
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
Haiti, The Government-run Narco-state. Country at the Mercy of Drug-Dealers By Joël Léon, March 02, 2019
When Journalists Rely on Diplomats, Ottawa ‘Spins’ the News By Yves Engler, March 02, 2019
British Aid to Venezuela: A Soft Power Tool Kit By Nina Cross, March 02, 2019
UK Government Collusion with Israel By Hans Stehling, March 02, 2019
American Exceptionalism: The Naked Truth By William Blum, March 02, 2019
Russia Officially Returns to South Asia by Offering to Host Indo-Pak Peace Talks By Andrew Korybko, March 01, 2019
Is Israel Just a European-Style Democracy but in the Middle East? By Hans Stehling, March 01, 2019
Can the Left Look to Portugal for an Alternative to Austerity? By Asad Ismi, March 01, 2019
From Late Victorian Holocausts to 21st Century Imperialism: “Crocodile Tears” for Venezuela By Colin Todhunter, March 01, 2019
400 Years and the Struggle to End Enslavement, Colonialism and Neo-colonialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 01, 2019
The War on AMLO: US Backlash Supported by Mexican Right Wing By Kurt Hackbarth and Prof. Colin Mooers, March 01, 2019
Brexit: The Implications for Health and Social Care By Beccy Baird and Helen McKenna, March 01, 2019
Britain’s Witchfinders Are Ready to Burn Jeremy Corbyn By Jonathan Cook, March 01, 2019
The Trump Presidency: From the Manhattan Underworld to the White House By Patrick Martin, March 01, 2019
Walkout in Hanoi: The Second Trump-Kim Summit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 01, 2019
Kim Meets Trump in Hanoi. Failure of Second US-DPRK Summit By Stephen Lendman, February 28, 2019
Twenty years Ago: NATO Aggression Against Serbia By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 28, 2019
Financial Imperialism – The Case of Venezuela By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 28, 2019
Video: US Sanctions on Venezuela Possibly Worse Than Iraq Sanctions before War By Mark Weisbrot and Gregory Wilpert, February 28, 2019
America’s “Wilderness Areas” and “Animal Kingdoms”: The Showbiz of Wildlife Conservation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 28, 2019
The Key to the Brexit Backstory. The Legacy of the Defunct British Empire By Prof. Sally Tomlinson and Prof. Danny Dorling, February 28, 2019
Genocide Survivors Demand Elliott Abrams Leave Holocaust Committee Board By Telesur, February 28, 2019
Russia, Japan and the USA: The Unfinished Business of War By Christopher Black, February 28, 2019
History: Resistance to the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 28, 2019
Varoufakis’s Secret Negotiations and His Disappointments with China, Obama and the IMF By Eric Toussaint, February 27, 2019
Cohen Tips Off NYT: Will Call Trump “Racist” , “Con Man” and “Cheat” in Wednesday Testimony By Zero Hedge, February 27, 2019
Venezuela Must Draw Inspiration from Survival of Cuban Revolution By Shane Quinn, February 27, 2019
Why Have Israel and UK Rushed to Sign a Trade Deal Ahead of Brexit? By Hans Stehling, February 27, 2019
Meet Juan Guaido’s First Ambassador, Fake Twitter Diplomat Slammed by Costa Rica for ‘Unacceptable Entry’ By Anya Parampil, February 27, 2019
Russia Regards the “Indo-Pacific Region” as an “Artificially Imposed” Pro-US Concept By Andrew Korybko, February 26, 2019
Cuba’s Referendum on a New Constitution: Cuba Has Indeed “Changed”, But Not as Some Had Hoped By Arnold August, February 26, 2019
Black History: Trump Era Resistance, Mumia’s Plight, and Freedom for the Move 9 By Michael Welch, Glen Ford, Suzanne Ross, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, February 26, 2019
“Arab NATO” Isn’t NATO-like at All By Andrew Korybko, February 26, 2019
Alexander von Humboldt, Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution By Franklin Frederick, February 26, 2019
The Conservatives, “Nam-Nam Friction” and Nuclear Crisis in South Korea By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, February 26, 2019
Trump Threatens a Second Embargo of Cuba By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 26, 2019
Emergencies Do Not Trump the Constitution By Rep. Ron Paul, February 26, 2019
Canadian ‘Aid’ to Venezuela Part of Plan to Overthrow Government By Yves Engler, February 26, 2019
Juan Guaido: A Traitor to His People By Radio Havana Cuba, February 26, 2019
Is President Trump Seeking a Pretext for War against Venezuela? “Why Can’t the U.S. Simply Invade the Troubled Country?” By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2019
Senator Mark Rubio Tells Maduro He Will End Up Like Gaddafi By Kurt Nimmo, February 25, 2019
Cuba’s Constitutional Reform: Attempting to Reflect the Will of the Cuban People By Dr. Birsen Filip, February 25, 2019
The Cuban People Vote in Constitutional Referendum By Granma, February 25, 2019
Getting Rid of Rep. Ilhan Omar: Neoconservatives Dig Deep to Remove a Critic of Israel By Philip Giraldi, February 25, 2019
The Bull Market and Today’s Financial Crisis. “The Great Crash of 1929”. Will History Repeat Itself? By Bryant Brown, February 25, 2019
City of Xi’an and Why the New Chinese Silk Road Terrifies the West? By Andre Vltchek, February 25, 2019
America’s Addiction Network By Philip A Farruggio, February 24, 2019
Venezuela Coverage Takes Us Back to Golden Age of Lying About Latin America By Mark Cook, February 24, 2019
No One Trusts the US Government, Not Even the American People By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 24, 2019
An Idiot’s National Emergency By Kurt Nimmo, February 24, 2019
Collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuban Revolution Survives Despite Widely Held Predictions By Shane Quinn, February 23, 2019
Saudi Crown Prince MBS’ Asia Tour Is Much More than a Post-Khashoggi Photo-Op By Andrew Korybko, February 22, 2019
The Candidate Rides Again: The Bernie Sanders Re-Run By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 22, 2019
UN Warns of Alarming Rate of Language Disappearance By Prensa Latina, February 22, 2019
Step Aside USA, Canada Is the New Bully in Our South American ‘Backyard’ By Yves Engler, February 22, 2019
The War on Venezuela Is Built on Lies By John Pilger, February 22, 2019
Venezuela’s Stalled Coup: US’ Allies May Soon Regret They Rushed to Embrace Guaido By Gilbert Mercier and Ekaterina Blinova, February 22, 2019
Venezuela – US Attack Imminent? By Peter Koenig, February 22, 2019
The Most Selfish of Virtues: Alan Bennett’s “Lady in the Van” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 21, 2019
The Ins and Outs of the West’s Anti-Russian Infowar. The Role of “Government Organized” NGOs By Andrew Korybko, February 21, 2019
Obstructed Justice: Law and Disorder in the Klan Age By Greg Guma, February 21, 2019
What If They Started a War and No One Showed Up? By Philip Giraldi, February 21, 2019
Dollar Dominance and the Third World By Enzo Calandra, February 21, 2019
Venezuela Expels Euro Deputies Amid Reports of Talks with Washington By Paul Dobson, February 20, 2019
Imran Khan’s “Socialist Revolution” in Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 20, 2019
Canadian Policy on Venezuela, Haiti Reveals Hypocrisy that Media Ignores By Yves Engler, February 20, 2019
Political Correctness Demands Diversity in Everything but Thought By William Blum, February 20, 2019
Hispaniola Rising: How the US Coup in Venezuela Is Taking Root in Haiti and the Dominican Republic By Ariel Fornari, February 20, 2019
Military, Deep State and the American Innocence By Chris Kanthan, February 20, 2019
Challenging Dollar Hegemony: Russia and China Are Containing America’s Attempts to “Reshape the World Order” By Federico Pieraccini, February 19, 2019
Black Alliance for Peace: Struggle in Haiti and Venezuela Connected By Black Alliance for Peace, February 19, 2019
Postmodernism: A Realm Beyond Renaissance Humanism By Nauman Sadiq, February 19, 2019
When It Comes to Middle East Policy, the UK Is Nothing but a Rogue State By Mark Curtis, February 19, 2019
How Much of Venezuela’s Crisis Is Really Maduro’s Fault? By Steve Ellner, February 19, 2019
American-Style Drone Warfare and How and When Humans Count By William J. Astore, February 19, 2019
Yellow Vests and Red Unions Strike Together By Richard Greeman, February 19, 2019
Cuba, China, PAHO to Send 933 Tons of Medicines to Venezuela By Prensa Latina, February 19, 2019
Trump Declares Global War on Socialism By Bill Van Auken, February 19, 2019
Who’s Behind the Attacks in Iran? Pakistan Has to Choose Between Saudi Arabia and Iran By Sami Karimi, February 19, 2019
Romanticism and the Rise of the Superheroes: Who Are the Saviours of the Oppressed? By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, February 19, 2019