
The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
Scientists now believe it is “likely that the world will blow past the 2 degree C warming threshold that expoerts and international negotiators agree is needed to avoid catastrophic consequences.”
There is no greater natural resource on this earth than water. As the sustenance of all life, water keeps every living and breathing organism, every plant, every animal and every human being on this planet alive.
Ghost Fish: After 420 Million Years in the Deeps, Modern Gillnets from Shark Fin Trade Drag Coelacanths into the Light By Tony Carnie, May 13, 2021
The Organized “Takedown” of The Global Fertilizer Supply? Global Crisis in Farming and Food Production By F. William Engdahl, May 09, 2021
Where Does EU Waste Go? By Eurostat, May 06, 2021
Nuclear War, Radioactive Fallout and the Earth’s Global Ecosystem By Robert Jacobs, May 06, 2021
Biden’s Anti-Eurasian Green Delusion and America’s Race to Irrelevance By Matthew Ehret-Kump, May 02, 2021
Ten Years after Fukushima, Canada Still Embraces the Atom: The Debut of the Small Moderate Reactors By Michael Welch, Robert Hunziker, and Prof. M. V. Ramana, May 01, 2021
How Earth Day Is Being Co-Opted By Simone Lovera, April 25, 2021
Japan Says Dumping Fukushima Radioactive Water in Pacific Ocean Is Now “Unavoidable” By Elias Marat, April 24, 2021
Earth Day 2021: Hope Illusions and Daunting Realities By Michael Welch, Cory Morningstar, and Dr. Andrew Glikson, April 23, 2021
Virtual Bunny Hugging: Boasting About Climate Change Goals By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 23, 2021
With British Columbia’s Last Old-growth at Risk, Government Falters: Critics By Justin Catanoso, April 22, 2021
You Reap What You Sow: Weeds Are Destroying Crops Globally – But the Real Problem Is Big Agriculture. By Natalie Bennet, April 21, 2021
First GMO Mosquitoes to be Released in the Florida Keys By Taylor White, April 20, 2021
Brazilian Cerrado Savanna: Wildcat Miners Descend on Indigenous Reserve By Ana Ionova, April 19, 2021
Fukushima: Nuclear War without a War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 15, 2021
Sweden Axes Gates’s Mad Global Warming Scheme By F. William Engdahl, April 13, 2021
Elephants and Wildlife Threatened by Plans to Drill for Dirty Energy in Africa’s Unique Okavango Region By Environmental Investigation Agency, April 09, 2021
Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 07, 2021
Déjà Vu as Palm Oil Industry Brings Deforestation, Pollution to Amazon By Karla Mendes, April 05, 2021
Closing the Net on Industrial Fishing By Tim Thorpe, April 05, 2021
Elephants in Africa Face Grave Extinction Threat, New Expert Assessment Finds By Center For Biological Diversity, March 26, 2021
China Dominates Global Wind Power Industry By Telesur, March 25, 2021
The Gen Z Emergency: The Best Climate Book You Will Ever Read By Elizabeth Woodworth, March 23, 2021
Harp Seal Pups in Trouble in Quebec Due to Low Sea Ice By Olivia Rosane, March 23, 2021
Study Finds Glyphosate in More Than Half of All Sampled Florida Manatees By Center For Biological Diversity, March 22, 2021
Information on Factory Farms Is Spotty at Best. The Government Has Been Hogtied from Doing More. By Madison McVan, March 11, 2021
The Fukushima Endgame: The Radioactive Contamination of the Pacific Ocean By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 11, 2021
Fukushima: “An Ongoing Global Radiological Catastrophe”. “A Huge Coverup”. Dr. Helen Caldicott By Dr. Helen Caldicott and Michael Welch, March 10, 2021
Fukushima’s Catastrophic Aftermath: The Dangers of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation By Stephen Lendman, March 10, 2021
Sounds of Silence: Extinction Is Erasing the Earth’s Music By Kathleen Dean Moore and Tara Lohan, March 08, 2021
The Right to Land and Water: From the Murder of Berta Cáceres in Honduras to Dam Disaster in India By Don Fitz, March 06, 2021
Trophy Hunters Kill 216 Wolves in Wisconsin Bloodbath By Kitty Block and Sara Amundson, March 04, 2021
“Environmental Racism” in America: A Public Health Crisis By Emily Spilman, February 28, 2021
Texas ‘Deep Freeze’: Urgent Climate Warning but “Not What You Think” By F. William Engdahl, February 26, 2021
Hundreds of Law Students Announce Boycott of Chevron Law Firm Seward & Kissel for “Unethical” Private Prosecution of Human Rights Attorney Steven Donziger By Stanford Environmental Law Society, February 26, 2021
Journalists and the Looming Superstorm of Climate Disinformation By Andrew McCormick, February 26, 2021
Zero Carbon – Zero Covid: Twin Phantoms of “Planetary Genocide”? By Julian Rose, February 25, 2021
One Third of Freshwater Fish Face Extinction, New Report Warns By Olivia Rosane, February 24, 2021
Israel Imposes Gag Order on Probe into Oil Spill Dubbed “Most Serious Ecological Disaster” in Years By Zero Hedge, February 24, 2021
Snowstorms, the Breach of the Arctic Vortex and the Effects of Ice Meltwater on the Oceans By Dr. Andrew Glikson, February 23, 2021
Air Pollution, Biodiversity, Climate Change: UN Report Lays Out Blueprint to End ‘Suicidal War on Nature’ By John Cannon, February 22, 2021
Oceanic Sharks and Rays Have Declined by 71% since 1970 – A Global Solution Is Needed By The Conversation, February 19, 2021
‘A Humanitarian Crisis’ in Texas: Cold and Snow Put Millions in Danger. 38 Dead By Counter Current News, February 19, 2021
Emails Reveal US Officials Joined With Agrochemical Giant Bayer to Stop Mexico’s Glyphosate Ban By Kenny Stancil, February 18, 2021
Can Mining Giant Rio Tinto Be Trusted? Environmental Contamination in Madagascar By Yvonne Orengo, February 18, 2021
UK Government Misinformation on Gene Editing. Johnson Government’s Plan to “Deregulate Gene Editing” By GMWatch, February 17, 2021
Crocodile Evolution Rebooted by Ice Age Glaciations By McGill University, February 17, 2021
500+ Experts Call on World’s Nations to Not Burn Forests to Make Energy By Justin Catanoso, February 16, 2021
Ode to February By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 12, 2021
Hundreds of Fish Species, Including Many that Humans Eat, Are Consuming Plastic By Alexandra McInturf and Matthew Savoca, February 11, 2021
Shrinking Ireland: Global Warning in Local Communities By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, February 08, 2021
Tribes at Long Last Reclaim Control of National Bison Range By Patrick Shea, February 08, 2021
Shell, BP, and Easyjet: The Big Polluters Designing the Rules for Voluntary Carbon Offsets By Phoebe Cooke, February 03, 2021
Brazil Guts Agencies, ‘Sabotaging Environmental Protection’ in Amazon: Report By Sue Branford and Thais Borges, February 02, 2021
The Impact of Abandoned Oil Wells on the Environment By Felicity Bradstock, February 01, 2021
5G: “The End of All Things”. The Health Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, January 27, 2021
5G Wireless Technology Is the “Stupidest Idea in the History of the World” By Arjun Walia, January 27, 2021
Death by 1,000 Cuts: Are Major Insect Losses Imperiling Life on Earth? By Liz Kimbrough, January 26, 2021
Global Ice Loss Increases at Record Rate By University of Leeds, January 26, 2021
Human Civilization and the Recreation of Wilderness By S. M. Smyth, January 25, 2021
The Fatal Consequences of High Atmospheric Methane Levels By Dr. Andrew Glikson, January 22, 2021
Protesters Hold Back Military Takeover of Balkans’ Largest Mountain Pasture By John Cannon, January 20, 2021
Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Gutting of Federal Protection for Migratory Birds By Center For Biological Diversity, January 20, 2021
Destroying the Web of Life: The Destruction of Earth’s Biodiversity Is Accelerating By Robert J. Burrowes, January 19, 2021
Brazil Elections Boost Environmental Violators to High Office in Amazon By Aline Maciel and et al., January 18, 2021
If the Frogs Should Win By Carlos Zorrilla, January 18, 2021
Oak Flat: Trump’s Final Middle Finger to the Environment By Raul Diego, January 18, 2021
Campaigners Call for Closure of EU’s Wildlife Trafficking Loopholes and Criminalisation of Wildlife Smuggling, to End “Stolen Wildlife” Crisis By Humane Society International, January 14, 2021
New Research: Nitrous Oxide Emissions 300 Times More Powerful than CO₂ Are Jeopardising Earth’s Future By Pep Canadell, Prof. Eric Davidson, Glen Peters, and et al., January 13, 2021
The Top 10 Weather and Climate Events of a Record-setting Year By Dr. Jeff Masters and Dana Nuccitelli, January 13, 2021
How much rainforest is being destroyed? By Rhett A. Butler, January 13, 2021
For Whom the Bell Tolls: The State of Planet Earth at Year’s End 2020 By Robert J. Burrowes, January 12, 2021
Donald Trump Administration’s Approval of “Radioactive Roads”: Lawsuit against EPA By Center For Biological Diversity, December 21, 2020
Fracking The Okavango: Big Oil Comes For Africa’s Greatest Park By Alliance Earth, December 21, 2020
Trump Administration Finalizes Rule Limiting Habitat Protections for Endangered Species By Center For Biological Diversity, December 17, 2020
Beef, Banks and the Brazilian Amazon By Global Witness, December 09, 2020
Final Defense Bill Denies Military Request to Expand Nevada Bombing Ranges By Center For Biological Diversity, December 07, 2020
The Great Reset, The Green New Deal, and Co-opted NGOs will not End Climate Change! By Michael Welch and Cory Morningstar, December 05, 2020
Aerially Sprayed Pesticide Contains the PFAS “Forever Chemicals”. Impacts on Human Health By PEER, December 02, 2020
Amazon Deforestation Tops 11,000 sq km in Brazil, Reaching 12-year High By Mongabay, December 02, 2020