Crimes against Humanity

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Corporations invest in the art of destruction. It is a lucrative trade. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”. A 1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program launched under Obama, and approved under Trump is underway.
For three and half years, the Saudi’s have waged a horrendous war on Yemen. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of Yemenis, more than 50,000 children died by Saudi air raids with UK supplied bombs, and US supplied war planes...
According to Trump, who "loves children" Israel has the right to defend itself. Eight-month-old Laila is the youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday, the deadliest day since the 2014 war
VIDEO: Atrocities of War: Video of US Marines Creates Outrage By David Swanson, January 12, 2012
VIDEO: The Gaddafi Mercenaries and the Division of Africa By Julien Teil and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 12, 2012
IRAQ: Tariq Aziz: “They Killed our Country. We are all Victims of Britain and America” By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 12, 2012
Guantanamo by Numbers: Close America’s Concentration Camp By American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), January 11, 2012
Iraqi Torture Scandal Touches Highest Levels of NATO By Jeffrey Kaye, January 07, 2012
The War on Libya: Revelations of Former French Foreign Minister. Crimes against Humanity Committed by Sarkozy & French Military By Alexander Mezyaev, January 04, 2012
French Genocide Bill Provokes Uproar, Sparks Debate: Turkish Overreaction May Backfire By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, December 31, 2011
Obama’s Global Murder, Inc. By Joe Kishore, December 29, 2011
Gaza: Remembering Operation “Cast Lead” By Stephen Lendman, December 28, 2011
Bradley Manning: Hero, or Traitor? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 23, 2011
Fallujah Remembered By A US Marine Who Helped Destroy It In 2004 By Ross Caputi, December 23, 2011
U.S Threat to Attack Iran with Nukes is “Criminal” By Sherwood Ross, December 23, 2011
Libya: New York Times Drip Feeds Truth on NATO’s Civilian Atrocities By Finian Cunningham, December 20, 2011
VIDEO: Iraq Withdrawal is Smokescreen: Confronting Obama’s Hypocrisy By John Pilger, December 19, 2011
New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocity, With Documents and Video By David Swanson, December 19, 2011
Afghanistan: NATO Troops Shoot Women in Home Raid By Daud Tapan, December 18, 2011
If Life in Afghanistan were Hollywood? NATO’s “Iron Man” Versus Frankenstein’s “Militarized Monster” By Wajahat S Khan, December 17, 2011
Orwell and Beyond: Legislating Tyranny in America By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2011
Solidarity with the Palestinian People By Eric Walberg, December 13, 2011
Trial of Khmer Rouge leaders underway in Cambodia By John Roberts, December 13, 2011
Prisoners in their own Land: The Struggle and Resistance of Serbs in Kosovo By Benjamin Schett, December 12, 2011
#Occupy4Children: The Illegal and Immoral US-led invasions against the World’s Children By Mickey Z, December 12, 2011
VIDEO: US Government Ignores Imprisoned Palestinian Protester By Global Research, December 10, 2011
Inside Romania’s secret CIA prison By Matt Apuzzo, December 10, 2011
The Chongryon: Japan’s Continued Colonial-Style Discrimination against Koreans By Dr. Kiyul Chung, December 09, 2011
CIA ‘secret prison’ found in Romania – media reports By Global Research, December 09, 2011
VIDEO: Bush and Blair Guilty of War Crimes By Global Research, December 05, 2011
VIDEO: The Dangers of Nuclear War and Threats Against Iran By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 05, 2011
Arrest George W. Bush for Crimes against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity ! By Dirk Adriaensens, December 05, 2011
VIDEO: Condoning Torture: Republican Party is a Gestapo Party By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 04, 2011
War Criminals: Blair And Bush By Margaret Kimberley, December 02, 2011
The Bush Administration Was an Ongoing Criminal Conspiracy Under International Law and U.S. Domestic Law By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, December 02, 2011
VIDEO: Police State Canada: From the McDonald Commission to the G20 By James Corbett and Dan Dicks, December 01, 2011
Kuala Lumpur tribunal: Bush and Blair guilty By Prof. Richard Falk, December 01, 2011
Moscow Slams NATO Power Games in Kosovo By Global Research, November 30, 2011
US Senate Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture By Washington's Blog, November 29, 2011
VIDEO: More Violence in Kosovo: NATO Tells Troops to Use Live Ammunition By Sasha Knezev, November 29, 2011
VIDEO: NGOs and the War on Libya By Julien Teil, November 28, 2011
VIDEO: Imperialism and the 99% Solution By Michael Parenti, November 25, 2011
VIDEO: Tear Gas, Barbed Wire, Isolation: NATO Tools for Kosovo Raid By Aleksandar Pavic, November 24, 2011
The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and the Democratic Republic of the Congo By Carrie Crawford, November 24, 2011
VIDEO: When the World Outlawed War By David Swanson, November 23, 2011
Tribunal Finds Bush & Blair Guilty of War Crimes By Global Research, November 23, 2011
Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia Tribunal: Complete Text of Judgment By Global Research, November 23, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Bush and Blair Condemned for “Crimes against the Peace” By Cynthia McKinney, November 22, 2011
VIDEO: War Crimes Exhibition Held in Kuala Lumpur By Global Research, November 20, 2011
The Prosecution of Tony Blair and George W Bush: Day 2 of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal By Cynthia McKinney, November 20, 2011
The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal: Charges against George W Bush and Anthony L Blair By Global Research, November 20, 2011
BREAKING: The Trial of George W. Bush and Tony Blair: Sparks Fly at the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal By Cynthia McKinney, November 19, 2011
US Presidential Elections: GOP Candidates Advocate Torture By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 19, 2011
Bush and Blair to be Tried for War Crimes By Global Research, November 19, 2011
Painted Torture By David Swanson, November 18, 2011
Elderly and Pregnant Attacked at OWS Protests By Global Research, November 16, 2011
VIDEO: Police State Crackdown: Second Raid on Occupy Oakland By Abby Martin, November 16, 2011
VIDEO: “Financing of Terrorism” in Syria Must Stop By Faisal al-Mikdad, November 14, 2011
Will Dick Cheney Be Arrested on Wednesday in Charlottesville, Va? By David Swanson, November 14, 2011
The law case of the century: Indictment against NATO military and political leaders By Global Research, November 09, 2011
VIDEO: Spain’s Stolen Babies: Catholic Church Caught Child Trafficking 300,000 Kids to Sell in Adoption By Global Research, November 08, 2011
VIDEO: The Real Libya: What Mainstream Media Won’t Show By Global Research, November 08, 2011
The Butchering of Gaddafi Is America’s Crime By Glen Ford, November 02, 2011
The Brutal Murder of Gaddafi and the Implications for All Those Who Stand in the Way of the War Criminals By Matthias Chang, November 02, 2011
VIDEO: The Assassination of Gaddafi By James Corbett, November 01, 2011
The Lynching of Muammar Gaddafi By Thierry Meyssan, October 29, 2011
NATO Sponsored Atrocities: “Responsibility to Protect” the “Liberation” of Sirte By Human Rights Investigations, October 28, 2011
NATO, Al Qaeda Militia Killed Gaddafi By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 27, 2011
VIDEO: Gaddafi Murder Highlights the Hypocrisy of NATO’s “Humanitarian” Intervention By James Corbett, October 26, 2011
VIDEO: US Uranium to Blame for Deformed Babies in Fallujah? By Prof. Christopher Busby, October 26, 2011
NATO’s Genocidal Role: The Most Perfidious Tool of Repression in the History of Humanity By Fidel Castro Ruz, October 25, 2011
VIDEO: Bush in B.C.: Canada Hosts a War Criminal By James Corbett and Splitting The Sky, October 25, 2011
Why Is the International Criminal Court Silent on Gaddafi`s death? By Alexander Mezyaev, October 25, 2011
VIDEO: The War on Libya is a War on Africa By Lizzie Phelan, October 24, 2011
Murder of Gadhafi is next step to wider U.S. wars in Africa By Sara Flounders, October 24, 2011
VIDEO: Assassination of Gaddafi Part of Global Regime Change By Adrian Salbuchi, October 23, 2011
Gaddafi Death: A Bullet to the Head is the Culmination of NATO’s Criminal War By Finian Cunningham, October 22, 2011
ASSASSINS R US. Libya: The UN and NATO Enjoin “Multi-State Terrorism” By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 22, 2011
Human Rights: Condemning Palestinians to Torture and Children to Imprisonment By Clive Hambidge, October 22, 2011
Hundreds demand George W. Bush’s arrest at Surrey, BC protest By Laura Kane, October 21, 2011
VIDEO: Serb Protesters in Kosovo Face Off with Armed NATO Forces By Boris Malagurski, October 20, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Torture Victims to Initiate Private Prosecution against George W. Bush on his Arrival in Canada By Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), October 19, 2011