Global Economy

The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Vladimir Putin and the “De-Dollarization” of Russia-China Trade. “Mutual Payments” in Rubles and Renminbi By Umberto Pascali, May 20, 2014
Vladimir Putin’s Statement on Russia-China Trade and Investment Relations. Global and Regional Priorities By Pres. Vladimir Putin, May 20, 2014
The Federal Reserves’ “Opaque Methods”: More on the Belgium Treasury Purchase By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, May 20, 2014
Russia Dumps 20% Of Its Treasury Holdings As Mystery “Belgium” Buyer Adds Another Whopping $40 Billion By Zero Hedge, May 20, 2014
Italian MP Blames Secretive Bilderberg Group for Wrecking Italy’s Economy By Paul Joseph Watson, May 20, 2014
The Fed Is The Great Deceiver By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, May 20, 2014
Did the Federal Reserve Launder $141 Billion Dollars Through Belgium to Hide Massive Increase In Quantitative Easing? By Washington's Blog, May 20, 2014
Thailand: Intervention of Armed Forces By Tony Cartalucci, May 20, 2014
US-NATO Interventionism in Africa: Imperialists Host Conference on “Nigerian Security” in Paris By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20, 2014
Capitalism and “The Universal Religion” By Peter Dudink, May 20, 2014
What Drives The West’s Self-Destructive Belligerence? The “Reconstruction and Enlargement” of Europe. By Tony Cartalucci, May 20, 2014
Monsanto Double Standards and the Crumbling “Scientific Myths” of the GMO Biotech Sector By Colin Todhunter, May 19, 2014
Global Finance is A Power Game. Political and Financial Alliances, The Big Six Banks By Nomi Prins and Lars Schall, May 19, 2014
South Africa: There’s No Turning Back By Socialist Project, May 19, 2014
Oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi: Washington’s “Man in Ukraine” By Eric Zuesse, May 18, 2014
Democracy is Not For Sale in the European Union By Colin Todhunter, May 17, 2014
Putin Blinks in Ukraine Standoff with the US. The Role of Oligarchs? By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, May 17, 2014
Trade, Climate, Finance and Agriculture. The European Commission’s Corrupt Reforms on Behalf of Big Business By Colin Todhunter, May 15, 2014
Russia Holds “De-Dollarization Meeting”: China, Iran Willing To Drop US Dollar From Bilateral Trade By Zero Hedge, May 14, 2014
The Great Deceiver — The Federal Reserve. The US Dollar’s Fragile Reserve Currency Status By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, May 14, 2014
Raising the Minimum Wage in America: San Francisco Rides the $15 Wave By Shamus Cooke, May 14, 2014
The Detroit Model: Permanent Rule by the Banks By Jerry White, May 13, 2014
The Obvious Reason Why Quantitative Easing Doesn’t Work By Washington's Blog, May 12, 2014
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Rights of Mexican Workers By Richard Roman and Edur Velasco, May 11, 2014
Africa Is Up For Sale By The Acre To The Highest Bidder By Atheling P Reginald Mavengira, May 10, 2014
Los Angeles Municipal Fraud, The Next Battle Against Wall Street? By Tom Hayden, May 10, 2014
Israeli Inroads into Asia Undermine Asian Ties with The Arab World By Nicola Nasser, May 10, 2014
A New Economic System is Emerging: The NYT “Reports and Distorts”, Head of the OSCE Meets with President Putin By Peter Koenig, May 10, 2014
wall street
Debunking the Economic Myth that “War Is Good for Business” By Washington's Blog, May 09, 2014
Global Capitalism Remains in Deep Crisis. Is War the Unspoken “Solution”? By Danny Schechter, May 09, 2014
Ukraine gets its Mafia-type Loan By Pepe Escobar, May 08, 2014
“War is Good for Business”: Big Oil, Wall Street and the Pentagon’s “New Cold War” Against Russia By Bill Dores, May 08, 2014
CIA Front, USAID, “Spreading Democracy”, Gearing Up in Ukraine – Suharto II? By Scott Creighton, May 08, 2014
America’s Hidden Hunger Crisis By Stephen Lendman, May 07, 2014
Robbing Main Street to Prop Up Wall Street: Why Jerry Brown’s Rainy Day Fund Is a Bad Idea By Ellen Brown, May 06, 2014
Detroit May Day Demonstration Says ‘Make the Banks Pay’ By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 05, 2014
Putin Signs Law on National Card Payment System as Visa and MasterCard Deny Service to Russian Banks By Ria Novosti, May 05, 2014
Doom and Gloom or Economic Boom? The Myth of the “North Korean Economic Collapse” By Henri Feron, May 05, 2014
John Kerry says Africa has “Natural Resources”, Therefore the US is a “Natural Partner” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 04, 2014
stack of money
The IMF’s “Rescue Package”. Coercing Ukraine into a Civil War By Peter Koenig, May 03, 2014
Spies R Us: The “Kidnapping” of Fake OSCE “Humanitarian Monitors” in Ukraine. By Peter Koenig, May 02, 2014
Wall Street and the Global Laundering of Drug Money By Washington's Blog, May 02, 2014
Privatization of UK’s Royal Mail – Goldman Sachs and UBS Gave “Priority Investor Status” to 17 Institutions By Tom Warren and Nick Mathiason, May 02, 2014
The Death of Public Healthcare in Canada? By Justin Panos, May 01, 2014
The US Economy Is A House Of Cards By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 30, 2014
USA: Bad Jobs Country By Glen Ford, April 30, 2014
War For Profit: Does The Waste Ever End? By Joachim Hagopian, April 29, 2014
Collapsing Standard of Living: Kleptocrats and Militarists Fleece Americans By Prof. James Petras, April 29, 2014
Suspicious Deaths of Bankers Are Now Classified as “Trade Secrets” By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, April 29, 2014
The Iraqi Growth Myth By Salah Nasrawi, April 28, 2014
The Biggest Secret About Banking Has Just Gone Mainstream By Washington's Blog, April 28, 2014
Bad Government and Central Bank Policy Are the Main Cause of Runaway Inequality By Washington's Blog, April 27, 2014
War, Economic Catastrophe and Environmental Degradation. Under the Guise of Progress and Development By Colin Todhunter, April 27, 2014
Suppressing the Price of Gold: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman and the Fed Complicit in “Gold Price Rigging” By Lars Schall, April 27, 2014
Forty Years Later, From Dictatorship to Neoliberalism. Portugal as a Model for a New Socialism? By Leila Dregger, April 26, 2014
TV Blackout: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – A Big Controversy that Isn’t News – But Look What Is… By FAIR, April 25, 2014
If War Was Funded Like College Tuition By David Swanson, April 25, 2014
Oligarchs R’ US. That “Iron Law” Of Oligarchy Is Back To Haunt Us By Danny Schechter, April 25, 2014
War Makes Us Poor By Washington's Blog, April 24, 2014
Wall Street Greed and the Corrupt Global Banking Cartel: Too Big to Prosecute? Not for a California Jury By Ellen Brown, April 23, 2014
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA): When Foreign Investors Sue the State By Martin Khor, April 23, 2014
Central Banks
Enough Already: The G-20 and the US Tell the Bank of Japan to End Quantitative Easing By Mike Whitney, April 22, 2014
Workplace Occupations in Turkey. Response to Neoliberal Authoritarian Rule By Socialist Project, April 22, 2014
Putin Says that the Oil Wars with Russia will Make the West Bleed By RT, April 22, 2014
Economic Development, Poverty and Class Struggle in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 21, 2014
Caterpillar Uses Swiss Subsidiary to Avoid Billions in Taxes By Rozali Telbis, April 21, 2014
The Dow Jones Index is the Greatest of All Ponzi Schemes By Washington's Blog, April 21, 2014
Reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions: The IMF Might Not Live to See Its Anniversary By Valentin Katasonov, April 21, 2014
Bolivia’s New Mining Law By Kirsten Francescone, April 21, 2014
Old World Order vs. New World Order: The Geopolitics of Chaos and Stochastic Change By Andrew McKillop, April 19, 2014
War Creates Massive Debt and Makes the Banks Rich By Washington's Blog, April 19, 2014
Russia-US Confrontation: Europe Dragged into a Division of the World between Debtors and Creditors: America’s Desperate Solution for not Sinking Alone By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), April 18, 2014
Bankers are Behind the Wars By Washington's Blog, April 18, 2014
Privatization Is A Ramp For Corruption and Insouciance Is a Ramp for War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 17, 2014
The Social Counter-revolution Accelerates in Detroit By Jerry White, April 17, 2014
Health Insurance: Obama Lied About Obamacare, Now Wants Political Lying to Be Legal By Eric Zuesse, April 16, 2014
Remembering Michael C. Ruppert: Wall Street, The CIA and 9/11: “The CIA had Complete and Perfect Knowledge of the Attacks” By Michael C. Ruppert, Bonnie Faulkner, and Kéllia Ramares, April 16, 2014
Iceland and the Global Economic Crisis: The Viking Tiger, A Sacrificial Lamb upon the Altar of Free Trade By Giorgio Baruchello, April 16, 2014
9/11 Attacks: Criminal Foreknowledge and Insider Trading lead directly to the CIA’s Highest Ranks By Michael C. Ruppert, April 16, 2014
Spanish Government Attacks Democratic Rights By Alejandro López, April 15, 2014