
There is an unspoken "Big Money Agenda". Netanyahu's objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating Palestine's multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves
Julia Ward Howe was a humanist who cared about suffering people, a feminist, a social justice activist & suffragette, and it was because of her anti-war commitment that she wrote the famous “Mother’s Day Proclamation” in the wake of the Civil War
When Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven gun shots in thirteen seconds at Kent State University (KSU) on May 4, 1970, they murdered four unarmed, protesting college students and wounded nine others.
Lucy Gonzales started life in Texas. She was of Mexican-American, African-American, and Native-American descent and born into slavery. The path she chose after emancipation led to conflict with the Ku Klux Klan, hard work, painful personal losses, and many nights in jail.
Attempts to Falsify the History of World War II Undermine the Foundations of the Modern World Order. Lavrov By Sergey Lavrov, August 25, 2015
Museum In Palestine To Open On Nakba Day 2016 By Palestinian Museum, August 21, 2015
Insouciance Rules The West. The Insanity of Government Policy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 20, 2015
Hiroshima’s Horrors Prove Nuclear Wars Not ‘Winnable’ By Prof. Christopher Busby, August 20, 2015
“Butterfly Prison”. The New World Order of Poverty, Oppression, Despair and Destitution By Andre Vltchek, August 19, 2015
Outrage at Israeli Plan to Build on Historic Muslim Cemetery By Jonathan Cook, August 19, 2015
Lost in Limbo: Ireland’s Asylum Seekers Afraid to Speak Out By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, August 18, 2015
Making International Art: Rejecting ‘Endless Lines and Squares’ By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, August 18, 2015
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Speech on World War II Riddled with Duplicity By Peter Symonds, August 17, 2015
Canada’s Stephen Harper Wants to Redesign a New Collective Memory of World War II By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, August 17, 2015
Europe’s Forgotten History: From “Human Zoos” to “Human Trophies” Displayed in Colonial Museums By Garikai Chengu, August 16, 2015
Comparing the Ukraine and Vietnam Wars: Donbas is Recognized as a Legitimate State Under US Public Law 86-90 By George Eliason, August 15, 2015
Middle e
The “New Thirty Years War” in the Middle East: A Western Policy of Chaos? By Steven MacMillan, August 15, 2015
Americans Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror By Washington's Blog, August 14, 2015
Reality and Dreams By Fidel Castro Ruz, August 14, 2015
What It Means When You Kill People On the Other Side of the Planet and No One Notices By Tom Engelhardt, August 14, 2015
The 1915−1916 Armenian Genocide: An Ideology, Course and Consequences By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 13, 2015
“Tel Aviv sur Seine”: The French Collaborationist Tradition By Sayed Hasan, August 13, 2015
Robert Conquest: The Uses of History By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 12, 2015
Japan and World War II: History Haunts Prime Minister Abe By Jeff Kingston, August 11, 2015
Collective Life Capital: The Lost Ground of the Economy By Prof. John McMurtry, August 11, 2015
The Civil Rights Movement in the US: Fiftieth Anniversary of the Watts Rebellion By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 11, 2015
America: “The Leading Terrorist State And Proud Of It” By CJ Werleman, August 10, 2015
German troops in front of buildings set ablaze in Distomo, during the massacre.
Distomo, Greece: The World War II Nazi German Massacre and Beyond By Peter Koenig, August 09, 2015
Soft Power Dictatorships Versus A Soft and Hard Power Failing Imperial Democracy By Edward S. Herman, August 09, 2015
The Rebirth of the Patriarch Of Moscow: Moscow Politics in Harmony with the Russian Orthodox Church? By Dr. Filippo Romeo, August 08, 2015
Hiroshima-Nagasaki: 70-Year Nuclear Explosions Not Done Yet. “A Thirty-second fit of Insanity…” By David Swanson, August 08, 2015
Twisted Narratives of Hiroshima: “Atomic Warfare Became Noble Even to the Victims” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 07, 2015
On Israel’s Little-Known Concentration And Labor Camps (1948-1955) By Yazan al-Saadi, August 07, 2015
Hiroshima-Nagasaki: “A Hole in American History”, Atomic Devastation Hidden for Decades By Greg Mitchell, August 06, 2015
Nuclear Anniversary: The Atom Bomb Was Deemed “Essential”. “A Rain of Ruin, the Likes of which has Never been seen Before” By Brian Cloughly, August 06, 2015
ISIS Threat Forces Iraq to Digitize National Library By RT, August 06, 2015
Texas Schools Caught Manipulating Quotes to Push Christianity on Students By Carey Wedler, August 06, 2015
Greece, “Respect the No Vote”: A Dramatic Appeal by Musician Mikis Theodorakis By Mikis Theodorakis and Peter Koenig, August 06, 2015
Extremist Ideological Background of Croatia’s Role in the Destruction of Yugoslavia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 06, 2015
Greece: The Refugee Crisis and the Fate of a Little Iraqi Boy By Peter Koenig, August 04, 2015
America’s Wars: The Day We Refused To Fight. “War is just Terrorism with a Bigger Budget” By CJ Hinke, August 02, 2015
The Hunt for Red October. Russia-Sweden Relations and a Missing Submarine By Israel Shamir, August 01, 2015
Questioning The Left: Current Leftist Theory and the Collapse of the Left. How to Rebuild Leftist Policies By Devon Douglas-Bowers, July 31, 2015
The New Silk Road, A Chinese-style “New Deal”. The Economic and Geopolitical Consequences By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), July 31, 2015
Time to Stop Resisting Haiti’s Resistance By Jean Saint-Vil, July 29, 2015
Wall Street and Military Intervention: Citigroup’s Imperial History in Haiti By Prof. Peter James Hudson, July 29, 2015
100th Anniversary of the US Occupation of Haiti. “City Bank along with French and German bankers, destabilized Haiti” By Ezili Dantò, July 29, 2015
Haitians Mark Centennial of First U.S. Military Occupation of Haiti By Kim Ives, July 29, 2015
Why Americans Believe that Bombing Hiroshima was Necessary By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 29, 2015
America’s Transition from a Democracy to the National Security State. The Derogation of Civil Rights in the Homeland By Prof. Robert Abele, July 28, 2015
Newest Remote Car Hacking Raises More Questions About Reporter Michael Hastings’ Death By Russ Baker, July 27, 2015
The Assassination of Sandra Bland and the Struggle against State Repression By Ajamu Baraka, July 27, 2015
Israel Sees Nazism in Mirror it Mistakes for Window By David Swanson, July 27, 2015
Cuba Celebrates July 26 Attack that Ignited the Revolution By Telesur, July 27, 2015
Falsifying History on Behalf Of Agendas. “US Civil War was about Money not Slavery” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 26, 2015
Cuba Pre-1959: The Rise and Fall of a U.S. Backed Dictator with Links to the Mob By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 26, 2015
Deny, Deny Until They Die: Vietnam Veterans Affected by Agent Orange. The US Government’s Response By Diane Dimond, July 26, 2015
Understanding the U.S. War State. “Watching the War Crime Unfold” By Prof. John McMurtry, July 26, 2015
“Turning Back Boats” and The Human Rights of Refugees to Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 25, 2015
They Say Paraguay is in Africa: Mosaic of Horror By Andre Vltchek, July 24, 2015
When Will the Rogue Resign? Blatter and FIFA By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 24, 2015
US-Backed Racist to Run in Myanmar’s Elections By Tony Cartalucci, July 24, 2015
American Zionist Campaign against White House in Panic Bid to Kill UN Security Council Deal with Iran By Anthony Bellchambers, July 23, 2015
Finding Aliens: SETI, Talking Lions and Wittgenstein By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 23, 2015
Maidan 2.0 in Kiev? By Stephen Lendman, July 23, 2015
On The ‘Ethics’ Of Complicity in Torture By J. B. Gerald, July 22, 2015
Yes, Queen Elizabeth Saluted the Nazis, But there’s A LOT More to the Story By Cassius Methyl, July 22, 2015
The Global War on Syria: Statement of Palestinians in the Occupied Homeland, Refugee Camps and Diaspora By Global Research News, July 21, 2015
Donald Trump and the Hero Complex By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21, 2015
US and Cuban Embassies Open for Business By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2015
Federal Coalition MP George-Christensen
The Acceptable Face of Racism: Islam and Reclaim Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 20, 2015
US Cuba flags
Cuban Official Warns US Still Seeking Regime Change By Global Research News, July 20, 2015
Thousands of Refugees Flee Northward from Greece By Eric Zuesse, July 20, 2015
Democracy and the Restoration of Cuba-US Diplomatic Relations By Arnold August, July 18, 2015
July 18, 2003: Death of Weapons Expert Dr David Kelly Plunges BBC – and Blair – into Crisis By Chas Early, July 18, 2015
Little-Known History of the Euro: Crisis Was Baked In from the Start By Washington's Blog, July 18, 2015
Japan Protest Movement against Growing Militarism: Are These the Last Days of Japan’s Prime Minister Abe? By Jake Adelstein, July 18, 2015
Schooled In Britain, Deported to Danger: UK Sends 600 Former Child Asylum Seekers Back to Afghanistan By Maeve McClenaghan, July 17, 2015
Remembering Gaza’s Victims By Anne Paq, July 17, 2015
How Can We Learn from History to Build a Peaceful Future? By Global Research News, July 17, 2015
Iran’s First Post-Shah President Says Iran’s Theocracy Is ‘Despotic’ By Eric Zuesse, July 16, 2015
The Nanjing Massacre, Japanese Killings of Civilians during World War II: New Figures Reveal Chinese Casualties By Global Research News, July 16, 2015
Bombers, Blood, and Teddy Bears: Posters from the 2014 War on Gaza By Catherine Baker, July 15, 2015
French Far-Right Leader Slams BDS Movement to Woo Israel Lobby By Ali Abunimah, July 15, 2015