
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
Nicaragua Facing a “Satanic West” By Stephen Sefton, October 11, 2022
The Treason of the Intellectuals By Emanuel Pastreich, October 10, 2022
Poll: Growing Number of Americans Want Diplomacy with Adversaries By Kyle Anzalone and Connor Freeman, October 10, 2022
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Drawing the Russians into the Afghan Trap… By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, October 08, 2022
Kosovo and Metochia: Who Was Suppressing Whom? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 06, 2022
Defeat or Victory? The War on Afghanistan (2001-2021) By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. John Ryan, and Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, October 06, 2022
Property “Personal”: “Freedom and Personal Property Lost in the last 2 1/2 Years” By Peter Koenig, October 05, 2022
Peace, Freedom and Justice Continue to be Desired Goals of All Human Beings By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, October 05, 2022
Sikh Movement for the Liberation of Indian Punjab Accelerates By Sajjad Shaukat, October 05, 2022
How Cuba Is Dealing with the Devastation of Hurricane Ian By Prof. Vijay Prashad and Manolo De Los Santos, October 05, 2022
How a U.S. Colony Works: The Case of Germany By Eric Zuesse, October 04, 2022
The 70 Seconds That Shook the World By Jeffrey A. Tucker, October 04, 2022
US Is Recalibrating the Power Dynamic in East Mediterranean. Can South Asia be Far Behind? By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 04, 2022
If Kennedy Hadn’t Listened to Khrushchev By Ted Snider, October 04, 2022
British Intelligence Predicted Ukraine War 30 Years Ago By Phil Miller, October 04, 2022
China Is Not Capitalist and It Is Not Yet Communist By Kim Petersen, October 03, 2022
History of World War II: 81 Years Ago, The Battle of Moscow By Shane Quinn, October 03, 2022
Four Breakaway Territories of Ukraine Ask to Join Russia By Telesur, October 03, 2022
The Practice of Lying: The Psychopathic Nature of the U.S. Government By Eric Zuesse, October 02, 2022
Aretha Franklin and the Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO) By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 01, 2022
Why Are Corporations Blamed, Instead of the Billionaires Who Control Them? By Eric Zuesse, October 01, 2022
Why Capitalism Is Incongruous with Democracy By David Skripac, October 01, 2022
The Insanity That Grips Washington By Caitlin Johnstone, September 30, 2022
Integrity Optional. Lies and Dishonor Plague America’s War Machine By William J. Astore, September 30, 2022
How America Is Crushing Europe By Eric Zuesse, September 28, 2022
Nichts ist unentschuldbarer als der Krieg und der Aufruf zum Völkerhass. Albert Camus By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 28, 2022
Nothing Is More Inexcusable Than War and the Call to Hatred of Nations. Albert Camus By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 28, 2022
Launch of the Referendum on Integration Into the Russian Federation in the Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions By Christelle Néant, September 27, 2022
Will Europe Break with the United States? By Larry Johnson, September 27, 2022
Fascism Returns to Europe’s Centerstage By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 27, 2022
Will Italy’s Election Foreshadow US Midterms? By Rep. Ron Paul, September 27, 2022
Liz Truss and the Collapse of the British Pound Sterling. Hyperinflation Looming By Brett Redmayne-Titley, September 26, 2022
Charles III, Real King or Servant of the Globalists? By Julian Rose, September 26, 2022
The Aftermath of 1973 Chile’s Military Coup: Murder on Embassy Row. Remembering the Assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt By Jeremy Kuzmarov, September 26, 2022
The Radical Enlightenment: The Role of Science in the Battle Between Christianity and Pantheism By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, September 26, 2022
Colombian President Gustavo Petro Calls for an End to the War on Drugs in Historic UN Address By Peoples Dispatch, September 26, 2022
The Rise of Trussonomics By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 26, 2022
“The Woman King”: Traditional Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 25, 2022
The Legacy of Shinzo Abe: Road to Self-Destructive Harakiri. Holy War 2.0 By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, September 25, 2022
US-NATO Intent to Damage Russia-China Relations? By Uriel Araujo, September 24, 2022
Ukraine’s Zelensky Presents His Alleged “Peace Formula” at the UN General Assembly By Global Research News, September 24, 2022
Is It Time to Dissolve the British Commonwealth? By Dr. Mathew Maavak, September 24, 2022
“The Arc of a Covenant” — The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People By Jim Miles, September 24, 2022
India’s Gaffe at Samarkand By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 21, 2022
“Nagorno-Karabakh is not the property of the elected elite to be surrendered.” Interview with Abraham Gasparyan By Dr. Abraham Gasparyan and Steven Sahiounie, September 19, 2022
Documentary: “Obesity and Corporate Greed” By DW, September 19, 2022
Cool Observation of Mass Hysteria. Craig Murray By Craig Murray, September 19, 2022
The Queen and Her Legacy: 21st Century Britain Has Never Looked So Medieval By Jonathan Cook, September 19, 2022
Chinese Factory Produces Thousands of British Flags After Queen’s Death By AP, September 19, 2022
Planet Royal: “The Royal family are the galvanising force of colonialism” By Megan Sherman, September 17, 2022
Colombia and Venezuela Announce Reopening of Border By Peoples Dispatch, September 16, 2022
Trust in the Feelings of Solidarity of Fellow Human Beings in the Face of “The Demons of Human History” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 16, 2022
Eyewitness: Human Toll of Eight-Year Ukrainian Army Onslaught in Eastern Ukraine is Shocking By John Parker, September 16, 2022
Swedish PM Resigns After Right-wing Bloc Wins General Election By Ahmed Adel, September 15, 2022
Pakistan Copes with Unprecedented “Natural Catastrophe” By Sajjad Shaukat, September 15, 2022
Analysis of the Early Fighting in the First World War, 108 Years Ago By Shane Quinn, September 15, 2022
Charles III: How the New King Became the Most Pro-Islam Monarch in British History By Peter Oborne and Imran Mulla, September 14, 2022
The Specter of Germany Is Rising. Diana Johnstone By Diana Johnstone, September 14, 2022
The Day After 9/11: UN Security Council’s Passes Resolution 1368 and Starts “Pillar Four” of the United Nations By Elias Davidsson, September 14, 2022
9/11 versus Covid: 21 Years of Wandering in the Fog after 9/11 Has Opened the “Gates of Hell” By Emanuel Pastreich, September 14, 2022
Torn Jeans and “The Great Reset” – A History of Mind Manipulation By Peter Koenig, September 13, 2022
9/11 and the Trans Afghan Pipeline Project (TAPI): The Invasion of Afghanistan Had Been Planned Prior to 9/11. The Missing Enron Link By Karin Brothers, September 13, 2022
Queenly Saturation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 13, 2022
Cool Subjects: The Other Side of Elizabeth II’s Reign By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 12, 2022
The September 11 Lesson on Creating Change By Move to Amend, September 12, 2022
Former Colonies of the British Empire Want Diamonds Worth $800 Million Back From the Crown Jewels By Poppy Bilderbeck, September 12, 2022
Queen Elizabeth II: The Middle East She Knew in 1952 By Alex McDonald, September 11, 2022
Question Marks Raised Over Events on “Bloody Friday”. Belfast, July 1972 By Richard Rudkin, September 11, 2022
“Peace or Nuclear War”. Albert Schweitzer’s “Appeal to Humanity” Then and Today By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 11, 2022
Remembering Our Friends on 9/11 By Ted Snider, September 09, 2022
Defense Secretary William J. Perry’s Lies — Versus the Truth: Was Washington Seeking “Regime Change”? “Putin is the Enemy, not Russia” By Eric Zuesse, September 08, 2022
New Documentary: Why Assume There Will be Another Election? The 1934 Bankers Coup Revisited By Matthew Ehret-Kump, September 08, 2022
“The Dis-United Kingdom”: Only 12% of Brits “Have Trust in Truss” By Anna Fleck, September 08, 2022
Massive Protests in the Streets of Iraq against Endemic Corruption: Interview with Rafid Sadeq By Rafid Sadeq and Steven Sahiounie, September 06, 2022
The Restoration of Russia-Africa Relations: Social, Economic and Geopolitical implications By Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 06, 2022
Terrorism, Repression and Julian Assange – Imperialist Doubletalk By Stephen Sefton, September 06, 2022
Ultra-Hawk Liz Truss to Be Next British Prime Minister By Dave DeCamp, September 06, 2022
Casting Malevolent Shadows: Liz Truss Wins the Tory Leadership By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 06, 2022
July 26 Marked the Sixty-Nine Year Anniversary of the Attack on the Moncada Barracks—the Beginning of the Cuban Revolution By Richard Dunn, September 05, 2022
Analysis of the Early Fighting in the First World War, 108 Years Ago By Shane Quinn, September 05, 2022