
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do
Was Saudi intelligence involved in the operation? Two members of Saudi intelligence (GIP) were allegedly part of the hit team. Was there foreknowledge? According to the media reports, Langley was aware of the assassination plot but US intelligence visibly chose not to act.
US Secret Service Director’s Cheatle’s Statement “Has Zero Credibility” By John Leake, July 17, 2024
Why Does Zelensky Suddenly Want Russia at the Next ‘Peace Summit’? By Drago Bosnic, July 17, 2024
Trump’s Alleged Shooter — Parking His Car on a Saturday Morning By Karsten Riise, July 17, 2024
UkraineGate: Donald Trump Considers Imprudent the “Poking of the Russian Bear” By Drago Bosnic, July 17, 2024
Washington Seeks to Overturn Indonesia’s Traditionally Non-aligned Position By Ahmed Adel, July 17, 2024
Attempted Trump Assassination: Shooter Allegedly Brought His Own Ladder to Event By John Leake, July 17, 2024
Why Russia Will Defeat NATO in Ukraine By Mike Whitney, July 17, 2024
India-Russia Ties Take a Quantum Leap in the Fog of Ukraine War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 16, 2024
ABC News: “Building Where Trump Rally Gunman Perched On Roof Was Police Tactical Team Staging Area” By John Leake, July 16, 2024
170 Years of U.S. Aggression Against Nicaragua By Rick Sterling, July 16, 2024
Video: The 61 Billion US Spending Bill. Russia’s War of Attrition. Ukrainian Fallback, Lack of Arms and Ammunition. Brian Berletic By Brian Berletic, July 16, 2024
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump: Why We’ll Never Know What Really Happened in Butler, PA By Rep. Ron Paul, July 16, 2024
Attack on Trump Suggests “US on the Brink of Civil War” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 16, 2024
Further Thoughts on the Near Assassination By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 16, 2024
Iran’s President-Elect Has a Refreshing Foreign Policy Vision By Andrew Korybko, July 16, 2024
Response to Substack Authors Who Claim Trump Assassination Attempt Was Staged By John Leake, July 16, 2024
Tony Blair: Profiteer and Emissary of Artificial Intelligence By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 16, 2024
Canadian Journalist Survives Israeli Assassination Attempt By Steven Sahiounie, July 16, 2024
NATO “Terrorist Attacks” against Russia. Trying to Push Russia into Direct Confrontation? Will Moscow “Keep its Cool” or Retaliate? Russian Military Hunting for HIMARS/M270 and ATACMS By Drago Bosnic, July 15, 2024
Warning Signs About Secret Service Emerged Months Before Trump Assassination Attempt By John Solomon, July 15, 2024
“The Dead Zone”, Revisited. Biden’s Political Rhetoric against Trump By Scott Ritter, July 15, 2024
NATO Reinforces Its War Plans During Washington Summit By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 15, 2024
Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the United States. Dr. Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi, July 15, 2024
Lessons for the US Secret Service: When the CIA Tried to Assassinate Fidel Castro More Than 638 Times By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 15, 2024
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Barely Escapes an Assassination Attempt By Peter Koenig, July 15, 2024
Why Assume There Will be a 2024 Election? America’s 1934 “Bankers’ Coup Plot” Revisited By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 15, 2024
Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump. Secret Service Has Some ‘Splainin to Do By John Leake, July 15, 2024
Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at Rally; Victim and Shooter Identified By The Epoch Times and Emel Akan, July 15, 2024
Resistance to U.S.-Israeli Terror: Resistance Rockets, Drones and Tunnels Take on Billion-dollar U.S. Weapons. Hezbollah, Yemen, Hamas By Sara Flounders, July 14, 2024
The New Iranian President Faces the Old US-Israel Roadblock By Steven Sahiounie, July 14, 2024
The Convulsed Republic: The Shooting of Donald Trump By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 14, 2024
Poland Getting Ready for All-out War By Drago Bosnic, July 14, 2024
Why the Biden Administration’s New Nuclear Gravity Bomb Is Tragic By Stephen Young, July 14, 2024
‘Israel in Collapse’: 46,000 Businesses Forced to Close Since 7 Oct By The Cradle, July 14, 2024
With Russia Excluded from OSCE, OECD, The Platforms of Cooperation and Diplomacy are in Crisis By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 12, 2024
Interpreting the Polish Military Chief’s Decision to Prepare for “Full-Scale Conflict” By Andrew Korybko, July 12, 2024
NATO Wants Permanent Footprints in the Indo-Pacific, with Talks About Opening an Office in Japan By Uriel Araujo, July 12, 2024
Advise to the UN Summit of the Future: Establish a Global Governance Body to Control All Life Supporting Systems on the Planet By Jacob Nordangard, July 12, 2024
Narendra Modi Strengthening Russian-Indian Partnership: Implications and Perspectives in Multipolar World By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 12, 2024
As NATO Leaders Discuss “Russian Threat”, US Approves New Nuclear Project By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 12, 2024
Hungary’s President Viktor Orban – The European Peacemaker or International Game Changer? By Peter Koenig, July 12, 2024
While Soldiers Die on the Frontlines, An Entire Country has been Sold, The State of Ukraine Driven into Bankruptcy. Vast Ukrainian Agricultural Lands Acquired by Western Agribusiness. By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 11, 2024
Poland Shouldn’t Close the Border with Belarus. Detrimental Impact of China Trade with Western Europe By Andrew Korybko, July 11, 2024
Britain’s Pathological Russophobia: Prime Minister Keir Starmer Supports “Unrestricted Use of its Long-range Weapons against Moscow” By Drago Bosnic, July 11, 2024
Will the Falklands Again be a Focus of Conflict Between Argentina and Britain? By Germán Gorraiz López, July 11, 2024
Kiev Children’s Hospital Hit: The Timing Was Perfect, As Always! By Stephen Karganovic, July 11, 2024
Where Are Corrective Systems as West and NATO Leadership Cross One Red Line After Another in Escalating Direct Confrontation with Russia? By Bharat Dogra, July 10, 2024
Poland About to Participate Directly in Ukrainian Conflict By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 10, 2024
“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah,” Interview with Rawad Daher By Rawad Daher and Steven Sahiounie, July 10, 2024
Hoping to Improve Its Ruined Navy, Kiev Asks for Western Submarines By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 10, 2024
Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign By Megan Russell, July 10, 2024
U.S. Plan to “Expand the War Beyond Ukraine”: NATO Buildup in Finland Puts Hostile Anti-Russia Army on Putin’s Doorstep By Mike Whitney, July 10, 2024
A.I. Systems Which Manipulate The Human Nervous System (Thoughts, Emotions, Perceptions) and Derogate Fundamental Human Rights By Mojmir Babacek, July 10, 2024
Kiev Still Wants a New Counteroffensive. “Push back the Evil Russians” By Drago Bosnic, July 09, 2024
Yes it Was a “False Flag”, “Murder their Own Soldiers”. Israelis Widely Used “Hannibal Directive” on Oct. 7: Israeli Report By Al Mayadeen, July 09, 2024
Military Grade Propaganda Campaign Helped Sell Fraudulent Narrative About COVID-19 By Jeremy Kuzmarov, July 09, 2024
The French Fraudulent Disaster Elections. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, July 09, 2024
Ukraine Continues Attacks on Energodar Nuclear Power Facility, Is Kiev’s Intent to Create “Nuclear Terror” and Blame it on Russia? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 08, 2024
“Turkey has to face its mistakes in Syria.” Interview with Aydin Sezer By Aydin Sezer and Steven Sahiounie, July 08, 2024
Minors Taking Guns in Ukraine While Terrorists Enter Europe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 08, 2024
Bomb Cyclones and Atmospheric Rivers: Is Someone Messing with the Weather? By F. William Engdahl, July 07, 2024
Our Identity as Homo Sapiens Threatened by Synthetic Biology, Humans Fiddle While Humanity Burns, Will It be Near-Term Death or Transhuman Slavery? By Robert J. Burrowes, July 07, 2024
Evisceration of the United Nations Security Council. A Historical Analysis. The Gulf War By Carla Stea, July 07, 2024
The Smell of War Versus a Fresh Breeze of Peace and Cooperation? By Peter Koenig, July 07, 2024
How the Israeli Army Benefits from US Tax Law By Philip Giraldi, July 06, 2024
Trump a Peacemaker? Analyses of His Political Profile Vary Wildly By Uriel Araujo, July 05, 2024
“The Three Brothers”: Turkey’s Alliance with Azerbaijan and Pakistan, Expands Ankara’s Influence in Caucasus-Central Asia By Ahmed Adel, July 05, 2024
CIA Psy-Ops against Russia: “Create a Schism between Russia’s National Security and the General Public”. The Crocus City Hall Massacre By Nauman Sadiq, July 05, 2024
Israel’s Genocide, Who’s in Charge of the IDF? Evidence Is Growing of a Command and Control Problem. By Benjamin V. Allison, July 05, 2024
The Next Crisis “Bigger than Covid”: Paralysis of Power Supply, Communications, Transportation. The WEF “Cyber Attack” Scenario, “Usher In the Great Reset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 05, 2024
Israel Burning Down By Karsten Riise, July 05, 2024
Finland Gives US Control Over 15 Military Bases, on Russia’s Doorstep By Drago Bosnic, July 04, 2024
Russia Finally Acknowledges That She Is at War with Washington By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 04, 2024
Trump Could Make a Deal with Russia to Not Offer NATO Membership to Ukraine If Elected By Ahmed Adel, July 04, 2024
Julian Assange Is Finally Free, But Let’s Not Forget the War Crimes He Exposed By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, July 04, 2024
Political Deadlock Continues in Efforts to Open Peace Talks in Sudan By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 04, 2024
Should Russia Sign Any ‘Ceasefire Deals’ NATO Might Offer? Hungary’s Viktor Orban Urges Zelensky to “Consider a Quick Cease Fire” By Drago Bosnic, July 04, 2024
George C. Marshall, Architect of U.S. Military Expansion, the Post War European Reconstruction Marshall Plan, Founder of the Orwellian “Deep State”? By Nauman Sadiq, July 04, 2024
The Houthis’ Hypersonic Missile Is a Game-Changer in Red Sea By Mike Whitney, July 04, 2024
Realism and Ipse Dixit: Prof. John J. Mearsheimer on China as US Adversary By Kim Petersen, July 04, 2024