
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
The Hidden Smoking Gun: The Deletion of Clinton’s Emails By Paul Thompson, November 20, 2017
NATO, a Monstrous Institution By Karel van Wolferen, November 19, 2017
Campaign to Force Out Mugabe Escalates in Zimbabwe By Chris Marsden, November 19, 2017
No One Man Should be Able to Trigger Nuclear War By Eric Margolis, November 19, 2017
Brennan and Clapper: Elder Statesmen of the Intelligence Community or “Serial Fabricators”? By Mike Whitney, November 19, 2017
The Veiled Threat: Australia’s Campaign Against New Zealand’s Refugee Policy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 19, 2017
Grenfell Tower: Criminal Negligence in Worst Fatal Residential Fire in London for Over 100 Years By Hans Stehling, November 19, 2017
The Plot Against Kennedy: Why it Matters in the Era of Trump By Michael Welch, Paul Zarembka, and Ray McGovern, November 19, 2017
When Will the West Ever Learn from History? By Lord Lothian and Amir Nour, November 18, 2017
Who Gets to Push the Nuclear Button? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 18, 2017
Massive Overkill: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation By William D. Hartung, November 17, 2017
Muslim-Sikh Relations in Medieval India: Deconstructing the Orientalist Myth of “Perpetual Communal Conflict” By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu, November 17, 2017
Grand Renaissance Dam
The Impact of the Saudi Coup on the World Oil Market and China By Dr. Ali Kadri, November 17, 2017
A Tale of Two Teams: Australia, Italy and the World Cup By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 17, 2017
The Catalonia Independence Movement By Josep Maria Antentas and Dan La Botz, November 16, 2017
Joint Statement by the President of the United States and the President of the Russian Federation By Pres. Donald Trump and Pres. Vladimir Putin, November 16, 2017
Libya’s Slave Auctions and African Genocide: What Hillary Knew By Zero Hedge, November 16, 2017
The Internet Crackdown Begins: U.S. Senator Al Franken Wants Google, Facebook and Twitter to Censor Political Speech By Michael Snyder, November 16, 2017
Mugabe and the Non-Coup Coup in Zimbabwe By Moon of Alabama, November 16, 2017
Empire of Cards By Philip A Farruggio, November 16, 2017
The US Persistently Seeks to Destabilize Iran. Why is Washington So Deeply Concerned about Tehran’s Regional Influence in the Middle East? By Farhad Shahabi, November 16, 2017
Industrial America, Managerialism and the “Fordist Academic” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 16, 2017
Saudi Arabia Regional and Global Linkages By Prof. James Petras, November 16, 2017
Trump in Asia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 16, 2017
The Dark Side of the Empire By Philip A Farruggio, November 15, 2017
“Unfriendly Relations” with Russia, American Imperialism and the Dangers of Nuclear War: Trump and the Wolfowitz Doctrine By Deena Stryker, November 15, 2017
Hearts and Minds By Philip A Farruggio, November 15, 2017
US Cuts Funds for Disarming Explosives It Dropped on Cambodia, Phnom Penh Strengthens its Ties with Beijing By Tony Cartalucci, November 15, 2017
Trump’s Asia Tour Leaves Region on Brink of Trade War and Military Conflict By James Cogan, November 15, 2017
U.K Prime Minister May Deploys Anti-Russian Propaganda to Distract from Brexit Crisis By Julie Hyland, November 15, 2017
Reinventing the World Social Forum? The Corporate Funding of Social Activism By Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 15, 2017
Donald Trump Marks America’s “Heavy Toll of War” – From Vietnam. By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 14, 2017
Warrior President Trump: “I Am a Very Good Mediator” By Stephen Lendman, November 13, 2017
How Israel and Saudi Arabia Conspire to Seize Control of the Middle East? By Wayne Madsen, November 13, 2017
NATO Tells Europe: “Prepare for a Russian invasion”. Who Are the Most Dangerous Russians in the World Today? By Marcus Godwyn, November 13, 2017
What Craziness Is Going on in Saudi Arabia? By Eric Margolis, November 13, 2017
Hollywood’s World War II Pro-Soviet Propaganda: The North Star (1943) By Lewis Milestone and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 13, 2017
Agents of British Influence: Chevening “Scholarships” and Modern Day Imperialism By Joseph Thomas, November 13, 2017
JFK Assassination Records – 2017 Additional Documents Release By National Archives, November 13, 2017
A Desultory Election Day in America By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 13, 2017
Should British MPs Including the PM and Foreign Secretary be Lobbyists for Israel, An Undeclared Nuclear-armed State? By Hans Stehling, November 12, 2017
Manipulation: Washington’s New Program to Take on Hungarian Media. Regime Change in Budapest? By Daniel McAdams, November 12, 2017
The ISIS-Daesh Killing Field: A Letter from Iraq – Grief, Forgiveness, and 20 Million Pilgrims By Pepe Escobar, November 12, 2017
Setting the Record Straight: The 1984 Beirut Barracks Bombing By Lawrence Korb, November 12, 2017
America’s Camp Humphreys Military Base in South Korea: Largest Overseas US Military Facility By Jon Letman, November 12, 2017
Changing the “War No More” Sentiment of Armistice Day to the War-Glorifying Propaganda of Veterans Day By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 12, 2017
War “Commemorations” and Remembrance Day “Celebrations” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 12, 2017
China and the US: Comparing Leadership Selection By Prof. James Petras, November 12, 2017
Veterans Day: Honor the Soldier … Scorn the Chickenhawk By Washington's Blog, November 12, 2017
Don’t Let Misplaced Concerns over Missiles Jeopardize Iran Deal By Felicity Arbuthnot, Tytti Erästö, and Sina Azodi, November 11, 2017
Mohammed Bin Salman Drains the Saudi Swamp By Andrew Korybko, November 11, 2017
Who Killed President Kennedy and Why? By Oriental Review, November 11, 2017
Muhammd Bin-Salman’s Purge in Saudi Arabia Is the Prelude to Something Bigger By Abdel Bari Atwan, November 11, 2017
Fixations of Propriety: The Refugee Convention and the Manus Closure Scandal By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 11, 2017
From Superpower to Incompetence By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 11, 2017
The Israeli Lobby and the British Parliament By Hans Stehling, November 11, 2017
India’s Demonetization, Modi’s “Economic Emergency” and “Black Money”: What Does that Mean for the Common People By Binu Mathew, November 10, 2017
South Korea’s Sunshine Policy: 80 Percent of South Koreans Support Peace and North-South Engagement By Tim Shorrock and Seth Ackerman, November 10, 2017
U.K. Secretary Priti Patel Resigns – Israel Lobby Mourns the Loss of a Valuable British Asset By Moon of Alabama, November 10, 2017
The Tragic Declaration: Colonial Legacies, Balfour and Israel By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 10, 2017
People Are Crazy and Times Are Strange By Philip A Farruggio, November 10, 2017
Video: The Saudi Purge: The Middle East Is on the Verge of A New War By South Front, November 09, 2017
Saudi Arabia: Wellspring of Regional Instability By Paul R. Pillar, November 09, 2017
The Metaphysical Dimensions of Reality: How to Achieve Peace, Civility and Social Well-Being By Antonio Carlos Silva Rosa, November 09, 2017
America’s Gubernatorial Elections. Review and Analysis By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2017
Video: Trump Addresses South Korean National Assembly. Is North Korea Next on his Target List, Iran to Follow? By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2017
The Greek Occupation of Jerusalem and the Holy Land By Israel Shamir, November 08, 2017
Balfour at 100: A Legacy of Racism and Propaganda By Dan Freeman-Maloy, November 08, 2017
The Governorship Elections in Venezuela. The PSUV Wins By a Landslide, Opposition in Disarray By Nino Pagliccia, November 08, 2017
Long Live The October Revolution. 100 Years of Imperialism and Western Oppression By Andre Vltchek, November 07, 2017
The Revolution Party and the Russian Revolution By Leo Panitch, November 06, 2017
Japan, Overcoming Double Erasure: Japanese “Comfort Women”, Nationalism and Trafficking By Morita Seiya, November 06, 2017
In a World of Propaganda, Lies, and Self Deception: Reviving the Spirit of Existential Rebellion By Edward Curtin, November 05, 2017
Palestine and the Balfour Declaration, Explained in Eight Memes
 By Rima Najjar, November 05, 2017
History of the Russian Revolution, Peoples’ Right to Self-determination, and Debt Repudiation By Eric Toussaint, November 05, 2017
US, UK, French Governments Call for Killing Citizens Affiliated with ISIS; Remembering Lenin and the 1917 Russian Revolution By Prof Susan Babbitt, November 05, 2017
The Assassination of JFK, the ‘Lone Gunman’ Mythology and the CIA’s Weaponizing of ‘Conspiracy Theories’ By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 04, 2017
What Is the Aim of Nippon Kaigi, the Ultra-Right Organization that Supports Japan’s Abe Administration? By Tawara Yoshifumi and Tomomi Yamaguchi, November 04, 2017
Jerome Powell: Trump’s New Chairman of the Federal Reserve By Stephen Lendman, November 04, 2017
Saudi Arabia: Mirage of Reform in Wahhabism’s Absolute Monarchy By Gilbert Mercier, November 04, 2017