
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
US Government Threatened Germany Over Aiding Snowden By SM Gibson, March 20, 2015
False Flag Terror: Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police Admit to it By Washington's Blog, March 19, 2015
The ISIS Described by the US Media as a “Sunni Muslim Militia” is “Made in America”. It has Nothing to Do with Sunni Islam By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu, March 19, 2015
Turkish Media Disclose Identity of Alleged Spy for Canada By Joseph Fitsanakis, March 18, 2015
Stratfor: “US aims to prevent a German-Russian alliance” By Eric Zuesse, March 18, 2015
Breaking the Resistance with US Sponsored Terrorism and Proxy Wars By Eric Draitser, March 18, 2015
“Freedom in Jeopardy’: Thousands rally across Canada against New C-51 “Anti-terror” Law By RT, March 17, 2015
U.S-Cuba Relations and the Long Road to Nowhere. “Regime Change is on the Table” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 17, 2015
Arrested Spy’s Statement to Turkish Police Reveals Links to Canada’s Embassy and ISIS By Global Research News, March 17, 2015
Intelligence Services, Lobbies and Advertisers Dictate Mainstream Media Content, Journalists Admit By Julie Lévesque, March 15, 2015
Intelligence Operation in Support of Terrorism: The U.S. and Israel are behind both Boko Haram and ISIS: President of Sudan By Global Research News, March 13, 2015
“Washington Should Support Al Qaeda to Defeat ISIS”. Council on Foreign Relations By Mikael Thalen and Paul Joseph Watson, March 12, 2015
What Kind of World, What Kind of Future? The New World Order “Grand Design” By Perdana Global Peace Foundation, March 12, 2015
Boris Nemtsov Assassination: Confession of Former Russian Officer could Prompt “Mole-Hunt” By Dr. Christof Lehmann, March 11, 2015
Osama Letters From Pakistan “Trove” Emerge to Defend CIA’s Killer Drone Program By Kurt Nimmo, March 10, 2015
How the Malaysian Airlines MH17 Boeing Was Shot Down. Examination of the Wreckage By Global Research News, March 06, 2015
Petraeus gets Slap on the Wrist in State Secrets Case By Thomas Gaist, March 05, 2015
Judge Limits Evidence on Role of Main Perpetrator of Boston Marathon Bombings By Barry Grey, March 05, 2015
CIA Asset Joins Islamic State in Libya – Abdelhakim Belhadj Worked with U.S. and NATO to Overthrow Gaddafi    By Kurt Nimmo, March 05, 2015
The CIA Secret Prisons in Europe. Political Camouflage in the EU. Washington’s “European Partners in Crime” By Nako Minchev, March 04, 2015
The Political Downfall of General David Petraeus: From War Hero to Convicted Felon? Petraeus’ Plea Bargain By Joachim Hagopian, March 04, 2015
Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program: Israel’s Quest for Yellowcake – The Secret Argentine-Israeli Connection, 1963-1966 By The National Security Archive, March 02, 2015
Russian Opposition: Putin Did NOT Assassinate Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov By Global Research News, March 02, 2015
The Boris Nemtsov Assassination: Russia’s “Non-system” Opposition Refuses to Blame the Kremlin By The Saker, March 01, 2015
Cui Bono: US State Department Admits Russia had Nothing to Gain from Killing Boris Nemtsov By Tony Cartalucci, March 01, 2015
False Flag? The Kiev Maidan Snipers, They Fired On Both Police and Protesters By Washington's Blog, March 01, 2015
“Jihadi John,” Imperialism and ISIS By Bill Van Auken, February 28, 2015
The Boris Nemtsov Assassination: A Propaganda Attack On Vladimir Putin? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 28, 2015
ISIS Online: A Pretext for Cyber COINTELPRO? By Eric Draitser, February 27, 2015
The Coup d’Etat Attempt in Venezuela By Chris Gilbert, February 26, 2015
CIA Evidence from Whistleblower Trial Could Tilt Iran Nuclear Talks By Norman Solomon, February 26, 2015
Netanyahu Goes Nuclear…Now Wait for the Fallout By Jonathan Cook, February 25, 2015
The SIM Card Saga. The NSA and Britain’s GCHQ’s Agenda: Establishing Total Control Over Internet and Mobile Phone Users By Vladimir Platov, February 24, 2015
US and its Allies Trying to Establish Total Control Over Internet Users: NSA’s SIM Card Scandal Bigger Than You Think By Vladimir Platov, February 23, 2015
Stealing the Keys: The SIM Card Hacking Case By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 23, 2015
On the First Anniversary of Ukraine’s Maidan Coup: Obama’s War-Policies Show a Pattern By Eric Zuesse, February 22, 2015
US and UK Intelligence Agencies Hacked Cell Phone Encryption Keys By Nick Barrickman, February 22, 2015
Internet Privacy and Individual Rights: Australia’s “National Data Retention Regime”, A Fool’s Paradise in the Land of Oz By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 22, 2015
US Military
CIA Looking Into Weather Modification as a Form of Warfare By Washington's Blog, February 19, 2015
CIA Looking Into Weather Modification As A Form of Warfare By Washington's Blog, February 18, 2015
5 Ways Mass Surveillance Is Destroying the US Economy By Washington's Blog, February 18, 2015
Moscow-Based Security Firm Reveals What May Be the Biggest NSA “Backdoor Exploit” Ever By Zero Hedge, February 17, 2015
CIA Torture Program was “Dick Cheney’s Baby” – John Kiriakou By RT, February 17, 2015
FBI Refuses to Uncover Plot to Assassinate Occupy Leaders By Joshua Krause, February 16, 2015
How to Subvert Social Movements: What the “Intelligence Community” is reading By Tony Seed, February 14, 2015
“Covert Ops” on Social Networks. Great Britain Creates a Cyber Brigade to Manipulate Public Opinion By Vladimir Platov, February 13, 2015
Leaking Against the Impossible: Whistleblower John Kiriakou, CIA Torture and Leaking By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 12, 2015
Mass Surveillance, Secrecy and “Intelligence Sharing”: Prism and Upstream. The Illegality of UK-US “Bulk Collection” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 07, 2015
Britain’s Army’s “Facebook Warriors”: Reflexive Control, Covert Information and Subversion Campaigns on the Internet By Washington's Blog, February 04, 2015
CIA Mission: Destroy the Whistleblower and Perfume the Stench of ‘Operation Merlin’ By Norman Solomon, February 04, 2015
US Orchestrated Coup Plot in Venezuela? The Insidious Role of Vice President Joe Biden By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2015
Editor of Major German Newspaper Says He Planted Stories for the CIA By Ralph Lopez, February 04, 2015
US-Cuban Rapprochement: Remedy to the Growing Isolation of the US in Latin America? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 04, 2015
US Officials Blow the Whistle on Secret CIA, Mossad Operation in Syria By Aaron Nelson, February 03, 2015
Digital Electronic “Internet of Things”(IoT) and “Smart Grid Technologies” to Fully Eviscerate Privacy By James F. Tracy, February 02, 2015
False Flag Attacks. Historically Documented By Washington's Blog, February 02, 2015
CIA Tested 25 Bombs before helping Mossad Kill Top Hezbollah Figure: Report By RT, January 31, 2015
Is Washington Financing Terrorism? Islamic State (ISIS) Mercenary Admits Getting Funds from US By Tony Cartalucci, January 31, 2015
Torture, CIA Rendition Flights. “Interrogations took place” on Diego Garcia, says Bush Administration Official By Reprieve, January 31, 2015
The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade By William Blum, January 31, 2015
U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Characterizes “Alternative Media as Terror” By Kurt Nimmo, January 30, 2015
The Forbidden Truth: Islamic State (ISIS) Recruiter Admits Getting Funds from America By Stephen Lendman, January 30, 2015
Canadian Spy Program “LEVITATION” Illustrates “Giant X-Ray Machine Over All Our Digital Lives” By Jon Queally, January 29, 2015
Double Standard: CIA Leaks And Planted News Stories By Kurt Nimmo, January 28, 2015
The Invisible Man: Jeffrey Sterling, CIA Whistleblower By Norman Solomon, January 28, 2015
Security versus Privacy: A De-Actualizing Formulation By Norman Ball, January 28, 2015
Jury Convicts Former CIA Officer Jeffrey Sterling of Leaking to Journalist and Violating Espionage Act By Kevin Gosztola, January 27, 2015
The CIA Leak Trial: “This Case Is Not About Politics” [sic] By Norman Solomon, January 26, 2015
New Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Moves to Suppress CIA Torture Report By Patrick Martin, January 25, 2015
CIA Covert Ops in Nigeria: Fertile Ground for US Sponsored Balkanization By Nile Bowie, January 25, 2015
“Humanitarian Intervention” in Nigeria: Is the Boko Haram Insurgency Another CIA Covert Operation? Wikileaks By Atheling P Reginald Mavengira, January 25, 2015
The CIA Haitian Connection and the Cocaine Smuggling Operation By Dennis Bernstein, January 24, 2015
Tyranny Grows in America as FBI Insists No Warrant Needed to Snoop on Private Citizens’ Cell Phone Calls By J. D. Heyes, January 23, 2015
Controversial Whistleblower Leak Trial Shows CIA Zeal to Hide Incompetence By Norman Solomon, January 22, 2015
UK Snooping Laws: Legal Challenge against British Government. Confidentiality of Journalistic Communications By Melanie Newman, January 21, 2015
Russian Surveillance Ship Spotted in Havana Ahead of Cuban-US Talks By Sputnik, January 21, 2015
The Danger of an MH-17 ‘Cold Case’ By Robert Parry, January 21, 2015
Spying in the German Banana Republic By Vladimir Platov, January 21, 2015
Turkey: Military Says Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) Shipped Weapons to Al-Qaeda – Government Bans Reporting By Fehim Taştekin, January 21, 2015
“The ISIS Leader Does Not Exist”: The US Military’s Stunning Conspiracy Theory Emerges From The Archives By Zero Hedge, January 20, 2015