
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
British intelligence (GCHQ) Put Investigative Journalists Among Terrorists and Hackers on Threat Assessment List By Nadia Prupis, January 20, 2015
NSA Cyber War Will Use Internet Connected Devices as Weapons Platform; Your Home is the Battlefield By Daniel Taylor, January 19, 2015
CIA Panel Whitewashes Spying on US Senate By Thomas Gaist, January 18, 2015
Behind Whitewash of CIA Spying: The Trail Leads to the White House By Thomas Gaist and Patrick Martin, January 17, 2015
Latest FBI Terror Entrapment Case Used To Push Surveillance State By Kurt Nimmo, January 17, 2015
Only 29 of the 119 Detainees from the Secret CIA Torture Program Remain in Guantánamo Bay By Crofton Black, January 17, 2015
Once Again the FBI is Caught in Drama, “setting up” Islamic Youngster as “Domestic Terrorist” By Shepard Ambellas, January 17, 2015
The CIA Jeffrey Sterling Trial: Leaks and Prosecution at the CIA. “Disclosure of Classified Operations” By Norman Solomon, January 16, 2015
The Revenge of the CIA: “National Security State v. The Public’s Right to Know.” Scapegoating Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling By Norman Solomon, January 15, 2015
FBI Thwarts Terror Plot on Capitol (That They Planned) By Eric Blair, January 15, 2015
The Charlie Hebdo Attack: Characteristics of a False Flag Operation? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 14, 2015
The Political Downfall of General David Petraeus: From War Hero to Convicted Felon? By Joachim Hagopian, January 14, 2015
Britain’s GCHQ Domestic Spying Apparatus to be granted Greater Surveillance Powers after Paris Attacks By Steven MacMillan, January 13, 2015
Paris Attackers Funded by Pentagon Dinner Guest By Tony Cartalucci, January 11, 2015
Terrorism in France: Another False Flag? By Joachim Hagopian, January 11, 2015
Dead Men Tell No Tales: The CIA, 9/11 and the Anwar Al-Awlaki Assassination By Tom Burghardt, January 10, 2015
Paris Shooting Suspects Under French Security and Intelligence Radar for Years By Tony Cartalucci, January 10, 2015
Paris Double Siege Ends in Death of Suspects, New ‘Anti-Semitic’ and ‘Al-Awlaki’ Narratives Emerge By 21st Century Wire, January 10, 2015
CIA’s Hidden Hand in ‘Democracy’ Groups By Robert Parry, January 09, 2015
Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 09, 2015
Suspects in Charlie Hebdo Attack Were in US Terrorism Database By ITAR-TASS, January 09, 2015
Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO): US-Israel Sponsored Terrorist Entity directed against Iran By Dr. Ismail Salami, January 08, 2015
Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? By Stephen Lendman, January 08, 2015
Mind Control: the Pentagon Mission to Program the Brain By Jon Rappoport, January 07, 2015
Iran Says it Foiled Israeli Mossad Assassination Attempt of Nuclear Scientist By Ian Allen, January 06, 2015
US Social Surveillance Abuse Puts Civil Liberties in Jeopardy By Vladimir Platov, January 05, 2015
Africa 2014 in Review: Counterrevolution, Neocolonialism and the Mass Struggle By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 04, 2015
US to Impose Sanctions on North Korea Over Sony Hack: White House By Global Research News, January 03, 2015
Sony Hack Was an Inside Job; North Korea Scapegoated as Distraction Strategy By J. D. Heyes, December 31, 2014
Illegal “Electronic Spying” and “Surveillance” of Americans, Internal NSA Reports By Thomas Gaist, December 28, 2014
Israel Empowers Islamic State (ISIS) Terrorists in Syria By Nicola Nasser, December 24, 2014
Another MH17 Cover-Up: Hiding a Key Autopsy By Eric Zuesse, December 24, 2014
US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia? By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2014
The European Powers and CIA Torture By Chris Marsden, December 21, 2014
Former British Citizen “Illegally Interrogated”, Threatened with Physical and Sexual Abuse by US Officials in Djibouti By Victoria Parsons, December 21, 2014
American Exceptionalism and American Torture By William Blum, December 20, 2014
Sony Hack Blamed on North Korea Bears Hallmarks of U.S. Intelligence Operation By Kurt Nimmo, December 19, 2014
Former Polish President Confirms Existence of Secret CIA Torture Prison By Konrad Kreft, December 18, 2014
Freedom for the Remaining “Cuban Five” By Arnold August, December 18, 2014
Torture Impunity, Police Shootings and the Authoritarian U.S. State By Nat Parry, December 17, 2014
Americans Are Basically OK With CIA Torture Methods Like Rectal Feeding By Alternet, December 17, 2014
Torture Architect Tries to Justify Program … Fails Miserably By Washington's Blog, December 16, 2014
Imperialism and the Politics of Torture: Towards a Global Secret Police Force By Prof. James Petras, December 16, 2014
Torture: CIA “Enhanced Interrogations” Have a Long History By Joseph Fitsanakis, December 16, 2014
CIA Torture in Latin America. The Historical Record By Global Research News, December 15, 2014
US Government Officials Admit: We’ll Torture Again, Unless You Prosecute Us By Washington's Blog, December 15, 2014
Alleged Al Qaeda Siege in Sydney? Terrorism and Australia’s Security State By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 15, 2014
Al Qaeda in Australia? America’s Terrorist Mercenaries Wreck Havoc in Sydney By Tony Cartalucci, December 15, 2014
CIA “Black Budget” Funding: Never Constrained by its Congressional Budget By Prof Peter Dale Scott, December 15, 2014
Bush “Intimately Involved” with Torture, “Fully Briefed on All CIA Tactics in 2002”: Former Strategist Karl Rove By Lauren McCauley, December 15, 2014
Romania Agreed to Host CIA “Black Sites’ to Be Accepted Into NATO By RT, December 14, 2014
Why the CIA Tortured By Gareth Porter, December 14, 2014
Troubled Ties: Snowden, Germany and the NSA By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 14, 2014
Stop Torture! Accountability: YES – Impunity: NO By Dirk Adriaensens, December 14, 2014
Newly Released E-Mails Reveal Cheney Pressured DOJ to Approve Torture By Jason Leopold, December 14, 2014
USAID Exposed in Cuba – What it Tells Us About US Subversion Worldwide By Tony Cartalucci, December 13, 2014
Secret Prisons and “Black Sites”, Rendition: Torture and the Myth of Never Again.The Persecution of John Kiriakou By Peter Van Buren, December 13, 2014
How to Legalize Torture, Turning to Israel for Inspiration: CIA Cites Israeli Court Ruling to “Justify” Its Torture Program By Rania Khalek, December 12, 2014
How 9/11 Truth Looms in the Background of the CIA Torture Stories By Bernie Suarez, December 12, 2014
CIA “Black Sites”, Rogue Activities and the Senate Torture Report By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 11, 2014
Senate CIA Torture Report: Bringing Criminal Charges Against Bush Administration, Complicated, Possibly Fruitless Pursuit? By Dennis Lynch, December 11, 2014
Congress Just Passed Legislation Ramping Up Mass Surveillance to Super-Steroid Levels By Washington's Blog, December 11, 2014
Congress Passes Bill Granting “Unlimited Access To Private Communications Of Every American” Without Legal Process By Paul Joseph Watson, December 11, 2014
Two Torture Architects On Obama’s National Security Team By Steve Watson, December 11, 2014
The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War: The Criminalization of the US State Apparatus. Senate Report on CIA Torture is a Whitewash By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 11, 2014
The Senate Committee Report: Torture is Good? By Chris Floyd, December 11, 2014
The Top Ten Torture Documents You Need to Read By The National Security Archive, December 10, 2014
Centuries of Colonialism, Slavery and Apartheid Have Left a Legacy of Institutional Racism By William Gumede, December 05, 2014
How the NSA Hacks Cellphone Networks Worldwide By Ryan Gallagher, December 04, 2014
The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy By Edward Curtin, December 01, 2014
Is Britain Complicit in the Targeted Killing by American Drones? By The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, November 30, 2014
Britain’s “New Anti-Terror Drive”: Dirty Intelligence and the Repeal of Civil Liberties By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 27, 2014
CIA Reactions to JFK Assassination Included “Suspicions of Soviet or Cuban Involvement”; Desire to “Bond” with LBJ By Jeffrey T. Richelson, November 26, 2014
Military-Grade Malware “Regin” Linked to US and British Intelligence Agencies, Targeting Governments, Academics and Telecoms By Lauren McCauley, November 25, 2014
The Leak That Almost Stopped the Iraq War By Sam Husseini, November 23, 2014
The Ottawa Shootings: Advancing a Political Agenda with False Flag Terror? Global Research News Hour Episode 83 By Michael Welch, Barrie Zwicker, and Richard Sanders, November 23, 2014
Florida State University Shooting: Was Myron May a “Targeted Individual”? By James F. Tracy, November 22, 2014
Israeli Involvement in Britain’s National Security By Anthony Bellchambers, November 21, 2014
CIA Behind Hip-Hop’s Drug Fetish, Says Former Cocaine Kingpin Rick Ross By Kit Daniels, November 21, 2014
Plumbing the Depths of NSA’s Spying By Lars Schall, November 20, 2014