Global Economy

The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Crisis in America’s Political Landscape By Jack A. Smith, January 24, 2012
Sheikhs Fall in Love with the Renminbi. China eyes Investment Opportunities in the “Arabian Gulf” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 23, 2012
Banks and EU leaders pressure Greece for more austerity By Stefan Steinberg, January 23, 2012
Economic Collapse amidst a Mini-Recovery By Bob Chapman, January 21, 2012
CANADA: Tax Cuts, Privatization and Deregulation: Is it a Debt Crisis or a Distribution of Wealth Crisis? By Paul Kahnert and Prof. Sam Gindin, January 20, 2012
Spiralling Debt and the Fracture of the European Monetary System By Bob Chapman, January 18, 2012
Global Systemic Economic Crisis – 2012: The Year of the World’s Great Geopolitical Swing By Global Research, January 18, 2012
VIDEO: What Did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Say About War Costs? By Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., January 16, 2012
Home Seizures May Jump 25% This Year as U.S. Foreclosures Resume By Dan Levy, January 16, 2012
DEMOCRATIZE BANKING: Occupy the Neighborhood, How Counties Can Use Land Banks and Eminent Domain By Ellen Brown, January 15, 2012
“Financial Terrorism”: Wall Street’s Ratings Agencies Degrade Nine European Countries By Danny Schechter, January 14, 2012
Evolving Financial Crisis. Solvency of the Euro Zone By Bob Chapman, January 11, 2012
Saving the Post Office and Postal Banking : The Models of Kiwibank and Japan Post By Ellen Brown, January 09, 2012
The Historical Roots of the Global Economic and Social Crisis By Eric Toussaint, January 08, 2012
Manipulating the Figures on US Unemployment: December Payroll Jobs Report By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 08, 2012
The US Economy in the Doldrums: No Evidence of Solvency or Recovery By Bob Chapman, January 07, 2012
The Dismal Economic Outlook For The New Year. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 07, 2012
The US-Iran Economic War: Worldwide Depression. Skyrocketting Oil Prices? By Pepe Escobar, January 06, 2012
Romney, Santorum in Virtual Tie in Iowa Republican Caucus By Patrick Martin, January 04, 2012
Money Power Runs America By Stephen Lendman, January 04, 2012
The European Ponzi Scheme and the Euro By Bob Chapman, January 04, 2012
Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: How the Federal Reserve Overshadows the European Banking System By Bob Chapman, December 31, 2011
War and the Financial Crisis. The Threat to Humanity of a Nuclear War against Iran By General Leonid Ivashov, December 30, 2011
The Federal Reserve is Secretely Bailing out Europe By Washington's Blog, December 29, 2011
Government of the Rich, by the Rich and for the Rich By Patrick Martin, December 29, 2011
Grim Economic Prospects for 2012: Social Upheaval, Bank Defaults and Financial Chaos By Bob Chapman, December 28, 2011
Unrelenting Global Economic Crisis: A Doomsday View of 2012 By Prof. James Petras, December 25, 2011
Crush Labor and Impose Austerity: ECB Head Draghi’s Real Goal for the Eurozone By Mike Whitney, December 23, 2011
Money Creation and the Bankruptcy of Major Banks: The Roles of the IMF, The European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve By Bob Chapman, December 21, 2011
Bank of Canada Challenged in Legal Action: “Restore the Use of the Bank of Canada for Canadians” By Global Research, December 20, 2011
Obama, Congress Ratify Social Spending Cuts By Patrick Martin, December 19, 2011
America Just Says No to the Rule of Law By David Kerans, December 19, 2011
Argentina: A Testing Ground for Engineering Financial Collapse: What Lessons for Europe… By Adrian Salbuchi, December 19, 2011
50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe By Global Research, December 18, 2011
Global Economic Crisis: The USA, An Insolvent and Ungovernable Country By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), December 17, 2011
EU Banking Crisis: Towards the “Leveraged Breakup” of Euroland? By Bob Chapman, December 17, 2011
Understanding Unemployment: Keynesian vs. Marxian Explanations By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, December 16, 2011
The Way to Occupy a Bank is to Own One By Ellen Brown, December 16, 2011
Bankers Rule the World: “The Network of Global Corporate Control” By Stephen Lendman, December 16, 2011
Iraq War “ends” with a $4 trillion IOU By Christopher Hinton, December 15, 2011
VIDEO: Los Angeles: Constitutional Rights are for Humans, Not Corporations By Global Research, December 15, 2011
Euro Crisis: Britain’s Financial Arsonist Returns to the Scene of the Crime By Finian Cunningham, December 14, 2011
The European Stabilization Mechanism (ESM), Financial Insolvency and the Bailout of Europe’s Mega Banks By Bob Chapman, December 14, 2011
Markets of Shame Before The Collapse: Crisis, Crisis, Everywhere By Danny Schechter, December 13, 2011
Humanity at the Crossroads: Destruction or Rebirth By Devon Douglas-Bowers, December 13, 2011
The Derivative Debt Bubble: “Ghost Financial Assets” and the Widespread Discounting of Western Public Debt By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), December 12, 2011
Doomed to Fail: Wrecking Europe’s Monetary System to Fix It By Stephen Lendman, December 12, 2011
The Financial Crisis Was Entirely Foreseeable By Washington's Blog, December 10, 2011
Demise of the Euro: Part of a Long-term Plan for a Global “Super-currency” controlled by the Banksters By Adrian Salbuchi, December 09, 2011
VIDEO: Engineering the Eurozone Collapse By F. William Engdahl, December 08, 2011
Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wall Street Money Machine By Ellen Brown, December 08, 2011
OWS: Reform or Revolution… and the Lessons from Egypt. By Ghada Chehade, December 08, 2011
No People No Problem: “The Baltic Tigers” False Prophets of Economic Austerity By Jeffrey Sommers and Prof Michael Hudson, December 07, 2011
The European Debt Crisis: Unstable Currency Markets. By Bob Chapman, December 07, 2011
VIDEO: Italy’s Welfare Minister In Tears Over Austerity Sacrifices By Global Research, December 06, 2011
Debt and Democracy: Has the Link been Broken? By Prof Michael Hudson, December 06, 2011
Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism: Audacity, More Audacity in Formulating an Alternative to the Existing System. By Samir Amin, December 06, 2011
Study Documents Desperate Conditions Facing the Unemployed in America By Andre Damon and Barry Grey, December 05, 2011
VIDEO: The Fed Grants $7.77 Trillion in Secret Bank Loan By Dennis Kucinich, December 03, 2011
Have You Heard About The 16 Trillion Dollar Bailout The Federal Reserve Handed To The Too Big To Fail Banks? By Global Research, December 02, 2011
Central Banks’ Latest Move Shows Desperation: This isn’t a financial crisis … it’s a bank robbery. By Washington's Blog, December 01, 2011
War and the Economic Crisis: America’s Military Obsession Leads To Economic Decline By Global Research, December 01, 2011
VIDEO: Audit Reveals Trillions in Bank Bailouts by Federal Reserve By Alan Grayson, December 01, 2011
The Euro Zone System in Crisis. Will it Backlash on Wall Street? By Bob Chapman, December 01, 2011
The European Central Bank Fiddles While Rome Burns By Ellen Brown, November 30, 2011
Why Banks Deserve Preferential Treatment While Millions of Homeowners Are Denied Assistance And Are At Risk of Foreclosure? By Washington's Blog, November 29, 2011
VIDEO: Military Spending: Is Congress About to Put You Out of Work? By Global Research, November 29, 2011
The Next Banking Crisis By Hugo Radice, November 29, 2011
Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime-Change Project By Richard K. Moore, November 27, 2011
The Mega Banks: Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, et. al. Control Europe’s Political Landscape By Bob Chapman, November 27, 2011
Bankers have seized Europe: Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 26, 2011
VIDEO: Imperialism and the 99% Solution By Michael Parenti, November 25, 2011
The Roads To War And Economic Collapse By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 24, 2011
A Majority of Americans (Including Both OWS and the Tea Party) AGREE on the Most Important Issues … We Just Don’t Realize It By Washington's Blog, November 23, 2011
VIDEO: Debt Crisis: Europe’s Savage Austerity Measures By Global Research, November 22, 2011
Unravelling Carbon Markets By Larry Lohmann, November 22, 2011
Crisis of the Federal Budget: The so-called congressional “Super Committee” By Rep. Ron Paul, November 22, 2011
VIDEO: Goldman Sachs and Europe’s “Inside Job” By Global Research, November 21, 2011
US Budget Panel Fails to Reach Deficit-Cutting Agreement By Patrick Martin, November 21, 2011
VIDEO: Federal Reserve Analyst: Fed Banks Are Private By Global Research, November 21, 2011