Global Economy

The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Moscow-Riyadh: Balancing Out Washington By Andrew Korybko, June 26, 2018
The Destructive Impacts of Corporate Mining in the Philippines: The Tampacan Copper-Gold Mining Project in Mindanao By Dr. Belinda F. Espiritu, June 26, 2018
After Tariff Measures Against China, Trump Threatens to Escalate Trade War with Europe By Nick Beams, June 25, 2018
US, China and Ultra-Low Oil Prices By Dr. Dan Steinbock, June 24, 2018
Video: The National Debt Scam By Comprehensive Research, Inc., June 24, 2018
Crisis of the U.S. Dollar System By F. William Engdahl, June 24, 2018
The World Transformed and No One in America Noticed By Martin Sieff, June 23, 2018
US Dollar Sell-Off Continues as Trade Wars Intensify By True Publica, June 22, 2018
The Pacific Alliance, Three Seas Initiative, Continental Free Trade Area, Vision 2030, The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor. Five Underreported Initiatives that Change the World By Andrew Korybko, June 21, 2018
China Is Centralizing Its Levers of Control Over the Congo By Andrew Korybko, June 21, 2018
The “Thirdworldization” of America: Defunding and Privatization, Draconian GOP FY 2019 Budget Proposal By Stephen Lendman, June 20, 2018
Washington’s ‘Pivot to Asia’: A Debacle Unfolding By Prof. James Petras, June 20, 2018
Donald Trump And The Power Of Money By Peter Koenig, June 20, 2018
Trump Further Escalates Trade War with China By Stephen Lendman, June 19, 2018
Real and Fake Threats to U.S. Vital Interests By Philip Giraldi, June 18, 2018
Eurasian Economic Union: Steady Progress Towards Eurasian Integration By Dmitry Bokarev, June 18, 2018
China Retaliates Against US-Imposed Tariffs By Stephen Lendman, June 18, 2018
Trudeau’s Troubles: Pipelines, Tariffs, and the Wrath of Trump By Michael Welch, David Hughes, David Orchard, and John Helmer, June 18, 2018
From G7 to SCO Summit, U.S. Swagger Falls Flat By Sara Flounders, June 17, 2018
The SCO and G7 Meetings Point to Different Worlds By James ONeill, June 17, 2018
Trump Wants to Free America from “Fool Trade” and Flip the Tables on the EU By Andrew Korybko, June 17, 2018
Trump Approves $50 Billion in Tariffs on Chinese Goods By Stephen Lendman, June 16, 2018
Europe Faces Crossroads as Atlantic System Crumbles By F. William Engdahl, June 16, 2018
Financial Crisis: “Mother of All Credit Bubbles”: Who’s Listening? By Nancy Spannaus, June 14, 2018
Video: The USA and the EU Quarrel, But Remain United Against Russia and China By Manlio Dinucci, June 14, 2018
Peace Is “Bad for Business”: Defence Stocks Plummet After Trump-Kim Summit By Jake Johnson, June 14, 2018
The Real Economic Numbers: 21.5 Percent Unemployment, 10 Percent Inflation and Negative Economic Growth By Michael Snyder, June 14, 2018
Canada’s Parliament Rejects Trump’s Agenda on Trade By Jim Miles, June 12, 2018
After Trumps Solar Panel Tariffs – $2.5 Billion in Renewable Energy Projects Shelved By True Publica, June 12, 2018
As the G-7 Implodes, SCO Meeting Confirms the New Century of Multipolarity By Federico Pieraccini, June 12, 2018
The Geostrategy that Guides Trump’s Foreign Policies By Eric Zuesse, June 11, 2018
Trade and Protectionism: Is Trump Trying to Destroy the Western Alliance? By Stephen Lendman, June 11, 2018
G7 vs. G6+1 – The War of Words By Peter Koenig and Press TV, June 11, 2018
G7 Summit, Working People and Trumped-up “Peace” By Massoud Nayeri, June 11, 2018
In China the SCO Is Conducting a Productive and Civilised Summit While the G7 Is One Big Argument Inside a Political Circus By Adam Garrie, June 11, 2018
The Next US President Will “Save Europe” from “Russia’s Secret Plot”? By Oriental Review, June 10, 2018
America’s Economy Has been Hijacked: Righting the Wrongs By Philip A Farruggio, June 10, 2018
A Better Idea than Russia Returning to the G7 By Stephen Lendman, June 09, 2018
“We Cannot Defy the US”: EU Oil Refiners Fold to Trump, Will Stop Buying Iran Crude By Zero Hedge, June 07, 2018
US Trade War with the European Union By Peter Koenig and Press TV, June 07, 2018
The China-US Trade Dispute: Will It Escalate into a “Global Trade War” By Roy Morrison, June 07, 2018
Is There an Alternative to Global Capitalism? By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, June 06, 2018
Russia Bashing: Will the West Secretly Try to “Embarrass” Russia During the World Cup? By Richard Galustian, June 06, 2018
Trump’s Trade War Throws Traditionally Unified G7 into Chaos By True Publica, June 06, 2018
Russia Building the Trans-Arabian Railway Will Make the Saudis More Multipolar By Andrew Korybko, June 06, 2018
The Absence of Diplomacy Is Isolating Washington By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 06, 2018
What the ‘Doomsday Brexit Plan’ Document Says Should Frighten Us All By True Publica, June 05, 2018
Failures of the Petro-Dollar? Africa Speculates Joining Russia, China, India and EU in the “De-Dollarisation” of Oil Trades By True Publica, June 04, 2018
China’s Petro-yuan “Becomes Real”: India Joins International Group Dumping US Dollars in Oil Trades to Bypass US Sanctions By True Publica, June 03, 2018
America’s Trade War with China: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in Beijing By Stephen Lendman, June 03, 2018
The Canadian Pension Plan: The Deadly Hand of the Market. Investing in Weapons and Fossil Fuel By Judith Deutsch, June 03, 2018
Neoliberalism and the Dynamics of Capitalist Development in Latin America By Prof. James Petras and Prof. Henry Veltmeyer, June 02, 2018
Italian Debt Crisis Erupts: Is this a Greek Debt Crisis Writ Large? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, June 02, 2018
Poland’s US Military Base Is More About China than Russia By Andrew Korybko, June 02, 2018
Trade War Between the US and Germany? By Oriental Review, June 02, 2018
US Trade War with China Back On? By Stephen Lendman, June 01, 2018
The US Trade War with China. Trump wants to Block Countries from using the Yuan as a Reserve Currency By Peter Koenig and Press TV, May 31, 2018
What Is Meant by Permanent War? By Dr. Ali Kadri, May 30, 2018
US Sanctions on Iran: The Unraveling of Pax Americana By Christopher Wood, May 30, 2018
The Logic of U.S. Foreign Policy By Swiss Propaganda Research, May 29, 2018
The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State, The Grand Plan for a New World Order By Prof. John McMurtry, May 29, 2018
Venezuela “Defeats U.S.” in the Election, Now Must Build Independent Economy By Kevin Zeese, May 28, 2018
Blackstone, BlackRock or a Public Bank? Putting California’s Funds to Work By Ellen Brown, May 27, 2018
America’s Fifth Column Will Destroy Russia. The Insidious Role of Neoliberal Economics By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 26, 2018
US-China Trade War, Kim-Trump Summit Collapse, Factional Splits Within America’s Elites By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 25, 2018
The China-Iran Rail Corridor Must Include Uzbekistan to be Successful By Andrew Korybko, May 24, 2018
Iran “Blackmailing” Europe Plays Right into Trump’s Hands. Tehran’s “Five Counter-Demands” By Andrew Korybko, May 24, 2018
Serbia: Will A Pro-Chinese Pivot Contribute to a Renewal of Economic and Social Development By Andrew Korybko, May 23, 2018
Pompeo Might Have Pulled the Plug on Armenian-Iranian Trade By Andrew Korybko, May 22, 2018
Europe Must Now Show Solidarity with an Iranian Government that Faithfully Obeyed All the Rules We Drafted. By Rory Wood, May 21, 2018
What is The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)? Tectonic Shift in Global Geopolitics, Strategic Agreement between Russia and China By Rick Rowden, May 21, 2018
Sino/US Trade War Averted? By Stephen Lendman, May 20, 2018
Will Oil End the American Century? By F. William Engdahl, May 20, 2018
Serbs, Listen Up! Here’s Why Russia’s Getting Chummy with Croatia By Andrew Korybko, May 19, 2018
Wall street
Video: The 2008-2009 US Treasury Fraud and the Wall Street Banker Bailouts By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 19, 2018
© Lucy Nicholson / Reuters
Back to the Future with Empire Oil By Mike Small, May 18, 2018
EU to Switch from US Dollar to Euro on Oil Trades from Iran By True Publica, May 17, 2018
EU to Buy Iranian Oil in Euros? Weakening Dollar Dominance? By Stephen Lendman, May 17, 2018
The Illicit Drug Trade and the Global Economy: How Does the US Relate to the Drug Trafficking Business? By Jeremy McCoy, May 17, 2018
A Global Industrial Rebalance: China, the U.S. and Energy-intensive Manufacturing By Hao Tan, May 16, 2018