
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Neocons Leverage Trump-Hate for More Wars By Robert Parry, August 06, 2017
McMaster: U.S. Preparing for “Preventive War” with North Korea By Zero Hedge, August 06, 2017
Grand Jury Subpoenas Issued in Witch-Hunt “Russia Probe” By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2017
The Crisis in Venezuela: One-sided Reporting as a Prelude to Invasion? By Patrick Boylan, August 06, 2017
Remembering the Gulf of Tonkin, and the Consequences of Wanting to Believe By Janine Jackson, August 06, 2017
How Mainstream U.S. ‘News’ Media Pump Their Government’s Lies to Deceive the Public By Eric Zuesse, August 05, 2017
Europeans Start to Realize Consequences of US Military Involvement in Ukraine By EN News Front, August 05, 2017
Attorney General Sessions Announces Crackdown on Leakers, Threatens Reporters By Barry Grey, August 05, 2017
Is the Expanding U.S. Military Presence in Syria Legal? By Sharmine Narwani, August 05, 2017
EU to Become “Global Balancer” If It Gains Geopolitical Independence From the US By Gilbert Mercier and Ekaterina Blinova, August 05, 2017
Trump Will Now Become the War President, Serving the Interests of the Weapons Industry By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 05, 2017
Google Turning into Censorship Engine By Andre Damon and RT, August 05, 2017
Thailand: West Prepares Ground For Regime Change By Tony Cartalucci, August 04, 2017
Venezuela Regime Change Project Revealed By David William Pear, August 04, 2017
The War against Freedom of Expression: Russia Sanctions and the Coming Crackdown on Americans, and “The Non-Mainstream Media” By Daniel McAdams, August 04, 2017
Leaked Trump Phone Conversations with Foreign Leaders, Regime Change in America, Cold War 2.0, Risking Things Turning Hot By Stephen Lendman, August 04, 2017
Royal Advisors Have Advocated False Flag Terrorism for More Than 2,000 Years By Washington's Blog, August 03, 2017
A Blacklisted Film and the New Cold War By Robert Parry, August 03, 2017
America’s Record of Murder and Mayhem Since 1945: Some of the Worst Hits By Paul Street, August 03, 2017
Docs Reveal Monsanto’s Attempts to Influence Reports About Roundup By Jessica Corbett, August 03, 2017
Putin Should Thank US for Sanctions: Russia and Iran Ink $2.5 Billion Deal By Wade Shepard, August 03, 2017
Breaking: Seymour Hersh Cracks ‘RussiaGate’ as CIA-Planted Lie, Revenge Against Trump By Eric Zuesse, August 02, 2017
Terrorism: How the Israeli State Was Won By Tom Suarez, August 02, 2017
Reuters Suggests But Can Not Find “Iran’s New Route to Yemen” By Moon of Alabama, August 02, 2017
FBI Report Shows It Was Seth Rich – Not Russians – Who Gave DNC Emails to Wikileaks By Washington's Blog, August 02, 2017
Sen. Graham: Trump Says Destroying North Korea Is ‘Good Military Option’ By Jason Ditz, August 02, 2017
Did Hillary Scapegoat Russia to Save Her Campaign? By Mike Whitney, August 02, 2017
‘Furious’ US Complains of Russian ‘Lockout’ at Site By Jason Ditz, August 02, 2017
The Witch Hunt for Donald Trump Surpasses the Salem Witch Trials of 1692-93 By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 01, 2017
General Kagame Will ‘Win’ Rwanda’s Election By David Himbara and Ann Garrison, August 01, 2017
Reviving the Cult of Princess Diana By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 01, 2017
Trump Intel Chief: North Korea Learned From Libya War to “Never” Give Up Nukes By Jon Schwarz, August 01, 2017
US Drone Program Whistleblower Explains Why She Spoke Out By Lisa Ling and Edu Montesanti, August 01, 2017
U.S. Stealing Syria’s Ancient Artifacts By Shafaqna, August 01, 2017
Turkey, Russia and Interesting New Balkan Geopolitics By F. William Engdahl, August 01, 2017
New Google Algorithm Restricts Access to Left-wing, Progressive Web Sites By Andre Damon and Niles Niemuth, August 01, 2017
English Translation of Udo Ulfkotte’s “Bought Journalists” Suppressed? By James F. Tracy, July 31, 2017
CNN Crashes and Burns with ‘Exclusive’ Report on Russia Arming the Taliban By Veterans Info Source, July 31, 2017
Russia’s Expulsion of Staff From the US Embassy in Moscow Is Unprecedented and Huge By Alexander Mercouris, July 31, 2017
Fanciful Terrors: Bomb Plots and Australian Airport Security By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 31, 2017
Israel-Jordan Crisis Deepens as Jordan Exposes Identity of Shin Bet Killer, Ziv Moyal By Richard Silverstein, July 31, 2017
North Korea Would Hold Talks if South Korea Supports Peace Treaty with US By Hong Soon-do, July 31, 2017
Australia’s Secret Military Base: The Pine Gap “Stealth” Anniversary Party By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 30, 2017
Should AIPAC Register as a Foreign Agent? By Philip Giraldi, July 30, 2017
How CIA and Allies Trapped Obama in the Syrian Arms Debacle By Gareth Porter, July 30, 2017
Japan’s Prime Minister Abe on the Ropes – Sagging Popularity, Contentious Legacy By Andrew Korybko, July 30, 2017
False Flag Terrorism Isn’t a “Theory” … It’s Admitted and Widespread By Washington's Blog, July 29, 2017
Psychologists, Architects of CIA Experimental Torture Program By Kevin Gosztola, July 29, 2017
Trump Faces Down the CIA and Co-Opts the Pentagon on Syria (for the Time Being) By Glen Ford, July 29, 2017
US Military Declares “Time Is Running Out” Before War with North Korea By James Cogan, July 29, 2017
Breaking: Russia Suspends Use of US Embassy Property in Moscow By Adam Garrie, July 29, 2017
Trump’s Covert Drone Warfare, Killing Civilians in Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Libya, Afghanistan: “Flawed Intelligence Has Led to Civilian Casualties” By Peter Tatchell and Edu Montesanti, July 28, 2017
A Ray of Hope. EU Backlash against Washington’s Sanctions Regime directed against Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 28, 2017
Say Goodbye to Regime Change in Syria. Phasing Out of CIA “Train and Equip” in Support of “Moderate” Rebels? By Scott Ritter, July 28, 2017
100,000 Pages of Chemical Industry Secrets Gathered Dust in an Oregon Barn for Decades – Until Now By Sharon Lerner, July 28, 2017
Trump Is Being Moved Aside So That Conflict with Russia Can Proceed By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 27, 2017
Shock Horror! CIA Director Admits US Trying to Overthrow Venezuelan Government By Sputnik, July 27, 2017
Opinion: The Current Big Lie Is? From the “Cold War” to the “Hot War”? By Eric Zuesse, July 26, 2017
“Politically Correct”: The War on Free Speech, Free Press, Free Internet and the Truth. What is the Endgame? By Joachim Hagopian, July 26, 2017
Rex Tillerson Rumoured to be on Verge of Quitting as Secretary of State By Adam Garrie, July 25, 2017
Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job? Intelligence Vets Challenge the Forensic “Evidence” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, July 25, 2017
Will the CIA Obey a Trump Order to Stop Funding Terrorists? By Rick Sterling and Ann Garrison, July 25, 2017
Jared Kushner’s Statement Demolishes Russiagate By Alexander Mercouris, July 25, 2017
The Conspiracy to Remove Trump From the Presidency By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 25, 2017
Trump’s New Communications Director Just Shot Off His Mouth and May Have Gotten Trump Impeached By Jason Easley, July 24, 2017
Turkey Has Agreed to Buy Russia’s S-400 Advanced Missile-defense System, Leaving NATO Wondering What’s Next By Defend Democracy Press, July 24, 2017
Truth of Ukraine War Revealed: Watchdog Media Releases Timeline Video of Ukrainian War From Euromaidan to MH-17 By Clarity of Signal, July 24, 2017
The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 24, 2017
When Will America’s Crime Spree in Afghanistan End? “Punitive Raids” under the Cloak of “Humanitarian” Warfare By Jean Périer, July 24, 2017
Iraqi Sources Place Real Death Toll in US-led Siege of Mosul at 40,000 By Bill Van Auken, July 23, 2017
Murder, Spies and Weapons – Three Fascinating ‘Deep State’ Stories By Moon of Alabama, July 23, 2017
Trillions of Dollars in U.S. Military Spending Is Unaccounted-For. Tax Payers’ Money is Missing By Eric Zuesse, July 22, 2017
Financial Scams and the Bush Family: The Savings & Loan Scandal, the BCCI, the Mexican Drug Cartel, NAFTA By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 21, 2017
Pentagon Looses Track of $6.5 Trillion Embezzled “Unaccounted Funds” at Expense of US Tax Payers By Carl Herman, July 21, 2017
Pentagon Establishes Ten Illegal US Military Bases in Northern Syria By Russia Insider, July 21, 2017
Saudi Arabia – Bin Salman’s Coup Is a Model For His Own Ouster By Moon of Alabama, July 21, 2017
The Reign of Propaganda. Unfettered Lies Turned into Self-evident Truths By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 21, 2017
“Computational Propaganda”: Armies of Cyber-Troops Manipulating Public Opinion. By True Publica, July 20, 2017
Billions of Dollars’ Worth of Weapons Brought into Syria, “Arms Traffic Organized by CIA and Pentagon” By Thierry Meyssan, July 20, 2017
Pentagon Furious After Turkey Leaks U.S. Base Locations in Syria: “Hard Not to See This as a F-You” By Zero Hedge, July 20, 2017