
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
The Nevada Caucus and the Desperation of Democrat Elites By Dr. Jack Rasmus, February 25, 2020
Trump’s Betrayal of Julian Assange By Rep. Ron Paul, February 25, 2020
How We Stay Blind to the Story of Power By Jonathan Cook, February 25, 2020
Sanctions and Corruption: Three Major News Stories that Need to be Exposed By Ralph Nader, February 25, 2020
The New Coronavirus Outbreak, COVID-19, Sounds Menacing and Is By Tom Clifford, February 25, 2020
Bolivia’s Electoral Body Disqualifies Evo Morales’ Candidacy By Telesur, February 25, 2020
No Russian 2020 Election Meddling Says US Intelligence Community Official By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2020
African Military Rulers: Musician Fela Kuti and Ghana’s Colonel Acheampong By Adeyinka Makinde, February 24, 2020
Venezuela’s Next Economic Shock Might Come from India’s Compliance with US Sanctions By Andrew Korybko, February 24, 2020
Environmental Voter Guide. Democratic Candidates 2020 By The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, February 24, 2020
The U.S. Is the World Leader of Bio-Weapons Research, Production, and Use Against Mankind By Gary D. Barnett, February 24, 2020
Bolivia: Anatomy of a CIA Coup By Hugo Turner, February 24, 2020
The Christian Gospel for Americans: A Systematic Theology. David Ray Griffin By Edward Curtin, February 24, 2020
Canada: Why Public Transit Should be Free for All By Davide Mastracci, February 24, 2020
The Dangers of Synthetic Biology: A Biotech Firm Made a Smallpox-like Virus on purpose. Nobody Seems to Care By Prof. Gregory D. Koblentz, February 24, 2020
China-US Relations: Mixed Returns for the Huawei Bashing Tour By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 24, 2020
Missing in Action – Boris Johnson’s ‘Global Britain’ in a Post-Brexit World By True Publica, February 24, 2020
Ten Bush-Bin Laden Connections that Raised a Few Eyebrows By Marcus Lowth, February 24, 2020
“Fake News”: No Evidence of Russia Interference in 2020 Elections “in Order to Reelect Trump” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 23, 2020
Juan Guaidó “Left Out in the Cold” at Canada Lima Group Meeting By Arnold August, February 23, 2020
Malcolm X Was Right, a Black Man Will Sell Us Out By Malcolm X and Massoud Nayeri, February 23, 2020
Iranian Elections By Stephen Lendman, February 23, 2020
Who Is Really in Control of US Foreign Policy? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 22, 2020
“Russia AgainGate”: Phony Accusations of Russian “2020 Election Meddling”.The Big Lie that won’t Die By Stephen Lendman, February 22, 2020
Is World War Between the US and China Inevitable? By Insight History, February 21, 2020
U.S. and Iran Increase Competition to Influence Afghanistan By Paul Antonopoulos, February 21, 2020
Is Iran Ill-advised to Finance Its Regional Allies While Under Sanctions? By Elijah J. Magnier, February 21, 2020
Indigenous Resistance Shakes the Canadian State By John Clarke, February 21, 2020
Junior High School America. Democratic Debate = “Dog Eat Dog” By Philip A Farruggio, February 21, 2020
Greater Albania Project Is Accelerating as Kosovo’s Statehood Is in Question By Paul Antonopoulos, February 21, 2020
The Donald Trump Phenomenon: The Drift Towards an Autocratic Presidency in the United States By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, February 20, 2020
The End of Free Movement: This Is a Nation Dismantling Itself over Nonsense By Ian Dunt, February 20, 2020
“The Right to Do Whatever I Want as President” By Rebecca Gordon, February 20, 2020
Mass Student Movement in the United States Began Six Decades Ago By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 20, 2020
India 2020: ‘Superpower’ or Still ‘Super Poor’? By Andrew Korybko, February 20, 2020
At the Annual Munich Security Conference: The West Displays Its “Insecurity Complex” By Diana Johnstone, February 19, 2020
The Unbreakable Bond of Ireland and Palestine By Creede Newton, February 19, 2020
Guaido is a “Fake President”. “Lima Group” to Meet in Canada: Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau By Nino Pagliccia, February 19, 2020
The Rise of Sinn Féin: Dissecting Ireland’s February 2020 General Election and the State of the Nation By Shane Quinn, February 19, 2020
The Priorities of General Motors: Ditching Australia’s Holden Cars By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 19, 2020
The Munich Security Conference: No, Pompeo, the West Isn’t Winning By Andrew Korybko, February 19, 2020
Revising the History of World War II By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 19, 2020
Canada’s Colonial Settler Policies Alive and Well By Jim Miles, February 19, 2020
The Perpetual War Scam By Philip A Farruggio, February 18, 2020
Sanders on Geopolitical Issues By Stephen Lendman, February 18, 2020
Bloomberg Defied a Flight Ban to Show Support for Israel, Defended the Country Shelling a School and Killing Sleeping Children By Michael Arria, February 18, 2020
The CIA and the Media By Carl Bernstein, February 18, 2020
‘The Deal of the Century’ and Its Hidden Secrets By Hazim El-Naser, February 18, 2020
Billionaire Bloomberg Aims to “Buy the US Presidency” By Stephen Lendman, February 18, 2020
Greek Islands Refugee Crisis: An Open Letter to Humanity Crew By Chris Jones, February 18, 2020
Afghan Troops Say Taliban Are Brothers and War Is “Not Really Our Fight.” By Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 17, 2020
Munich Security Conference 2020: Wang Yi vs. Mike Pompeo By Andrew Korybko, February 17, 2020
Russia-Africa NGOs and Media Cooperation: Still Several Steps Away from Reality By Kester Kenn Klomegah, February 17, 2020
A Boom Time for U.S. Sanctions By Kathy Gilsinan, February 17, 2020
Wake Up Senators! New bipartisan War Powers Act to Constrain Military Action against Iran By Eric Margolis, February 17, 2020
How AIPAC Is Losing Bipartisan Support in Washington By Ali Harb, February 17, 2020
American Citizens Killed and Tortured by Israel? By Philip Giraldi, February 16, 2020
Painting a True Christ By Edward Curtin, February 16, 2020
Bolivia: An Election in the Midst of an Ongoing Coup By Prof. Vijay Prashad, February 14, 2020
Lima Group Meets in Canada: Trudeau Consolidates His Position as Main Trump Ally By Arnold August, February 14, 2020
Is the UK a Rogue State? 17 British Policies Violating Domestic or International Law By Mark Curtis, February 14, 2020
On Bombing Cultural Heritage Sites, Drone Assassinations, and Spirituality By Prof. Valeria Z. Nollan, February 14, 2020
The US’ “Central Asian Strategy” Isn’t Sinister, but that Doesn’t Mean It’ll Succeed By Andrew Korybko, February 14, 2020
Trump Regime Hostility Toward Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, February 14, 2020
Homewreckers and Nationwreckers United By Philip A Farruggio, February 14, 2020
The Communist Manifesto Turns 172 By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, February 14, 2020
London Attack: West’s Terrorists Bite the Hand that Feeds Them (Again) By Tony Cartalucci, February 14, 2020
The Age of Illusions – How America Squandered Its Cold War Victory By Jim Miles, February 14, 2020
Traditional Indigenous and White Man’s Conflicting Rules of Law: A Coming to Terms that Hasn’t Been Resolved Since “First Contact” By Jerome Irwin, February 14, 2020
Boeing Abandons Guidance, Says 737 Max Production Will Take 2 Years to Reach Pre-Grounding Levels By Zero Hedge, February 13, 2020
Even with Corbyn Gone, Antisemitism Threats Will Keep Destroying the UK Labour Party By Jonathan Cook, February 13, 2020
A Culture of Cheating? By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, February 13, 2020
How The 1979 Revolution Reshaped Iran and Saudi Arabia By David Hearst, February 12, 2020
2020 US Elections: The Top Issue for Democratic Voters Is … By Eric Zuesse, February 12, 2020
Washington’s Policy of Strangling China. US Nuclear Threats, Militarization of the Taiwan Straits By Shane Quinn, February 12, 2020
The Moroccan Atlas Mountains: Where Tradition Meets Climate Change By Nicolas Pantelick, February 12, 2020
US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Documented Evidence By Tony Cartalucci, February 12, 2020
The Unspoken Crimes of World War II: Who Were the “Butchers of Dresden” By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, February 12, 2020
The Beasts and the Bombings: Reflecting on Dresden, February 1945 By Brett Wilkins, February 12, 2020
Irish Election Result Is a Victory for Nationalism By Johanna Ross, February 12, 2020