The Raging Twenties Review: Pipelinistan, Sino-Russia and more By Michael Welch, Pepe Escobar, and Ken Stone, April 09, 2021
The Ides of March: False Pretexts Galore in the Wars on Yugoslavia and Iraq By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Scott Ritter, Živadin Jovanović, James Bissett, and Scott Taylor, March 27, 2021
The Ides of March 2011: NATO’s ‘Humanitarian’ War on Libya By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 20, 2021
The Ides of March: Ten Years of Bloodshed in Syria By Michael Welch, Steven Sahiounie, Vanessa Beeley, and Gareth Porter, March 13, 2021
Unmasking COVID: What Purpose does it serve? And for Whom? By Michael Welch and Catherine Austin Fitts, March 06, 2021
Jovenel Moïse or Freedom? The Struggle for the Soul of Haiti By Michael Welch, Jean Saint-Vil, and Kim Ives, February 28, 2021
A Beacon in an Ocean of Mass Disinformation? Support and Endorse Independent Radio Media By Michael Welch, February 21, 2021
Defying the Monolith of Global Propaganda! The 2021 CKUW Fundrive Special By Michael Welch, February 14, 2021
Did The Virus Trigger the 2020 Worldwide Economic Crisis? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, February 08, 2021
The Vaccines, The Plunder, and the Arrival of the Great Reset By Michael Welch, Dr. Chris Shaw, and Diana Johnstone, January 30, 2021
A Life Saving Hope or Death Defying Jab? Three Perspectives on the Experimental COVID Vaccine By Michael Welch, Mary Holland, and Dr. Meryl Nass, January 24, 2021
Wednesday, January 6, 2021: The Siege on Capitol Hill. The Impeachment of Donald Trump By Michael Welch, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Barrie Zwicker, and Jason Bermas, January 16, 2021
2020 Year in Review: COVID, Collapsing America and the Most Censored Stories of the Year By Michael Welch, Patrick Henningsen, Dmitry Orlov, and Andy Lee Roth, January 08, 2021
A Tribute to Three Great Internationalists. Robert Fisk, André Vltchek and Kevin Zeese By Michael Welch, Peter Koenig, Prof. Richard Falk, and Margaret Flowers, December 20, 2020
Video: Rocco Galati on COVID Lockdown Measures. Crimes against Humanity. Lawsuit against Government of Canada By Rocco Galati and Michael Welch, December 13, 2020
The Great Reset, The Green New Deal, and Co-opted NGOs will not End Climate Change! By Michael Welch and Cory Morningstar, December 05, 2020
COVID, The Great Reset, Warp Speed and the Arrival of the Darkest Winter By Michael Welch and Derrick Broze, November 28, 2020
Conspiracy and Class Power: A Talk by Michael Parenti By Michael Welch and Michael Parenti, November 21, 2020
Remembering “The Never Ending War” During the Time “We Should Never Forget” By Michael Welch, Richard Sanders, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 14, 2020
Coronavirus: Powerful Voices have their Say on Lockdowns and “Pandemic Salvation” By Michael Welch and Rocco Galati, November 07, 2020
Coronavirus and the Biotech Complex. A Conversation with Whitney Webb By Michael Welch and Whitney Webb, October 31, 2020
Economic Colapse
Coronavirus: Corporate Plunder and Hope for Political Change By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Radhika Desai, October 24, 2020
Coronavirus: Killer Virus or Common Flu By Michael Welch, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Prof Mark Crispin Miller, October 24, 2020
Coronavirus: The Trojan Vaccine. A Challenge to Health, and Freedom By Michael Welch, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Meryl Nass, Docs4opendebate, and Peter Koenig, October 16, 2020
Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine – A Cure to be Suppressed By Michael Welch, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, and Dr. Meryl Nass, October 10, 2020
Coronavirus: Crushing and Silencing Doctors of Conscience By Michael Welch and Docs4opendebate, October 02, 2020
Coronavirus: Killer Virus or Common Flu? By Michael Welch, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Prof Mark Crispin Miller, October 01, 2020
Cold War Thaw? Navalny Poisoning. Belarus Political Instability. NATO on Russia’s Doorstep By Michael Welch and John Helmer, September 19, 2020
Why 9/11 Matters 19 Years Later. The Spinning of 9/11, “Political Trickery” By Michael Welch, Richard Gage, and Prof. Graeme MacQueen, September 16, 2020
Wa Ni Ska Tan: Hydro-electricity and impacts on Indigenous and other communities By Michael Welch, September 06, 2020
Does 9/11 Still Matter? Conversations with Richard Gage and Michel Chossudovsky By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Richard Gage, September 05, 2020
Climate Change
Guy McPherson: Climate Change and the Debate on Near Term Extinction of Humans and all Life on Earth By Michael Welch, August 29, 2020
US Elections: Dissecting the Democrats in 2020 By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, and Ajamu Baraka, August 22, 2020
Prisoners’ Justice Day in Canada, The Rights of Prison Inmates. The Prison Reform Movement By Michael Welch, August 15, 2020
The Truth Behind the Murder of Robert F. Kennedy: Conspiracy and Cover-up By Michael Welch, William Pepper, and Mark Robinowitz, June 06, 2020
UK News: Brexit, the Election and OPCW Disclosures By Michael Welch, Patrick Henningsen, and Radhika Desai, February 01, 2020
5G Roll-out: A High Tech EMF Front in the War Against Humanity? By Michael Welch and Claire Edwards, January 27, 2020
2019 Year in Review: From Corporate Capture of Social Media to Trump’s War Agenda to Climate Change By Michael Welch, Abby Martin, Robbie Martin, and Andy Roth, January 19, 2020
Persian Peril: The Assassination of Qasem Soleimani and the Prospect of War with Iran By Michael Welch, Glenn Michalchuk, and Pepe Escobar, January 15, 2020
Venezuela: Disturbing Echoes of History – A Presentation by Maria Páez Victor By Michael Welch and Dr. Maria Páez Victor, January 05, 2020
Austerity and its Consequences. America Threatens to Self-destruct if Other Countries don’t Obey it By Michael Welch, Utsa Patnaik, and Prof Michael Hudson, December 29, 2019
White Helmets, James Lemesurier, and the Humanitarian Regime Change Network By Michael Welch, Cory Morningstar, and Vanessa Beeley, December 15, 2019
Deconstructing Bolivia: Voices Inside and Outside Challenge Mainstream and Alternative Narratives By Michael Welch, Jeb Sprague, and W.T. Whitney Jr., December 08, 2019
Deep State Coup D’Etat: Subverting the U.S. Presidency from JFK to Trump By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, and Prof Peter Dale Scott, November 24, 2019
A History of U.S. Economic Warfare, from WWII to the Present By Michael Welch and Prof Michael Hudson, November 18, 2019
Never Again? Can We Stop the War When Big Business Profits from it? By Michael Welch, Ajamu Baraka, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 09, 2019
Month of Fury: Latin America Rises up Against Neoliberalism By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Pepe Escobar, and John Schertow, November 03, 2019
Controlling the Narrative on Syria: Turkish Aggression, Kurdish Independence, and Honouring the White Helmets By Michael Welch, Vanessa Beeley, Laith Marouf, and Chris Cook, October 27, 2019
Canada’s Elections Campaign 2019: The Issues Nobody is Talking About By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Ken Stone, and Joyce Nelson, October 19, 2019
Celebrating Seven Years of the Global Research News Hour with Michael Welch By Michael Welch, October 15, 2019
STAR WARS Revisited: Trump’s Plans to Make Space the Ultimate Battleground By Michael Welch, Bruce Gagnon, and Tamara Lorincz, October 11, 2019
“Viva la Revolución”! Will the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Survive the Empire’s War? By Michael Welch, Dr. Maria Páez Victor, Yves Engler, and Nino Pagliccia, October 06, 2019
Green New Deal and the Climate Movement. Trojan Horses for the Billionaire Class? By Michael Welch, Dr. Naomi Wolf, and Cory Morningstar, September 29, 2019
5G and the Wireless Revolution: When Progress Becomes a Death Sentence By Michael Welch and Dr. Martin Pall, September 22, 2019
“The Non-Profit Industrial Complex”, and the Co-opting of the NGO Environmental Movement Global Research News Hour Episode 139: A Conversation with Cory Morningstar By Michael Welch, September 18, 2019
9/11 Truth and Justice 18 Years after the Attacks By Michael Welch, Richard Gage, Dr. Leroy Hulsey, and Christopher Gioia, September 15, 2019
9/11, Drug Money, Oil Resources and the Invasion of Afghanistan: Michael Ruppert Refutes the Official 9/11 Story By Michael Welch and Michael Ruppert, September 05, 2019
“Wars Come About As a Result of Lies.” Selected Radio Shows By Michael Welch, July 10, 2019
Persian Peril: Brinkmanship in the Post-INF Treaty Era By Michael Welch, Scott Ritter, and Bruce Gagnon, June 30, 2019
Ongoing Genocide and the Plight of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Internationally By Michael Welch and John Schertow, June 23, 2019
Provocations in the Gulf of Oman: Will John Bolton Get His War on Iran? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Pepe Escobar, and Yves Engler, June 16, 2019
Who Rules the World? Bilderberg 2019 and the Global Power Elite By Michael Welch, Dan Dicks, and Peter Phillips, June 07, 2019
Trumponomics: America First, the US-China Trade War, and the Future of Global Capitalism By Michael Welch, Dr. Jack Rasmus, and Leo Panitch, May 31, 2019
Marginalizing Migrants and People of Colour Within the Labour Movement: Dialogues on Race and Class By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and Chris Ramsaroop, May 26, 2019
Bombing Black People: The Philadelphia Police’s War on MOVE Global Research News Hour Episode 129 By Michael Welch and Linn Washington, May 22, 2019
1919 Winnipeg General Strike: Lessons for Creating a Better World in 2019 By Michael Welch, John Clarke, and Leo Panitch, May 19, 2019
The 5G Revolution: Millions of “Human Guinea Pigs” in Big Telecom’s Global Experiment By Michael Welch and Chris Cook, May 12, 2019
Ukraine’s Post-Maidan “Democratic Deficit” By Michael Welch, Eva Bartlett, and George Eliason, May 04, 2019
Canada and the Propaganda War on Venezuela By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Dimitri Lascaris, and Eva Bartlett, April 27, 2019
Climate Disruption: “The End of Ice” and Other Threats to the Planet By Michael Welch and Dahr Jamail, April 20, 2019
Rwandan Genocide Revisited: Impunity for War Criminals that Serve Western Interests By Michael Welch and Phil Taylor, April 13, 2019
NATO at 70: Global Enforcers of Western Imperialism By Michael Welch, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Andre Vltchek, April 07, 2019
Venezuela Under Siege By Michael Welch and Julia Buxton, March 31, 2019
The War on Yugoslavia Twenty Years Later: NATO’s First ‘Humanitarian’ War By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Živadin Jovanović, James Bissett, and Scott Taylor, March 25, 2019
Fukushima at Eight: Ongoing Cover-Up of the Nuclear Hazards in Japan and Abroad By Michael Welch, Dr. Helen Caldicott, and Arnie Gundersen, March 17, 2019
Vietnam Anniversary: A Legacy of Resistance, Deception and Human Tragedy By Michael Welch, Prof Peter Dale Scott, Abayomi Azikiwe, Barrie Zwicker, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 14, 2019
The Coup Against President Aristide 15 Years Later: The Clintons, the Canadians, and Western NGOs all Complicit in a Never-Ending Tragedy By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, and Jean Saint-Vil, March 02, 2019
Black History: Trump Era Resistance, Mumia’s Plight, and Freedom for the Move 9 By Michael Welch, Glen Ford, Suzanne Ross, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, February 26, 2019
CKUW FunDrive 2019. Fund-raiser for Global Research News Hour By Michael Welch, Scott Price, and Glenn Michalchuk, February 17, 2019
Who Guards the Guardians? “Newsguard”, the “Integrity Initiative” and Other Threats to Independent Media By Michael Welch, Whitney Webb, and Patrick Henningsen, February 11, 2019