
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Coincidence? US State Department Renews Travel Warning Day Before Istanbul Attacks By Vanessa Beeley, June 30, 2016
The ‘Dissent’ Memo That Isn’t: Calling for “A More Militarily Assertive US Role” in Syria, The Memo Had the Blessing of the U.S State Department including John Kerry By Gareth Porter, June 30, 2016
Obama’s AFRICOM Nominee Will Seek Authority to Assassinate By Ann Garrison, June 29, 2016
NATO and ‘News’ Media Pump for World War III, Nuclear War By Eric Zuesse, June 29, 2016
Theory of ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ By Marcus Godwyn, June 29, 2016
US Options in the Ukraine: Trigger a Religious War? “Blow Up Ukraine”? By The Saker, June 28, 2016
Signing a Deal with Moscow? Obama Wants to Wrap up The “Ukraine Project” by November By Dmitry Minin, June 28, 2016
How Obama Collaborated with Clerics in Tehran to Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Program By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, June 28, 2016
Intelligence Veterans Call ‘The 51 State Department Officials “Dissent Memo” on Syria “Reckless”. “Disarray and Failure of U.S. Foreign Policy” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, June 27, 2016
The Boston Bombings: Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev a Double Agent Recruited by the FBI? By Prof Peter Dale Scott, June 27, 2016
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), An Instrument of “Regime Change” Financed by Wall Street By Tony Cartalucci, June 24, 2016
Clinton E-Mail on Libyan Conquest: We Came, We Saw, We Got Oil By Ann Garrison, June 23, 2016
MISSING DETAILS: Orlando Shooting 911 Transcripts Questioned, Alleged Survivor’s Story Challenged By Shawn Helton, June 23, 2016
Clinton Foundation Hacked, “Foundation Vulnerabilities” Document Leaked By Zero Hedge, June 22, 2016
Smearing Russia in the Eyes of Public Opinion: Politics, Propaganda, and the Weaponization of the Rio Olympics By Eric Draitser, June 22, 2016
Who Are Syria’s White Helmets? “First Responders” for the US and NATO’s Al Nusra/Al Qaeda Forces? By Vanessa Beeley, June 21, 2016
Entrapment: FBI Tried to Lure Orlando Shooter into a “Terror Plot” in 2013 By Telesur, June 20, 2016
Dreams about Terrorists: Wolves, Wolf Packs and Resources By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 20, 2016
US Propaganda Operations Attract Extremist “Jihadist” Families By Wayne Madsen, June 19, 2016
Read This Before The US Government Uses the Orlando Shooting to Start Another War By Claire Bernish, June 19, 2016
Decoding the Orlando Shooting, Cui Bono? Who Benefits? By Mark Taliano, June 17, 2016
CIA Releases New and Gruesome Details on Its Torture Program By Dror Ladin, June 16, 2016
Why Doesn’t the Government Use Its Mass Surveillance to Bust the Big Criminals … the Banksters? By Washington's Blog, June 16, 2016
Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Harbored by G4S, the World’s Largest Private Security Company By Peter Phillips, June 15, 2016
Father of Orlando Shooter is Long-time CIA Asset By 21st Century Wire, June 15, 2016
Five Reasons to Question the Official Story of the Orlando Shooting By Brandon Turbeville, June 15, 2016
US Terrorism Hits Orlando: Inspired by the “Islamic State” or by the FBI? By Tony Cartalucci, June 15, 2016
Media Coverage of the Orlando Mass Shootings. The FBI, G4S, CIA, ISIS Nexus, “No Hard Questions Asked” By J. Michael Springmann, June 14, 2016
Before Orlando Nightclub Shooting, FBI Pursued Questionable “Terror” Suspects By Trevor Aaronson, June 13, 2016
CONFIRMED: FBI Introduced Florida Shooter to “Informants” By Tony Cartalucci, June 13, 2016
False Flag Terrorism and Class Struggle: From Paris to Abidjan By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, June 13, 2016
U.S. Government: Torture Doesn’t Work By Washington's Blog, June 13, 2016
US Law Enforcement Knew Florida Gay Club Shooter BEFORE Shooting By Tony Cartalucci, June 13, 2016
President John F. Kennedy with CIA Director Allen Dulles and Director-designate John McCone on September 27, 1961. Photo credit: Robert Knudsen. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston
Allen Dulles’ “Indonesian Strategy” and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy By Edward Curtin, June 12, 2016
Venezuela Maduro
US Southcom Operation “Venezuela Freedom”, American Strategy to Overthrow the Maduro Government By Héctor Bernardo, June 12, 2016
Clinton Approved Drone Assassinations With Her Cell Phone, Emails Reveal By Sputnik, June 12, 2016
The FBI Leaks Begin: Emails At Center Of Hillary Criminal Probe Revealed By Zero Hedge, June 11, 2016
Regime Change in Bolivia: US Intelligence Preparing to Oust President Evo Morales? By Nil Nikandrov, June 11, 2016
The Crisis is Real: Calling Upon All Venezuelans to the Table By Lisa Sullivan, June 10, 2016
Syrian Women Denounce USAID Funded ‘White Helmets’ in Syria By Prof. Tim Anderson, June 09, 2016
The Crimes of the “War on Terror”. Should George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Others Be Jailed? By Rebecca Gordon, June 09, 2016
Germany’s Foreign Intelligence Service (BND) to Become Branch of America’s CIA? By Eric Zuesse, June 08, 2016
Syria Solidarity Movement
The War on Syria and the Refugee Crisis: Censorship and “Humanitarian Propaganda”, NGOs Support America’s “Moderate Terrorists” By Rick Sterling, June 07, 2016
U.S. Expands Secret Wars in Africa By Justin Yun, June 07, 2016
The UN, the EU and Daesh Schizophrenia By Thierry Meyssan, June 07, 2016
“Al Qaeda with A Western Face Lift”: ‘Humanitarian’ NGOs Supporting Terrorists in Syria By Mnar Muhawesh and Vanessa Beeley, June 06, 2016
“Crisis of Character”: Former Secret Service Agent’s Book Blasts Hillary Clinton By Stephen Lendman, June 06, 2016
9/11′s Conspiracy Trio Falling Apart By Wayne Madsen, June 05, 2016
The New Facade for Regime Change: A Brief History of Humanitarian Interventionism By Prof. Vijay Prashad, June 04, 2016
CIA: The Corrupt and Ignorant Agency By Wayne Madsen, June 02, 2016
An Ex-CIA Agent Blows the Whistle on Torture and Secret Prisons By Edu Montesanti, June 02, 2016
Dreams of Control: Israel, Global Censorship, and the Internet By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 02, 2016
Video: Global Cyber-Security Standoff: US Intelligence “Hacks” Computers To “Combat Terrorism” By South Front, May 31, 2016
An Insider’s Look at the Dulles 9/11 Video By Kevin Ryan, May 31, 2016
Emailgate: The Clinton Spin Doctors In Action By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 30, 2016
There Has Been A Coup In Brazil. Secret Plot Revealed By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 30, 2016
Rethinking Iran-Contra: A Much Darker Story? By Robert Parry, May 30, 2016
EgyptAir Flight MS804 – What The Media Won’t Tell You By Shawn Helton, May 29, 2016
First Deposition Released on Clinton Email Case By Eric Zuesse, May 28, 2016
Leaked: Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) Documents. Wikileaks By Wikileaks, May 27, 2016
Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 26, 2016
1980 Oktoberfest Bombing: German Government and Secret Service Still Withholding Information By Dietmar Henning, May 25, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Energy Initiative Pressured Countries to Embrace Fracking, New Emails Reveal By Lee Fang and Steve Horn, May 25, 2016
CIA Continues to Undermine African Independence and Sovereignty By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 25, 2016
US Intelligence Veterans Urge Fast Report on Hillary Clinton’s Emails: “NSA, FBI Have Enough Evidence” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, May 24, 2016
CIA ‘Accidentally’ Destroyed 6,700 Page Torture Report? Snowden Calls Bullshit By Carey Wedler, May 23, 2016
Washington’s Financial Currency War on China: The Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 22, 2016
Despite Confession, CIA’s Role in Mandela’s Capture Can Still Hardly Be Told By Janine Jackson, May 21, 2016
NSA Participated In Worst Abuses of the Iraq War, Spied on the UN, Assisted with Torture and Assassinations By Washington's Blog, May 20, 2016
CIA ‘Mistakenly’ Destroys 6,700-Page Torture Report By Press TV, May 20, 2016
Is the 9/11 Scam Coming Undone? By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, May 20, 2016
Africa Liberation Day at 53: Pentagon and CIA Continue to Destabilize Continent By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 17, 2016
Brazil’s Acting President Michel Temer Used to Be US Intelligence Informant: WikiLeaks By RT, May 16, 2016
CIA Tip Led to Mandela’s Fateful 1962 Arrest, Claims US Ex-Diplomat By Joseph Fitsanakis, May 16, 2016
Regime Change Plot against Venezuela? President Nicolas Maduro Declares Emergency to Face Foreign Intervention By Telesur, May 15, 2016
Humanity against the Coup in Brazil By Global Research News, May 15, 2016
Myanmar, America’s Proxy State: West’s “Saint Suu Kyi” Tramples Rohingya By Tony Cartalucci, May 15, 2016
Dilma Out: Brazilian Plutocracy Sets 54 Million Votes on Fire By Pepe Escobar, May 15, 2016
Supporters of former Brazilian president Lula da Silva confront police officers in front of Lula's apartment in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, 4 March 2016.
Were the Koch Brothers Behind the Impeachment of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff By Telesur, May 15, 2016
Who is Behind Regime Change? “Revolution Business” NGO Supported by Wall Street and US Intelligence By Carl Gibson and Steve Horn, May 15, 2016