Peace not War! Canada: A Voice for Peace Outside of NATO By Michael Welch, Rick Rozoff, Dimitri Lascaras, and Ken Stone, January 28, 2023
The Historical Road Leading to Today’s Crises and Beyond. By Radhika Desai, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Michael Welch, January 21, 2023
January 6 Riot LIVE! Helping to Propel the War on Domestic Terrorism and More By Michael Welch, Joachim Hagopian, Jonathan D. Simon, and Ryan Cristian, January 14, 2023
From Free Press to Billionaire Press: Reviewing the Top (Censored) Stories of 2022 By Michael Welch, Andy Lee Roth, Radhika Desai, Matthew Ehret-Kump, and Max Blumenthal, January 06, 2023
Is the Pandemic Over? The Worldwide Corona Crisis. Bankruptcies, Unemployment, Famine and Food Insecurity By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 28, 2022
September 11, 2001, 21 Years Later: Renowned Architect and CIA Whistleblower Contradict the Official Story. By Michael Welch, Richard Gage, and Susan Lindauer, December 23, 2022
Modern Prophet in the Age of US Empire: A Tribute to David Ray Griffin By Michael Welch, Richard Gage, Carol Brouillet, Barrie Zwicker, and Elizabeth Woodworth, December 17, 2022
Haitian Democracy. Under the Thumb of UN, US and Canadian (White) Saviors! By Michael Welch, Ezili Dantò, and Jafrik Aayiti, December 03, 2022
Media Omissions, Distortions, and Exaggerations Feeds the Fuel for War Against Russia By Michael Welch, George Eliason, and Glenn Michalchuk, November 07, 2022
Eight Months into Putin’s war. A New Era. For Ukraine, The European Union, and the World By Michael Welch, Douglas Macgregor, and Pepe Escobar, October 30, 2022
The Media Is Broken! Two Perspectives on Flaws in the Coverage of COVID By Michael Welch and David Kattenburg, October 15, 2022
Conform or be Cast Out! The New Model of Journalism During a Time of War By Michael Welch, Max Blumenthal, and John Pilger, October 08, 2022
Defeat or Victory? The War on Afghanistan (2001-2021) By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. John Ryan, and Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, October 06, 2022
Defending Palestinian Civil Society. Understanding Canada’s Role By Michael Welch, Michael Lynk, and Bianca Mugyenyi, September 25, 2022
The Coming Food Apocalypse, and the Global Attempt at a Take-Over By Michael Welch and Kit Knightly, September 17, 2022
The 1973 Chilean Military Coup: Remembering the Other September 11 By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Peter Kornbluh, September 10, 2022
The Collapse of America: What History Teaches Us About the Rise and Fall of Empires. Prof. Alfred McCoy By Michael Welch and Prof Alfred McCoy, August 21, 2022
NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson By Michael Welch, Prof Michael Hudson, and Scott Ritter, August 20, 2022
Count-Down to Apocalypse: Are the US and Russia Finally on Course toward World War III? By Michael Welch, Pepe Escobar, Glenn Michalchuk, and John Helmer, August 15, 2022
The Start of World War III? Things you Don’t Know about Russia and Ukraine By Michael Welch, Tamara Lorincz, Bruce Gagnon, and Dr. Leon Tressell, August 14, 2022
The Collapse of America: Distant Early Warning Signs of Uncle Sam’s Demise. Andrei Martyanov By Michael Welch, August 07, 2022
The Restoration of Indigenous Rights and the Fall of the Colonial Hand By Michael Welch, July 23, 2022
“What a Scam it Actually is.” Assessing COP27 and Modern Climate Activism By Michael Welch, Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, and Cory Morningstar, July 21, 2022
Video: NATO and Global Empire By Michael Welch, Bianca Mugyenyi, Tamara Lorincz, and Danny Haiphong, July 16, 2022
Canadian Mining in Africa: Looting a Continent By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, and Bianca Mugyenyi, July 09, 2022
Canada Day 2022: Mourning the Victims of the Nations “Residential Schools” By Michael Welch, Kari Polanyi Levitt, and Richard Sanders, June 30, 2022
Not My Canada! A Nation in the Grip of Elites, Media and the British Empire! By Michael Welch, Matthew Ehret-Kump, and Dimitri Lascaris, June 25, 2022
Flop at Biden’s Summit of the America’s 2022. The Beginning of the End of American Hegemony? By Michael Welch, Ajamu Baraka, and Stephen Sefton, June 19, 2022
Video: Effort to Stop the Vaccine and Prosecute the Perpetrators. The Case of Lawyer Philip Hyland and the London Metropolitan Police Inquiry By Philip Hyland and Michael Welch, June 18, 2022
Will Gates, Rockefeller, Musk and Klaus Schwab Prevail in the Class War? Activists and Thinkers Speak Out By Michael Welch and Prof. Anthony J. Hall, May 28, 2022
The Bloodshed Plaguing the People of the Horn of Africa. What is America’s Role? By Michael Welch, Elias Amare, and Ann Garrison, May 22, 2022
The Removal Of Imran Khan: Dismantling Pakistan’s Relationships with China and Russia By Michael Welch and Prof. Abdul Jabbar, May 15, 2022
The Removal Of Imran Khan and the Popular Push Back. How Pakistan Helped Foster “The War on Terrorism” By Michael Welch, Junaid S. Ahmad, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 07, 2022
Canada’s Fight for Ukraine: Investing in Peace and Avoiding Illegal Recruitment to War By Michael Welch, Glenn Michalchuk, and Ken Stone, April 30, 2022
Governments, Industry and Conservationists vs Tribal and Indigenous peoples. Aren’t There Better Ways to Mend the Earth? By Michael Welch, April 23, 2022
Suddenly, Peak Oil and Gas! The Cataclysmic Result of Sanctions against Russia By Michael Welch and David Hughes, April 16, 2022
The Collapse of America: Distant Early Warning Signs of Uncle Sam’s Demise. Andrei Martyanov. By Michael Welch, April 13, 2022
Ukraine: Countering the Spin. “The Propaganda War”. Max Blumenthal By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Glenn Michalchuk, and Max Blumenthal, April 03, 2022
Ukraine and the Nuclear Issue. “We’ve Come So Close on Numerous Occasions”. Dr. Helen Caldicott By Michael Welch and Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12, 2022
CKUW Fundrive 2022: A Commitment to Decolonizing Radio By Michael Welch, February 26, 2022
Cracking through the Barricade of Corporate Control with the Spirit of Radio By Michael Welch, Ken Stone, Ed Lehman, and Glenn Michalchuk, February 19, 2022
Freedom Convoy 2022: The Rising of Unity and International Solidarity By Michael Welch and Dr. Julie Ponesse, February 13, 2022
Will the Canadian State Cancel the Right of Protest? Freedom Convoy No More? By Michael Welch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, February 12, 2022
Countdown to Apocalypse: A Dark Future for Ukraine? By Michael Welch, Scott Ritter, Dmitriy Kovalevich, and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 23, 2022
A Look Back at 2021: The Good, the Bad and the Censored. By Michael Welch, Andy Lee Roth, Pepe Escobar, and James Corbett, January 08, 2022
Light at the End of his Tunnel: A Tribute to Paul Theodore Hellyer By Michael Welch, Rocco Galati, Howard Bertram, and Barrie Zwicker, December 18, 2021
Sincere Devotion to the Vaccine. Encounters with a COVID Believer By Michael Welch and Dr. Tara Moriarty, December 11, 2021
“We are in Deep Trouble!” Following the Science behind the COVID Catastrophe By Michael Welch and Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, December 03, 2021
War Memories NOT Heard on Mainstream Media: Lest We Forget By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, and S. Brian Willson, November 12, 2021
US War
Promoting a New Tyranny under the Guise of Saving the Planet By Michael Welch and Cory Morningstar, October 30, 2021
Power: Limits and Prospects for Human Survival: A Conversation with Richard Heinberg By Michael Welch and Richard Heinberg, October 23, 2021
Climate Change Worse than Expected: A Conversation with Guy McPherson By Michael Welch, October 17, 2021
Breakthroughs in Space Craft, 5G, and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Pathways Toward a Digital Dictatorship By Michael Welch, Bruce Gagnon, and Patrick Wood, October 02, 2021
Still Unreconciled in Canada: A Century of Residential School Horrors By Michael Welch, Kevin Annett, and Richard Sanders, September 30, 2021
Canadian Election 44: No Mice in the Field of Cats By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Ken Stone, and Matthew Ehret-Kump, September 25, 2021
From 9/11 Truth to Covid Truth. Victories and Failures Twenty Years Later By Michael Welch and James Corbett, September 18, 2021
Investigating the Truth of 9/11. Healing the Wound and Paying the Price By Michael Welch, September 11, 2021
Video: Why Canada Should Leave NATO By Michael Welch, Margaret Kimberley, Tamara Lorincz, and Ludo De Brabander, September 09, 2021
Video: Innumerable Ways Canada Supports Israeli Apartheid By Michael Welch, Bianca Mugyenyi, and Yves Engler, August 08, 2021
The Cross-Canada Campaign to Free Meng Wanzhou By Michael Welch and Christopher Black, August 08, 2021
Haiti Betrayed By Michael Welch, Bianca Mugyenyi, Brian Concannon Jr., and Jean Saint-Vil, August 08, 2021
Glen Ford Memorial – Saluting a Black Radical and a Journalistic Champion By Michael Welch, Ajamu Baraka, and Ann Garrison, August 07, 2021
Hiroshima at 75. The Doomsday Clock and the Ongoing Threat of “Atomic Horror” By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Greg Mitchell, August 05, 2021
The Assassination of Malcolm X By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 31, 2021
The Assassination of Martin Luther King. Racism and the Growing Cancer Blighting U.S. Foreign Policy By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 23, 2021
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 16, 2021
The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 09, 2021
Journalism in the Crosshairs: The Julian Assange Case By Michael Welch, Megan Sherman, Dr. Binoy Kampmark, John Shipton, Joe Lauria, John Kiriakou, John Pilger, and Stella Moris, July 05, 2021
Canada Day Summer 2021. Mourning the Victims of the Nations “Residential Schools” By Michael Welch, Kari Polanyi Levitt, and Richard Sanders, July 03, 2021
Hail to the Left – In Tribute to our Lost Heroes: Ramsey Clark and Leo Panitch By Michael Welch, Prof. Sam Gindin, Sara Flounders, and Prof. Greg Albo, June 26, 2021
Fat Cats Private Club
Global War on Humanity: America’s Unceasing Pursuit of Hegemony By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, June 19, 2021
The Arctic Fox: The Dynamics between Russia and America By Michael Welch and Dmitry Orlov, June 11, 2021
Doctors vs Health Authorities. Clinically Proven Drugs vs the Jab. Who will Prevail? transcript available By Michael Welch, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, and Dr. Peter McCullough, June 05, 2021
Israel Post Ceasefire: When the Dreams of Israelis Collide with the Hopes of Palestinians By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Robert Inlakesh, and Mike Prysner, May 29, 2021
The Third Intifada. Israel’s Crimes. Palestine’s Wrath. Ray of Hope? By Michael Welch, Prof. Richard Falk, Richard Silverstein, and Laith Marouf, May 22, 2021
India: Resisting Vaccines and Corporate Capture of Farms By Michael Welch and Chris Cook, May 15, 2021
Genocide Drowned out by Media Silence: The Yemen War Six Years Later By Michael Welch, Steven Sahiounie, Yousra Abdulmalik, and Azza Rojbi, May 08, 2021
Let Mumia Out! Exploring Racial Justice as the Sun Sets over George Floyd By Michael Welch, Suzanne Ross, and Johanna Fernandez, May 08, 2021
Ten Years after Fukushima, Canada Still Embraces the Atom: The Debut of the Small Moderate Reactors By Michael Welch, Robert Hunziker, and Prof. M. V. Ramana, May 01, 2021
Earth Day 2021: Hope Illusions and Daunting Realities By Michael Welch, Cory Morningstar, and Dr. Andrew Glikson, April 23, 2021