
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
Iranian Monarchists Praise the Shah’s Brutal Rule on the Anniversary of His Death By Kurt Nimmo, July 28, 2019
More Evidence on the Srebrenica “Numbers Game” By George Pumphrey, July 28, 2019
Australia’s Mack Horton’s Anti-Drug Stance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 27, 2019
Agricultural Literacy: A Solution to Youth Idleness and Unemployment By Anya Karaman, July 27, 2019
Who Invented the Internet – A Full History By BroadbandSearch, July 27, 2019
The Caracas Manifesto: Proposal and Promise at the Sao Paulo Forum 2019 By Nino Pagliccia, July 27, 2019
China-US Trade Negotiations Post-Osaka G20: Why No Deal on the Horizon By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 26, 2019
The Demonization of Slobodan Milosevic By Michael Parenti, July 26, 2019
Southeast Asia Was Hit by a Record-Breaking Disaster; It Was Called the United States By David Swanson, July 26, 2019
Johnson’s Westminster Cabinet Is Far to the Right of Thatcher By Craig Murray, July 26, 2019
With Pakistan’s Prime Minister at His Side, Trump Threatens to Wipe Afghanistan “Off the Face of the Earth” By Sampath Perera and Keith Jones, July 26, 2019
America’s Collapse: Asset Forfeiture By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 25, 2019
Mahathir Mohamad
New MH17 Documentary Proves Beyond a Doubt that a Cover-Up Took Place By Andrew Korybko, July 25, 2019
Radioactive Fallout of the First Atomic Bomb Explosion, “Trinity”, July 16, 1945: “The Most Significant Hazard of the Entire Manhattan Project” By Kathleen M. Tucker and Robert Alvarez, July 25, 2019
Trump’s “Proximity” to the Nuclear Weapons Trigger. Racism in America By John Stanton, July 25, 2019
Conspiring with Neo-Nazi Parties: Washington and the EU’s Role in the Kiev Coup By Shane Quinn, July 25, 2019
Artificial Intelligence and “Voice AI”: Dawn of the Reduction of Human Thinking By Makia Freeman, July 23, 2019
Modi Must be Mad Beyond All Belief at the Khan-Trump Meeting By Andrew Korybko, July 23, 2019
When Warriors Become Saints By Edward Curtin, July 23, 2019
The “Battle of Seattle” and the Anti-globalization Movement By Rossen Vassilev Jr., July 22, 2019
Pentagon Angst over China-Russia Strategic Unity By Stephen Lendman, July 22, 2019
Trnovo Execution Video: Another Low Point in the Conduct of The Hague Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY) By Srebrenica Project, July 22, 2019
The Herpes Vaccine and Some of the Most Bizarre Human Experiments You Most Likely Never Heard of By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 22, 2019
Me, Me, Me: The Neurotic Satisfactions of the Selfie Generation By Julian Rose, July 21, 2019
Video: “MH17 – Call for Justice” By Bonanza Media, July 21, 2019
Lunar Narratives: Landing on the Moon, Politics and the Cold War By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21, 2019
Aleppo: Glorious Rebuilding, Despite Illicit Western ‘Sanctions’ By Miri Wood, July 21, 2019
What Makes Iran Strong Enough to Stand Against a Superpower Like the USA? By Elijah J. Magnier, July 21, 2019
The Dark Side of the Moon Landings By Dr. Stuart Parkinson, July 21, 2019
“Global Order” Equals the “New Fascism” By Mark Taliano, July 21, 2019
Sudan’s Agreement on Political Declaration Leaves Many Unanswered Questions By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 19, 2019
The “Squad” Will Need to Realize that You Can’t Defeat White Supremacy with White Supremacy By Ajamu Baraka, July 19, 2019
Inside Junior’s War Room By Philip A Farruggio, July 19, 2019
Five Years Ago: Was Malaysia Flight MH17 Shot Down by a Ukrainian Fighter Plane? By Mike Whitney, July 18, 2019
Trump Ignorant of China’s Resolve By Stephen Lendman, July 18, 2019
The Mad Corruptions of Trump Inc. By Jim Hightower, July 18, 2019
African Free Trade Area Launched in Niger By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 18, 2019
Korea-Japan Trade Plus War: Where Are You Going Mr. Shinzo Abe? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, July 18, 2019
CIA Pushes for Expansion of Secrecy Law to Stifle Public Criticism By Kevin Gosztola, July 16, 2019
What’s Really Going on in Hong Kong? By Reese Erlich, July 16, 2019
North Korea Is Not Desperate: The New Geostrategic Environment in East Asia By Ruediger Frank, July 16, 2019
Henry Wallace’s Internationalism: A Path that American Foreign Policy Could Have Taken and Still Can By Dr. Dennis Etler, July 16, 2019
The Podcast Revolution: The Power of Our Human Voice, from Marconi to Woods Hole By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 16, 2019
Revanchist Israel Bent on Territorial Expansion. Towards “Greater Israel”? By Stephen Lendman, July 15, 2019
Spectre of British Colonialism Is Haunting Hong Kong? By South Front, July 15, 2019
The Death Penalty as a Political Weapon: The Execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg By Rossen Vassilev Jr., July 15, 2019
America, The Incredible Disappearing Country By Helen Buyniski, July 15, 2019
Two-faced Democrats Move to Prevent Trump’s Iran War By Kurt Nimmo, July 15, 2019
Britain’s Betrayal: Siding with Trump Against Iran By Stephen Lendman, July 14, 2019
60 Years Since the Largest U.S. Nuclear Accident and Captured Federal Agencies By Robert Dodge, July 14, 2019
From Enlightenment to “Enfrightenment”: Romanticism as a Tool for Elite Agendas By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, July 13, 2019
Juggling with Kim and Moon: Donald Trump’s Diplomatic Copy Book By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 12, 2019
OIL: The Missing Three-Letter Word in the Iran Crisis By Michael T. Klare, July 12, 2019
Joe Biden Didn’t Just Vote for the 2003 Iraq Invasion—He Helped Lead the March to War By Branko Marcetic, July 11, 2019
Former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman: ‘Our Conflict Is with the Entire Muslim World, with the Entire Arab World’ By Middle East Monitor, July 11, 2019
Suffer the Little Children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations and the Canadian State By Christopher Black, July 11, 2019
I Still Can’t Get No Satisfaction. Relentless War Propaganda By Philip A Farruggio, July 11, 2019
China’s Belt and Road, Trump’s Trade War and the Future of the Global Economy By Andrew Korybko, July 10, 2019
Israel’s Scheme to Bury the Nakba. “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” By Stephen Lendman, July 10, 2019
John Bolton and the Trump Derangement Syndrome By Kurt Nimmo, July 10, 2019
Remembering the 2014 Israeli Offensive Against Gaza By IMEMC, July 10, 2019
If You Provoke the Entire World, Something May Happen By Andre Vltchek, July 10, 2019
Racism Dictates Ireland’s Policy in Africa. The “French Connection” is Questioned in Dublin By Aidan O’Brien, July 09, 2019
The Limited Mind: Psychology as a Means to Understanding Conflict. Why Fear Is Driving Humanity… By Robert J. Burrowes, July 09, 2019
FBI and CIA Crimes Only Matter When the Political Class Is Targeted By Kurt Nimmo, July 09, 2019
Ex-FBI, CIA Officials Draw Withering Fire on Russiagate By Ray McGovern, July 09, 2019
The Ugly Face of America By Prof. Gordon Adams, July 09, 2019
Netanyahu Compares Iranian Uranium Enrichment to Nazi Invasion of the Rhineland By Kurt Nimmo, July 08, 2019
Obama: Front Man for Washington’s Imperialism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 06, 2019
Power versus the Press: The Extradition Cases of Pinochet & Assange By Elizabeth Vos, July 06, 2019
Reasons for the 1776 Revolution By Prof. Matthew Stanton, July 05, 2019
‘Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy’. By Ben Norton, July 05, 2019
Vladimir Putin: A Social Conservative Leader? By Andrew Korybko, July 05, 2019
American Exceptionalism and American Innocence By David William Pear, July 05, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing: Asking Who Won the Political Debates. “If Voting changed Anything, they’d Make it Illegal.” By Edward Curtin, July 05, 2019
Amid Revelations of Fascist Network at Customs and Border Protection, Ocasio-Cortez, Other Congress Members Threatened by Border Police By Barry Grey, July 04, 2019
The Plot to Keep Jeremy Corbyn Out of Power By Jonathan Cook, July 04, 2019
Patriotism Is Too Small for My Family By David Swanson, July 04, 2019
Celebrate 243 Years of “Profitable Genocide” By Jay Janson, July 04, 2019
The United States and Human Rights. A Long and Violent History By Robert Fantina, July 04, 2019