
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
The US Nuclear Option and the “War on Terrorism” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 29, 2018
White House Intel: John McCain Expected to Retire from U.S. Senate By Investigative Bureau, April 29, 2018
Trump Orders Release of JFK Assassination Files — But Many Redactions Remain By Jimmy Falls, April 29, 2018
New Group of JFK Assassination Documents Available to the Public By National Archives, April 29, 2018
Spy University: How Intelligence Agencies Recruit Their Next Generation By Jeff Schechtman, April 29, 2018
Bots, Hashtags and Fake Social Media: How Facebook Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Divide and Conquer America By David DeGraw, April 29, 2018
Why the U.S. Regime Hates Vladimir Putin By Eric Zuesse, April 29, 2018
Frightening Scenario: Israel Has the WMD Capability to Start an International Nuclear Conflict By Hans Stehling, April 29, 2018
Latin America vs. Israel: Paraguay Announces Plans to Move Tel-Aviv Embassy to Jerusalem By Telesur, April 28, 2018
Korea’s Panmunjom Declaration: A Glimmer of Hope By Askiah Adam, April 28, 2018
The Balfour Declaration Was NOT Written by Arthur Balfour By Hans Stehling, April 28, 2018
South and North Korea Prepare to Discuss an End to the Korean War By Tim Shorrock, April 28, 2018
Gaza Hospitals Face Biggest Drug Shortage in 11 Years By The Palestinian Information Center, April 28, 2018
The News that Russia Won’t Intervene in Armenia Is an Infowar in and of Itself By Andrew Korybko, April 27, 2018
North Korean Leader’s Cross-Border Walk for Peace By Stephen Lendman, April 27, 2018
Going After the “Russian Bots”: British News Team Promote Fake News About Fake News By True Publica, April 27, 2018
Asia Shutting Down US-Turkish Ugyhur Terror Pipeline By Tony Cartalucci, April 27, 2018
Why Europe Is Afraid of China’s New Silk Roads By Pepe Escobar, April 27, 2018
Koreas Agree to Call for Formal End to War This Year By Kim Rahn, April 27, 2018
Video: No Attack, No Victims, No Chemical Weapons: Douma Witnesses Speak at OPCW Briefing at The Hague By RT News, April 27, 2018
The Kim-Moon DMZ Summit: The Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula By Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un, April 27, 2018
The Kim-Moon DMZ Summit: Sophisticated North Korean Diplomacy Rewards Kim Jong-un By Federico Pieraccini, April 27, 2018
How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today By Philip Giraldi, April 27, 2018
News Reports Suggest Amman Is Revoking Jordanian Citizenship of Abbas and 30 PA Members By Juliane Helmhold, April 26, 2018
Trump Lawyer: There’s No Muslim Ban Because Trump Thinks Islam Is ‘One of the Greatest Countries’ By Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani, April 26, 2018
DPRK’s Closing the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site By 38 North, April 26, 2018
Israel: Condemned by Their Own Words By Craig Murray, April 26, 2018
More Psychiatry and More Psychiatric Medications Means More Mass Shootings By Dr. Peter R. Breggin, April 26, 2018
Addressing US Congress, Macron Backs Neocolonial Carve-up of Middle East By Alex Lantier, April 26, 2018
Putin’s “Chaos” Warning Should be Taken Very Seriously By Andrew Korybko, April 26, 2018
Video: The Art of War: Seventy Years of Subjection to the US and NATO By Manlio Dinucci, April 26, 2018
The Resumption of Russia-Israel Free Trade Talks Proves “Ties Are Fantastic”. Implications for Syria? By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2018
The Border Fetish. The Militarization of the U.S. Mexico Border By Todd Miller, April 25, 2018
Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley: Scarier than John Bolton? By Philip Giraldi, April 25, 2018
Anti-Syrian Propaganda Based on False Images of Torture: Danish State TV By Balder Blog, April 25, 2018
South Korea Government: “…We Got a Call from Our Next-door Neighbor” By Massoud Nayeri, April 25, 2018
Turkey’s Military Offensive in Afrin By Nagapushpa Devendra, April 25, 2018
Why Did Turkey Support the US Missile Strike on Syria? By Salman Rafi Sheikh, April 25, 2018
UK Sells $445 Million of Arms to Israel, Including Sniper Rifles By Jamie Merrill, April 25, 2018
War Criminals
John Bolton, the Anti-Muslim Think Tank and Brexit By True Publica, April 25, 2018
What “Moral Obligation” Did Russia Have to Not Sell S-300s to Syria? Moscow-Tel Aviv’s Unspoken Relationship By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2018
War Profiteers vs. The People of the United States By David DeGraw, April 25, 2018
The Russia-India Cruise Missile S-400 Deal: Will the Threat of U.S. CATSA Sanctions Make Delhi Say Bye-Bye to the “Brahmos” Project with Moscow? By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2018
Saudi Arabia’s Drone Scare Might Have Really Been a “Coup Attempt” against Crown Prince Bin Salman (MBS) By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2018
US Decries China’s High-Speed Rail in Laos. Connecting China’s Yunnan to South East Asia By Joseph Thomas, April 24, 2018
The “Ukraine Issue” and Canada’s “Foreign” Minister Chrystia Freeland By PaulR, April 24, 2018
The West’s Trauma of Its Dissolution. Facts fitted Around the Narrative By Alastair Crooke, April 24, 2018
US CENTCOM Chief Makes “Secret and Unprecedented” Visit to Israel as Russia Mulls Arming Syria By Zero Hedge, April 24, 2018
US-Led NATO, Israel Plotting Escalated Aggression in Syria? By Stephen Lendman, April 24, 2018
Nicaragua: Next in Line for Regime Change? By Tortilla Con Sal, April 24, 2018
What Will Weapons Inspectors Find in Syria…and Does It Matter? By Rep. Ron Paul, April 24, 2018
Watching Syria, Remembering Nicaragua By Richard Becker, April 24, 2018
The ‘Mad Dog’ Speaks: Mattis Drops Syria Chemical Weapons Bombshell: “We Have No Evidence” By True Publica, April 23, 2018
Political Unrest in Saudi Arabia? Gunfire Around Saudi King’s Palace? Unconfirmed Reports By Global Research News, April 23, 2018
Video: Douma Chemical Attack Is Staged By Peter Ford and Gary Robertson, April 23, 2018
Can an Independent Nationalist Become President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)? By Richard Galustian, April 23, 2018
Latin America in the Time of Trump: US Domination and The “Neo-Monroe Doctrine” By Prof. James Petras, April 23, 2018
US Provides Military Assistance to 73 Percent of the World’s Dictatorships By Rich Whitney, April 23, 2018
Rudy Giuliani and the Collapse of the WTC Towers on 9/11 By David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, April 23, 2018
Philip May, Husband of Prime Minister May: Yet Another Example of the ‘Cosy Relationship’ Between Government and the Arms Industry By Political Concern, April 23, 2018
Will Congress Write the President a “Blank Check for War”? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 23, 2018
Top Six Reasons Pompeo Should Not be Secretary of State By Prof. Juan Cole, April 22, 2018
Democrats Escalate Anti-Russia Witch Hunt with Lawsuit Linking Trump and Assange as Russian Agents By Barry Grey, April 22, 2018
Evidence – Novichok Delivery System Patented in the US By True Publica, April 22, 2018
North Korea Extends a Good Faith “Olive Branch”. Kim-Trump Summit in June? By Stephen Lendman, April 22, 2018
Trump to “Counter” DNC Lawsuit Alleging “A Far-reaching Conspiracy to …Tilt the 2016 Election to Donald Trump” By Zero Hedge, April 22, 2018
A New African Country: Everything You Need to Know About “eSwatini” By Andrew Korybko, April 22, 2018
To Save the Iran Deal, the EU Should Adjust Its Strategy By Eldar Mamedov, April 21, 2018
An Irish Singer who Railed against Indignities and Atrocities Cozying up with George W. Bush By Philip A Farruggio, April 21, 2018
Senior Civil Servants Still Deeply Sceptical of Russian Responsibility for Skripal Poisoning By Craig Murray, April 21, 2018
The Stench of Imperialism: The Statement of Theresa May, Blatant War Propaganda By Christopher Black, April 21, 2018
The European Parliament Calls for Immediate End to Blockade on Gaza By The Palestinian Information Center, April 21, 2018
Scary Scenario: California’s Hayward Bay Earthquake Fault Line Is More Dangerous Than San Andreas: It’s a ‘Ticking Time Bomb’ By Mac Slavo, April 21, 2018
On the Criminal Referral of Comey, Clinton et al: Will the Constitution Hold and the Media Continue to Suppress the Story? By Ray McGovern, April 21, 2018
North Korea to Close Nuclear Testing Site? By Jason Ditz, April 21, 2018
The UK Refused to Raid a Company Suspected of Money Laundering, Citing Its Tory Donations By Heidi Blake, Tom Warren, Richard Holmes, and Jane Bradley, April 20, 2018
Theresa May’s Husband’s Capital Group Is Largest Shareholder in BAE, Shares Soar Since Syrian Airstrikes By RT News, April 20, 2018
Exclusive Emails Show How the White Helmets Tried to Recruit Roger Waters with Saudi Money By Max Blumenthal, April 20, 2018
France Is America’s New “Special Partner” in Europe, Washington’s Chief Ally on the Continent By Andrew Korybko, April 20, 2018
How Western “Journalism” Fulfills George Orwell’s Prediction of “Newspeak” By Eric Zuesse, April 20, 2018