
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Iraqi Media: US Helicopters Drop Food & Medicine to ISIS in Anbar By Arabi Souri, May 08, 2019
Will the Trump Regime Attack Venezuela and Iran? By Stephen Lendman, May 08, 2019
Video: Multiple Casualties Reported Amid Clashes in Northwestern Hama By South Front, May 08, 2019
Breaking Down Pompeo’s Verbal Assault on Russia and China’s Arctic Interests By Andrew Korybko, May 08, 2019
How GMO Seeds and Monsanto /Bayer’s “RoundUp” Are Driving US Policy in Venezuela By Whitney Webb, May 07, 2019
Video: Turkey-led Forces Suffer Casualties in Failed Attack on Kurdish YPG Positions By South Front, May 07, 2019
War Criminals
Bolton’s Vague Press Release Lays Foundation for Military Attack Against Iran By Whitney Webb, May 07, 2019
Documents Expose How Hollywood Promotes War on Behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA By Tom Secker and Matthew Alford, May 07, 2019
Britain’s Prime Minister and the Huawei Scandal By True Publica, May 06, 2019
US State Department Publishes, then Deletes Sadistic Venezuela Hit List Boasting of Economic Ruin By Anya Parampil, May 06, 2019
UK Government Trying to Relaunch Skripal ‘Propaganda Campaign’ – Political Analyst By Marcus Godwyn and Sputnik, May 06, 2019
US Troops in Syria for the “Long Haul” Atop “A Lot of Oil Resources”: Pentagon Official By Zero Hedge, May 06, 2019
Videos: Ten Rockets Were Launched from Gaza Strip at Israeli Targets By South Front, May 05, 2019
Trump Is Twisting Putin’s Arm Through Belarus’ President Lukashenko By Andrew Korybko, May 05, 2019
Fabricated Media Rumors: “Russian Nukes Deployed”, “Cuban Intelligence Threatening Venezuelan Democracy” By South Front, May 04, 2019
Are the US and Israel Preparing for War in the Middle East? Lebanon is Next? By Elijah J. Magnier, May 03, 2019
Venezuela: Lopez Arrest Warrant Issued as Military Show Strength for Maduro By Paul Dobson, May 03, 2019
U.S. Government Plan, Dated 23 February 2018, for Coup in Venezuela, Now Leaks Out By Eric Zuesse, May 03, 2019
Iran Designates as “Terrorists” All US Troops in the Middle East By Middle East Monitor, May 03, 2019
Video: Turkey Sponsored Militants Claim Russians Killed in Hama, Attack Hmeimim Air Base By South Front, May 03, 2019
Extradition of Julian Assange Threatens Us All. Veteran Intelligence Professionals By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, May 03, 2019
US Terror Attack on Venezuela Imminent By Kurt Nimmo, May 02, 2019
Joe Biden Sides with Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo in Backing Venezuela Coup Effort By Jon Queally, May 02, 2019
Venezuela: It’s Only a Coup if the US Government Says So By Alan MacLeod, May 02, 2019
Video: America’s War on Venezuela Has Entered A “Hot Phase”? By South Front, May 02, 2019
Venezuela – Another Failed Coup Attempt – What’s Next? By Peter Koenig, May 02, 2019
Venezuelan Military Putsch Defeated as Leopoldo Lopez Takes Refuge in Spanish Embassy By Ricardo Vaz, May 01, 2019
Video: “Clinton Foundation and IS Funded from the Same Sources”: Julian Assange interview with John Pilger By Julian Assange and John Pilger, May 01, 2019
Iran Rejects All Negotiations but Signals Domestic Differences: Its Confidence Remains Intact in the Face of Severe Sanctions By Elijah J. Magnier, May 01, 2019
US State Department Offers $4.5 Million Grant to “Investigate” Civilian Casualties in Syria and Iraq By South Front, May 01, 2019
Venezuela: Failed Military Coup in Caracas. Leopold Lopez Seeks Refuge at Spanish Embassy By, May 01, 2019
Video: Haftar Forces Launch Push to Encircle Tripoli By South Front, April 30, 2019
Doubts at America’s National Security Agency (NSA): Shelving a Mass Surveillance Program? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 30, 2019
Iran Appeals Directly to Trump: Your Advisers Dragging You into War By Zero Hedge, April 30, 2019
US Navy SEAL Officers Attempted to Cover Up Evidence of War Crimes By Josh Varlin, April 29, 2019
The Malignant Nature of the Mueller Report and 2020 Election By Massoud Nayeri, April 29, 2019
Boeing Didn’t Tell Southwest or FAA that It Had Disabled Critical Safety Alerts on 737 MAX By Zero Hedge, April 29, 2019
The British Government’s Secret Hostile Environment Database By True Publica, April 29, 2019
The Otto Warmbier Scandal Is All About Challenging Trump’s Credibility By Andrew Korybko, April 29, 2019
Foreign Intrusion: Easter Sunday attack in Sri Lanka by ISIS and Who Else? By Shenali D Waduge, April 29, 2019
Canada Gets Cozy with Repressive Middle East Monarchies By Yves Engler, April 28, 2019
Pete Buttigieg – Manufactured U.S. Presidential Candidate By Adeyinka Makinde, April 27, 2019
Russia’s “Military Diplomacy” Might Succeed in Getting Turkey to Switch Sides By Andrew Korybko, April 26, 2019
Did Russia and China Get the US to Accelerate Its Diplomatic Drawdown in Afghanistan? By Andrew Korybko, April 26, 2019
Clouds Gather Above the Middle East: War or No War? By Elijah J. Magnier, April 26, 2019
Belt and Road Forum in Beijing and How Western ‘Reports’ Are Smearing China By Andre Vltchek, April 25, 2019
Will Donbass Unite with Russia? By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2019
Arresting Members of the Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective Would be Unlawful By Kevin Zeese, April 25, 2019
The Russia -US -China -Taliban Talks in Moscow Are Bad News for India By Andrew Korybko, April 25, 2019
Sri Lanka and New Zealand: The Real Link By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, April 25, 2019
Right on Cue: Indian Media Blames Pakistan for the Sri Lankan Terrorist Attacks By Andrew Korybko, April 24, 2019
Israel Plans to Launch a Surprise War against Lebanon By Elijah J. Magnier, April 24, 2019
John Bolton Rumored Israeli attack on Lebanon. Going After Hezbollah Donors? By Kurt Nimmo, April 24, 2019
Julian Assange Exposed the Crimes of Powerful Actors, Including Israel By Alison Weir, April 24, 2019
The Conspiracy against Trump By Philip Giraldi, April 23, 2019
Video: Chemical Weapons Warehouse Exploded in Western Aleppo By South Front, April 23, 2019
Trump and Pakistan’s PM Khan Might Have Just Ruined Iran-India Relations By Andrew Korybko, April 22, 2019
Irresponsible Protections: Venezuela and Foreign Intervention By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 22, 2019
Sell Out: How Corruption, Voter Fraud and a Neoliberal Turn Led Ecuador’s President Moreno to Give Up Assange By Denis Rogatyuk, April 21, 2019
Failed States and Militias: General Khalifa Haftar Moves on Tripoli By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 21, 2019
Veterans Ask Barbara Lee to Speak Out for Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange By Daniel Borgstrom and Ann Garrison, April 21, 2019
Easter 2019: Criminal Insanity and the Crucifixion of Truth By Philip A Farruggio, April 20, 2019
CIA Docs Shows UK, France and West Germany Wanted to Bring “Operation Condor” To Europe By Whitney Webb, April 20, 2019
Report on Mueller’s Witch Hunt Exposes Russiagate Hoax By Stephen Lendman, April 20, 2019
Julian Assange as Neuroses By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 19, 2019
EU Rejects Israeli Claim to Syrian Golan By IMEMC, April 18, 2019
Venezuela – Still on the Brink? Quiet Before the Storm By Peter Koenig, April 18, 2019
Venezuela: A Cocaine Super-Highway to the US? By Stephen Lendman, April 17, 2019
Why Isn’t Oil-Rich Russia Helping Its Syrian “Ally” Survive the Fuel Crisis? By Andrew Korybko, April 17, 2019
Venezuela: Canada Imposes Fresh Sanctions as Pompeo Vows to ‘Tighten Noose’ By Ricardo Vaz, April 17, 2019
The Price of Participating in Society Is the Sacrifice of Privacy and Self By John Stanton, April 17, 2019
Video: Haftar Forces Stalled South of Tripoli. GNA Fighters Shot Down LNA Warplane By South Front, April 17, 2019
US Military Attack on Venezuela Mulled by Top Trump Advisors and Latin American Officials at Private DC Meeting By Max Blumenthal, April 16, 2019
No, Assad Didn’t “Win” the War, He Was Compelled by Putin to “Compromise” By Andrew Korybko, April 16, 2019
Video: Israel Strikes ‘Iranian Targets’ in Homs. Only Syrian Missile Launcher Found to be Destroyed By South Front, April 15, 2019
Wikileaks Reveals: CIA’s UMBRAGE Allows Agency to Carry out ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attacks By Whitney Webb, April 15, 2019
Video: Collateral Murder in Iraq Released by Wikileaks By Wikileaks, April 14, 2019
Major Revelation: Assange Was Bought for $4.2 Billion – Former Ecuadorian President Confirms IMF Loan In Exchange For Assange By Paul Antonopoulos, April 14, 2019
Iran Allies in the Middle East: The Trigger Finger Is Ready in Case of US-Israeli War By Elijah J. Magnier, April 14, 2019
After Brazil, India Might be the Next BRICS Country Invited to Join NATO By Andrew Korybko, April 14, 2019