
The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
Scientists now believe it is “likely that the world will blow past the 2 degree C warming threshold that expoerts and international negotiators agree is needed to avoid catastrophic consequences.”
There is no greater natural resource on this earth than water. As the sustenance of all life, water keeps every living and breathing organism, every plant, every animal and every human being on this planet alive.
Turning off the Tap: Site C and Water Privatization in Canada By Jennifer O'Keeffe, August 09, 2016
August 6: Hiroshima Day. The Dawn of the Nuclear Age GR News Hour: Three Interviews on the New Nuclear Threat By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 05, 2016
Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD): Alaskans Witness Collapsing Mountains, Shattered Lives By Dahr Jamail, August 04, 2016
Madness on the Mekong: How Dams are Killing the Largest Inland Fisheries in the World By Tom Fawthrop, August 03, 2016
Monsanto in India: Meet the New Boss – Same as the Old Boss? By Colin Todhunter, August 03, 2016
The Fight to Protect Indigenous Lands in Brazil’s Amazon: The Tapajós River Hydroelectric Dam Project By Helle Abelvik-Lawson, August 02, 2016
The Privatization of Water: Six More Charged in Flint Water Crisis, but Still No Accountability for Governor Snyder By Deirdre Fulton, July 30, 2016
The TTIP Trade Deal: The Most Dangerous Weapon in the Hands of the Fossil Fuel Industry By Andreas Sieber and Pavlos Georgiadis, July 29, 2016
European Commission approves Import of Monsanto GMOs By Defend Democracy Press, July 25, 2016
Monsanto’s Dirty Dozen. Twelve Products that Monsanto has Brought to Market By GMO Awareness, July 25, 2016
Brazil’s New Government imposes Rio Water Privatization to Pay for Olympic Games By Corporate Europe Observatory, July 22, 2016
Federal Agents Went Undercover to Spy on U.S. Anti-Fracking Movement, Emails Reveal By Lee Fang and Steve Horn, July 20, 2016
Rio Tinto Transnational Mining Corporation. Environmental Impacts. Water Contamination By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 17, 2016
Exxon's own research in the 1980s indicated that without major reductions in fossil fuel combustion, "[t]here are some potentially catastrophic events that must be considered." (Photo: Luc B / Flickr)
Hooked: The Unyielding Grip of Fossil Fuels on Global Life By Michael T. Klare, July 17, 2016
Cell Phone Radiation Study Confirms Cancer Risk By Lennart Hardell, July 16, 2016
How Monsanto Invaded, Occupied and now CONTROLS Government Regulators By Ethan A. Huff, July 12, 2016
Environmental Crisis: Uncertain Future of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef By Maxine Newlands, July 12, 2016
Unsafe at Any Level? Dangerous Chemicals Everywhere. Public Health in Jeopardy. Money and Politics Undermine Scientific Risk Assessments By Dr. Jonathan Latham, July 09, 2016
Polluting Air and Water: The US Air Force Blue Angel F-18 Uses a Highly Toxic Propellant Fuel By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 09, 2016
Hillary Clinton Backs Monsanto: Claims that “To Be Anti-Monsanto” Is to Be “Pro Global-Warming” By Eric Zuesse, July 07, 2016
Four Morning Ducks By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 04, 2016
Pro-GMO Campaign exploits Nobel Laureates to attack Greenpeace and Fool the People By Claire Robinson, July 02, 2016
Brazil: Most Dangerous Country for Environmental Activists in 2015. Agribusiness, Mining Projects in the Amazon By Marcio Astrini, June 30, 2016
Fracked Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exports Were Centerpiece in Panama Canal Expansion By Steve Horn, June 30, 2016
Obama Administration Approved Gulf of Mexico Offshore Hydraulic Fracking During 2014 Deepwater Horizon Disaster By Mike Ludwig, June 29, 2016
The Renewable Energy Future Emerges? Integration of Solar Energy, Battery Storage and Electric Vehicles By Roy Morrison, June 29, 2016
Unsafe at Any Level? Dangerous Chemicals Everywhere By Dr. Jonathan Latham, June 29, 2016
Environmental Destruction, Land Grabs: Controversial Oil Palm Plantations in the Peruvian Amazon By Forest Peoples Programme, June 28, 2016
High Levels of Toxins Found in Bodies of People Living Near Fracking Sites By Maureen Nandini Mitra, June 28, 2016
Coverup Of Fukushima Meltdown by Japanese Government in Concert with TEPCO By Claire Bernish, June 27, 2016
India or China: Has Nepal A Realistic Choice? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 18, 2016
Palm Oil Giant IOI and the Destruction of Forests in Indonesia By Annisa Rahmawati, June 14, 2016
Climate, Consciousness and Social Change By Asoka Bandarage, June 13, 2016
After Keystone XL: TransCanada Building North American Fracked Gas Pipeline Empire By Steve Horn, June 10, 2016
Canadian OceanaGold Company Told to leave El Salvador and the Philippines By Dylan Penner, June 10, 2016
Hunting Sharks: Unnatural Justice and Human Revenge By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 07, 2016
Fukushima: Worse Than a Disaster By Robert Hunziker, June 07, 2016
Fukushima and Nuclear Power: Does the Advertising Giant Dentsu Pull the Strings of Japan’s Media? By Mathieu Gaulène, June 05, 2016
Peak Oil and Climate Collapse: Can Society Make the Transition in Time? Global Research News Hour Episode 145 By Michael Welch, Richard Heinberg, and Gordon Laxer, June 05, 2016
Ecological Civilization
On World Environment Day: Profiting from Death, Devastation and Destruction is the Norm By Colin Todhunter, June 05, 2016
Six Questions for Monsanto By Katherine Paul, June 05, 2016
Climate Change Censorship: Australia and UNESCO By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 04, 2016
Neonicotinoids and Bee Die Off: GMO Agriculture and Chemical Pesticides are Killing the Bees By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 03, 2016
Countering Pro-GMO Deceptions and Falsehoods. Genetically Engineered Crops are not Safe By Colin Todhunter, June 02, 2016
Representation Denied – Britain’s Hidden Citizens By Lesley Docksey, June 02, 2016
India: The Worst Drought in Living Memory, 300 Million People Affected By Dr. S. G. Vombatkere, May 31, 2016
Impacts of GM Crops on Health and the Environment. How Britain’s Royal Society Covers Up the Scientific Evidence By Soil Association, May 30, 2016
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Has Passed the Point of No Return By Dahr Jamail, May 27, 2016
Sri Lankan Flood And Landslide Deaths Continue To Climb By Pani Wijesiriwardena, May 26, 2016
The March Against Monsanto. “Africa is a Playground for the Biotech Industry” By Rushka Johnson, May 23, 2016
Global Destruction of Mother Earth on Fast Track. UN Assessment By Andrea Germanos, May 21, 2016
Monsanto’s 50 Years of Death from Above and Below Is about to End By Jeff Schechtman, May 20, 2016
“End the Circus”: Big Oil Group Plots to Exclude US Public from Public Lands Bidding at IOGCC Meeting By Steve Horn, May 18, 2016
New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup By Sharon Lerner, May 18, 2016
Monsanto and the Poisoning of Europe By Colin Todhunter, May 18, 2016
The True State of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Internal Exposure Concealed By Yagasaki Katsuma, May 17, 2016
Every Belgian Gets Anti-Radiation Pills in Case of Nuclear Emergencies By WhoWhatWhy, May 16, 2016
Will the Transatlantic Trade Agreement (TTIP) Harm Your Health? By Celia Wexler, May 16, 2016
Results of Glyphosate Urine Test: ‘It’s Not Good News’. Glyphosate in Water and Food By Lorraine Chow, May 16, 2016
Client Alert: Law Firms Tell Fossil Fuel Companies They Could Be Next in “Exxon Knew” Probe By Steve Horn, May 16, 2016
Shell Oil Spill Dumps Nearly 90,000 Gallons of Crude into Gulf of Mexico By Lorraine Chow, May 15, 2016
Killing Carp in Australia: Genocidal Fantasies Down Under By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 14, 2016
“Legacy of Radioactivity,” Contamination from Thousands of Fracking Wastewater Spills By Sharon Kelly, May 12, 2016
Is This the 4th Recent Nuclear Disaster to Strike the U.S.? By Brandon Turbeville, May 09, 2016
The TTIP Leaks. The 248 Pages Reveal a Hidden Economic, Social and Environmental Agenda By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 06, 2016
Obama in Flint: Let Them Drink Lead By Andre Damon, May 06, 2016
As Climate Disruption Advances, UN Warns: “The Future Is Happening Now” By Dahr Jamail, May 05, 2016
Human Rights Violations and Land Grabbing Linked to Global Palm Oil Supply Chains By Forest Peoples Programme, May 04, 2016
UK-US Air Transports of High Enriched Uranium: Global Security at Risk for Commercial Gain By Ernie Galsworthy, May 04, 2016
Agriculture, Aquaculture, Livestock: Protecting Traditional Occupations in Indigenous and Local Communities By Forest Peoples Programme, May 03, 2016
Environmental Contamination at Largest US Air Force Base in Asia: Kadena, Okinawa By Jon Mitchell, May 02, 2016
TTIP Leaked Documents Confirm that Obama Requires “Killing the Paris Accord on Climate Change” By Eric Zuesse, May 02, 2016
From Chernobyl to Fukushima: Nuclear Emergencies and the Masters of Improvisation By Sonja Schmid, April 27, 2016
Video, “Inside Chernobyl”: Haunting Reminder of Nuclear Power’s Dark Side By WhoWhatWhy, April 27, 2016
Chernobyl 30 Years On: Radioactive Residue Found In Belarus Milk By Yuras Karmanau, April 26, 2016
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Debated at United Nations as World Crisis Escalates By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2016
Impacts of Oil and Gas Fracking on Animal Health? Horses Born without the Ability to Swallow By Lorraine Berry, April 25, 2016
Pinta y Lucha, Celendin, Cajamarca, Peru by John O'Shea on GlobalResearch.ca
David Beats Goliath: Peru Locals Force US Company to Scrap Multibillion-Dollar Mining Project By RT, April 25, 2016
Long-Term Health Impacts of 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster By Dahr Jamail, April 25, 2016
The Medical Implications of the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster By Dr. Helen Caldicott, April 25, 2016