
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
White Supremacists, Corporate Lobbyists Et Al: What Was Left Behind After Trump “Drained the DC Swamp” in 2017? By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 05, 2020
Escalation of War in Indochina, the Kennedy Administration’s Vietnam Policies By Shane Quinn, October 05, 2020
Spain on the Brink of a Major Crisis By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 02, 2020
Lying and Liars: The Powerful and Obnoxious Odor of Mendacity By Edward Curtin, October 02, 2020
Donald Trump and the White Nationalist Agenda. “Hatemonger” By Jim Miles, October 01, 2020
The Unfinished People’s Revolution: From Philadelphia to Havana, and Back Again By Prof. Charles McKelvey, October 01, 2020
US Presidential Debate Presented China As the Scapegoat. Blaming China for Covid-19 By Andrew Korybko, October 01, 2020
Why the US Is Falling – and Faster than You May Expect: A 40-year-old Prediction Coming True By Jan Oberg, October 01, 2020
Can the World Tolerate Another Four Years of Donald Trump? By Michael Jansen, October 01, 2020
The 1st Presidential Debate: Worse Is Yet to Come By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 01, 2020
Pre-Scripted Trump v. Biden Spitting Match Theater By Stephen Lendman, September 30, 2020
History: Britain’s Complicity in 1953 Iranian Coup Revealed: The Smoking Gun, MI6’s “Man of Mystery” By Jeremy Kuzmarov, September 30, 2020
Discussions Between Greece and Turkey Over the East Mediterranean Will End Before They Begin By Paul Antonopoulos, September 30, 2020
America in Trumpland, Down the Rabbit Hole By Philip A Farruggio, September 30, 2020
Nigerians in Diaspora Hope for Biafra’s Political Autonomy By Celine Akigwe and Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 30, 2020
Politics of Betrayal: Divorce Looms in Kenyan Jubilee Coalition By Justin Nyanshwa, September 30, 2020
The Global Semiconductor Market: China Deploys Sun Tzu to Prevail in the Chip War By Pepe Escobar, September 30, 2020
Vietnam: Virus Contained, Inequality Let Loose By Asad Ismi, September 30, 2020
Colombia-U.S. Axis: Hitting at Venezuela By W.T. Whitney Jr., September 29, 2020
Turkish Claims that the PKK Is Operating in Nagorno-Karabakh Set Dangerous Precedent By Paul Antonopoulos, September 29, 2020
The Election Has Already Been Hijacked and the Winner Decided: ‘We the People’ Lose By John W. Whitehead, September 29, 2020
What’s the Conflict Between Greece and Turkey All About? By Brandon Turbeville, September 29, 2020
Trump Confirms U.S. Is Israel’s “Protector” By Philip Giraldi, September 29, 2020
History: Nasser and Black Africa By Adeyinka Makinde, September 28, 2020
Japan After Abe Shinzo: Suga Has Inherited Abe’s “Beautiful Japan”. What Will Happen to It? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, September 28, 2020
Walter Molino’s Painting in 1962 Depicts Life in 2022 By Walter Molino, September 28, 2020
High Treason in UK Suffocates Democratic Governance By Julian Rose, September 28, 2020
Dean Jones: Life of a Cricketing Entertainer By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 28, 2020
Towards “Totalitarian Governance” in America By Massoud Nayeri, September 27, 2020
The Plain Truth About Face Masks By Michael J. Talmo, September 27, 2020
Trudeau Represents Trump’s Venezuela Policy, Not Canadians By Arnold August, September 27, 2020
Australia Ill-Equipped to Face the Challenges of the Emerging New World Order By James ONeill, September 26, 2020
Sinophobia, Lies and Hybrid War”: The Nation which Unleashed This Plague…” according to Donald Trump at the UN General Assembly By Pepe Escobar, September 25, 2020
Mali Opens Its Doors to Russia By Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 25, 2020
Trump Regime War on Cuba by Other Means By Stephen Lendman, September 25, 2020
Europe Needs China to Become an Independent Global Power By Paul Antonopoulos, September 24, 2020
Speech by the President of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez at the General Debate of the 75th session of the UNGA By President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, September 24, 2020
Reparations Demand Expanding Among African People Worldwide By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 24, 2020
Eurasian Integration and the Geopolitics of the Russia-Kazakhstan Relationship By Grigory Trofimchuk, September 23, 2020
The 1917 Balfour Declaration and the Zionist Origins of Saudi Arabia By Rez Karim, September 23, 2020
On Proper Naming: The Reflection of Ancient Asian Philosophy on Modern Society. The Quest for Peace and Livelihood By Jenn Zhu, September 23, 2020
President Kennedy’s Role in the Vietnam War By Shane Quinn, September 23, 2020
Clashed Visions at the 2020 UN General Assembly: The Speeches of Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping By Andrew Korybko, September 23, 2020
Mediterranean Europe Will Continue Dealing with Migrant Crisis Instigated by Germany Despite Alleviation Efforts By Paul Antonopoulos, September 23, 2020
History: The Zionist Origins of Saudi Arabia and Its Royals By Rez Karim, September 22, 2020
Will Michele Flournoy Be the Angel of Death for the American Empire? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, September 22, 2020
Avenue towards Peace: Kennedy’s U.S.-Russia Joint Space Vision Must be Revived By Matthew Ehret-Kump, September 22, 2020
Belarusian Sanctions Vetoed by Cyprus Exposes Deep Divisions Between Mediterranean and Northern Europe By Paul Antonopoulos, September 22, 2020
Remembering the Aftermath of 9/11 By James J. Zogby, September 22, 2020
A Peace Deal Like No Other By Philip Giraldi, September 22, 2020
The Reality of Britain: Brexit Was Dragged Over the Line Illegally. Brian Johnson is a Liar… A Paranoid Political Regime By True Publica, September 21, 2020
Trump’s Mideast Mirage By Eric Margolis, September 21, 2020
Ukraine: Totalitarian Legacy of Maidan By Vyacheslav Azarov, September 20, 2020
History. Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the New World Order May be Defeated Once More By Matthew Ehret-Kump, September 20, 2020
Evidence Joe Biden Intends to be a One-Term President By Eric Zuesse, September 20, 2020
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg’s Death and Trump’s Emerging “Legal” Coup d’Etat. Unprecedented Political Crisis. By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 20, 2020
Will California Restore Affirmative Action? By Ron Unz, September 20, 2020
Treason. Towards a “Color Revolution” in America? By Mike Whitney, September 19, 2020
Truth and Nonviolence, Tolstoy and Gandhi: Light as Darkness Approached By René Wadlow, September 18, 2020
The End of Reality? By Edward Curtin, September 18, 2020
New US Ambassador to Germany Attracts the Usual Enemies: Doug Macgregor Feels the Wrath of the Pro-Israeli Lobby By Philip Giraldi, September 18, 2020
The ‘Israeli’-Emirati Alliance: Geopolitical Impact on Africa By Andrew Korybko, September 17, 2020
Cyprus Victim of External Efforts to Drag It into Rival East Mediterranean Orbits of Russia, US By Michael Jansen, September 17, 2020
US Strategist and Senior Adviser to Trump Elected President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 17, 2020
New Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples: A Refreshing Contribution from Venezuela to the World By Arnold August, September 17, 2020
Mali: Historical Overview, The Post-Coup Political and Military Situation By South Front, September 16, 2020
Israeli-Arab Re-election Gift to Trump By Steven Sahiounie, September 16, 2020
Gulf-Israel Accord: The Kings Have No Clothes By Nauman Sadiq, September 16, 2020
The End of the Balkans. President Vučić signs the White House Agreement. A Dark Day in the History of Serbia By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, September 16, 2020
The Benghazi 9/11 Attack: The Forgotten History of the 2012 Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya By Sam Jacobs, September 16, 2020
Peace Plans that Have Nothing to Do with Peace By Ted Snider, September 16, 2020
Iran, the United States and False Flags By Robert Fantina, September 15, 2020
“The Armageddon Election”. Deep Polarization of American Society By James J. Zogby, September 15, 2020
Italy May Recover Historic Ties with Libya By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 15, 2020
Putin Affirms Support for Lukashenko, Consolidates Russia-Belarus Cooperation against Foreign Intervention By Stephen Lendman, September 15, 2020
2020 Elections: Democrats Go All-Out for Israel By Philip Giraldi, September 15, 2020
Consumed by Lies: U Turn on EU Withdrawal Agreement, Britain’s “Masochistic” Trashing of Its Global Reputation By Alex Andreou, September 15, 2020
US Planned Nuclear Attacks on Every City in the USSR and China By Shane Quinn, September 15, 2020
Afghan Peace Talks Could be Trump’s Final Major Foreign Policy Victory Before November’s Elections By Paul Antonopoulos, September 14, 2020
Joe Biden’s Pro-War History … Vote Independent By Stephen Lendman, September 14, 2020