
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
The Real Reason Behind Canada’s Arrest of China’s Huawei Executive Meng Wanzhou By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Ron Unz, and Christopher Black, December 23, 2018
Video: School Pathologist Loses Her Job for Refusing to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath By TRT World, December 22, 2018
Withdrawal from Syria? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 21, 2018
Turkey’s Erdogan Vows “All Measures” to Circumvent U.S. Sanctions on Iran By Zero Hedge, December 21, 2018
Leaving Syria: President Trump’s Withdrawal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 21, 2018
Trump’s Syrian Withdrawal Order Sparks Political Firestorm in Washington By Bill Van Auken, December 21, 2018
British Government Covert Anti-Russian Propaganda and the Skripal Case By Craig Murray, December 21, 2018
Documentary: ‘The Lobby – USA’. America’s “Special Relationship with Israel” By Robert Fantina, December 20, 2018
Influencing Foreigners Is What Intelligence Agencies Do. Spreading Disinformation and Confusion By Philip Giraldi, December 20, 2018
Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War By Mohamed Elmaazi and Max Blumenthal, December 20, 2018
The Ontario Government’s “Education Funding Guide”: A First Step Towards Privatization? By Dudley Paul, December 19, 2018
Video: Russian Private Military Contractor Killed in New Round of Escalation in Northern Latakia By South Front, December 19, 2018
Is Canada Huawei Arrest Attempt to Sabotage Trump Xi Talks? By F. William Engdahl, December 19, 2018
“Alexa, Launch Our Nukes!” Artificial Intelligence and the Future of War By Michael T. Klare, December 19, 2018
NATO-Backed Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Poses with Pro-Nazi Soldier By Ben Norton, December 18, 2018
Rod Rosenstein
Alleged Russia Meddling: UK Report Falsely Claims Russia Went All-Out Trying to Help Elect Trump By Stephen Lendman, December 18, 2018
Video: US “Local Partners” in Northeast Syria Are About to be “Sold to Turkey” By South Front, December 18, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Is Set to Respond to Any Future Israeli Attacks By South Front, December 18, 2018
A Green Future for Oman: A Trail for Environmentalism in the Arab World By Austin Bodetti, December 17, 2018
Smartphone Wars: Yandex and Huawei Challenge Western Monopolies By Caleb Maupin, December 17, 2018
The ISIS Massacre in Sweida: A Story of Torment and Resilience for an Uninterested World By Vanessa Beeley, December 16, 2018
Slowing Down the Beast of American Empire: A Salute to the Life and Legacy of William Blum By Michael Welch, William Blum, Chris Agee, Louis Wolf, and Barrie Zwicker, December 16, 2018
Breakthrough in Yemen Peace Talks? Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, December 15, 2018
Scientists Will Begin Geo-engineering Experiment and Try to Block the Sun By Mac Slavo, December 15, 2018
Financial Bounty Hunters Testify: Clinton Foundation Operated as Foreign Agent By Sara Carter, December 15, 2018
Trump’s “Prosper Africa” Strategy Is an Admission of Defeat But Also a Wily Trap By Andrew Korybko, December 15, 2018
What are the Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia? “70% Chance of Combat” By George Szamuely and Ann Garrison, December 15, 2018
Averting World Conflict with China By Ron Unz, December 14, 2018
Corrupt Oligarch? Britain Welcomes You as “Visa Scheme for Rich” Not Suspended By True Publica, December 14, 2018
DUP and Britain’s Labour Party ‘Hold Talks on Motion of No Confidence Against Tories’ By Tom D. Rogers, December 14, 2018
Trans-African Railways: Russia’s Expertise Could Reshape African Geopolitics By Andrew Korybko, December 13, 2018
A World of Multiple Detonators of Global Wars. Wars by Proxy By Prof. James Petras, December 13, 2018
Ukraine Has the Capabilities to Develop Nuclear Weapons: How will Russia React? By Federico Pieraccini, December 13, 2018
Plan A+: Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) Withdraws Rival Brexit Plan after Charity Watchdog’s Investigation By Alice Ross and Lawrence Carter, December 13, 2018
Video: Turkey Threatens US-backed Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria with New Operation By South Front, December 13, 2018
Trump Nominates U.S. Army General Mark Milley for the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Who Previously Said That Russia Is the No.1 Threat to the U.S. By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 12, 2018
Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans to Investigators By Zero Hedge, December 12, 2018
Video: Mopping Up ISIS and Al Qaeda Terror Groups: 96.5% of Syrian Territory Retaken by Pro-Government Forces and Russia Military? By South Front, December 12, 2018
Gold Price Analysis: Closer to a Significant Monetary Event By Hubert Moolman, December 12, 2018
How the US Creates “Sh*thole” Countries By Jim Miles, December 12, 2018
Anglo-Saxon “Eyes” Are Fixed on “Taking China Down” By Jean Périer, December 12, 2018
Gilets Jaunes: A Glimmer of Hope and Sanity By Mark Taliano, December 12, 2018
Video: Behind the US Attack on Chinese Smartphones By Manlio Dinucci, December 12, 2018
‘Terrorism’ Database Cites ‘Islamophobic’ Sources in Muslim Profiles By Richard Assheton and Peter Oborne, December 11, 2018
Video: Prominent Turkish Backed FSA Commander Defects to Syria Government Forces By South Front, December 11, 2018
RussiaGate, the Mueller Investigation and the Clinton Foundation By F. William Engdahl, December 11, 2018
Video: U.S. Officially Accuses Assad, Russia of Staging Chemical Attack in Aleppo By South Front, December 11, 2018
Trump Has Been Broken by the Military -Security Complex. The Risk of Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 10, 2018
Authoritarian UK Government Is Funding Military Grade Psyops to Smear and Calumniate Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party By Kitty S Jones, December 10, 2018
The Book: Brexit – A Corporate Coup d’état. The Great Con that Will Ruin Britain By True Publica, December 10, 2018
Labour Demand Government Explains £2m Taxpayers’ Cash Funding Infowars Unit Which Smeared Corbyn and Labour By Ben Gelblum, December 10, 2018
Trump Turns International Organizations into ‘Neo-Confetti’ By Wayne Madsen, December 10, 2018
A People’s History of George H. W. Bush. “Soldier Statesman” or Criminal War Profiteer? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Stephen Lendman, and John Buchanan, December 09, 2018
Misreporting Manafort and the Julian Assange Affair: A Case Study in Journalistic Malpractice By Alan MacLeod, December 08, 2018
Fed Up with Trump’s Knickers and Golf Shirts and Insults By Abby Zimet, December 08, 2018
Canada Arrests Meng Wanzhou, CFO of HuaWei, China’s Global Cell Phone Competitor By Christopher Black, December 08, 2018
Towards a Russia-Pakistan Railway Corridor? By Andrew Korybko, December 08, 2018
Nominee for US Ambassador to Yemen Is No Friend of the Yemeni People By Colonel Ann Wright, December 08, 2018
Brexit Threats: Tory MP Suggests Using Possible ‘No-deal’ Food Shortages in Ireland to Drop the Backstop By Gráinne Ní Aodha, December 07, 2018
Digital Sovereignty. A Public Service Internet for Europe? Protecting Users’ Personal Data By Professor Angela Phillips, December 07, 2018
The Security Derangement Complex: Technology Companies and Australia’s Anti-Encryption Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 07, 2018
Suicide Bombing in Iran’s Chahabar Port: “Blowback” from US-India War against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? By Andrew Korybko, December 06, 2018
Video: Netanyahu Kicks Off War on Hezbollah ‘Attack Tunnels’ in Northern Israel By South Front, December 06, 2018
Operation #Northern Shield: Countdown to Another Israel-Hezbollah War? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 06, 2018
China Outraged at Arrest of Huawei CFO, Warns It Will “Take All Measures” By Zero Hedge, December 06, 2018
On the Way to A Libyan Settlement? Khalifa Haftar and Fayez M. Al-Sarraj “Closed Meeting” on “The Sidelines” By Firas Samuri, December 05, 2018
Video: The Spider’s Web. Britain’s Second Empire. Corrupting the Global Economy. The British Elites’ Network of Tax Havens By True Publica, December 05, 2018
When America’s Media Contradicts America’s President By Eric Zuesse, December 05, 2018
“New Scramble for Africa”: The UAE Will Help India “Multi-Align” Against China in Africa By Andrew Korybko, December 05, 2018
The Film the Israel Lobby Does Not Want You to See By Chris Hedges, December 05, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Eliminate ISIS Terrorists in Al-Suwayda Province. US-controlled Zone of Al-Tanf Used by ISIS Terrorists as a Safe Haven By South Front, December 05, 2018
What Foreign Threats? By Philip Giraldi, December 04, 2018
Why Is India Bragging About Allegedly Tracking a Chinese Submarine in the Indian Ocean? By Andrew Korybko, December 04, 2018
Qatar: We’re Quitting OPEC in 2019 By Middle East Eye, December 04, 2018
Did Ukraine Coordinate Its Provocation in Black Sea with ‘Western Partners’? By South Front, December 03, 2018
MI6 Officials Said to be Lobbying Trump to Prevent Declassification of Russian Collusion Documents By Elizabeth Vaughn, December 02, 2018
“Kerch Incident” Was Premeditated? US Military Contractor Hiring Personnel to Support Classified ‘Contingency Operations’ in Ukraine By South Front, December 02, 2018
US Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Kill Prospects for Arms Control By Andrei Akulov, December 02, 2018
Political Succession and “The Bush-Clinton Nexus”: Permanent Criminal State. The Legacy of George Herbert Walker Bush By Larry Chin, December 02, 2018
George H.W. Bush, the CIA and a Case of State-Sponsored Terrorism By Robert Parry, December 01, 2018