By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 07, 2014
Hollywood Source: Producer of New TWA Flight 800 Movie Received Threat By Paul Joseph Watson, November 07, 2014
CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation: Senate Committee Face-Off with Obama, CIA on Constitutional Crisis By Renee Parsons, November 07, 2014
America’s Secret “Double Government”. A Permanent Unaccountable “Shadow Bureaucracy” By Russ Baker, November 07, 2014
The FBI: America’s Secret Police By John W. Whitehead, November 06, 2014
The NSA Scandal: Economic Espionage against Germany? Is Germany’s BND a Subsidiary of US Intelligence? By Lars Schall, November 06, 2014
FBI Wants to Hack Computers Globally, Seeks Search Warrant Expansion By RT, November 06, 2014
The American “Deep State”, Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on US Democracy By Prof Peter Dale Scott, November 06, 2014
Haiti’s Nightmare: The Cocaine Coup and The CIA Connection By Paul DeRienzo, November 04, 2014
wall street
The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil and the Attack on U.S. Democracy By Prof Peter Dale Scott and Lars Schall, October 29, 2014
New Book Sheds Further Light on US Government Protection of Ex-Nazis By Thomas Gaist, October 29, 2014
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Call on Obama to Release CIA Torture Report By RT News, October 28, 2014
Bought Journalism? The “Russian Submarine in Swedish Waters” Story and the Decay of Security Policy Journalism By Jan Oberg, October 27, 2014
Suspicious Canada Shooting Triggers ‘Minority Report’ Pre-Crime Plans for ‘Preventive Arrests’ By Melissa Dykes, October 25, 2014
Canadian Fear Campaign: “Islamic Extremists” and the Dubious Role of Intelligence Agencies By Julie Lévesque, October 24, 2014
Canadian Terror Wave: a Modern-Day Gladio By Tony Cartalucci, October 23, 2014
Ebola Epidemic Linked to CIA: Former NSA Contractor By Kurt Nimmo, October 21, 2014
Leaked Documents Expose Secret Contracts Between NSA and Tech Companies By Thomas Gaist, October 20, 2014
Turkey Supports the Islamic State (ISIL)? Journalist in Turkey Killed in Suspicious Car Accident By Press TV, October 20, 2014
FBI Director Demands Unfettered Access to All Encrypted Phone Data By Thomas Gaist, October 19, 2014
The Pornography of Moral Outrage: The Chibok Girls and Nigeria’s Boko Haram By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 18, 2014
The Hidden Hand – A Brief History of the CIA. By Jim Miles, October 18, 2014
The Hidden Government Group Linking JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra and 9/11 By Prof Peter Dale Scott, October 11, 2014
Gary Webb: The Sordid Contra-Cocaine Saga By Robert Parry, October 10, 2014
China Urges U.S. to Stop “Fabricating Stories” on Cyber Security By Xinhua, October 09, 2014
Europol Warning: ‘Internet of Everything’ Could Lead to ‘Online Murder’ by End of 2014 By RT News, October 08, 2014
Another 60 Minutes Puff Piece – An Ad for the FBI without Critical Scrutiny or Questioning By Peter Hart, October 07, 2014
Who was Behind the 1994 Rwanda Genocide? By Antony C. Black, October 05, 2014
Hong Kong “Occupy Central” Protest Scripted in Washington. Leaders Mislead Grassroots By Tony Cartalucci, October 05, 2014
The New York Times’s Belated Admission on the Contra-Cocaine Scandal By Robert Parry, October 05, 2014
Terrorism and Turmoil: US Containment of China By Tony Cartalucci, October 03, 2014
Terror in Latin America and the Caribbean By W.T. Whitney Jr., October 02, 2014
More White House “Security Breaches”: More Secret Service Bungling By The Day By Global Research News, October 01, 2014
The CIA Mainstream Media Contra-Cocaine Cover-up By Robert Parry, September 29, 2014
Operation Gladio: NATO’s Secret Armies By Global Research News, September 28, 2014
Britain’s Secret State: Members of Armed Forces Prohibited from Talking to Journalists By Dominic Ponsford, September 27, 2014
Australia’s Police State: “Coercive Surveillance” and the New Security Laws By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 27, 2014
The JFK Assassination: The CIA’s “Lone Assassin” Propaganda Strategy for the Warren Commission Report By James F. Tracy, September 24, 2014
White House Fence Jumpers, 9/11 and “Khorasan”, the Mysterious Al Qaeda Splinter Group By Prof Jason Kissner, September 24, 2014
CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture” By RT, September 19, 2014
The CIA was “Training the ISIL” and Now it is being Asked to “Go After the ISIL” By Press TV, September 19, 2014
From the Very Start, the CIA Has Engaged In Covert Terrorism to Give Government Plausible Deniability By Washington's Blog, September 16, 2014
Who is Behind the Islamic State (ISIL) Beheadings? Probing the SITE Intelligence Group By James F. Tracy, September 15, 2014
The Islamic State: America is “Attacking” the Terrorists It Fostered By James Corbett, September 14, 2014
MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed “False Flag” By 21st Century Wire, September 14, 2014
Redrawing the Map of the Russian Federation: Partitioning Russia After World War III? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 10, 2014
CIA Emails Expose “Access Journalist” at Work – LA Times/Associated Press Reporter or Covert CIA Spokesperson? By Jonathan Cook, September 07, 2014
U.S. Using ‘Beheadings to Sway Public Opinion’ in Favor of Another War By Press TV, September 05, 2014
Steven Sotloff Video Was Released by Intelligence Group linked to Homeland Security and Washington Think Tanks By James F. Tracy, September 04, 2014
Vanishing Airliners, “ISIS”, and 9/11. “Timing is Crucial in Politics” By Prof Jason Kissner, September 04, 2014
Steven Sotloff Video Found by Group Connected to Homeland Security and Responsible for Releasing Fake Osama Bin Laden Video By Kurt Nimmo, September 03, 2014
NSA Surveillance Targets Turkish Political and Military Leadership By Thomas Gaist, September 02, 2014
Russia’s “Invasion” of Ukraine. Memorandum to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, by Veterans of U.S. Intelligence By Global Research News, September 02, 2014
300 Americans, CIA Agents Fighting Within ISIL Ranks in Syria and Iraq: US Political Commentator By Press TV, August 29, 2014
US Sponsored “Color Revolution” in Russia? In St. Petersburg? By Steven MacMillan, August 29, 2014
isis troops
“The ISIS Menace”: Just What We Need: Another War By Danny Schechter, August 27, 2014
Beheading of James Foley: Media Spies Put All Journalists in Danger By Wayne Madsen, August 27, 2014
“Obese Intelligence”: The NSA Search Engine. “Over 850 Billion Records about Phone Calls, Emails, Cellphone Locations, and Internet Chats” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 27, 2014
The Islamic State (ISIS) and Israel are Allies By Press TV, August 25, 2014
isis troops
Oil, Blood, Confusion and Fear: Fuelling the Public’s “Appetite for War” By Colin Todhunter, August 24, 2014
MH17 Downing: CIA Analysts Won’t Support White House Claims of Russian Culpability By Dave Lindorff, August 22, 2014
Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria: The Obama Administration is a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 22, 2014
How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents By Richard Sanders, August 19, 2014
German Secret Service Implicated in Fascist Murders By Sven Heymanns and Dietmar Henning, August 17, 2014
ebola virus microscope
The Ebola Outbreak: U.S. Sponsored Bioterror? By Prof Jason Kissner, August 16, 2014
Washington Staged Egypt’s “Arab Spring” Revolution, U.S. Knew About 9/11 Warning, Former Egypt Interior Minister Reveals By Brandon Turbeville, August 15, 2014
CIA Records: They Wanted to Kill, Using Chemical, Biological Substances By Jon Rappoport, August 14, 2014
The CIA Activities and the Huge U.S. Military Offensive in Africa By Mark P. Fancher, August 13, 2014
Mass Murder as Political Marketing – The Phoenix Program and U.S. Foreign Policy By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 13, 2014
Establishment Media Moves to Debunk ISIS CIA Asset Story – Dismissed as “Snowden Hoax” By Kurt Nimmo, August 13, 2014
War and the Danger of “False Flags”: When Governments Apply the Old Schoolyard Bully Trick: “He Hit Me First!” By Washington's Blog, August 10, 2014