
The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
Scientists now believe it is “likely that the world will blow past the 2 degree C warming threshold that expoerts and international negotiators agree is needed to avoid catastrophic consequences.”
There is no greater natural resource on this earth than water. As the sustenance of all life, water keeps every living and breathing organism, every plant, every animal and every human being on this planet alive.
Radioactive Leak at California Nuclear Plant: Almost Caused a Melt Down By Washington's Blog, February 08, 2012
VIDEO: Haiti: Where Did the Money Go? By Global Research, February 07, 2012
Magnitude 5 Earthquake Strikes Near Iran’s Bushehr Nuke Plant By Global Research, February 05, 2012
Nuclear Power Plants and the Dangers of Radiation in North America By Hugh Fairney, February 05, 2012
“Hydrauliic Fracturing”: Poland Gives Green Light to Massive Fracking Efforts By John C.K. Daly, February 02, 2012
Crisis at US Nuclear Power Plants: Illinois Nuclear Power Plant Loses Power … Vents Nuclear Steam By Washington's Blog, January 31, 2012
Science with a Skew: The Nuclear Power Industry After Chernobyl and Fukushima By Gayle Greene, January 26, 2012
VIDEO: Japan’s Nuclear Crisis: The Dangers of Worldwide Radiation By Dr. Helen Caldicott, January 25, 2012
Nuclear Radiation Levels from Fukushima Are RISING By Washington's Blog, January 24, 2012
VIDEO: Surviving Japan: A Critical Look at the Nuclear Crisis By Chris Noland, January 23, 2012
Fukushima Cover Up Unravels: “The Government Can No Longer Pull the Wool Over the Public’s Eyes” By Washington's Blog, January 23, 2012
VIDEO: Cancer Risk To Young Children Near Fukushima Daiichi Underestimated By Arnie Gundersen, January 19, 2012
Fukushima Radiation Spreads Worldwide By Washington's Blog, January 17, 2012
Fukushima’s Owner Adds Insult to Injury – Claims Radioactive Fallout Isn’t Theirs By John LaForge, January 17, 2012
FUKUSHIMA: Radioactive Houses and Roads in Japan. Radioactive Building Materials Sold to over 200 Construction Companies By Global Research, January 16, 2012
Accident at Second Japanese Nuclear Complex: The Nuclear Accident You Never Heard About By Washington's Blog, January 12, 2012
Japan: “Goodbye, nuclear power!” Labor lends its weight to mounting protests By Jason Combs, January 11, 2012
VIDEO: Fukushima: TEPCO Believes Mission Accomplished & Regulators Allow Radioactive Dumping in Tokyo Bay By Arnie Gundersen, January 11, 2012
“Game Over” for the Planet if XL Oil Pipeline is Built to Tap Alberta Tar Sands By Sherwood Ross, January 05, 2012
Fukushima: Diseased Seals in Alaska tested for Radiation By Global Research, December 29, 2011
Announcement of “Cold Shutdown” of Fukushima Reactors Is Based On a Political Decision, Not Science By Washington's Blog, December 27, 2011
Study: Fukushima Radiation Has Already Killed 14,000 Americans By Washington's Blog, December 25, 2011
Nuclear Energy: Profit Driven Industry By Washington's Blog, December 23, 2011
Medical Journal Article: 14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout By Global Research, December 20, 2011
Protecting Mother Earth, Supporting Local Farms, Growing Your Own Food By Rady Ananda, December 16, 2011
VIDEO: Earth… Alive, Beautiful, Finite, Hurting By Vivek Chauhan, December 11, 2011
Human Activity Driving Extremes of Weather By Sherwood Ross, December 11, 2011
After Fukushima: Enough Is Enough By Dr. Helen Caldicott, December 05, 2011
Climategate 2.0: Anatomy of a Media Distraction By Edward Miller, November 29, 2011
Citizens’ Initiative to Ban Chemtrails By Rady Ananda, November 25, 2011
VIDEO: New Nuclear Reactors Do Not Consider Fukushima Design Flaws By Arnie Gundersen, November 24, 2011
VIDEO: A River of Waste: Anti-Biotics and America’s Factory Farms By Dr. Michael Greger, November 23, 2011
Unravelling Carbon Markets By Larry Lohmann, November 22, 2011
Fukushima: “China Syndrome Is Inevitable” … “Huge Steam Explosions” By Washington's Blog, November 22, 2011
Nuclear Madness: Iran, Kuwait or the IAEA? By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 15, 2011
Radiation Spreads to France By Washington's Blog, November 15, 2011
COVERUP: Are Fukushima Reactors 5 and 6 In Trouble Also? By Washington's Blog, November 14, 2011
BREAKING: Radioactive Iodine Blankets Much of Europe … Everyone Points Fingers By Washington's Blog, November 14, 2011
The Obama Administration Ignores Global Warming and the Protection of the Environment By Jack A. Smith, November 13, 2011
Engineers Knew Fukushima Might Be Unsafe, But Covered It Up … By Washington's Blog, November 12, 2011
In the Wake of Fukushima: The Nuclear Energy Industry Must be Closed Down Worldwide By Lucas Whitefield Hixson, November 11, 2011
Japanese Debris to Start Hitting Western U.S. and Canada By Washington's Blog, November 10, 2011
Will Fukushima Bankrupt Japan? By Washington's Blog, November 10, 2011
United States Moving into Africa’s Nile River Basin: Securing Central and Eastern Africa via the Nile River By John Stanton, November 10, 2011
VIDEO: The Results Are In: Japan Received Enormous Exposures of Radiation from Fukushima By Arnie Gundersen and Marco Kaltofen, November 07, 2011
VIDEO: BP Tries to Buy Out University Science Research By Global Research, November 04, 2011
The Tears of Sanriku (三陸の涙). The Death Toll for the Great East Japan Earthquake Nuclear Disaster By Jim Bartel, October 31, 2011
“Stage Two” of the BP Gulf of Mexico Environmental Disaster By Rady Ananda, October 25, 2011
VIDEO: Fukushima and the Fall of the Nuclear Priesthood By Arnie Gundersen, October 22, 2011
Fukushima: Towards the Formation of a Radioactive Graveyard in the Pacific Ocean? By Lucas Whitefield Hixson, October 21, 2011
VIDEO: New TEPCO Photographs Substantiate Significant Damage to Fukushima Unit 3 By Arnie Gundersen, October 20, 2011
Union Carbide and the Bhopal Disaster By Anvesh Cherukupally, October 19, 2011
Over 20 Radioactive Hotspots Found in Tokyo … Despite Government and Media Attempt to Cover Up Spread of Radiation By Washington's Blog, October 18, 2011
Japan Contamination Maps: Radiation is Spreading…. By Lucas W Hixson, October 14, 2011
Tokyo Hit With Fukushima Radiation By Washington's Blog, October 14, 2011
VIDEO: Japanese Government Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets By James Corbett, October 06, 2011
VIDEO: Proper Regulation of Nuclear Power has been Coopted Worldwide By Arnie Gundersen, October 05, 2011
Environmental Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico: The Escalation of BP’s Liability By Dahr Jamail, October 05, 2011
Fukushima and the Battle for Truth By Paul Zimmerman, September 27, 2011
Indigenous Rights in Bolivia: Conflict deepens over disputed highway By Federico Fuentes, September 27, 2011
VIDEO: Safety Problems in all Reactors Designed Like Fukushima By Arnie Gundersen, September 26, 2011
Bolivia and The Protection of the Amazon By Federico Fuentes, September 25, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Typhoon Hammers Japan, Spreads Radiation to Tokyo? By Washington's Blog, September 21, 2011
Will Tokyo Be Evacuated Due to Fukushima Radiation? By Washington's Blog, September 19, 2011
Beyond Protest: Saving our Planet with ‘Deep Green Resistance’ By Rady Ananda, September 14, 2011
New Radiation Releases: Governments Underreported Severity of Fukushima By Washington's Blog, September 14, 2011
Blast at French nuclear plant kills one By Global Research, September 13, 2011
The Truth Behind Post-9/11 Environmental & Health Risks By Washington's Blog, September 12, 2011
Fukushima Leaking Reactors and the Global Exposure to Radiation By Washington's Blog, September 07, 2011
Workers and Environmentalists Unite! By Shamus Cooke, September 07, 2011
Gulf Oil Spill Crisis Not Over: BP’s Deepwater Horizon Well Is Leaking Again By Washington's Blog, August 26, 2011
The Next Scientific Frontier: Sun-Earth Interactions By Washington's Blog, August 25, 2011
Fracking Could Have Caused East Coast Earthquake By Global Research, August 25, 2011
VIDEO: Fukushima Will Be Radiating Everyone for Centuries By Dr. Michio Kaku and Liz Hayes, August 23, 2011
Canada: Prevent A Tar Sands Disaster By Nellis Kennedy-Howard, August 20, 2011
Water Pipelines in India, Police Repression of Farming Communities By Rady Ananda, August 18, 2011
Nuclear Power Plant: Radioactive Tritium Contamination in Vermont By Washington's Blog, August 18, 2011
VIDEO: Lethal Levels of Radiation at Fukushima By Arnie Gundersen, August 10, 2011
Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Highest Ever, Exceeds Capacity of Measuring Device … By Washington's Blog, August 03, 2011
VIDEO: Heavy Rain Adds Misery to Drought in Somalia By Global Research, August 01, 2011