Global Economy

The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
‘Britain Would Collapse If It Tried to Pay Back the Money It Drained From India’ By Newsclick Report, February 26, 2018
Armenia’s Black Sea-Persian Gulf Corridor Plans Risk Antagonizing Russia By Andrew Korybko, February 25, 2018
Venezuela: Petro Sales Exceed $1 Billion in Just Two Days By Telesur, February 25, 2018
The Venezuelan “Petro” – Towards a New World Reserve Currency? By Peter Koenig, February 23, 2018
World Bank Whistleblower Reveals How the Global Elite Rules the World By Michael Snyder, February 21, 2018
Trump’s Tax Cuts, Budget, Deficits…Trump’s Recession 2019? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 15, 2018
New Delhi’s US-Backed “Chinese Containment” Strategy in the Afro-Indian Ocean By Andrew Korybko, February 15, 2018
Trump Threatens China and South Korea: if it’s not Nuclear Saber-rattling – its Trade War by Beating Hot Air By Peter Koenig and Press TV, February 14, 2018
Corporate Crime: Federal Penalties Imposed on Largest Corporations Plunged During Trump’s First Year By Good Jobs First, February 14, 2018
The “Gig Economy”: Global Unemployment, Low Wages, Migration and the Future Workplace By Prof. Anthony A. Gabb, February 13, 2018
Do Financial Markets Still Exist? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dave Kranzler, and Prof Michael Hudson, February 13, 2018
Countering the Asia-Pacific Quad Military Alliance: China-Pakistan Relations By Ulson Gunnar, February 12, 2018
China’s Polar Silk Road Offers the West a Chance to Escape Post-Industrial Rot By Jonathon Ludwig, February 12, 2018
How the £1.3 Billion EIB Loan Uses Public Money to Muddy Democracy, the Environment and Climate Change Targets By Katie Hodgetts, February 11, 2018
Global Financial Turmoil: A Severe Worldwide Economic Recession By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 11, 2018
The Demolition of U.S. Global Power. The Accelerated Collapse of American Global Hegemony By Prof Alfred McCoy, February 11, 2018
Plummeting Stock Markets: The Dow in “Correction Mode” By Stephen Lendman, February 10, 2018
Wild Swings on Wall Street at End of Turbulent Week By Nick Beams, February 10, 2018
North Korea: Science and Technology as the Path to Economic Progress By Zoom in Korea, February 10, 2018
Hedge Funds, the Unacceptable Face of Capitalism: Their Role in Precipitating the Collapse of Financial Markets By Hans Stehling, February 09, 2018
Is the Stock Market Rigged? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler, February 09, 2018
US Stocks’ ‘Dead Cat Bounce’ and Second 1,000 Point Drop By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 09, 2018
Stock Markets Implode Worldwide—What’s Next? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 08, 2018
Another Arrested Equity Correction? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07, 2018
Wall Street Lays an Egg By Stephen Lendman, February 07, 2018
Poverty in the Philippines: The Official Figures Have Been Manipulated By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 07, 2018
Global Markets Plunge as Dow Records Biggest Ever One-day Point Fall By Nick Beams, February 06, 2018
Open Letter to the People of Greece: You Are Being Slaughtered Before the World’s Eyes By Peter Koenig, February 06, 2018
Free Trade Fantasies: Canada Must Reject Both NAFTA and TPP By Michael Welch, David Orchard, and Gus Van Harten, February 04, 2018
Industrializing Class War By William Bowles, February 03, 2018
How Much Has the American Government Paid for Its Invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan? By Eric Zuesse, February 03, 2018
Industrial Agriculture and the Agrochemical Industry. Tearing Down the Facade of Legitimacy By Colin Todhunter, February 02, 2018
Money Laundering: Is It Really True that Switzerland Is the #1 Most Corrupt Nation, and the U.S. #2? By Eric Zuesse, February 01, 2018
From Past to Present: Some Historical Truism’s About the Congo By Junaid Ghoto, January 31, 2018
Economic Collapse: Will Cryptocurrency Save the Financial System? By Federico Pieraccini, January 30, 2018
The ECB as Vulture Fund: How Central Banks Speculated Against Greece and Won Big By European United Left Nordic Green Left European Parliamentary Group, January 30, 2018
Dangerous Scenario: “America First” Confronts “China First” By Manlio Dinucci, January 30, 2018
Will China’s Belt and Road (BRI) Trigger an East-West Rupture Within the EU? By F. William Engdahl, January 30, 2018
Geopolitical Rivalries and Afghanistan’s Open-Ended War. China Extends its Influence to the Detriment of America By Fraidoon Amel, January 29, 2018
Washington’s Asia-Pacific Strategy: Renewed Political Turmoil as US Targets Thailand By Joseph Thomas, January 28, 2018
Shifting Geopolitical Realities in Afghanistan. Threat to US Hegemony? By Fraidoon Amel, January 28, 2018
Consider Trump as a Symptom. The Inner Causes of “America’s Decline” By Bruno Guigue, January 27, 2018
Economic Collapse and Dollar Hegemony – How Did This Start? By Federico Pieraccini, January 26, 2018
EU and IMF Conditionalities: Fatal Blow to Greece’s Labour Rights By Leonidas Vatikiotis, January 26, 2018
Xi Jinping: The Geo-Economic “Emperor” with a 15 Year Head Start By Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, January 26, 2018
Trump and the Federal Reserve: US Shadow Bankers About to Deepen Control of US Economy By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 26, 2018
Davos: “Zombie” TPP Trade Deal Threatens Our Fractured World By Friends of the Earth International, January 24, 2018
World Economic Forum Meets in Davos Under Shadow of Crisis and War By Bill Van Auken, January 24, 2018
The Psychosocial Dimension of Power: Analysis of the Davos Elite’s Discourse on Globalization By Mario D’Andreta, January 24, 2018
NAFTA and US-Canada Relations: How the Americans Could Save Us from Ourselves on Free Trade By David Orchard, January 23, 2018
War and Global Capitalism. The Way Forward: A Structure that Unites A Thousand Different Struggles By William Bowles, January 23, 2018
Richest One Percent Bagged 82 Percent of Global Wealth – Poorest Half of Humanity Got Nothing By Oxfam International, January 23, 2018
Empire and Cyber Imperialism: The Logic behind the Global Spy Structure By Prof. James Petras, January 23, 2018
Video: The Bitcoin Psyop By James Corbett, January 23, 2018
Video: 82% of Global Wealth Now Belongs to the Wealthiest 1% By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 23, 2018
‘Billionaire Boom’: While World’s Richest 1% Took 82% of All New Wealth in 2017, Bottom Half Got Zero, Zilch, Nada By Jon Queally, January 23, 2018
Prime Minister Theresa May’s Role in Spearheading the Carillion Disaster By Hans Stehling, January 22, 2018
Now that the US Government Has “Shut Down”, Here’s What Actually “Shuts Down” By Zero Hedge, January 22, 2018
Carillion Scandal – “Small Companies to Get a Penny Back for Every Pound They Are Owed” By True Publica, January 22, 2018
Revisiting ‘Development as Freedom’ in the Age of Neoliberal Hegemony By Tina Renier, January 21, 2018
Public-Private Partnerships (P3s): Corporate Collapse Highlights Risks of Privatization By Canadian Union of Public Employees, January 21, 2018
Chinese Engineer’s Disappearance in Pakistan Takes on Geopolitical Significance By James M. Dorsey, January 21, 2018
Why Bitcoin’s Fallen by Half By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 19, 2018
Is Bitcoin a Reaction to US Dollar Hegemony? By Federico Pieraccini, January 18, 2018
“Fractures, Fears and Failures:” World’s Ruling Elites Stare into the Abyss By Bill Van Auken, January 18, 2018
Carillion: An Insolvent British Conglomerate Awarded a £1.4 Billion HS2 Contract by an Inept Government That Cannot Read a Balance Sheet! By Hans Stehling, January 16, 2018
Politics 101: The Influence of Money on U.S. Foreign Policy. The Cases of Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, January 16, 2018
Egypt 2018: An Ancient Nation is Moving Forward By Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, January 15, 2018
The Prevailing Relevance of Dependency Theories in Caribbean Development By Tina Renier, January 15, 2018
France-China Relations: President Macron in China By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 15, 2018
Trump’s Despicable Statement: Is There Such a Thing as a “Shithole Country”? By Andrew Korybko, January 14, 2018
UK Conservatives Seek Closer Economic Ties with China By Jean Shaoul, January 13, 2018
The IMF and Public Sector Wage Negotiations in Jamaica By Tina Renier, January 13, 2018
Is Trump Afghan Policy Aimed at Taliban or at China? By F. William Engdahl, January 13, 2018
Still More Austerity Imposed in Greece By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 12, 2018
Opening India’s Economy to Corporate America: “Retail Apocalypse” to Save the American Dream? By Shelley Kasli, January 11, 2018
Monsanto, Bayer and Neoliberalism: Towards the Corporate Model of Industrial Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, January 11, 2018
Geopolitical Shift: Pakistan Says the US Is No Longer Our Ally. Pakistan’s Realignment with China and Iran? By Darius Shahtahmasebi, January 11, 2018
President Trump’s Fundamentally Flawed Africa Policy By Lawrence Freeman, January 10, 2018
Precarious Work, Deregulated Labour Markets, “Poverty Wages”: Europe’s New Reserve Army By Harald Schumann and Elisa Simantke, January 09, 2018