
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
The Betrayal of India. The 26/11 2008 Mumbai Attacks By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, August 15, 2017
The 1922 Genoa Conference: Diplomatic Manoeuvers Around Russian Debt Repudiation By Eric Toussaint, August 14, 2017
Why World War II Ended with Mushroom Clouds By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, August 14, 2017
The End of World War II Did Not Lead to A Lasting Peace: “Operation Sunrise” and the Onslaught of the Cold War By A. H. Goldberg, August 14, 2017
Electoral Politics and the Crises of Governance in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 13, 2017
The Periodic Table of Psychopathy: Examining U.S. Presidential Insanity in a More Scientific Manner By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 13, 2017
Continuity of Agenda: Trump’s “Fire and Fury” Brewed Under Bush, Obama By Tony Cartalucci, August 13, 2017
The Terrorism of Moral Indignation By Luciana Bohne, August 13, 2017
US Sponsored Coups and Regime Change, NATO Expansionism, Washington Interferes Globally. Ukraine, Mexico, Korea, Venezuela By Shane Quinn, August 12, 2017
Greece: Our Struggle Against Odious and Illegitimate Debt By Zoe Konstantopoulou, August 12, 2017
Tyranny at Nuremberg. The Criminalization of War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 12, 2017
The Empire Strikes Back: With Destructive and Dishonest Neocolonialism By Neil Clark, August 10, 2017
From Watergate to Russiagate: The Hidden Scandal of American Power By Dr. Nozomi Hayase, August 10, 2017
Lessons From the 1811 Independence of Venezuela By Nino Pagliccia, August 10, 2017
Poetry: A Rare Bird Upon the Earth, Similar to A Black Swan By Edward Curtin, August 09, 2017
World War I, Memories of Futility: Third Battle of Ypres. The Passchendaele Method of War By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 09, 2017
The Cold War and Its Origins. History of the Soviet Union. World War II, Colonialism, Independence and Counter-revolution By Hugo Turner, August 08, 2017
Delivering Art in the Empire By Hiroyuki Hamada, August 07, 2017
Endangering a Landmark Nuclear Treaty with Russia. Jeopardizing Global Security By Jonathan Marshall, August 07, 2017
Is History “Bunk”? “Big Business and Hitler” By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, August 07, 2017
On the Anniversary of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki By H. Patricia Hynes, August 07, 2017
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: From a Sunday to a Monday in August, the Sixth Day By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 07, 2017
US Congress to Undermine US-Russia INF Treaty and Entire Existing Nuclear Arms Control Architecture By Andrei Akulov, August 06, 2017
On the Annexation of Crimea by Russia: A Look from the Inside By Tsygankov S. S., August 06, 2017
Fury at London Theatre Production of Israel’s Notorious Killing of American Rachel Corrie in 2003 By Anthony Bellchambers, August 05, 2017
US War Crimes against North Korea: Sinchon Massacre by U.S. Military Exposed By Jack Willey, August 05, 2017
On the Beach 2017. “The War was Over… Was it Started by an Accident or Mistake. There was no Victor… “ By John Pilger, August 05, 2017
Hiroshima – A Criminal Enterprise From Which Nothing Has Been Learned By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 03, 2017
Royal Advisors Have Advocated False Flag Terrorism for More Than 2,000 Years By Washington's Blog, August 03, 2017
“Nobody’s Life” in the Land of the Deal By Edward Curtin, August 03, 2017
Remembering Fela Anikulapo Kuti – Revolutionary African Musician By Adeyinka Makinde, August 03, 2017
Terrorism: How the Israeli State Was Won By Tom Suarez, August 02, 2017
Lessons From the Detroit July 1967 Rebellion and Prospects for Social Transformation By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 02, 2017
Afghanistan Is Right Here! Lies, Myths and Legends By Andre Vltchek, August 02, 2017
Reviving the Cult of Princess Diana By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 01, 2017
Trump Intel Chief: North Korea Learned From Libya War to “Never” Give Up Nukes By Jon Schwarz, August 01, 2017
Abraham and the Angels: Rembrandt at New York’s Frick Collection By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, August 01, 2017
World War I, 100 Hundred Years Ago: Start of the Third Battle of Ypres, Or Battle of Passchendaele By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, August 01, 2017
Nepal Hill Art and Women’s Traditions By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 31, 2017
A Child’s Truth in a Country of Lies By Edward Curtin, July 31, 2017
False Flag Terrorism Isn’t a “Theory” … It’s Admitted and Widespread By Washington's Blog, July 29, 2017
The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, July 28, 2017
World War II and the Battle of Britain: Operation Sea Lion, Looking Back By Dr. Frederick Clairmonte, July 28, 2017
History of World War II: The Dunkirk Evacuation and the Delusions of Empire By Salil Tripathi, July 28, 2017
The Unnoticed Demise of Democracy By Roberto Savio, July 28, 2017
Haunted by the Spectre of a Nazi Past, the German People Cannot Ignore the Crimes Committed by Israel? By William Hanna, July 26, 2017
Thousands of CIA, FBI Documents on JFK Assassination Released for First Time By Sputnik, July 26, 2017
Death in the Congo, Why Did the US Want to Kill Patrice Lumumba? By Bob A. Feldman, July 25, 2017
IDF Chief Says Israel Is Becoming Like Nazi Germany, Refuses to Back Down By Matt Agorist, July 24, 2017
New Country to Replace Ukraine? The Malorossiyan Federation By Donbass International News Agency, July 22, 2017
The Russian Revolution, Debt Repudiation, War and Peace By Eric Toussaint, July 21, 2017
A Tale of Two Nations: Russia vs. USA Economic Prospects By F. William Engdahl, July 20, 2017
The Deep State As Fake News By Douglas Valentine and Bonnie Faulkner, July 19, 2017
Alexander Zakharchenko
Donetsk People’s Republic Announces the Creation of a New Country: Malorossiya By Paul Chuprina, July 19, 2017
“All Eyez on Me”: How Hollywood Depoliticized the Life and Death of Hip Hop Artist Tupac Shakur By James F. Tracy, July 18, 2017
Tibet Rises From Poverty: Fantasy and Reality By Caleb T. Maupin, July 18, 2017
The Six Day War: The Breaking of the Middle East By Jim Miles, July 18, 2017
Poll: Americans’ Massive Disapproval of Both Parties By Eric Zuesse, July 18, 2017
The “Deep State” Then and Now By Edward Curtin, July 18, 2017
“The Putin-Trump Handshake in Hamburg Is a Historic Opportunity: Let’s Not Miss It”. Gorbachev By Giulietto Chiesa, July 18, 2017
Japan’s Legacy of War Crimes in China By Kim Petersen, July 18, 2017
Fairy Tales and Globalisation: Bringing Up the Young in the Values and Virtues of Great Civilisations By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, July 17, 2017
Brzezinski Wanted NATO to Become the “Hub of a Globe-Spanning Web” of Security Pacts By Steven MacMillan, July 17, 2017
Disastrous Capitalism – But Is a U.K. Labour Government the Solution? By William Bowles, July 15, 2017
The Cold War and Its Origins. The Inception of the Soviet Union By Hugo Turner, July 15, 2017
Economic War Crimes: Dismantling Former Yugoslavia, Recolonizing Bosnia-Herzegovina By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 15, 2017
Political Crisis in the “Republic of Cyprus”. Confrontation between Greek and Turkish Negotiators By Andreas C Chrysafis, July 15, 2017
Islamic Radicalism: A Product of Western Imperialism By Nauman Sadiq, July 14, 2017
Israel and Rwanda: Paul Kagame and Benjamin Netanyahu, Partners in Persecution By Ann Garrison, July 13, 2017
The CIA’s 1951 Document Comparing American and Soviet Cold War Propaganda, “Similarities” and “Resemblances” By Alec Shea, July 11, 2017
The US State of War—July 2017. 84,000 Bombs since 2014, and Counting… By Nicolas J. S. Davies, July 10, 2017
The Spy Who Funded Me: Revisiting the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) and its Connections to the CIA By Patrick Iber, July 07, 2017
Democracy in Nepal Passes a Second Test By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 07, 2017
The Madness of War By Julian Rose, July 07, 2017
Don’t Historicize the Balfour Declaration: The Past Is Still the Palestinians’ Present By Yara Hawari, July 05, 2017
Why War? Building on the Legacy of Einstein, Freud and Gandhi By Robert J. Burrowes, July 05, 2017
Canadian Imperialism Flexes Its Muscles By Benoît Tanguay, July 05, 2017
“Paying the Price for Peace: The Story of S. Brian Willson” By S. Brian Willson, July 05, 2017
The Murderer of My Happiness: Don Giovanni in San Francisco By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 05, 2017
Jamaica: Marcus Garvey’s Economic Philosophy Has a “Capitalism Problem” By Dr. Ajamu Nangwaya, July 04, 2017