
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Echoes of Dr. Strangelove: “Volatile Security Environment”, The last Thing we Need is “a Superpower Nuclear Arms Race” By William D. Hartung, October 20, 2023
Statement on UK Arms Exports to Israel By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, October 20, 2023
Biden’s Speech Inflames Republicans. “Asks for no less handout than $100 billion” By Karsten Riise, October 20, 2023
Hamas’ Attack on Israelis Strengthens, Not Weakens, Israel’s Right Wing Political Elite By John Spritzler, October 20, 2023
Dangerous Crossroads: Russia Deploys MiG-31s in Response to USS Gerald Ford Supercarrier as “East Mediterranean Heats Up” By Drago Bosnic, October 20, 2023
“On Evil and Beyond Gaza.” Response to President Biden’s Speech in Israel. Emanuel Pastreich By Emanuel Pastreich, October 20, 2023
Video: Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking al-Ahli Hospital Grounds. New Evidence By Mike Adams and Brighteon Broadcast News, October 20, 2023
Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians by Way of Deception By Mark Taliano, October 20, 2023
Zelensky is Desperate: Can Biden Admin Trick GOP-dominated Congress to “Merge Military Aid for Israel and Kiev”? By Drago Bosnic, October 19, 2023
Airstrikes Hit Largest US Occupation Base in Syria By The Cradle, October 19, 2023
What’s Known About the Gaza Hospital Blast as Hamas Claims Unravel By Tom Ozimek, October 19, 2023
U.S. Prepping to Deploy American Troops to Middle East, Israel Demands $10 Billion More in Subsidy By Ben Bartee, October 19, 2023
US Nuclear Bomber Lands in South Korea for the First Time in 30 Years By Kyle Anzalone, October 19, 2023
Video: Dark Secrets of Globalists, How They “Manipulate and Enslave Humanity”. Dean Henderson By Dean Henderson and Mike Adams, October 19, 2023
“Peace, War, and 9/11”: A Cinematic Portrait of Graeme MacQueen, A Warrior for Peace By Edward Curtin, October 19, 2023
Video: “Operation Gladio, NATO’s Secret Armies”, Daniele Ganser Exposes: “USA, The Ruthless Empire” By Dr. Daniele Ganser and James Corbett, October 19, 2023
This Is Another Iraqi WMD Moment. We Are Being Gaslit By Jonathan Cook, October 19, 2023
Can Washington Simultaneously Handle Two War Theaters? Zelensky’s Failed Bid to Meet Netanyahu Signals Ending of Western Interest? By Ahmed Adel, October 18, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Gaza Hospital Strike Haunts Biden’s Visit to Israel By Sean Mathews, October 18, 2023
Rushing into Catastrophe. Intense War Fever in Washington. “America can Afford Two Wars”…? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 18, 2023
Hamas’ Attack on Israel Is Puzzling: “Hamas Fighters entered Israel without Being Detected”. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 17, 2023
Bibi Netanyahu: Israel Must “Support Bolstering Hamas and Transferring Money to Hamas” By Ben Bartee, October 17, 2023
Second Nakba: The Start of Monumental Destruction of the Middle East? By Peter Koenig, October 17, 2023
China’s Middle East Ambitions Being Tested by Israel-Gaza War By Ahmed Adel, October 17, 2023
Second Time in 48 Hours, Israel Attacks Aleppo International Airport and Puts It Out of Service By The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, October 17, 2023
Towards the Political Sunset of Netanyahu? He Had “Foreknowledge” of Hamas Operation, Let It Happen By Germán Gorraiz López, October 17, 2023
Israeli Forces Shot Their Own Civilians, Kibbutz Survivor Says By Ali Abunimah and David Sheen, October 17, 2023
Gaza Strip: Israel Confirms “Security Features” of Massive Barrier Around Besieged “Open Air Prison” By Middle East Eye, October 17, 2023
The Powder Keg in the Middle East Has Exploded: What Israel’s War on Gaza Means for the Rest of the World By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 16, 2023
Unmasking Russia’s Influence and Changing Situation Within the Commonwealth of Independent States By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 16, 2023
US Official Lies to Armenians Worldwide By Steven Sahiounie, October 16, 2023
Israel-Hamas War: IDF Fears Starting A “Ground War” of Attrition against Gaza? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 16, 2023
Neocon Propagandist Threatens Nuclear War Unless U.S. Gives Israel More Money and Weapons By Ben Bartee, October 16, 2023
No, Hamas Did Not Behead 40 Babies at an Israeli Kibbutz. Mike Whitney By Mike Whitney, October 16, 2023
A New Nakba Is Coming? Netanyahu and the Greater Israel By Germán Gorraiz López, October 16, 2023
Gaza Is Burning in Lockstep with “The Great Reset”. Cascade of Global Chaos By Dr. Mathew Maavak, October 16, 2023
Pearl Harbour: Persian Gulf Edition – Coming Soon? Is A Broader Middle East War Contemplated? By Gavin OReilly, October 16, 2023
Militarism Will Inevitably Lead America into Bankruptcy By Drago Bosnic, October 16, 2023
The Identity of the Virus: Health/ Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification. By Christine Massey, October 16, 2023
Russia’s Draft Gaza Ceasefire Is the Last Chance to Prevent an Unprecedented Humanitarian Catastrophe By Andrew Korybko, October 16, 2023
Netanyahu Is an Albatross Around India’s Neck By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 16, 2023
The Forbidden Truth: Israel and the U.S. Are “Toys of the Billionaires”. “A War with Iran Is Just Around the Corner”. By Emanuel Pastreich, October 15, 2023
Lawless in Gaza: Why Britain and the West Back Israel’s Crimes. Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, October 15, 2023
Video: Why Did Hamas Attack Israelis? Judge Napolitano with Dr. Philip Giraldi By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano and Philip Giraldi, October 15, 2023
Why I No Longer Stand with Israel, and Never Will Again. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, October 15, 2023
Canadian Citizens in Gaza Abandoned Under Canada’s Two-tier Evacuation Plan By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, October 15, 2023
“Regional Middle East war is possible, including a US attack on Iran,” Interview with Dr. Jamal Wakim By Dr. Jamal Wakim and Steven Sahiounie, October 15, 2023
Video: Why Did Hamas Attack Israeli Civilians, Was it a False Flag? Judge Napolitano Interviews Former CIA Officer Dr. Philip Giraldi. By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 13, 2023
Is Putin in Cahoots with the Globalists? By Riley Waggaman and Mike Whitney, October 13, 2023
Russia: “Everyone Get Out of Israel” — US Sends 101st Airborne Division to Jordan. Sees Battles on 5 Fronts for IDF By WarNews24/7, October 13, 2023
Whitehall’s Cover-up of SAS Killings in Afghanistan By Richard Norton-Taylor, October 13, 2023
Biden Deploys Secretary of State to Israel: Unconditional Support. Washington Endorses Genocidal Violations of Human Rights By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 13, 2023
US, European Powers Fully Implicated in Israeli Mass Murder By World Socialist Web Site, October 13, 2023
Israel Accused of ‘Blatant War Crime’ as Human Rights Watch Confirms White Phosphorus Used in Gaza By Brett Wilkins, October 13, 2023
Palestinian Conflict Internationalizing By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 13, 2023
Hamas is an Israeli Controlled Terror Organization: Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas By Kurt Nimmo, October 13, 2023
Moscow’s Silence In Relation to the Israel-Palestine War: Russia Is Reorienting Towards the Arabs By John Helmer, October 12, 2023
The “Post Cold War” 1993 Yeltsin-CIA Presidential Coup By William Walter Kay, October 12, 2023
US Hitting the Brick Wall of Military and Financial Self-destruction By Karsten Riise, October 12, 2023
Gaza’s Military Operation Against Israel Surprise to No One By Michael Jansen, October 12, 2023
NATO Member States’ Al Qaeda Proxies Commit Massacre in Homs, Syria By Vanessa Beeley and UK Column News, October 12, 2023
Is Hamas a Creation of Israel? Does the Hamas Offensive Favor Netanyahu? By Germán Gorraiz López, October 12, 2023
Israeli Army Bombs a Single Neighborhood in Gaza 450 Times in 24 Hours By Palestine Chronicle, October 12, 2023
Israel Fostered the Rise of Hamas, Even After It Turned to Terror By Brian McGlinchey, October 12, 2023
Erdogan, Friend or Foe of Netanyahu? On Whose Side Is Turkey in Latest Israel-Gaza Escalation? By Drago Bosnic, October 11, 2023
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Netanyahu’s “False Flag”, Connecting the Dots – and More By Peter Koenig, October 11, 2023
Guns for Hire: America’s Crisis State Goes Global By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 11, 2023
UK Allows Key Hamas Funder to Have Military Base in Northern England By Mark Curtis, October 11, 2023
A Message to Donald Rumsfeld’s Ghost About My Known Knowns By Edward Curtin, October 11, 2023
The Gaza Prison Break and the Prospect of a “Final Solution” in the Israel-Palestine Conflict By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, October 10, 2023
Biden’s Request for Another $100 Billion for Ukraine, Doubts from US the US Congress in the Eake of the Hamas Attacks By Ahmed Adel, October 10, 2023
Hamas’ “Al-Aqsa Storm” Operation: Far-reaching Geopolitical Implications By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 10, 2023
US Has No Information to Corroborate Claims that Iran Helped Plot Hamas Attack By Michael Gabriel Hernandez, October 10, 2023
Shot Across the Bows of WW3: Contextualizing the Israel-Hamas War By Dustin Broadbery, October 10, 2023
Video: Israel-Hamas War: Netanyahu’s “Planned Operation on All Fronts” By Efrat Fenigson, October 10, 2023
Play Musical Chairs at the US Senate. Senators Bob Menendez and Ben Cardin By Philip Giraldi, October 10, 2023
Palestinians Demand an End to Occupation in a Massive Attack on Israel By Steven Sahiounie, October 10, 2023
hamas militants
Are Hamas Fighters Using American Weapons Meant for Ukraine? Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, October 10, 2023
Ukraine Is Totally Corrupt: Former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker By Laura Hulsemann, October 10, 2023
Germany Could Become Kiev’s Main Strategic Partner as Ukraine-Poland “Honeymoon” In Crisis By Uriel Araujo, October 10, 2023