
The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes
Scientists now believe it is “likely that the world will blow past the 2 degree C warming threshold that expoerts and international negotiators agree is needed to avoid catastrophic consequences.”
There is no greater natural resource on this earth than water. As the sustenance of all life, water keeps every living and breathing organism, every plant, every animal and every human being on this planet alive.
Legal Petition Urges Feds to Severely Restrict Pesticides in Endangered Species Critical Habitat By Center For Biological Diversity, January 08, 2019
Illegal Logging in Peru By David Hill, January 08, 2019
Within Hours of Taking Office, “Trump of the Tropics” Starts Assault on the Amazon By Andy Rowell, January 06, 2019
Bolsonaro and the Rainforest By Paul R. Pillar, January 06, 2019
Global Research News Hour: Global Economy, Geo-Politics, Militarization. The Most Significant Stories of 2018, Projections for 2019 By Michael Welch, Rick Rozoff, Andy Lee Roth, Dr. Jack Rasmus, and Dmitry Orlov, January 05, 2019
The Gathering Climate Storm and the Media Cover-up By Dr. Andrew Glikson, January 02, 2019
Sixteen Environmental, Public-health Organizations Oppose Greenwashing of Fracked Gas-to-methanol Refinery By Center For Biological Diversity, January 02, 2019
When “Green” Doesn’t “Grow”: Facing Up to the Failures of Profit-Driven Climate Policy By Sean Sweeney and John Treat, January 01, 2019
War and Climate Change: Did Bombing During Second World War Cool Global Temperatures? By Alan Robock, December 31, 2018
Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil Would be a Disaster for the Amazon and Global Climate Change By Ed Atkins, December 31, 2018
“Environmental Buccaneering”: Adani’s Stalling Mega-Mining Project in Northern Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 30, 2018
28 Signs That the West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried with Nuclear Radiation from Fukushima By Michael Snyder, December 30, 2018
Report on President’s Environmental Record so Far ‘Reminds Us that Trump Soap Opera Has Dire Real-World Consequences’ By Jessica Corbett, December 29, 2018
Big Oil, Auto Industries Conspire to Destroy Liveability of Planet By Yves Engler, December 26, 2018
GMOs in Many Foods Will Go Undisclosed Under Trump’s Final GMO Rule By Environmental Working Group, December 26, 2018
The GMO Issue Reaches Boiling Point in India. The Devastating Impacts of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops By Colin Todhunter and Aruna Rodrigues, December 23, 2018
The Fusion Doctrine, For a Totalitarian Take Over. Militarization and “Privatization of the State” By Julian Rose, December 23, 2018
Leading Brexiteers’ Funded by US Business Interests Meet to Weaken UK Food Standards By Lawrence Carter and Alice Ross, December 23, 2018
Illegal Land Grab and Human Rights Abuses in the Congo By Survival International, December 22, 2018
Loss of the Ice Mass in Antarctica. Increasing Sea Level Rise By Dahr Jamail, December 22, 2018
Agreed Rules, COP24 and Climate Change Protest By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 20, 2018
Madagascar: Electoral Threat to Biodiversity By Dr Peter H. Raven, December 19, 2018
Scientists Will Begin Geo-engineering Experiment and Try to Block the Sun By Mac Slavo, December 15, 2018
Climate of Fear: Global Warming Alarmists Intimidate Dissenting Scientists into Silence By Prof. Richard Lindzen, December 15, 2018
Not a Fish Tale: Humans Are Ingesting Plastic Thanks to Ocean Pollution By Dahr Jamail, December 15, 2018
Crimes Against the Earth By Dr. Andrew Glikson, December 14, 2018
“The Sixth Extinction”: Biological Annihilation. Vertebrates, Insects and Plants By Subhankar Banerjee, December 12, 2018
In Early Holiday ‘Gift to Polluters,’ Trump Guts Protections for 60 Percent of Nation’s Streams, Wetlands, and Waterways By Julia Conley, December 12, 2018
Alberta Tar Sands Production Cuts Here to Stay: Indigenous-led Movement Will Make Sure of It By Stewart Phillip, December 10, 2018
In Another Blow to Keystone XL, Judge Rules TransCanada Can’t Conduct Pre-Construction Work By Jessica Corbett, December 09, 2018
The Deathly Insect Dilemma. “It is not Normal for 50%-to-90% of a Species to Drop Dead” By Robert Hunziker, December 08, 2018
China’s Ban on Imports of “Foreign Garbage”: No More of Your Junk By Adam Liebman, December 08, 2018
Failed Media Coverage of Extreme Weather Events: How to Hide Global Warming in Plain Sight By Prof. Tom Huckin, December 06, 2018
Climate Crisis Made Worse by “Presidential Mis-Leadership”: Protecting Big Oil, From Bush-Cheney, Obama to Trump By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 04, 2018
British Hunters Bring Home Elephant Ivory By Brendan Montague, December 04, 2018
The 2018 Firestorms: There Is No Planet B By Dr. Andrew Glikson, December 03, 2018
Journey into Obsolescence: Australia’s Adani Carmichael Mining Project By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 02, 2018
Trump Administration Approves Airgun Blasting in Atlantic Harmful to Whales, Dolphins By Center For Biological Diversity, December 02, 2018
Mercury Contamination of Atmosphere May Reach Orbit Through Regulatory Blindspot By PEER, December 01, 2018
Video: Global Warming Testimony. Questions the IPCC Consensus. Prominent Scientist By Prof. Don J. Easterbrook, December 01, 2018
At Least 1 Million Bees Found Dead in Cape Town By Lorraine Chow, November 29, 2018
Microplastics Pollution in Falklands as High as UK By Anglia Ruskin University, November 29, 2018
Climate, Human Delusion and Our Destruction of the Biosphere: We Aren’t Even Trying! By Robert J. Burrowes, November 27, 2018
Orwellian Climate Newspeak By Dr. Andrew Glikson, November 26, 2018
Three Charts: What Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Climate Emergency By Prof. Juan Cole, November 25, 2018
Minimal Media Attention Helped Sink Crucial Climate Initiatives By Justin Anderson, November 25, 2018
Calling for ‘Corridor of Life and Culture,’ in The Amazon: Indigenous Groups Propose Creation of Largest Protected Area on Earth By Jessica Corbett, November 22, 2018
The Earth Is Eating Its Own Oceans. The Deep Water Cycle By Stephanie Pappas, November 19, 2018
Hell Hath No Fury Like Raging California Wildfires By Stephen Lendman, November 18, 2018
California Wild-Fires: Paradise Lost, The Town of Paradise in Northern California Destroyed By Andy Rowell, November 14, 2018
Environmental Disasters Foretold: Toxic Waste from Mining Disasters. Tailings Dam Spills at Mount Polley and Mariana By Judith Marshall, November 14, 2018
87% of the World’s Oceans Are Dying: Report By Joe McCarthy and Erica Sanchez, November 13, 2018
Raging California Wildfires By Stephen Lendman, November 12, 2018
“The Ocean is Dying”: Marine and Animal Life Die Offs, California Coast By Mac Slavo, November 11, 2018
Scientists Warn That Canadian Glacial Melting Is “Outside the Scope of Normal” By Andy Rowell, October 31, 2018
WWF Report Reveals a 60% Decline in Wildlife Populations Since 1970 By Nick Lavars, October 31, 2018
Ottawa Doubles Down on Double Standards. Canada’s $15 Billion Armaments Deal with The Saudis By Jim Miles, October 29, 2018
High Sea Level Rise Projections and the IPCC By Dr. Andrew Glikson, October 29, 2018
America’s Worst Ever Ecological Disaster? The Gulf of Mexico Taylor Energy Platform By Stephen Lendman, October 26, 2018
What Is It About Bears? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 25, 2018
Denials Down Under: Climate Change and Health in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 25, 2018
Trump Nominates Pesticide Industry Insider to Run U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service By Center For Biological Diversity, October 25, 2018
‘One of Most Disturbing Articles I Have Ever Read’ Scientist Says of Study Detailing Climate-Driven ‘Bugpocalypse’ By Jake Johnson, October 18, 2018
Climate change
Climate Change, Panic Scenarios, Killing Scientific Debate. The Dark Story Behind “Global Warming” By F. William Engdahl, October 16, 2018
US Plastic Waste Exports to Developing Countries, Causing Environmental Problems at Home and Abroad By Joe Sandler Clarke and Emma Howard, October 16, 2018
Hurricane Michael: Floridians Paying for Governor Scott’s Climate Denialism By Dahr Jamail, October 12, 2018
Hurricane Michael Makes Landfall in Florida Panhandle By Dr. Jeff Masters, October 11, 2018
The IPCC’S Final Warnings of Extreme Global Warming By Dr. Andrew Glikson, October 10, 2018
Climate Alarm: ‘Most Important Years in History’ By Karl Mathiesen and Natalie Sauer, October 09, 2018
Map: Hurricane Florence Drenched Thousands of North Carolina CAFOs and Animal Waste Pits By Environmental Working Group, October 05, 2018
Norway Becomes World’s First Country to Ban Deforestation By Katie Pohlman, October 04, 2018
Fourteen Years Ago, December 26, 2004: Indonesia’s Indian Ocean 9.0 Tsunami. Why Did the Information Not Get Out? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 03, 2018
The Earth Is the Common Home of All Inhabitants By Riccardo Petrella, September 30, 2018
Scientific Reviews of Glyphosate’s Cancer Risk Fail to Fully Disclose Monsanto’s Role By Center For Biological Diversity, September 28, 2018
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in North Carolina. Pollution of Soil, Air and Water In the Wake of the Hurricane By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 26, 2018
Analysis of Water Contamination at Military Sites Finds Health Risks Due to Toxic Chemicals Worse Than Thought By Union of Concerned Scientists, September 26, 2018
Glyphosate Linked to Bee Deaths By Nick Carne, September 26, 2018
Grizzlies Saved: Court Stops Trophy Hunt of Yellowstone’s Iconic Bears By Center For Biological Diversity, September 25, 2018
Indiana Utility Chooses Solar and Storage Over Coal: An Ecological Transformation Starts to Emerge? By Roy Morrison, September 24, 2018
Climate Projections: A World on Borrowed Time By Dr. Andrew Glikson, September 24, 2018