Crimes against Humanity

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Corporations invest in the art of destruction. It is a lucrative trade. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”. A 1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program launched under Obama, and approved under Trump is underway.
For three and half years, the Saudi’s have waged a horrendous war on Yemen. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of Yemenis, more than 50,000 children died by Saudi air raids with UK supplied bombs, and US supplied war planes...
According to Trump, who "loves children" Israel has the right to defend itself. Eight-month-old Laila is the youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday, the deadliest day since the 2014 war
The “Spanish Inquisition” Made in America By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 28, 2004
Controlled Press Ignores Criminal Obliteration of Fallujah By Global Research, December 27, 2004
Poison Pen By Chris Floyd, December 24, 2004
Resistance fighters inflict heavy casualties on US forces in Fallujah By Global Research, December 21, 2004
Report on Killings in the Haitian National Penitentiary By Global Research, December 20, 2004
Fallujah: Psychological Warfare By Global Research, December 20, 2004
Chile’s Arrest of Pinochet and the Condor Killers in the US By Global Research, December 19, 2004
U.S. Military ‘Obstructing’ Medical Care in Iraq By Dahr Jamail, December 17, 2004
Teflon Tyrants: After Pinochet, Prosecute Kissinger By Roger Burbach and Paul Cantor, December 17, 2004
Canadian Government blocks Torture Charges against Bush By Michael Mandel and Gail Davidson, December 13, 2004
Gary Webb – Pulitzer Prize Winner,Author Of Dark Alliance CIA-Drug Series Dead Of Reported Suicide By Michael C. Ruppert, December 13, 2004
Assassination of US Investigative Journalist Gary Webb? By Xymphora, December 13, 2004
Kosovo – the site of a genocide that never was By John Pilger, December 13, 2004
Kosovo: A Prime Minister with a Kalashnikov By Renate Flottau, December 13, 2004
Aggressive war: then and now By Luciana Bohne, December 12, 2004
Suing the American military … Halli Baba By Imad Khadduri, December 11, 2004
Home Cooking By Chris Floyd, December 10, 2004
Premeditated Death and Destruction unleashed against a Sovereign Nation and People By Niloufer Bhagwat, December 10, 2004
Call on the German Federal Prosecutor to Investigate Rumsfeld and Other U.S. Officials for War Crimes at Abu Ghraib By Global Research, December 10, 2004
Maimed in Iraq, then mistreated, neglected, and hidden in America By Frederick Sweet, December 09, 2004
Fallujah: Pentagon Plans a High-tech Strategic Hamlet By Kurt Nimmo, December 07, 2004
Torture charges filed against George W. Bush in Canadian Court By Global Research, December 04, 2004
In Iraq, the US does eliminate those who dare to count the dead By Naomi Klein, December 03, 2004
Court date to be set for Torture Charges against Bush By Global Research, December 03, 2004
Fallujah Napalmed By Paul Gilfeather, December 03, 2004
Against George Walker Bush pursuant to the Criminal Code of Canada By Global Research, December 01, 2004
Rumsfeld Sued for War Crimes in Germany By Global Research, November 30, 2004
Militant groups control 60 percent of Fallujah: witnesses By Global Research, November 22, 2004
The Crushing of Fallujah By Prof. James Petras, November 21, 2004
Fallujans pay the price of liberation By Dr. Muhamad Ayash al-Kubaisi, November 20, 2004
Media Cover-up of US War Crimes in Iraq By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 17, 2004
Should Canada indict Bush? By Thomas Walkom, November 16, 2004
A War Crime in Real Time: Obliterating Fallujah By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, November 15, 2004
US Troops Reportedly Gassing Fallujah By Global Research, November 10, 2004
US massacres civilians in Fallujah By Joseph Kay, November 10, 2004
The Siege of Fallujah By Dahr Jamail, November 10, 2004
U.S.-led forces pound Fallujah By Global Research, November 09, 2004
Fallujah: What Sort of Criminal Monsters Bomb Hospitals? By Kurt Nimmo, November 09, 2004
“Fixing the Problem” in Fallujah By William Bowles, November 08, 2004
Barring Bush from Canada By Lawyers Against the War (LAW), November 06, 2004
Top U.S. Marine in Iraq Calls for Massacre in Fallujah By Global Research, November 01, 2004
Mortality before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: cluster sample survey By Lancet, October 29, 2004
A country now run by foreigners, including Israelis… By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 29, 2004
CIA secretly transfers detainees out of Iraq By Global Research, October 26, 2004
VIDEO; American Soldiers Massacring Iraqi Civilians By Seymour M. Hersh, October 16, 2004
VIDEO: Controversial Cockpit Video on the Strafing of Civilians in Fallujah: Pentagon Investigating its own War Crimes By Global Research, October 10, 2004
VIDEO: Take No Prisoners, US Marines execute wounded Iraqi to cheers of fellow marines By Global Research, October 09, 2004
US Style Democracy in Afghanistan: “Vote for the president — or we’ll burn your house down!” By Chris Floyd, October 02, 2004
Open Letter to Tony Blair: Dear Prime Minister – Blood on Whose Hands? By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 25, 2004
The Hidden History of CIA Torture: America’s Road to Abu Ghraib By Prof Alfred McCoy, September 20, 2004
Destabilizing Sudan: US Weapons for SPLA Freedom Fighters By Parvaz Akhtar, September 19, 2004
Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets By Leuren Moret, August 21, 2004
Complete Report: Abu Ghraib: its legacy for military medicine By Steven H. Miles, August 21, 2004
US Government War Crimes: Abu Ghraib & the Milosevic standard By Siddharth Varadarajan, August 10, 2004
Remember Hiroshima! August 6, 1945 By Global Research, August 06, 2004
POW Testimony: Iraqi Woman’s Story, detained and tortured by US Military By Nagem Salam, August 01, 2004
The Secret File of Abu Ghraib By Osha Gray Davidson, July 28, 2004
Depleted Uranium: The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War By Leuren Moret, July 08, 2004
The Hallabja Massacre: Saddam Could Call CIA in His Defence By Sanjay Suri, July 03, 2004
Fast Track Tribunals? By Kurt Nimmo, July 01, 2004
The Use of Rwanda’s External Debt (1990-1994) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Pierre Galand, March 30, 2004
Iraq: Death in Fallujah rising, doctors say By Global Research, January 05, 2004
The crime of war: from Nuremberg to Fallujah By Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 05, 2004
“Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999” By Wayne Madsen, October 24, 2001
“To Hell and Back”: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and America’s “Nuclear Denial” By Peter Lee, December 17, 0201