
The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
Scientists now believe it is “likely that the world will blow past the 2 degree C warming threshold that expoerts and international negotiators agree is needed to avoid catastrophic consequences.”
There is no greater natural resource on this earth than water. As the sustenance of all life, water keeps every living and breathing organism, every plant, every animal and every human being on this planet alive.
Anger and Fear Follow Japan’s Release of Radioactive Water By Cho Jung-Woo, August 28, 2023
The Pacific Is Not a Nuclear Waste Dumping Ground! By Pacific Elders Voice, August 24, 2023
Cell Phones and The Deadly Risks of Microwave Radiation. “The Zapping of America”. Remembering Paul Brodeur By New Mexico Chapter of People Without Cell Phones, August 23, 2023
Death of the Whales By Spoorthy Raman, August 22, 2023
What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Maui Fires By Patricia Harrity, August 21, 2023
Future Shock: Gearing Up for Global Heating While Our Sun and Earth Cool By Hildegard Bechler, August 19, 2023
Video: Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW) Used in WildFires? By Global Research News, August 18, 2023
“Dangerous Corruption of Science. There is No Climate Crisis”: Nobel Prize Winner Dr. John F. Clauser Endorses “World Climate Declaration” By Clintel, August 17, 2023
World Climate Declaration: There Is No Climate Emergency By Clintel, August 17, 2023
Geo-engineered Fire Bombs = Directed Energy Weapons Not Climate Change By Helena, August 16, 2023
Two Dozen Riders Attacking Wildlife, Endangered Species, and At-Risk Habitats in House Spending Bills Must be Removed By Public Citizen, August 16, 2023
NJ Fishing Pros Warn Offshore Wind Killing Ocean Life: ‘Never Seen Anything Remotely Like This’ in Half a Century By Frances Martel, August 15, 2023
Climate Change: Why Action on the Crisis Is All Hot Air By Jonathan Cook, August 14, 2023
Send Help to Hawaii, Not Ukraine By Jordan Schachtel, August 12, 2023
Carbon Dioxide Is the Least of Our Worries By Josh Mitteldorf, August 07, 2023
Fire! Fire! Fire! … But Wait a Moment… By Julian Rose, August 07, 2023
Video: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation. Helen Caldicott By Dr. Helen Caldicott and Michael Welch, July 29, 2023
TEPCO Plans Massive Release of Radioactive Plutonium into the Pacific Ocean: Fish Near Fukushima Contained Radioactive Cesium 180 Times Over Japan’s Limit By Julia Conley and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 25, 2023
“What a Scam it Actually Is.” Assessing COP27 and Modern Climate Activism By Michael Welch, Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, and Cory Morningstar, July 21, 2023
Is Climate Engineering Real? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 20, 2023
The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows to Save the Earth! By Gary D. Barnett, July 19, 2023
Climate Disruption: It’s Not Due to CO2 By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof and Silvia Terribili, July 19, 2023
Planning to Avoid Extreme Harm From Floods Should be Based on Improved Understanding By Bharat Dogra, July 14, 2023
Why Is Big Capital Ditching the “Social, Environment, Governance” ESG Agenda? By Dr. Mathew Maavak, July 13, 2023
Farmland Lost Is Farmland Lost Forever. Under the Guise of Climate Change By Tom DeWeese, July 11, 2023
Cancer-Causing ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Nearly Half of U.S. Tap Water, Study Finds By Vanessa Etienne, July 10, 2023
The Climate (CO2) Hoax and the Control Matrix. Mega-banks and Corporations By Mark Keenan, July 09, 2023
Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability By Mark Keenan, July 08, 2023
Big Tech Is Ramping Up Censorship of the Climate ‘Solutions’ Debate By W. Aaron Vandiver, July 06, 2023
The Fossil Fuel Proliferation Threat By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 06, 2023
Beyond Insanity: White House Wants To Block Sunlight To Save Planet From ‘Global Warming’ By Zero Hedge, July 05, 2023
“Absolute Madness”: Ireland Proposes Culling 200,000 Cows to Meet “Climate Goals”, Farmers Push Back By Taylor Leach, July 04, 2023
“Net Zero” and the Transhuman Agenda: War Against Nature and Humanity By Julian Rose, July 02, 2023
Climate Change Propaganda Roundup: Bankers Announce Plans to Confiscate Private Property for Climate Change By Ben Bartee, June 30, 2023
Biden Administration Should Remove Border Walls, Keep Wildlife Corridors Open Along U.S.-Mexico Border By Center For Biological Diversity, June 23, 2023
Killing Cows in the Name of Preventing Climate Change By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 20, 2023
COVID Déjà Vu: Stay Inside and Wear a Mask (The Sky Is Burning!) By John C. A. Manley, June 12, 2023
Japan Begins Secretly Releasing Irradiated Water From Fukushima Disaster Into the Ocean By Zero Hedge, June 09, 2023
Green Energy Has a Dirty Secret By Connor Vasile, May 31, 2023
Why Exactly Does the Government Dump Toxic Fluoride Into ¾ of the US Water Supply? By Ben Bartee, May 30, 2023
The High Costs of Military Air Shows By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, May 29, 2023
Carmageddon: The Electric Car Fiasco By Toby Young, May 27, 2023
The Demise of Mesopotamia: The Geopolitics of Water. The Desertification of Iraq By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi, May 20, 2023
The Numbers BlackRock Won’t Crunch By Teddy Ogborn, May 19, 2023
COVID-19: Camouflaging even Greater Threats to Democracy and Public Health: Dr. Naomi Wolf By Michael Welch and Dr. Naomi Wolf, May 19, 2023
Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Zero Tolerance for the Destructive Power of War. Illuminating the Path to Peace By Dr. Rosalie Bertell and Hildegard Bechler, May 18, 2023
Big Bad Canada Pushes to Protect Profits from Mexico By Yves Engler, May 16, 2023
Genetically Engineered Mosquito Experiment in California’s Central Valley Halted By Friends of the Earth, May 16, 2023
The Flower Industry’s Impacts on Colombia on Mother’s Day By Dr. Birsen Filip, May 14, 2023
EPA: Three Popular Neonicotinoid Pesticides Likely to Drive More Than 200 Endangered Plants, Animals Extinct By Center For Biological Diversity, May 08, 2023
EU Backs Controversial Dutch Plans to Shut Down Farms in Bid to Reduce Nitrogen Emissions By Katabella Roberts, May 05, 2023
Restored Health and Vitality from Ditching My Cell Phone By Kathleen Burke, May 05, 2023
Will Meat be Banned? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 05, 2023
Rockefeller Foundation’s New Focus on Climate Change Signals the Next Phase of the Great Reset By Derrick Broze, May 01, 2023
Not a Green Bone in Their White Bodies By Stan Cox, April 29, 2023
Why Is a Large Dam Important for Ethiopia? Experiences from the Danube River By Silabat Manaye, April 27, 2023
The Darker Side of the EV Revolution. Toxic Batteries, Nickel and Hexavalent Chromium By Steve Hanley, April 26, 2023
Cracking Sir Crispin Tickell’s Time Capsule: A Critique of “Climatic Change and World Affairs” By William Walter Kay, April 25, 2023
The White House and Billionaires Are Getting Serious About “Blocking Out the Sun” By Arjun Walia, April 24, 2023
Environmental Activism as a Capitalist Trojan Horse, and “The Bill Gates Factor” By Dr. Vandana Shiva and Michael Welch, April 22, 2023
New York City to Track Personal Food Choices to Reduce CO2 Emissions By Igor Chudov, April 21, 2023
Big Oil Willow Project in Alaska. ConocoPhillips Fossil Fuel Extraction. Devastating Impacts on Wildlife and the Environment By Center For Biological Diversity, April 19, 2023
‘Horrific’ Explosion and Fire Kill 18,000 Cattle in Texas By AFP, April 15, 2023
Davos WEF is Promoting Impossible Zero Carbon Green Agenda By F. William Engdahl, April 15, 2023
Gateway to Nowhere. The One World Order Privatization of Amazonia. Greed for Power and Money By Peter Koenig, April 15, 2023
Exposing the Climate Racket: The Latest IPCC Report By John Klar, April 14, 2023
Companies that Frack for Oil and Gas Can Keep a Lot of Information Secret – But What They Disclose Shows Widespread Use of Hazardous Chemicals By Dr. Vivian R. Underhill and Prof. Lourdes Vera, April 12, 2023
From Bill Gates to “The Great Refusal”: Farmers on the Frontline By Colin Todhunter, April 09, 2023
The U.N. Is Coming for Your Water By Cheryl K. Chumley, April 04, 2023
CDC Officers Became Sick While Assessing Contamination in East Palestine By Julia Conley, April 03, 2023
National Survey Finds Microplastics Pollution Around Britain’s Coastline Up to 100 Times Worse Than Previously Recorded By University of Portsmouth, March 31, 2023
Deep-sea Mining Damage ‘Irreversible’ By Yasmin Dahnoun, March 31, 2023
These Electric Vehicles Need Their Batteries Replaced Most Often By Alexa St. John, March 31, 2023
The Truth About Electric Cars and The Dangers of Large Lithium-Ion Batteries By Andrew Orlowski, March 30, 2023
Where Did the Claim that “97% of Scientists” Believe Climate Change Is a Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? Is It True? By Arjun Walia, March 29, 2023
New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened By Center For Biological Diversity, March 27, 2023
Carbon Footprint of Army Forest Fire Revealed By Phil Miller, March 27, 2023
Scientific Paper on Children, Wireless Technology, and Health Effects by Renowned Experts in Environmental Health By Environmental Health Trust, March 26, 2023
Who Funds the Fight Against Climate Change? By Natalie Burg, March 24, 2023
East Palestine: “We Basically Nuked a Town with Chemicals So We Could Get a Railroad Open” By Tish O’Dell and Chad Nicholson, March 23, 2023