Global Economy

The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
The Strike Wave in Europe and the Decay of “Democracy” By Barry Grey, October 23, 2010
Nation’s Biggest Banks Each Hold over $20B in Foreclosures: Report By Global Research, October 23, 2010
The Securitization Scam: Foreclosures and the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) By Bob Chapman, October 23, 2010
“Sovereign Governments” Versus “The Lords of Finance”: Challenging the Bankers Who Operate the Global Casino By Hazel Henderson, October 22, 2010
The Chances of a War with China are Rising By Mike Whitney, October 22, 2010
Obama’s 2010 Campaign: Fake Populism and Right-Wing Policies By Patrick Martin, October 22, 2010
U.S. Wars Are Bankrupting the World By David Swanson, October 21, 2010
US Policies Intensify World Currency, Trade Conflicts By Barry Grey, October 20, 2010
VIDEO: Michel Chossudovsky The Impacts of the Economic Crisis: EU Pessimism vs. US Optimism By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 20, 2010
ForeclosureGate: “Sloppy Paperwork” or “Push Button” Financial Fraud? By Washington's Blog, October 20, 2010
Currency Wars, Market Manipulation and Quantitative Easing By Bob Chapman, October 20, 2010
From Global Depression to Global Governance By Andrew Gavin Marshall, October 19, 2010
How to Kickstart the Economy By Mike Whitney, October 19, 2010
“Cooking the Financial Books”: Mortgages Were Fraudulently Pledged to Multiple Buyers at the Same Time By Washington's Blog, October 19, 2010
The Parasitic Nature of the current Monetary System By Amanda Morales, October 18, 2010
Wall Street, White House blame homeowners in foreclosure crisis By Tom Eley, October 18, 2010
“Fraudclosures” and Unemployment in America By Danny Schechter, October 18, 2010
Quantitative Easing, Inflation, Hyperinflation and Global Deflationary Depression By Bob Chapman, October 17, 2010
Global Economic Crisis: Towards a Worldwide Process of Geopolitical Dislocation By GEAB, October 17, 2010
Are ALL Mortgage Backed Securities a Scam? By Washington's Blog, October 17, 2010
Winning The Currency War: The Unleashing of a “Financial Nuclear War” By Matthias Chang, October 17, 2010
Foreclosuregate: Time to Break Up the Too-Big-to-Fail Banks? By Ellen Brown, October 16, 2010
Central Bankers Defend New Capital Rules By Brian Blackstone and Michael R. Crittenden, October 16, 2010
A Plunge into a Monetary No Man’s Land By Bob Chapman, October 14, 2010
Spiralling Defense Budget. Congress Urges Cuts in Pentagon’s Budget By Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA), October 14, 2010
Spain on the Ropes By Ignacio Ramonet, October 14, 2010
“The Largest Financial Swindle in World History”. “Counterfeit” Mortgages “Laundered” by the Banks By Washington's Blog, October 13, 2010
Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations By David DeGraw, October 12, 2010
Nuclear Weapons and the Survival of the Homo Sapiens (Part II) By Fidel Castro Ruz, October 12, 2010
Predatory Finance: The New Mode of Global Warfare By Prof Michael Hudson, October 12, 2010
Foreclose This: There’s More Than Robo Signatures To Blame For The Ongoing Foreclosure Scandal By Danny Schechter, October 11, 2010
Who Controls “Big Money”? The Barclay’s Octopus By Matthias Chang, October 11, 2010
Why Is Unemployment Rising? By Washington's Blog, October 10, 2010
The Wealthy are Bursting from their Financial Seams: The Struggle for a Workers’ Recovery By Shamus Cooke, October 10, 2010
US Banks Fake Documents to Rush Foreclosures By Tom Eley, October 09, 2010
The US Economy is Faltering. An Inflationary Depression is in Progress By Bob Chapman, October 09, 2010
The Financial Crisis Continues to Take its Toll. The Burden That Haunts Obama By Danny Schechter, October 09, 2010
America’s Third World Economy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 08, 2010
Fraud in Home Mortgages: “ForeclosureGate” and Obama’s “Pocket Veto” By Ellen Brown, October 08, 2010
IMF Calls for Huge New Round of Bank Bailouts By Washington's Blog, October 08, 2010
What’s Behind the One Nation Rally By Jack A. Smith, October 08, 2010
Is America Under Attack? … Or Are the Barbarians Inside the Gates? By Washington's Blog, October 07, 2010
Neoliberalism in South Africa: Dead in the Water By Prof. Patrick Bond, October 06, 2010
Financial Toxic Waste Continues to Unravel. Loan Assets “Created Out of Thin Air” By Matthias Chang, October 06, 2010
Globalism Destroys America’s Middle Class By Dr. Jerome Corsi, October 05, 2010
Neoliberalism in Australia: Government Introduces Savage Spending Cuts By Patrick O'Connor, October 05, 2010
The Protest Movement. Financial Fraud in Iceland By Rady Ananda, October 05, 2010
We’re In a Global Currency War … But What Does It Mean? By Washington's Blog, October 04, 2010
“We Demand Change in America”: The Real Significance of the One Nation Rally By Shamus Cooke, October 04, 2010
Marching on Washington: The Joy of Victory and the Agony of Defeat as my Feet Hurt and Heart Ached By Danny Schechter, October 04, 2010
Economic Shock Therapy for Wall Street: Mortgage Lenders Could Soon be Falling like Dominos By Ellen Brown, October 03, 2010
Workers Rights and the Economic Crisis: Striking in a Time of Austerity By Scott Neigh, October 03, 2010
Volcker: “The Financial System is Broken” and “the Mortgage Market Has Become a Subsidiary of the U.S. Government” By Washington's Blog, October 03, 2010
Crisis of US Monetary Policy: Quantitative Easing Doesn’t Work By Washington's Blog, October 02, 2010
Towards an Inflationary Depression in America By Bob Chapman, October 02, 2010
The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe’s anti-Austerity Strikes: Governments must Lower Wages or Suffer Financial Blackmail By Prof Michael Hudson, September 30, 2010
BOOK LAUNCH, CONFERENCE: The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall, September 30, 2010
Gold and the Currency Markets By Bob Chapman, September 29, 2010
America’s China Bashing: A Compendium of Junk Economics By Prof Michael Hudson, September 29, 2010
Financial Fraud and the Global Derivative Casino By Matthias Chang, September 29, 2010
The Road to World War III – The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play By David DeGraw, September 28, 2010
The Richest People in America By Tom Eley, September 26, 2010
The Credit Meltdown and Wall Street’s Shadow Banking System By Ellen Brown, September 25, 2010
Surge in the Price of Gold: The Inner Workings of the International Gold Market By Bob Chapman, September 25, 2010
Media Buries Reports on Financial Crime By Danny Schechter, September 24, 2010
The Economic Crisis is Worsening: Dollar Devaluation, Debt Default, Austerity and Growing Inflation By Bob Chapman, September 22, 2010
Monetary Reform Conference Challenges Dominant Institutions and Myths By Global Research, September 22, 2010
Both Parties Attack the Rights of Public Employees: Extreme Budget Cuts across the US By Shamus Cooke, September 22, 2010
The “Greatest Generation” and What Boomers Should Do! By Gary Corseri, September 21, 2010
Elizabeth Warren appointment: Banksters Cheer Tepid Financial Rules By Danny Schechter, September 20, 2010
Basel III: The Global Banks at The Edge of The Precipice. Trillions of “Toxic Waste” in the Global Banking System By Matthias Chang, September 20, 2010
VIDEO: EU Authoritarianism: Exposing the Eurocrats By James Corbett, September 19, 2010
The Debt Crisis in America: Businesses and Consumers are NOT Deleveraging … They Are Going On One Last Binge By Washington's Blog, September 19, 2010
The Global Systemic Crisis: Towards a Serious Breakdown of the World Economic and Financial System, Spring 2011 By GEAB, September 18, 2010
Gold Rebounds, Dollar Plummets, Higher Inflation is on its Way… By Bob Chapman, September 18, 2010
Trapped in the Spiral of Basel III. Tightening the Noose on Credit Spells Disaster By Ellen Brown, September 18, 2010
Asia and the Financial Crisis. Asset Price Bubbles and Capital Controls By Kavaljit Singh, September 18, 2010
China Will Allow Credit Default Swaps, As Long As They Are Not Naked By Washington's Blog, September 16, 2010
Brazil’s Debt Crisis By Prof Michael Hudson, September 16, 2010
Surge in Housing Supply Will Drive Down Prices By Mike Whitney, September 16, 2010