
Confronting the “Ugly Sounds” of Corrupt Politicians. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. First Performed in Vienna 200 Years Ago By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 07, 2024
Video: Palestine: “Just Like the Nazis Did!”. David Rovics Song and Music By David Rovics, January 25, 2024
Sacred Tree or Paradise Tree? The Christmas Tree and Nature By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 22, 2023
Wie das grenzenlose Problem der Gewalt lösen? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 08, 2023
How to Solve the Boundless Problem of Violence? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 07, 2023
Educational Methods Encouraging Critical Thinking Versus Covert Methods of Inducing Obedience to “Authority” By Carla Stea, March 31, 2023
Society Makes People Sick. “What is Truth, What is a Lie”? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 06, 2023
The COVID Mandates and “The Right to Smile” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 18, 2022
Behold the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius By Pepe Escobar, December 21, 2020
重谈仁义和中国古代礼法 — 人性美的体现 作者 朱骤琴 By Jenn Zhu, August 24, 2020
How Video and Online Reading Is Undermining Cognition. Protecting and Sustaining Classroom Teaching By Prof. Robert Abele, August 11, 2020
Changing Depictions of America in Cinema: Signs of ‘Self-Awareness’, ‘Resistance’ or a ‘Multipolar World’? By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, May 24, 2020
The Smearing of Film Director Ken Loach and Jeremy Corbyn Is the Face of Our New Toxic Politics By Jonathan Cook, April 09, 2020
Video: Tropical Christmas. Noella Be Nice! by Nat Ya By Nat Ya, December 23, 2019
Mozart Piano Concerto No 15: Yeol Eum Son, the World’s Most Outstanding Pianist By Global Research News, August 31, 2019
The Apocalypse Not Now By Edward Curtin, October 26, 2018
This Species is Amusing Itself to Death. The Addictive Contaminated Media Reality By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 01, 2018
Dawn of the Decadent: Breakdown of Culture, Emerging Psychic Assault on Humanity By Greg Guma, July 31, 2018
“Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism” By Andre Vltchek, July 31, 2018