
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
Eisenhower Rejected Military Chiefs’ Demand for Nuclear War on China, Classified Account of ’58 Taiwan Strait Crisis Reveals By Gareth Porter, June 02, 2021
Let Iran Choose Its Next President By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 01, 2021
Same Fear, Different Year By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., June 01, 2021
Comparison of Human Rights Values Between the East and the West By Jan Campbell, May 31, 2021
Nicaragua – A Revolution Worth Defending By Jorge Capelan and Stephen Sefton, May 31, 2021
Egyptian Artists Come Together for Charity Art Exhibition for Palestinian Children By Moumita Chakraborty, May 31, 2021
“Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World are Being Abused By Michael J. Talmo, May 30, 2021
South Africa: The Fall and Rise (and Fall?) of Apartheid By Jinan Bastaki, May 30, 2021
Syrians Reject the US ‘Regime Change’ and Re-elect President Assad By Steven Sahiounie, May 30, 2021
Israel Post Ceasefire: When the Dreams of Israelis Collide with the Hopes of Palestinians By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Robert Inlakesh, and Mike Prysner, May 29, 2021
History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa. Did Stalin Foresee Hitler’s Invasion? By Shane Quinn, May 28, 2021
Will the Pandemic Promote Political Power in Perpetuity? By James Bovard, May 28, 2021
North Macedonia Acknowledges Risk of Greater Albania Project By Paul Antonopoulos, May 28, 2021
President Bashar Al-Assad Won Re-election with 95.1% of the Total Votes By Arabi Souri, May 28, 2021
The Strategic Significance of the Syrian Elections By Andrew Korybko, May 27, 2021
Today I Saw Syrians Dancing and Celebrating Life, and a Return to Peace – but, of Course, the Western Media Won’t Report that By Eva Bartlett, May 27, 2021
Tulsa Commemorates Centenary of 1921 Race Massacre By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27, 2021
Video: War-torn Syria Takes to the Voting Polls By South Front, May 27, 2021
Declaration of The Establishment of a Provisional Government for the United States of America By Emanuel Pastreich, May 26, 2021
Largest Protests Since Arab Spring Sweep Oman as UK Support for Regime Rises By Phil Miller, May 26, 2021
The First World War, Cecile Rhodes and “Conspiracy Facts” By David William Pear, May 26, 2021
Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney and the Rule of Law By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 24, 2021
Interpretation and Investigation: The Conspiracy Theory Trap By Emanuel Pastreich, May 24, 2021
History: The Inherent Irony in the Palestinian-Israeli Struggle By Courtenay Barnett, May 24, 2021
Syrians Abroad Vote for a Return to Stability By Steven Sahiounie, May 23, 2021
Can We Trust the WHO? By F. William Engdahl, May 22, 2021
Is There Any Hope Left for the Horn of Africa? By Andrew Korybko, May 20, 2021
Reflections on Al-Nakba that Deserve Remembering By Jack Dresser, May 19, 2021
Serbian World War II Film Smeared by War Propagandists in Western Media By Max Parry, May 19, 2021
South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa: We Stand with the Palestinian People By Cyril Ramaphosa, May 17, 2021
It’s Time to Put this Dysfunctional U.S.-Israel Relationship to the Test By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, May 17, 2021
Why Canada Owes Apology to Palestinians for the Nakba By Yves Engler, May 17, 2021
Will the United States Finally Decolonize Puerto Rico? By Prof. Pedro Cabán, May 17, 2021
Egypt Opens Rafah Crossing with Gaza Strip to Receive Palestinians Injured in Israeli Aggression By Ahmed Morsy, May 17, 2021
The Power of Romanticism Today: 21st Century Irrationalism By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, May 17, 2021
History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa. The Roots of Its Failure By Shane Quinn, May 14, 2021
Kissinger’s “Insider View”: The Tragedy of the US Deep State By Pepe Escobar, May 13, 2021
The Great Transformation: From the Welfare State to the Imperial Police State By Prof. James Petras, May 13, 2021
On Nakba Day, Israelis Forced to Confront a Guilty Secret By Jonathan Cook, May 13, 2021
Israel’s Annexation Plan Is “The Nakba Revisited” By David Hearst, May 13, 2021
History: Napoleon Between War and Revolution By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, May 12, 2021
In Defense of Identity and Freedom By Slobodan Erić, May 11, 2021
For Victory Day: It’s Time to Think About Finally Winning World War II By Matthew Ehret-Kump, May 10, 2021
Somalia: Epicenter of Global Geopolitical and Geo-economic Competition By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 10, 2021
Walking with Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J., a Criminal for Peace  By Edward Curtin, May 08, 2021
The Shaping of Canada’s Contemporary History: The Role of Walter Gordon By Matthew Ehret-Kump, May 07, 2021
Aldous Huxley Foresaw Our Despots — Fauci, Gates, and Their Vaccine Crusaders By Patricia McCarthy, May 06, 2021
Africa-China Relations: Analysing the World in Africa and the Challenges of Development By Pamela Carslake and Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 06, 2021
Instability in Somalia Continues Despite Years of Western Interventions By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 06, 2021
Nuclear War, Radioactive Fallout and the Earth’s Global Ecosystem By Robert Jacobs, May 06, 2021
Netanyahu Fails to Form A New Government. What Next? Unfolding “Political Plot” By Stephen Lendman, May 05, 2021
Chad Military Council Suppresses Mass Demonstrations Demanding Civilian Rule By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 05, 2021
Brexit Talks with Britain Were Plagued by ‘Tory Quarrels and Low Blows’, Says Michel Barnier By Adrian Zorzut, May 05, 2021
British MPs Sign Parliamentary Motion in Support of Normalising Relations Between Cuba and the US and Ending the Blockade By Cuba Solidarity Campaign, May 05, 2021
A Vaxxing Question By Suzie Halewood, May 04, 2021
“Salt of the Earth”: A Successful Combination of Inspiration and Perspiration By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, May 04, 2021
Breakthrough in Afghan Peace Process! By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 03, 2021
Can Boris Johnson Survive a Leadership Now Shrouded in Scandal? By Johanna Ross, April 30, 2021
The China-Africa Relationship in the 21st Century By Danny Haiphong and Black Alliance for Peace, April 28, 2021
Depression, Fear of Life, Suicidal Thoughts: For Heaven’s Sake, Talk to the Youth and Listen to Them! By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 27, 2021
Goebbels Is Alive in Nicaragua: Relentless US Conspiracy Against Nicaragua by Concocting Fake Narratives and Instituting Terror By S. Brian Willson, April 27, 2021
Between Us. “That guy in the mask thinks I was conspiring to infect him” By Edward Curtin, April 27, 2021
75 Years Ago: Red Army Encircles Berlin. Analysis of Germany’s Failed 1942 Offensive By Shane Quinn, April 26, 2021
Why the U.S. Embargo Against Cuba? By Jacob G. Hornberger, April 26, 2021
When America Believed in Eugenics By Victoria Brignell, April 26, 2021
175 Years of Border Invasions: The Anniversary of the U.S. War on Mexico and the Roots of Northward Migration By David Vine, April 26, 2021
The True Story of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” By Kevin Barry and Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 25, 2021
J & J’s “One Shot and You’re Done Vaccine”:” A New “Experimental” COVID Vaccine. “We Need to Challenge J&J’s Reputation” By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, April 24, 2021
The Prospect of a Major False-Flag Operation in the Middle-East Grows by the Day: Remembering June 8th, 1967 the Day Israel Attacked the USS Liberty By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 23, 2021
Syrian Election Amid Terrorism and the US Occupation By Steven Sahiounie, April 22, 2021
Ukraine Crises Trace Back to Ongoing NATO Enlargement By Shane Quinn, April 21, 2021
Chinese President Highlights the “World Wants Justice” and “Not Hegemony” By Paul Antonopoulos, April 20, 2021
Understanding Brazil’s Crisis By Prof. Mauricio Metri, April 20, 2021
Greed and the European Super League By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 20, 2021
Violent Conflict Between Loyalists and Republicans Could Make a Comeback in Ireland By Uriel Araujo, April 19, 2021
AK-47. Kalashnikov: The Amateur Inventor Who Shot to Global Fame By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, April 19, 2021
The US War in Afghanistan: A Historic Crime By Patrick Martin, April 19, 2021
A Damned Murder Inc: Kennedy’s Battle Against the Leviathan By Cynthia Chung, April 15, 2021
Personal Tribute to Ramsey Clark: Iraq and Rwanda By John Philpot, April 15, 2021
Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery By Jim Miles, April 15, 2021