
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
Dem Insider: Party Bosses Choose the Nominee, Not Voters By Stephen Lendman, March 01, 2020
Thailand Protests: “Students” Fight to Save Washington’s Billionaire Proxy By Tony Cartalucci, March 01, 2020
Seth Rich, Julian Assange and Dana Rohrabacher – Will We Ever Know the Truth About the Stolen DNC Files? By Philip Giraldi, March 01, 2020
Even NATO Is Unwilling to Touch Turkey’s Idlib Mess with a Ten-foot Pole By Scott Ritter, March 01, 2020
Video: Fall of Saraqib: Syrian Army Retreat Under Turkish Strikes in Eastern Idlib By South Front, February 28, 2020
Turkey’s Losing Bet in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, February 28, 2020
President Tayyip Erdogan Now Claims Syria’s Idlib Province Belongs to Turkey By Eric Zuesse, February 28, 2020
US Losing Its Naval Supremacy By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 28, 2020
The Fear Virus Pandemic. “Fake News”? “Look at the Numbers. It’s not a Pandemic”. By Manlio Dinucci, February 28, 2020
Providing Security in the Sahel: A ‘Traffic Jam’ of Military Interventions, and Al Qaeda Terrorists By Signe M. Cold-Ravnkilde, February 28, 2020
Swiss Neutrality ‘Shattered’ as Leading Cryptologic Firm Revealed to be CIA Front By Joseph Fitsanakis, February 28, 2020
Capture of M5 Hama-Aleppo Highway: One of the Most Celebrated Prizes in Damascus’ Campaign to Regain Territory By Michael Jansen, February 28, 2020
The War Scenario Between Israel and Hezbollah By Elijah J. Magnier, February 28, 2020
Anonymous Sources and “the Guys and Gals” Who Made the Iraq War a Reality Are Now Claiming that the Kremlin Is at it Again! By Philip Giraldi, February 28, 2020
UK: Google Data Transfer to USA Just the Start – “Possibilities for Abuse Are Enormous” By True Publica, February 27, 2020
The Fix Is In: Overseeing the Payouts to Boeing Crash Victims’ Families By Bryan Dyne, February 27, 2020
Video: Erdogan Forces Recaptured Nayrab but Lost Another Dozen of Villages to Syrian Army By South Front, February 26, 2020
The Pentagon’s New Map: How to Know if America Is Your Enemy By Eric Zuesse, February 26, 2020
Musical Chairs in the White House By Philip Giraldi, February 26, 2020
Will Media Support or Oppose Sanders if He Maintains Momentum? By Stephen Lendman, February 26, 2020
Evidence on Continuing US-NATO Media Lies About the War in Syria By James ONeill, February 26, 2020
Brazil in Search for “Fake Enemies” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 26, 2020
Turkey’s Request for U.S. Patriot Missiles to Pressure Russia in Syria Will Not Work By Paul Antonopoulos, February 26, 2020
“Sick People” – Russian Lawmakers Blast US for Nuclear War Exercise By Zero Hedge, February 26, 2020
Netanyahu’s Holy Alliance with Rightwing, Ultra-Orthodox By Shlomi Eldar, February 26, 2020
Huawei in the Crosshairs: “Great Power Confrontation”, The Geopolitical Battle for 5-G Technology By Mike Whitney, February 25, 2020
New Conflict of Interest Evidence Against UK Judge in Charge of Assange Extradition Process By Kevin Reed, February 25, 2020
Overt Trump Regime Support for Al-Qaeda Offshoots in Syria, ISIS-Daesh Et Al are Pentagon/CIA Proxies By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2020
Israeli Prime Minister – Now Facing Corruption Trial – Still Has Powerful Friends in Both Our Houses of Parliament By Hans Stehling, February 25, 2020
Libya’s US Base Request Reveals How Desperate the Turkish-Backed Government Has Become By Andrew Korybko, February 25, 2020
Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day One By Craig Murray, February 25, 2020
Revealed: Chief Magistrate Lady Arbuthnot in Assange Case Received Financial Benefits from Secretive Partner Organisations of UK Foreign Office By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis, February 25, 2020
Assange’s Extradition Hearing Begins: Truth-Telling Journalism on Trial By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2020
Trump’s $1.5 Billion Uranium Stockpile: A Solution in Search of a Problem By John Krzyzaniak, February 25, 2020
Julian Assange and the Imperium’s Face: Day One of the Extradition Hearings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 25, 2020
Sanctions and Corruption: Three Major News Stories that Need to be Exposed By Ralph Nader, February 25, 2020
We Need to Treat Nuclear War Like the Emergency It Is By Olivia Alperstein, February 25, 2020
No Russian 2020 Election Meddling Says US Intelligence Community Official By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2020
Who Is Behind the Mexican Drug Cartels? By Dean Henderson, February 24, 2020
The U.S. Is the World Leader of Bio-Weapons Research, Production, and Use Against Mankind By Gary D. Barnett, February 24, 2020
Bolivia: Anatomy of a CIA Coup By Hugo Turner, February 24, 2020
The Dangers of Synthetic Biology: A Biotech Firm Made a Smallpox-like Virus on purpose. Nobody Seems to Care By Prof. Gregory D. Koblentz, February 24, 2020
US ‘Looking Very Carefully’ at Silencing Socialist News Network Telesur By Steve Sweeney, February 24, 2020
Lest We Forget – Hillary Clinton: We Must Destroy Syria for Israel By Uprooted Palestinians, February 24, 2020
US “Forever War” in Afghanistan Near Ending? By Stephen Lendman, February 24, 2020
UN Report: 45,000 Children Displaced in Iraq Without Identity Documents By Middle East Monitor, February 24, 2020
The Lima Group Is More than Just About Venezuela. Scheduling More Coups and Color Revolutions in Latin America? By Pierre LeBlanc, February 24, 2020
Ten Bush-Bin Laden Connections that Raised a Few Eyebrows By Marcus Lowth, February 24, 2020
The Syrian Arab Army’s Victorious Liberation of Aleppo. Historical Comparisons By Andrew Korybko, February 23, 2020
“Fake News”: No Evidence of Russia Interference in 2020 Elections “in Order to Reelect Trump” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 23, 2020
Video: SAA Syrian Forces Give Turkish Army “A Whipping” in Eastern Idlib By South Front, February 23, 2020
US Lost Track of $715 Million in Weapons Sent to “Anti-Daesh Allies” in Syria By Middle East Monitor, February 23, 2020
No Weapon Left Behind: The American Hybrid War on China By Pepe Escobar, February 23, 2020
Trump’s Pressure Tactics on Iraq Seek to Preserve Troop Presence By Michael Jansen, February 23, 2020
Trump Goes after the Brits… By Philip Giraldi, February 22, 2020
Video: Turkey’s Sultan-in-Chief Erdogan To the Rescue of Al-Qaeda in Idlib By South Front, February 22, 2020
Video: The 5G Trojan Horse By Derrick Broze, February 21, 2020
Video: Turkey’s War on Syria. Bluff or Reality? By South Front, February 21, 2020
Russia and Turkey, “Allies” Fighting One Another: On Opposite Sides of the War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 21, 2020
Is Iran Ill-advised to Finance Its Regional Allies While Under Sanctions? By Elijah J. Magnier, February 21, 2020
Revealed: The British Government’s Covert Media Propaganda Campaign in Syria By Ian Cobain and Alice Ross, February 21, 2020
Russia Bans Most Chinese from Entry: ‘Pure Racism’ or ‘Preventive Reaction’? By Andrew Korybko, February 21, 2020
Why Renew the “Ultra Secret” Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court? By Renee Parsons, February 21, 2020
Did Trump Offer Assange A ‘Quid Pro Quo’ regarding “Russiagate” and the DNC Troves? By Johanna Ross, February 21, 2020
Revealed: The Secret Cash that Put Boris Johnson in Number 10 By Peter Geoghegan and Seth Thévoz, February 20, 2020
The War On Syria is Not Over: SAA Forces and Russia Confront US Sponsored “Jihadists”, Turkey’s Phony “Safe Zone”, Israel Threatens “Escalated Aggression” By Stephen Lendman, February 20, 2020
Who Is WHO’s Tedros Adhanom? The Wuhan Lockdown is Unprecedented By F. William Engdahl, February 20, 2020
The Axis of Resistance Holds Firm as Washington Faces Retreat By Prof. Tim Anderson and Steven Sahiounie, February 20, 2020
“Absolutely Unacceptable” – Leaked Boeing Memo Shows ‘Debris’ Found in 737 MAX Fuel-Tanks By Zero Hedge, February 20, 2020
Putin vs. Erdogan: Who’s Going to Blink First? By Mike Whitney, February 20, 2020
Video: Aleppo City’s Countryside Fully Secured, Syrians in Aleppo Celebrate the End of Terrorism By Eva Bartlett, February 20, 2020
Oppose Trudeau’s Hosting of the Lima Group in Gatineau By Ken Stone, February 20, 2020
Video: Syrians Are in Desperate Race to Outrun Brutal Regime Offensive By South Front, February 20, 2020
Munich Conference Reveals East-West Divide By Pepe Escobar, February 20, 2020
Pardoning Julian Assange: Donald Trump, WikiLeaks and the DNC By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 20, 2020
At the Annual Munich Security Conference: The West Displays Its “Insecurity Complex” By Diana Johnstone, February 19, 2020
EU Nations Push for Bloc’s Recognition of State of Palestine By Telesur, February 19, 2020
Video: Towards The Liberation of Idlib City By South Front, February 19, 2020
Russia Needs to Prioritize Greece as Relations Rift with Turkey By Paul Antonopoulos, February 19, 2020
UN List of Firms Aiding Israel’s Settlements Was Dead on Arrival By Jonathan Cook, February 19, 2020