
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
British Media Restarts Push for Regime Change in Russia By Kit, March 11, 2018
The British Government is “Talking War With Russia”: The Mysterious Skripal Incident-Another Anti-Russian Provocation By Christopher Black, March 11, 2018
Trump Agrees to Meet with North Korean Leader “Face to Face”: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, March 10, 2018
Diplomatic Breakthrough between North and South Korea? Open Letter to President Trump By Kevin Martin, March 10, 2018
The National Endowment for (Meddling in) Democracy By Daniel Lazare, March 10, 2018
Coverage of Double Agent’s Alleged Poisoning Is Hysterical Propaganda – Lavrov By RT News, March 10, 2018
Those Who Controlled the Past Should Not Control the Future By Norman Solomon, March 10, 2018
Anti-Russia Campaign Follows Alleged Poisoning of Former UK/Russian Double Agent and Daughter By Robert Stevens, March 10, 2018
Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA: “Facebook, Google and Other Social Media Used to Spy on People” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 09, 2018
Make-Believe America: The US is Said to Have Full Employment, Misleading Statistics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 09, 2018
Djibouti Is Dangerously Becoming a Trigger for Transregional Destabilization By Andrew Korybko, March 09, 2018
Viral Apologies and Jeremy Corbyn: Espionage Claims and the Failed Tory Campaign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 09, 2018
The “Juniper Cobra” Air Defense Exercise: American and Israeli Forces Prepare for War against Syria, Hezbollah and Palestine By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 09, 2018
Washington Is Intent on Destroying Iran By Brian Cloughley, March 08, 2018
‘Progressive’ Journalists Jump the Shark on Russiagate By Ray McGovern, March 08, 2018
Washington Wrecks Cyber Security Talks By Arkady Savitsky, March 08, 2018
Are You Listening, America? “If the Button is Pushed, There’s No Running Away” By Scott Ritter, March 08, 2018
US Destabilization Plan for Iran and the Middle East, and the Need to Strengthen the Resistance By Farhad Shahabi, March 07, 2018
US Wants Inter-Korean Thaw Undermined By Stephen Lendman, March 07, 2018
North Korea: A Threat or A Victim? Some Facts. By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 07, 2018
Foreign “Meddling” in Elections—Yankee Imperialist Style By Bill Van Auken, March 07, 2018
Historic Defeat for Social Democrats in Italian Election By Marianne Arens, March 07, 2018
political sanctions
Trump ‘May’ Attend US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem By Middle East Eye, March 06, 2018
Trump-Netanyahu Meeting at White House to Discuss Multi-Front War in Middle East By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 06, 2018
CIA Admits to Congress the Agency Uses Mainstream Media to Distribute Disinformation: 1975 Video By Melissa Dykes, March 06, 2018
Tillerson Targets Africa While Administration Declares Trade War Amid Intensified Militarism By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 06, 2018
US Seeks to Intentionally Prolong Syrian Bloodshed By Tony Cartalucci, March 05, 2018
How ‘Operation Merlin’ Poisoned U.S. Intelligence on Iran By Gareth Porter, March 05, 2018
Hurricane Katrina: US Let Its Citizens Die Rather Than Accept Cuban Aid By Shane Quinn, March 05, 2018
Putin Trumps Trump. Russia’s New Nuclear-Armed Weapons By Eric Margolis, March 05, 2018
Tell Us Why We’re At War, President Trump By Peter Van Buren, March 05, 2018
Media React to Russian Super-Weapons By Stephen Lendman, March 05, 2018
Careful What You Wish For: China is “Quietly Reshaping the World” By Asad Ismi, March 04, 2018
Animal Rights and The Vegan Revolution By Steve Jones, March 04, 2018
Far Reaching Agreement, Military and Strategic Implications? Russia-China Joint Data Center for Lunar Projects and Deep Space Exploration By RT News and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 04, 2018
Nuclear Bravado: Putin’s Nuclear Invincibles By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 03, 2018
9/11 and the WTC Towers: Why Do Self-styled “Skeptics” Believe in Their Own Brand of Miracles? By Petra Liverani, March 03, 2018
Syria’s New Srebrenica in the Making By Stephen Karganovic, March 03, 2018
‘Nuclear War Between Russia and US Will Bring End to Civilization’ By RT News, March 03, 2018
Putin’s State of the Union Reveals Russian Superiority in Nuclear Weapons Technology By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 02, 2018
“A Humanitarian Catastrophe”: The Five Countries Enabling Saudi’s War in Yemen By Al Bawaba, March 01, 2018
Paying Tribute: Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in the US By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 01, 2018
The Russia Indictment: A Danger to Peace and Democracy By Christopher Black, March 01, 2018
NATO’s ‘Unfinished Business’ in the Balkans Now Targeting Bosnia’s Serbs By Aleksandar Pavic, March 01, 2018
What Could a Left Presidency Look Like in Mexico? By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, February 28, 2018
Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment Is a Threat to All of Us. “Controlled Explanations” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 28, 2018
Video: “…And I am a Russian Bot” By Will Markham, February 28, 2018
Endgame Russia: NATO Sprawl Invades Eastern Europe, No More Illusions By Robert Bridge, February 28, 2018
Honeybees, Birds, Butterflies: Neonicotinoid Pesticides Destroy Wildlife, Fail to Increase Crop Yields By Center For Biological Diversity, February 28, 2018
Funding Infrastructure: Why China Is Running Circles Around America By Ellen Brown, February 28, 2018
According to Washington, Crimes against Humanity are Solely Perpetrated by the Victims of US-Led Wars By Shane Quinn, February 27, 2018
Turkey Threatens to Invade Greece By Uzay Bulut, February 27, 2018
Ethiopia’s Latest State of Emergency By Andrew Korybko, February 27, 2018
Erdogan Vows to Recapture All Lands Once Held by the Ottoman Empire — and More By Robert Spencer, February 26, 2018
Netanyahu Besieged. Regime Change in Israel? By Israel Shamir, February 26, 2018
Britain Officially Prepares Now for War Against Russia By Eric Zuesse, February 26, 2018
Did the CIA Sabotage Russia at the Olympics? By Rick Sterling, February 26, 2018
Is Israel’s Likud Government Institutionally Corrupt? By Hans Stehling, February 26, 2018
Western Imperialism and “Regime Change” in Zimbabwe By Mafa Kwanisai Mafa, February 26, 2018
School Shootings and America’s “War Culture”. “Heroic Gun Play” Is The Air Children Breath in USA By Jay Janson, February 26, 2018
GOP Senator Says Trump Is Ready to Start War with North Korea, Which Would be “One of the Worst Catastrophic Events in History” By Jon Schwarz, February 25, 2018
Parkland School Shooting: Top 10 Reasons for Deeper Interrogation By James F. Tracy, February 25, 2018
Armenia’s Black Sea-Persian Gulf Corridor Plans Risk Antagonizing Russia By Andrew Korybko, February 25, 2018
How the NSA Can Greatly Reduce Mass School Shootings By Washington's Blog, February 25, 2018
Trump Uses Australian PM’s Visit to Threaten North Korea By Peter Symonds, February 25, 2018
Nobody Wants to Talk About What Many Mass Shooters Have in Common By Carey Wedler, February 25, 2018
Far-right Terrorists Shoot at DPRK Association in Tokyo By Adam Garrie, February 24, 2018
“It Was a Good Laugh” – German Newspaper Publishes Embarrassing “Russian Meddling” Hoax By Zero Hedge, February 24, 2018
Cuba Is an Example for Fighting Hunger: FAO By Telesur, February 24, 2018
$21 Trillion Missing From US Federal Budget By Project Censored, February 23, 2018
The Kurds Have Backed Damascus into a Corner By Andrew Korybko, February 23, 2018
War Preparations Against Venezuela as Election Nears By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 23, 2018
Anti-Trump, Anti-Russian Fundamentalism. The Reckless “Resistance” By Ann Garrison, February 22, 2018
“Stooge Time” for America. Florida School Killer Nikolas Cruz Diagnosed with Depression, Autism and ADHD By Philip A Farruggio, February 22, 2018
Confirmed US Meddling in Thailand’s Upcoming Elections By Joseph Thomas, February 22, 2018
Crack and the Contras: How the CIA, Mainstream Media Propaganda and the Contras Fueled the Crack Cocaine Epidemic By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 21, 2018
Syria’s Afrin Move: “Artful Assistance to Allies” or “Armageddon in the Making”? By Andrew Korybko, February 21, 2018
Russiagate Suddenly Becomes Bigger By Philip Giraldi, February 21, 2018
Dancing to US Tune: NATO Creates Military Schengen and Launches Iraq Mission By Alex Gorka, February 21, 2018
‘Virus’ of Nationalism Has Been Smashed Repeatedly with Dictatorships Installed by the US By Shane Quinn, February 20, 2018