
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Perpetual War: UK’s Armed Drones to Stay Deployed Beyond Campaign Against ISIS By Chris Cole, November 08, 2017
The Truth About Radical Islam By Tony Cartalucci, November 08, 2017
NATO Ministerial Meeting: Preparing for War on Russia? By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2017
The American War Machine Is Already on the Death March Across the African Continent By Prof. Vijay Prashad, November 08, 2017
“Explosive” Leaked Secret Israeli Cable Confirms Israeli-Saudi Coordination To Provoke War By Zero Hedge, November 07, 2017
“False Flags” Are So Common that U.S. Officials Commonly Discuss Them By Washington's Blog, November 06, 2017
Iran Accuses U.S. Government of Using Bin Laden’s Files to Distort Truth about 9/11 By South Front, November 06, 2017
JFK Files: CIA Plotted to Assassinate Fidel Castro, Stage Bombings in Miami By Eli Watkins and James Amalino, November 05, 2017
Forget the Emails… DNC Chair Admits DNC and Clinton Rigged Election Against Sanders By Washington's Blog, November 05, 2017
Burundi Exits the International Criminal Court (ICC), Interview with Canadian Lawyer David Paul Jacobs By David Paul Jacobs and Ann Garrison, November 05, 2017
The Assassination of JFK, the ‘Lone Gunman’ Mythology and the CIA’s Weaponizing of ‘Conspiracy Theories’ By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 04, 2017
Pentagon Think-Tank Praises Al Qaeda as ‘Moderate’ Islamists By Eric Zuesse, November 04, 2017
UN Security Council Sanctions Constitute a “Collective Punishment” against the People of North Korea By Carla Stea, November 04, 2017
From Iran-Contra to Russia-Gate, Washington Scandals – I’ve Seen This Story Before By Bruce K. Gagnon, November 03, 2017
Hezbollah Is Not a Threat to America By Sharmine Narwani, November 03, 2017
President Bashar al-Assad: U.S. and Its Western Allies Are to Blame for Failure of Latest Ceasefire By Bashar al Assad and Politika, November 03, 2017
Terrorism and the Continuing Threat from Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) By True Publica, November 03, 2017
Washington Corruption Is Unparalleled in History By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 03, 2017
Russian Officials to be Charged with DNC Hacking? No Evidence, No Hacking Occurred! By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2017
How America Spreads Global Chaos By Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 02, 2017
Neocons Push Dubious Paper to Allege Iran – Al-Qaeda Connection By Moon of Alabama, November 02, 2017
Democrats, Class and Russia-gate Magic By Phil Rockstroh, November 02, 2017
US Department of Justice (DOJ) Continues to Block Media Access to Convicted Boston Marathon Bomber Tsarnaev By James Henry, November 02, 2017
US Has 150 Nuclear Weapons in Five NATO Countries: Turkish Parliament Report By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Hurriyet Daily News, November 02, 2017
Russiagate Investigations Discredited, Continue Anyway By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2017
Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Indicted By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2017
Putin: Someone Is Harvesting Russian Bio Samples for Obscure Purposes By RT News, November 01, 2017
Chrystia Freeland: Canada Doesn’t Engage in “Regime Change” By Yves Engler, November 01, 2017
How Obama and Hillary Clinton Weaponized the Trump-Russia Collusion ‘Dossier’ By George Szamuely, November 01, 2017
Blaming the Afghan War Failure on — Russia By Jonathan Marshall, November 01, 2017
Sorting Out the Russia Mess By Robert Parry, November 01, 2017
The Deep State’s JFK Triumph over Trump By Ray McGovern, October 31, 2017
Top Six Trump Administration Crimes that Ought to Bring Indictments By Prof. Juan Cole, October 31, 2017
The Rise of MEK/NCRI in Washington: Pay Off the Right People and You Are No Longer a Terrorist By Philip Giraldi, October 31, 2017
Neocons Hijack Trump’s Syria Policy By Rep. Ron Paul, October 31, 2017
George Papadopoulos Was a Campaign Volunteer – All Attempts to Get Trump to Meet with Russians Were Rejected By Cristina Laila, October 31, 2017
“Global Thunder”: US Kicks Off Major Military Exercise Days After Russian ICBM Drills By RT News, October 31, 2017
The Canada-Israel Nexus By Jim Miles, October 31, 2017
Iraqi Forces Deployed in Altun Kupri and North of Kurdish Capital Irbil By Nermeen Al-Mufti, October 30, 2017
In Shocking, Viral Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War. Weapons to Al Qaeda First Started in 2011 By Zero Hedge, October 30, 2017
The Soviet Union Was Shocked About John Kennedy’s Assassination. Released National Security Document By Dmitriy Sudakov, October 30, 2017
Trump and Iran. “President Trump is Willing to Pursue a Path of Aggression” By Adeyinka Makinde, October 30, 2017
North Korea Conducts Mass Evacuation Drills, Blackout Exercises By Zero Hedge, October 30, 2017
What Happened to the JFK Records? By Rex Bradford, October 30, 2017
Will Donald Trump Confront the CIA? Will He Take the Risk of Becoming “Another John Kennedy”? By Aidyn Mehtiyev, October 30, 2017
Africa: Continent Where US Military Wages Shadow Wars By Peter Korzun, October 30, 2017
JFK Files Expose CIA Plot to Stage Miami Bombings and Blame Fidel Castro By Telesur, October 30, 2017
Balkanisation, Myanmar and the US “Pivot to Asia” directed against China By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, October 29, 2017
Assessing the US-Backed Iraqi-Saudi Rapprochement By Andrew Korybko, October 29, 2017
Washington’s “Kurdistan” Policy Not Adding Up By Ulson Gunnar, October 29, 2017
Syria, Iraq, Libya: The Staged-Massacre Routine and False Flag Operations For Regime Change By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, October 28, 2017
US Department of Defense (DOD) Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests in November By Zero Hedge, October 28, 2017
Russia Rejects the False UN-OPCW Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack By, October 28, 2017
Russia-gate Breeds ‘Establishment McCarthyism’ By Robert Parry, October 28, 2017
“Reign of the Assad Family Is Coming to an End” – US Secretary of State Tillerson By Leith Fadel, October 27, 2017
The Gigantic City Project Called NEOM: Saudi Arabia Might Recognize Israel Because of NEOM Project By Andrew Korybko, October 27, 2017
The U.S. War Machine Marches On: The Truth About Trump, the JFK Assassination and the Deep State By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 27, 2017
Former CIA Director Richard Helms Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from CIA Library
“CIA Lying Performance” Then and Now: The JFK Assassination Versus The CIA’s Obstruction of Justice in 2015 By Prof Peter Dale Scott and Milicent Cranor, October 27, 2017
Britain Drops 3,400 Bombs in Syria and Iraq – and Says No Civilians Killed By Jamie Merrill, October 27, 2017
U.S. Troop Deaths in Niger: AFRICOM’s Chickens Come Home to Roost By Mark P. Fancher, October 27, 2017
political sanctions
Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu Is Leading US President Trump to War with Iran By Prof. James Petras, October 27, 2017
United States Imperialist Aims Exposed in Niger By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 27, 2017
Bombshell NSA Memo: Saudi Arabia Ordered Attack on Damascus International Airport with US Knowledge By Zero Hedge, October 26, 2017
My Guantánamo Diary, Uncensored By Mohamedou Ould Slahi, October 26, 2017
Russia ‘Opposes’ Latest Massive US-Led War Games in Waters Off Korea, Japan By Telesur, October 26, 2017
US/Saudi Collusion Against Syria, Top Secret NSA Document By Stephen Lendman, October 26, 2017
Donald and Vlad: They Spoke By Israel Shamir, October 26, 2017
The US Military Is Occupying 53 of 54 African Nations By Rachel Blevins, October 26, 2017
America Willing to Negotiate with the Taliban? By Stephen Lendman, October 25, 2017
‘Can You Say Corruption?’ Puerto Rico Contract for Trump-Connected Raises Concerns By Julia Conley, October 25, 2017
“Dirty Politics”: Hillary and DNC Behind Fake Trump Dossier By Stephen Lendman, October 25, 2017
India Mimics America and Hints at a Russian Twitter Troll Conspiracy By Andrew Korybko, October 25, 2017
America’s Plans for its Myanmar Client State By Tony Cartalucci, October 25, 2017
Slain US Special Forces Troops on Apparent Assassination Mission in Niger By Bill Van Auken, October 25, 2017
Phoenix 2.0 – CIA’s Vietnam Terror Unleashed Upon Afghanistan By Moon of Alabama, October 25, 2017
The FBI’s Forgotten Criminal History By James Bovard, October 25, 2017
US-UK Dirty War: ‘Latin American-style’ Death Squads in Iraq Revealed Through Chilcot By Patrick Henningsen, October 25, 2017
Winning in Africa. US Military-Industrial Complex Supplants State Department Diplomacy By Brian Cloughley, October 24, 2017
Turkey to Establish Eight Military Bases in Syria’s Idlib Province By South Front, October 24, 2017
What’s Going on in Niger? America’s Unspoken War against sub-Saharan Africa By Stephen Lendman, October 24, 2017