Global Economy

The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Time for “Quantitative Easing for People instead of Banks” (PQE): Raining Money on Main Street By Ellen Brown, September 23, 2015
Andrew Jackson
US Federal Reserve Decision Not to Raise Interest Rates Fails to Calm Markets By Nick Beams, September 22, 2015
Vladimir Putin: “Russia and the Changing World” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, September 22, 2015
Managing the Occupation: Syriza Wins Again, … on Behalf of the Banksters By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 22, 2015
Narendra Modi and Monsanto: Making India Friendly to Global Capital By Colin Todhunter, September 22, 2015
No to blackmail and austerity
Greece — The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media By Global Research News, September 21, 2015
Initiatives for Transforming the Global Economy. China’s “One Belt One Road” By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, September 21, 2015
US-China Relations: the Pentagon versus High Tech By Prof. James Petras, September 19, 2015
“The Greek Tragedy Is A Textbook Debt Deflation” By Michael Bernegger and Lars Schall, September 19, 2015
Near Zero Percent US Federal Funds Rate Since December 2008 By Stephen Lendman, September 19, 2015
Insider Trading on 9/11: Speculative Trade in “Put Options”. The Financial Facts Laid Bare By Lars Schall, September 17, 2015
Rebranded Corporate-Friendly EU-US Trade Mechanism: European Commission Accused of ‘Putting Lipstick on a Pig’ By Andrea Germanos, September 17, 2015
Seven Years Since the Wall Street Crash By Nick Beams, September 15, 2015
Russia’s Grand Geo-Economic Strategy: Southern Shift, Beyond Eurasia By Andrew Korybko, September 13, 2015
Greece – The Day when Democracy Died in Europe By Peter Koenig, September 13, 2015
The September 11 Financial Heist: “Follow The 9/11 Money Trail” By James Corbett, September 12, 2015
Market Volatility. It’s All About Expectations; Why Are Stocks Going Berserk? By Mike Whitney, September 12, 2015
China Is Still a Driving Force for Global Economic Growth: China Premier By Zhao Cheng, September 11, 2015
China: Reformers and Compradors By Prof. James Petras, September 11, 2015
From G8 to G7, Revisiting The Russia – G7 Divorce: How Moscow Came Out On Top By Andrew Korybko, September 10, 2015
Summer of Summits and Russia’s Grand Geo-Economic Strategy. “All Roads Lead Through Russia” By Andrew Korybko, September 09, 2015
Unsettled Markets and “Financial Exhaustion”: What Happens when you Raise Interest Rates on a Wobbly Creditor System? By Bill Holter, September 08, 2015
The G20 Economic Summit: A Spectacle of Political Bankruptcy By Nick Beams, September 08, 2015
How Neocons Destabilized Europe. The Prescription of “Endless Regime Change” Now Spreads Chaos in Europe By Robert Parry, September 08, 2015
The G20 Summit: A Spectacle of Political Bankruptcy By Nick Beams, September 08, 2015
Work Overload: Time for a Union Strategy By Michael Hurley and Prof. Sam Gindin, September 07, 2015
The Two Faces of Capitalism and Left Options By Prof. James Petras, September 07, 2015
Photo: Russian International Affairs Council
Western Sanctions Could Lead To Russia-Japan Currency Swaps By RT, September 07, 2015
How the US and the WTO Crushed India’s Subsidies for Solar Energy By Charles Pierson, September 06, 2015
The 9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC): Unspoken Financial Bonanza By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 04, 2015
Whither The Economy? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 04, 2015
Jeremy Corbyn’s “Quantitative Easing for People”: The UK Labour Frontrunner’s Controversial Proposal By Ellen Brown, September 04, 2015
Asia: Choosing Between East and West By Tony Cartalucci, September 04, 2015
Dollar As World’s Reserve Currency Threatened By Stephen Lendman, September 03, 2015
Britain’s Neo-Liberal Elite: Jeremy Corbyn and Challenges to Political Power By Jonathan Cook, September 02, 2015
Russia’s Putin Drafts Bill to Dump Dollar, Euro from CIS Trade By Press TV, September 02, 2015
More Signs of Global Downturn Send Stocks Plunging Again By Andre Damon, September 02, 2015
Return to Crisis: Things Keep Getting Worse By Mike Whitney, September 02, 2015
Whitewashing the IMF’s Destructive Role in Greece By Prof Michael Hudson, September 02, 2015
Michigan Struggles Link Rising Racism to the Economic Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 01, 2015
Western Sanctions on Russia, Russia-China Cooperation: A Tectonic Shift of the Global Economy? By Peter Koenig and The Saker, September 01, 2015
Differing Views on China’s “Faltering Economy”, Growing Faster than “Stagnating Western Economies” By Stephen Lendman, September 01, 2015
“Something” Just Happened! China’s Gold Stocks, Dumping of US Treasuries, Quantitative Tightening (QT), Oil Markets By Bill Holter, September 01, 2015
Michael Hudson
Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts — Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy. Michael Hudson By Pam Martens, September 01, 2015
The Dying Institutions Of Western Civilization. Nothing Is Left By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 31, 2015
$1.8 Billion IMF Ukraine Bailout Money Deposited in Ukraine Oligarch Kolomoyskyi’s Cyprus Offshore Bank Account By Sputnik, August 31, 2015
Central Banks Step In to Prop Up Global Financial Bubble By Andre Damon, August 31, 2015
Robots Will Cut 25% of US Jobs in 4 years, Transform Workforce By RT, August 29, 2015
Greece – A new Beginning? – New Hope? New President. The Legality of the Austerity Bailout Package By Peter Koenig, August 29, 2015
Financial Times Calls For Abolishing Cash. “To Give More Power to Central Banks” By Paul Joseph Watson, August 28, 2015
Looting Made Easy: the $2 Trillion Buyback Binge By Mike Whitney, August 28, 2015
It’s Official: China Confirms It Has Begun Liquidating Treasuries, Warns Washington By Zero Hedge, August 28, 2015
China’s Economic Downturn Raises Concerns about Political Instability By Peter Symonds, August 28, 2015
The Devaluation of the Yuan Tests China’s Rise as a World Power By Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, August 27, 2015
Behind the Market Crash: The Smoke and Mirrors of Corporate Buybacks By Prof Michael Hudson, August 27, 2015
“The Media Lies for A Living”: The Decline in the US Stock Market is “The Fault of China” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 27, 2015
China Financial Markets “Carefully Rigged”. Instruments of Stock Market Manipulation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 26, 2015
The Greek Elections and the EU Bailout: From Hope to Fear and Despair. Greece’s National Wealth For Sale By Prof. James Petras, August 26, 2015
“The Banksters Did It”: The Central Banks Have Engineered This Financial Collapse By James Corbett, August 26, 2015
Global Economic Crisis: The Latest Cumulative Impact of America’s Aggressive “Regime Change” Strategy By Robert Parry, August 26, 2015
Panic Grips Financial Markets By Stephen Lendman, August 26, 2015
IMF: Greece Needs “Significant Debt Relief” By Constantin Gurdgiev, August 25, 2015
Chinese Central Banker Blames Fed for Market Crash By Zero Hedge, August 25, 2015
As Global Selloff Deepens, US Stock Market Teeters on Edge of Collapse By Barry Grey, August 25, 2015
US Imperialism and America’s “New Cold War” against Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 25, 2015
Black Monday “Speculative Rebound”: The Dow Jones Just Made the Largest One-Day Roundtrip EVER By Washington's Blog, August 24, 2015
Global Trade in Freefall: Container Freight Rates from Asia to Europe Crash 60% in Three Weeks By Zero Hedge, August 24, 2015
Black Monday… “Full On Market Crash Phase” By Clive P. Maund, August 24, 2015
The China Stock Market Collapse: Summarizing The “Black Monday” Carnage So Far By Zero Hedge, August 24, 2015
China Stocks in Sharpest Fall Since 2007 By Zhang Yixi, August 24, 2015
Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis Documents Syriza’s Political Treachery By Robert Stevens, August 24, 2015
German “Investors” Begin the Looting of Greece By Darrell Delamaide, August 24, 2015
The Privatization of Water: Nestlé Pays Only $524 to Extract 27,000,000 Gallons of California Drinking Water By Claire Bernish, August 24, 2015
Central Banks Have Become a Corrupting Force By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, August 24, 2015
Ending Government Rule of the Elites, by the Elites, for the Elites By Prof. Robert Abele, August 23, 2015
Recent Two Day Stock Market Crash Larger Than Any One Day Stock Market Crash In U.S. History By Michael Snyder, August 22, 2015
RBS, Barclays, HSBC, Goldman: White Collar Criminals In Rigged Foreign Exchange Scandal Must Face Jail Time, Say UK Experts By RT, August 22, 2015
Turkey is Looting and Destroying Aleppo, Syrian Industrialists Seek International Justice By Fehim Taştekin, August 21, 2015
Global Markets Plunge amid Signs of Deepening Slump By Andre Damon, August 21, 2015
2015: The Global Financial Crash Won’t Happen By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), August 21, 2015