Crimes against Humanity

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Corporations invest in the art of destruction. It is a lucrative trade. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”. A 1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program launched under Obama, and approved under Trump is underway.
For three and half years, the Saudi’s have waged a horrendous war on Yemen. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of Yemenis, more than 50,000 children died by Saudi air raids with UK supplied bombs, and US supplied war planes...
According to Trump, who "loves children" Israel has the right to defend itself. Eight-month-old Laila is the youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday, the deadliest day since the 2014 war
Donald Trump Marks America’s “Heavy Toll of War” – From Vietnam. By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 14, 2017
Yemen: End Blockade, Avert Famine By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 14, 2017
Playing Games with War Deaths. How Many People have been Killed in US Wars? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 10, 2017
US Strikes Soaring in Afghanistan, Along with Civilian Deaths By Jason Ditz, November 09, 2017
The UN and Genocide by Starvation in Somalia By Thomas C. Mountain, November 09, 2017
Afghanistan: Impunity is Another US Lethal Weapon that Kills Silently By Sami Karimi, November 09, 2017
When Mental Health Matters: Massacre at Sutherland Springs, Texas By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 09, 2017
Is There A Mental Health Issue? 307 Mass Shootings Have Occurred in the US So Far in 2017 By Felicity Arbuthnot and Courtland Jeffrey, November 08, 2017
US, UK, French Governments Call for Killing Citizens Affiliated with ISIS; Remembering Lenin and the 1917 Russian Revolution By Prof Susan Babbitt, November 05, 2017
Agent Orange on Okinawa: Six Years On By Jon Mitchell, November 04, 2017
A Lethal Gift: The Halloween Attack, Trump and Immigration By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 03, 2017
UN Panel: Sanctions Needed Against Israel to Stop Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine By Darius Shahtahmasebi, November 03, 2017
Video: The Longest US War: Korea 1950 – 2017 By Ajamu Baraka and WRFG Labor Forum, November 03, 2017
Trump Is Killing Record Numbers of Civilians By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 01, 2017
Racism, Propaganda and Wars By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, November 01, 2017
Terror or False Flag in Manhattan? By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2017
UN Official Slammed for Urging Sanctions against Israel By Middle East Monitor, October 30, 2017
Syria Chemical Weapons: UN on Khan Sheikhoun – Victims Hospitalized Before Claimed Incident Happened By Moon of Alabama, October 30, 2017
Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine By Ilan Pappe and Alejandra Ríos, October 28, 2017
Britain Drops 3,400 Bombs in Syria and Iraq – and Says No Civilians Killed By Jamie Merrill, October 27, 2017
Phoenix 2.0 – CIA’s Vietnam Terror Unleashed Upon Afghanistan By Moon of Alabama, October 25, 2017
US-UK Dirty War: ‘Latin American-style’ Death Squads in Iraq Revealed Through Chilcot By Patrick Henningsen, October 25, 2017
Setting the Stage to Commit a Massacre in Gaza By Ilan Pappe, October 24, 2017
George W. Bush Receives a Character Award at West Point: Duty, Honor, Atrocity By Erik Edstrom, October 24, 2017
Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently (RBSS): Russia Blasts US Rape of Raqqa By Stephen Lendman, October 23, 2017
What We Still Haven’t Learned from the Vietnam War By Jimmy Falls, October 23, 2017
Video: Korean War: 600,000 Tons of American Bombs on the North. Every City was Destroyed By mlovmo, October 22, 2017
Video: Regime Change in Latin America By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 21, 2017
Documentary: The Korean War: US Atrocities, Napalm and Carpet Bombing, Killing Innocent Civilians By mlovmo, October 21, 2017
Shattered Glass Houses of Zionist Pawns. Belgium and Norway Turn a Blind Eye to Israeli Atrocities By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, October 21, 2017
Video: The Vietnam War and the Phoenix Program: “A Computerized Genocide” By Michael Maclear and Douglas Valentine, October 20, 2017
Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen Scandalously Allowed by UN, West: Ex-UN Official By Prof. Richard Falk and Tasnim News Agency, October 20, 2017
‘Israel Violates International Law With EU Complicity’ By Badriya Khan, October 19, 2017
North Korea – As Trump Threatens, the Nation Still Struggles with America’s Lethal Legacy By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 18, 2017
American Literature on the Battle of Okinawa and the Continuing US Military Presence By Steve Rabson, October 17, 2017
Who are the War Criminals? Truman’s 1951 “Fire and Fury” against The People of North Korea By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 15, 2017
The Korean War and Crimes against Humanity: Forgotten When We Need to Remember By Jeff Williams, October 15, 2017
US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Truth Is Easy if You Follow the Money Trail. The Opposition is Pro-Washington, Not “Pro-Democracy” By Tony Cartalucci, October 15, 2017
War Crimes and the Rights of Children in Syria and Iraq: On the Importance of Media Literacy in Times of Universal Deceit By Mark Taliano, October 14, 2017
Separatist Kurdish Factions: Human Rights Violations and Racism By Sarah Abed, October 14, 2017
After Ten Years, Time to Ground Britain’s Reaper Drones By Chris Cole, October 13, 2017
The CIA: Seventy Years of Organized Crime By Douglas Valentine and Lars Schall, October 13, 2017
Columbus Day Honors The History of Genocide By Stephen Lendman, October 12, 2017
Gun Violence Created the United States By Mark Karlin, October 11, 2017
The Psychology of Mass Killers: What Causes It? How Can You Prevent It? By Robert J. Burrowes, October 11, 2017
“Human Flow, When There is Nowhere to Go, Nowhere is Home” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, October 10, 2017
Afghanistan: US Occupiers and NATO, Their Puppets, the Taliban and ISIS Are the Cause of the Current Disaster! By RAWA, October 10, 2017
Longest War in US History Turns 16 Today – Thousands Dead, No End in Sight & It’s Getting Worse By Rachel Blevins, October 09, 2017
Finding Our Way Back to Truth by Following a String of Facts By Edward Curtin, October 09, 2017
Syria: Disappeared Voices by Western Corporate Media By Mark Taliano, October 09, 2017
The Vietnam War Is Not History for Victims of Agent Orange By Prof. Marjorie Cohn and Jonathan Moore, October 09, 2017
Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory By IMEMC, October 09, 2017
The Six ‘Secret’ Tactics of Empire By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, October 07, 2017
The Las Vegas Shooting. Official Explanations and Unanswered Questions By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 05, 2017
Las Vegas Massacre Proves 2nd Amendment Must be Abolished By Eric Zuesse, October 05, 2017
Confirmed: Vegas Shooting Suspect Prescribed Dangerous Drugs – Just Like Many Previous Mass Shooters By Adam Garrie, October 05, 2017
Drugs and Guns Don’t Mix: Medication Madness, Military Madness and the Las Vegas Mass Shooting By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 05, 2017
Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Bedouin Village for 119th Time By Ma’an news, October 04, 2017
The End of Empire By Chris Hedges, October 03, 2017
When Did Congress Vote to Aid the Saudi’s Yemen War? By Gareth Porter, October 03, 2017
The Rebuilding of Mosul By Rabee a-Hafidh, October 02, 2017
Zionism: The Ideological Cover-up to Jewish Colonization of Palestine By Rima Najjar, October 02, 2017
Who Is Responsible for Ethnic Cleansing in Myanmar? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, October 01, 2017
A Question for Britain and America regarding the State of Israel By Anthony Bellchambers, October 01, 2017
“The Military Plan to Wipe Out All Muslims in Myanmar” By Amelia Smith, September 29, 2017
Tony Blair’s Ghoulish Last Decade By Branko Marcetic, September 29, 2017
The Painful Truth: War is a Racket on Behalf of Wall Street and the Bankers By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 29, 2017
Information Warfare and the “Human Rights” Scam: Western Backed NGOs Have Acted as Enablers of Sanctions and Military Intervention By 21st Century Wire and South Front, September 28, 2017
Israel Is Not Nazi Germany By Anthony Bellchambers, September 28, 2017
Kurdish PKK and YPG’s Hidden Notorious Crimes: Kidnapping, Murder, and Narcotics Trafficking By Sarah Abed, September 26, 2017
There’s No Beautifying Israel’s Treatment of Palestinian Children By Sarit Michaeli, September 26, 2017
North Korea versus the United States: Who are the Demons? North Korea Lost 30% of Its Population as a Result of US Bombings in the 1950s By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 25, 2017
The Worst Mistake in US History By Jacob G. Hornberger, September 22, 2017
“The More You Watch, The Less You Know”. Preferred Conclusions – The BBC, Syria and Venezuela By Media Lens, September 17, 2017
Accused of War Crimes, Saudis Investigate Themselves and Find No Wrongdoing By Carey Wedler, September 17, 2017
Government of India Starts Drowning Narmada Valley to Celebrate Modi’s Birthday! By National Alliance of People’s Movements, September 16, 2017
On the 35th Anniversary of Sabra and Shatila: The Forgotten Refugees By Dr Ang Swee Chai, September 15, 2017
War Crimes and Open Wounds: The Physician Who Took on Israeli Segregation By Alon Mizrahi, September 14, 2017
Government of Myanmar’s Behaviour: Crime Against Humanity By Dr. Amir A. Amirshekari, September 13, 2017
Israel to Remove Palestinian Village’s Sole Water Pipe By Middle East Monitor, September 11, 2017