Global Economy

The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Greece – Risk of False-flagging Greece into Submission and Chaos? By Peter Koenig, July 03, 2015
US Employs Trojan Horse Strategy with Cuba By RT, July 03, 2015
Iceland, the Land of Freedom and True Democracy, Grows Booming Economy After Jailing Bankster Criminals By J. D. Heyes, July 03, 2015
Nine Myths About the Greek Crisis By Prof. James K Galbraith, July 03, 2015
Sunday’s Referendum in Greece By Stephen Lendman, July 03, 2015
Putin Gobsmacks Uncle Sam … Again By Mike Whitney, July 03, 2015
The Unravelling of Europe and an Idea By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 03, 2015
US Labor Force Participation Rate Hits Lowest Level in Nearly Four Decades By Andre Damon, July 03, 2015
Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Leaks: More Evidence of Concerted Attack on Democracy By Deirdre Fulton, July 03, 2015
Puerto Rico is Bankrupt: Will the IMF Bail-Out Puerto Rico? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 03, 2015
“Saakashvili Auctions Off Odessa to American Investors” By Julie Lévesque, July 03, 2015
Neither Greater Asia nor Greater Europe: America’s «Chaos» versus a Silk World Order By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 03, 2015
Is a Nuclear Deal with Iran Being Stalled Because the West Can’t Pay Tehran’s Money Back? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 02, 2015
The US-Russia Economic War Heats Up. Coordinated with Pentagon-NATO Deployments By Eric Draitser, July 02, 2015
Job Losses and Obama’s TPP: The Deadly Impacts of Trade Agreements on Employment By Stephen Lendman, July 02, 2015
Five Banks Account For 96% of $250 Trillion in Outstanding US Derivative Exposure By Zero Hedge, July 02, 2015
“What If Berlin And Frankfurt Do Not Budge” – How Varoufakis Saw The “Worst Case Scenario” By Zero Hedge, July 01, 2015
Greece: Tsipras Surrenders to Troika Demands. Will The Referendum be Cancelled? By Stephen Lendman, July 01, 2015
Empire and the History of the Drug Trade By S. Taylor-Wickenden, July 01, 2015
Greece Again Can Save The West By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 01, 2015
EuroZone Profiteers: How German and French Banks Helped Bankrupt Greece By Pratap Chatterjee, July 01, 2015
Greece – A Moving Target. A New Bailout Package in the Wings? By Peter Koenig, July 01, 2015
Financial Bombshells: Greece and JPMorgan By Bill Holter, July 01, 2015
Greece May Become a Member of BRICS. Debt Relief From the New Development Bank (NDB)? By Stephen Lendman, July 01, 2015
Greece Threatens ‘Unprecedented’ Injunction Against EU To Block Grexit By Zero Hedge, July 01, 2015
Varoufakis: If Europe Wants to Humiliate Greece, Do We Need That Kind of Europe? By Sputnik, July 01, 2015
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: the Totalitarian End-game of the Global Elite By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 01, 2015
Syriza’s Fraudulent Capital Controls By Nick Beams, July 01, 2015
Goldman Sachs Doesn’t Have Clean Hands in Greece Crisis By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, July 01, 2015
Puerto Rico Governor Declares Debts “Not Payable” By David Brown, June 30, 2015
Greeks Say “No to Austerity”: Tens of Thousands Back Syriza at Rally in Athens By Deirdre Fulton, June 30, 2015
16 Facts About The Tremendous Financial Devastation That We Are Seeing All Over The World By Michael Snyder, June 30, 2015
NPR Celebrates Fast-Track Victory With an All-Corporate Lobbyist Segment By Jim Naureckas, June 30, 2015
Greek Democracy Is Back? By Andreas C Chrysafis, June 29, 2015
The Troika Intends to Suffocate Greece. Threaten an “Uncontrollable Crisis”… By Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, June 29, 2015
The Impacts of the BDS Campaign on Israel’s Economy By Stephen Lendman, June 29, 2015
“Greece Should Go Bankrupt, Get It Over and Start It Over” By RT, June 29, 2015
Capture, Smear, Contaminate: The Politics Of GMOs By Colin Todhunter, June 29, 2015
Russia: “Calm Amidst the Tempest”. EU Sanctions, US-NATO Military on Russia’s Border By Israel Shamir, June 29, 2015
New York Times Warns Greece to Accept Endless Depression– Because Default Might Be Painful By Dean Baker, June 29, 2015
Greek Crisis Comes to a Head By Alex Lantier, June 29, 2015
Cuba’s Warming Relations with the US May Undermine its Agroecological City Farms By Julia Wright and Emily Morris, June 28, 2015
On Greece and Europe: What is Called “Negotiation” is a Demand for Total Surrender By Prof Michael Hudson, June 28, 2015
Troika Intends Starving Greece Into Economic Submission By Stephen Lendman, June 28, 2015
Greece – The Delphi Declaration By Peter Koenig, June 27, 2015
The Silver Market: Don’t Push a Bad Position! By Bill Holter, June 27, 2015
Greece – The Way Out. Troika Involved in “Financial Terrorism”. It’s “Economic Waterboarding” By Peter Koenig, June 26, 2015
Foreign Investment in Israel Plummets by Half Since Gaza Massacre By Ali Abunimah, June 26, 2015
King Obama, His Royal Court, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) By Ralph Nader, June 26, 2015
wall street
Treasury Now Has Color-Coded Financial Terror Alerts By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, June 26, 2015
How to Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) By David Swanson, June 26, 2015
The Day the Earth Died And Why Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Et Al. Were Virtually Silent About It By Eric Zuesse, June 25, 2015
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), An Oppressive US-Led Free Trade Agreement, A Corporate Power-Tool of the 1% By Nile Bowie, June 25, 2015
The “American Dream” Denied: US Home Ownership Rate Hits Lowest Level in Two Decades By Andre Damon, June 25, 2015
Crying Wolf? Impending Global Financial Collapse Will Change the World Order By Bill Holter, June 25, 2015
American Defense Secretary Ashton Carter: Physicist for War and Profit By John Stanton, June 25, 2015
Vladimir Putin on the Global Economy, Geopolitics and Russia-Europe Relations By Pres. Vladimir Putin, June 24, 2015
The Delphi Declaration on the European Russian Crisis By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 24, 2015
Propaganda Reigns In The West By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 24, 2015
Stifling Growth in Greece: The Austerity Regime Continues By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 24, 2015
Britain’s People’s Assembly: Marching Against Austerity in London By Lesley Docksey, June 24, 2015
How the World Bank’s ‘Payday Loans’ Are Increasing Dire Water Shortages in Latin America By Dr. Barbara G. Ellis, June 24, 2015
The Restructuring, Audit, Suspension and Abolition of the Debt By Eric Toussaint and Maud Bailly, June 24, 2015
China Syndrome: Why the PRC Won’t Get Sucked Into a Pointless War with the United States By Mike Whitney, June 24, 2015
The Merging of Government and Wall Street Into One Criminal Entity: The Rising Tide of State Fascism in the US and Canada By Joachim Hagopian, June 23, 2015
Wall Street Front Group Pleads for Government Help in New York Times OpEd By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, June 22, 2015
The St. Petersburg’s International Forum in the Heart of the Action By Pepe Escobar, June 22, 2015
The Greek Default: “It’s Already in the Market”? What Will the World Look like the Day Markets Try to Reopen? By Bill Holter, June 22, 2015
IMF Violates IMF Rules, to Continue Ukraine Bailouts By Eric Zuesse, June 22, 2015
“Sentence First, Verdict Afterwards”: The Alice in Wonderland World of Fast-tracked Secret Trade Agreements By Ellen Brown, June 22, 2015
The Rise of the “Non Leftist Left”. The Radical Reconfiguration of Southern European Politics By Prof. James Petras, June 22, 2015
Grexit – Critical Times for Greece By Andreas C Chrysafis, June 21, 2015
The Freezing of Russian Assets, Moscow’s Counter-Sanctions Directed against the EU By Stephen Lendman, June 21, 2015
Confiscation of Bank Deposits, The Derivative Debt By Ellen Brown and James Corbett, June 21, 2015
The Deadly Impacts of Anti-Russian Sanctions on the European Economy. 2.5 Million Jobs Threatened. Study By RT, June 21, 2015
America’s Pursuit of Empire. Washington’s Post-Cold War Hegemonic Project By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 20, 2015
European Central Bank Extends Credit on Fears of Greek Bank Collapse By Robert Stevens, June 20, 2015
IMF Humiliates Greece, Repeats It Will Keep Funding Ukraine Even If It Defaults By Zero Hedge, June 20, 2015
Ron Paul: US Stock Market About to Collapse By Sputnik, June 20, 2015
“Wag the Dog” Mass Killing, Race Wars and Gun Confiscation Obscure Sleight of Hand TPP Passage By Joachim Hagopian, June 20, 2015