Crimes against Humanity

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Corporations invest in the art of destruction. It is a lucrative trade. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”. A 1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program launched under Obama, and approved under Trump is underway.
For three and half years, the Saudi’s have waged a horrendous war on Yemen. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of Yemenis, more than 50,000 children died by Saudi air raids with UK supplied bombs, and US supplied war planes...
According to Trump, who "loves children" Israel has the right to defend itself. Eight-month-old Laila is the youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday, the deadliest day since the 2014 war
Double Speak from Benjamin Netanyahu By Philip Giraldi, March 29, 2012
DRONE WARFARE: US Military Releases Information on Drone Slaughter of Afghan “Non-combatants” By Global Research, March 28, 2012
Shocking Report Reveals Terrorists’ Crimes in Syria By Global Research, March 28, 2012
VIDEO: Sheep Without a Shepherd: Serbs and Roma in Kosovo Since NATO Intervention By Global Research, March 27, 2012
The Massacre of the Afghan 17 and the Obama Cover-Up By Prof. James Petras, March 26, 2012
VIDEO: Responsibility to Protect (R2P): Imperial Conquest by Another Name By Pepe Escobar and James Corbett, March 26, 2012
Depleted Uranium Contamination: A Crime against Humanity By Arun Shrivastava, March 26, 2012
Human Rights Violations: America versus China By Eric Sommer, March 26, 2012
Cover-up in Kandahar of “the Actions of a Group of US Soldiers” By Joe Giambrone, March 25, 2012
Human Rights and Foreign Intervention in The Sudan By J. B. Gerald, March 24, 2012
VIDEO: US/NATO Proxy War in Syria Follows Precedent Set in Bosnia By Benjamin Schett, March 22, 2012
VIDEO: CENSORED: Fallujah: A Lost Generation? By Chris Busby, March 22, 2012
VIDEO: Bahrain Backlash: Doctors on Trial for Helping Protesters By Finian Cunningham and Paula Slier, March 22, 2012
REMOTE DRONE WARFARE: Robots Kill, But The Blood Is on Our Hands By David Swanson, March 22, 2012
Syrian opposition accused of “human rights abuses” By Chris Marsden, March 22, 2012
Bahrain Medics Show Trial: This Is Not Syria, Therefore No Western Outcry By Finian Cunningham, March 22, 2012
VIDEO: Palestine: A Time To Cry By Rim Banna, March 21, 2012
SYRIA: US-NATO Supported “Opposition” Commits Extensive War Crimes By Devon Douglas-Bowers, March 20, 2012
WIKILEAKS: COVERUP OF WAR CRIMES IN AFGHANISTAN: Washington Lied About 2009 Bala Baluk Massacre, Red Cross Concealed Truth By Kevin Gosztola, March 20, 2012
Joseph Kony’s LRA versus the Ugandan Military: Who are the Real Terrorists? By David Zarembka, March 19, 2012
US official account of Afghanistan massacre challenged: “latest in string of coalition forces’ massacres” By Patrick Martin, March 19, 2012
VIDEO: Who’s Afraid of War Crimes Prosecution? Cheney Cancels Canada Visit By James Corbett, March 19, 2012
SYRIA OPPOSITION TARGETS CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: Christians Expelled from Homs by “Opposition” Al Qaeda Gunmen By Global Research, March 18, 2012
The Media’s Coverup of the Afghan Massacre By Stephen Lendman, March 18, 2012
Afghan Massacre: Pattern of Established U.S.-NATO Criminal Acts in Several Nations By Global Research, March 17, 2012
End the Crime That Is the War on Afghanistan By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, March 17, 2012
A Decade of America Ravaging Afghanistan By Stephen Lendman, March 16, 2012
VIDEO: War Criminal: Cheney Cancels Visit to Canada By Joshua Blakeney, March 15, 2012
VIDEO: US Launches PR Campaign for Ugandan Oil Intervention By James Corbett, March 15, 2012
SYRIA: Testimonies from Homs Reveal Identity of Terrorists and Mercenaries involved in Atrocities By H. Sabbagh, March 15, 2012
VIDEO: KONY 2012 Hides US Support for Repressive Ugandan Regime By Kambale Musavuli, March 14, 2012
Russia calls for probe into NATO’s “massive bombings” in Libya By Global Research, March 14, 2012
The “Lone Gunman” of Kandahar Province? “The Dehumanization of the Enemy” Engrained in the Behavior of US Soldiers… By Andy Dilks, March 14, 2012
State Sponsored “Pre-emptive Murder”: US and Israeli Targeted Killings By Stephen Lendman, March 14, 2012
Cheney says Canada ‘too dangerous’ for visit By Global Research, March 13, 2012
Israel expands deadly air strikes on Gaza By Jean Shaoul, March 13, 2012
VIDEO: War Crimes: NATO Obviously Killed Civilians in Libya By Lizzie Phelan, March 12, 2012
After Afghan Massacre: Media Treat Killings as PR Problem for Occupation By Global Research, March 12, 2012
The “Moral Equivalence” of War: British Soldiers versus Afghan Children By Andy Dilks, March 12, 2012
SYRIA:Terrorist Groups Committed Atrocious Massacre in Homs to Elicit International Support against Syrian Government By Global Research, March 12, 2012
Lavrov: Syria is Confronting Armed Gangs, al-Qaeda Members that Commited Horrible Crimes By Global Research, March 12, 2012
Massacre in Afghanistan: US soldier kills 16 villagers, including 9 children By Patrick Martin, March 12, 2012
FBI Director: I Have to Check to See If Obama Has the Right to Assassinate Americans On U.S. Soil By Washington's Blog, March 09, 2012
Iraq: Twenty One Years of Crimes Against Humanity By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 06, 2012
VIDEO: Pakistani Families of US Drone Victims Plead for Justice By David Swanson, March 06, 2012
VIDEO: US Plans to Legally Justify Targeted Killings of Americans By Global Research, March 05, 2012
VIDEO: Gaza Flooded After Israel Opens Dam Gates By Global Research, March 05, 2012
Hillary Clinton and Middle East War Crimes By Bill Van Auken, March 03, 2012
SHOCKING VIDEO: Libyan Regime Cages, Abuses Black Africans By Global Research, March 02, 2012
VIDEO: BBC Defends Decision to Censor the Word “Palestine” By Hassan Ghani and Amena Saleem, March 01, 2012
VIDEO: Military Hysteria: America’s Neverending Get-Rich Wars By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 28, 2012
VIDEO: Stand By Me: In Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners By Global Research, February 22, 2012
It Is Time We Recognised the Blair Government’s Criminality By John Pilger, February 17, 2012
US BACKED BAHRAIN REGIME: Canadian Man Freed From Jail Nightmare, while Hundreds of others Continue to Languish in Prison By Finian Cunningham, February 17, 2012
VIDEO: The Top Ten Reasons Why Wars Can End By David Swanson, February 16, 2012
IRAQ UNDER US MILITARY OCCUPATION: Maliki Proxy Government orders Execution of former PM Tariq Aziz By Felicity Arbuthnot, February 15, 2012
Obama’s Human Rights Insouciance: Who will Liberate Americans from Washington’s Clutches? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 15, 2012
VIDEO: The Hijacking of Libya (Trailer) By Global Research, February 14, 2012
VIDEO: US Restarts Deadly Drone Strikes in Pakistan By Chris Woods, February 13, 2012
Ongoing atrocities by NATO-installed Libyan regime By Will Morrow, February 12, 2012
Canada Supports Torture: An Instrument of “Terrorism Propaganda” By Global Research News, February 10, 2012
IRAQ: Unspoken Crimes against Humanity Committed against the People of Iraq By Dirk Adriaensens, February 08, 2012
Lies and Double Standards: Crimes against Humanity: Syria or the US? By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2012
“Responsibility to Kill” (R2K): Washington Gives Green Light to Toxic Terror in Bahrain By Finian Cunningham, February 04, 2012
Iraq War Crimes: Haditha: Another Small Massacre – No One Guilty By Felicity Arbuthnot, February 04, 2012
VIDEO: The Girl Killed by Obama: She “never saw it coming” By Global Research, February 01, 2012
WAKE UP CANADA: Canadian Citizen Faces Risk of Death From Jail Ordeal in Bahrain By Finian Cunningham, February 01, 2012
U.S. Soldiers’ Egregious Conduct Belies Global Human Rights Position By Mohammad Jamil, January 31, 2012
HAITI’S “DEMOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP”: Bill Clinton is comfortable shaking hands with “Baby Doc” Duvalier – Why? By Jean Saint-Vil, January 28, 2012
NATO’s Grisly Crimes in Libya: Extensive Evidence that NATO Deliberately Targetted Civilians By Farirai Chubvu, January 27, 2012
Obama’s “State of Delusion Address”: Rebuilding America With War Crimes By Finian Cunningham, January 25, 2012
VIDEO: Surviving Japan: A Critical Look at the Nuclear Crisis By Chris Noland, January 23, 2012
The Torture of Mumia Abu-Jamal Continues off Death Row By Hans Bennett, January 23, 2012
US-NATO war crimes in Libya By Barry Grey, January 23, 2012
The World War on Democracy By John Pilger, January 19, 2012
VIDEO: Bahraini Women and Children are Being Terrorized, Raped and Tortured By Global Research, January 18, 2012
IRAQ: Remembering the Atrocities of the Gulf War: 21 Years Ago. Calling for the Release of Tariq Aziz By Denis Halliday, January 17, 2012
RENDITION: Thousands of “Suspects” have “Disappeared”: Shedding Light on North Carolina’s “Rendition” Connection By Prof. Deborah Weissman and Robin Kirk, January 17, 2012
Close the Guantánamo Gulag By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 15, 2012
Assassination in Iran: Obama Administration is CEO of “Murder Inc” By Finian Cunningham, January 13, 2012