Crimes against Humanity

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Corporations invest in the art of destruction. It is a lucrative trade. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”. A 1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program launched under Obama, and approved under Trump is underway.
For three and half years, the Saudi’s have waged a horrendous war on Yemen. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of Yemenis, more than 50,000 children died by Saudi air raids with UK supplied bombs, and US supplied war planes...
According to Trump, who "loves children" Israel has the right to defend itself. Eight-month-old Laila is the youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday, the deadliest day since the 2014 war
U.S. State Department’s Deafening Silence After U.S. Citizens Engage In Israeli Settler Violence By Richard Silverstein, January 07, 2016
Immunity of State Officials for War Crimes: UN Library’s Most-checked-out Book in 2015 By Dylan Matthews, January 07, 2016
Yemen: A US-Orchestrated Holocaust By Stephen Lendman, January 07, 2016
Jewish Terrorists Indicted for Palestinian Arson Murders By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2016
International organisations have issued warned that life in Gaza on brink of collapse due to effects of the oppressive Israeli siege, which is regarded a collective punishment and illegal in international law.
2016 Marks Ten Years of Israeli Siege, Illegal Blockade of Gaza By Days of Palestine, January 04, 2016
Political Coverup of Iraq Atrocities: Britain’s “Independent” Inquiry into “Allegations of Torture and Unlawful Killings” By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 03, 2016
The Refugee Crisis: Israeli Organ Trafficking Suspect Arrested In Istanbul By Doğan News Agency, December 29, 2015
War Crimes: Israeli Planes Spray Crop-killing Chemicals on Gaza Farms By Days of Palestine, December 27, 2015
Endless War Crimes in Yemen Slowed by Ceasefire By William Boardman, December 20, 2015
Haiti’s Lead Export: Brazil’s New Slaves By Dady Chery, December 19, 2015
US-NATO’s “Counter-Christmas Crusade” against the Cradle of Civilization and the Holy Land By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 17, 2015
40 Years On, the Vietnam War Continues for Victims of Agent Orange By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 17, 2015
The British Government’s Complicity in U.S. Torture and Rendition Programme By Reprieve, December 15, 2015
Donald Trump Not Wrong When He Said That Hillary “Has Killed Hundreds of Thousands of People” By Claire Bernish, December 15, 2015
Turkey Smuggled Sarin Gas to Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria? Turkish MP By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2015
Former British Prime Minister Blair listens to a question during an appearance at the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
Tony Blair Complicit in US Torture Regime. Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, the CIA’s “Black Sites”… By Global Research News, December 14, 2015
Israeli Fighter Jets Bomb Besieged Gaza Strip By Press TV, December 14, 2015
Immunities of State Officials, International Crimes, and Foreign Domestic Courts By Prof. Dapo Akande and Sangeeta Shah, December 14, 2015
Biological Warfare and the People of Iraq By Ian Roberts, December 13, 2015
Iraqi military equipment is seen left behind [file photo]
Fallujah is Being Slaughtered Silently By Iyad Al-Dulaimi, December 13, 2015
Illegal Slaughter: Cameron’s Bombings of Syria, Equals Blair’s Iraq War Crimes By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 12, 2015
Killing Non-Jews in Israel: “The New Normal” By Middle East Monitor, December 11, 2015
A Circuit of Lies and “False Media”: Crimes against Humanity Go Unreported, The West Continues to Perpetrate Genocide in Iraq By Mark Taliano, December 10, 2015
Drone Operators Rebel, Accuse Obama Administration of “Killing the Innocent” and “Fuelling Terrorism” By Klaus Marre, December 10, 2015
David Cameron Reported to Scottish Police For ‘International War Crimes’ By Steven Hopkins, December 09, 2015
Petition to Arrest Tony Blair for War Crimes in the Middle East. The Cameron Government’s Response By Steven Smith, December 09, 2015
The Dirty War On Syria. The Houla Massacre Revisited By Prof. Tim Anderson, December 07, 2015
Monsanto to Be Put on Trial for “Crimes against Nature and Humanity” at The Hague By Sustainable Pulse, December 05, 2015
Monsanto in the Dock! “Crimes against Nature and Humanity”. Rolling Back the Destructive Influence of the Global Agribusiness Cartel By Colin Todhunter, December 04, 2015
The Bombing of the MSF Hospital in Kunduz: The Man on the Operating Table By Andrew Quilty, December 04, 2015
Israel Ministry of Health “Reimbursed for Israeli War Crimes”: Hospital Bills Palestinian Authority for Medical Treatment of Dawabsha Child By International Middle East Media Center, December 04, 2015
Monsanto Going to Trial for Crimes Against Humanity By Christina Sarich, December 04, 2015
With US Help, Saudi Arabia Is Obliterating Yemen By Sharif Abdel Kouddous, December 03, 2015
Obama’s War on Truth. USAF Drone Operators “Who Blew the Whistle” By Craig Murray, November 29, 2015
The Killers Are Everywhere, But Love Endures. Remembering JFK By Edward Curtin, November 28, 2015
Names Of The 101 Palestinians Killed By Israeli Fire Since October 1st By International Middle East Media Center, November 27, 2015
If I #PrayforParis, Who Will Pray for the Victims of French Colonial Aggression? By Darius Shahtahmasebi, November 20, 2015
Unreported Crimes against Humanity: More Than 800 Women and Children Have Died in Yemen, and No One Has Food By Samuel Oakford, November 20, 2015
‘Provocation’: Israel outraged over Spain’s Netanyahu Arrest Warrant By RT, November 20, 2015
At Night I Hear Victims Shouting By Andre Vltchek, November 20, 2015
“Humanitarian Retribution” against the Islamic State: Illegal French Airstrikes on Syria hit Stadium, Museum, Clinics By David Raven, November 17, 2015
Tragedy in Paris. Terrorism and the Politics of Hegemony By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 16, 2015
"Peace for Paris" by Jean Jullien
Selective Empathy: Terrorist Attacks Rock Paris, Public Response to Tragedy Is Typically Disproportionate By Daniel DeLafe, November 15, 2015
Palestine Burns While Parisians Mourn. Israel is Guilty of Premeditated State-sponsored Terrorism By Stephen Lendman, November 15, 2015
An outside view of Guantanamo Bay prison | Photo: Reuters
Close Guantanamo and Return It to Cuba By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 15, 2015
Age of Despair and the Paris Terrorist Attacks: Reaping the Whirlwind of Western Support for Extremist Violence By Chris Floyd, November 15, 2015
Lethal Israeli Raid on Hebron Hospital Sparks New Protests By Bill Van Auken, November 13, 2015
The Islamic State (ISIS) and Its “State Sponsors” Must Be Indicted for “Crimes against Humanity” By Vladimir Platov, November 13, 2015
War Crimes: Agent Orange, Monsanto, Dow Chemical and Other Ugly Legacies of the Vietnam War By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 13, 2015
Will Obama Give Israel even more American Weapons and Dollars to Kill Palestinians? By Colonel Ann Wright, November 12, 2015
Report Says Palestinians Being Executed in Cold Blood By Stephen Lendman, November 12, 2015
Myanmar: The Atrocious Delusion of Burmese ‘Democracy’ By Guy Horton, November 12, 2015
“Peace Envoy” / Former War Criminal Tony Blair : Glossing Over Remembrance Day By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 11, 2015
Tony Blair’s Criminality is Plain for all to See By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 11, 2015
Review of Dave Chaddock's Book. David Swanson interview with Chaddock on Talk Nation Radio By Jeff Kaye, November 10, 2015
Younous Chekkouri: Held in Guantanamo for 13 Years without Trial: Senator Feinstein Defends the Empire Against “Freeing the Innocent” By William M. Boardman, November 09, 2015
Israel Has Murdered 80 Palestinians Since October 1 By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2015
Seven Downing Street Memos on “Fixing Intelligence”: How Much Proof Is Needed …To Indict George W. Bush and Tony Blair? By Kevin Zeese, November 09, 2015
Hebron, Image by Wickey-nl (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Israel Terrorizes Hebron Residents. Settlers urge Soldiers to Kill the Palestinians. By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2015
Doctors Without Borders Releases Horrific Details Of Kunduz Hospital Bombing By U.S. Forces By Kevin Gosztola, November 08, 2015
Why Can’t Tony Blair be Prosecuted for the Crime of Aggression? By Nick Grief, November 07, 2015
Crimes against Humanity: Arrested Palestinian Children Imprisoned, Tortured By Stephen Lendman, November 06, 2015
The Blood on Obama’s Hands: Kunduz Hospital Attack Designed “to Kill and Destroy” By Bill Van Auken, November 06, 2015
‘The Drone Papers’ Revelations Are a Cry for Ending the Slaughter By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, November 06, 2015
The 2013 East Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack. Turkey’s Alleged Role in Supplying Toxic Sarin Gas to Syrian Terrorists By Bousla News, November 06, 2015
Israel Harvesting Slain Palestinians’ Organs: Palestine’s UN envoy By Press TV, November 05, 2015
Myanmar: The Genocide against the Rohingya By J. B. Gerald, November 05, 2015
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
House Adopts Anti-Palestinian Resolution, Sustains “Israel’s Right to commit the Highest Crimes” By Stephen Lendman, November 05, 2015
A “Jewish Homeland” is One Thing: “Genocide” Is Another By Anthony Bellchambers, November 05, 2015
The ‘Non-lethal’ Chemical Weapon Killing Palestinians By Sheren Khalel, November 04, 2015
Palestine: “New Methods of Resistance” If Israeli Brutal Force Continues By Stephen Lendman, November 04, 2015
Palestine is a War Zone. Israeli State Terror Rages By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2015
Israeli “Staatspolizei” Carry out Summary Executions in Jerusalem By Anthony Bellchambers, November 03, 2015
Israel Murdering Defenceless Palestinian Youths and Children By Stephen Lendman, November 02, 2015
New Zealand’s Zionist Diplomacy in the UN Security Council: “Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself” By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, November 02, 2015
Video: Israeli Military Threatens Palestinian Refugee Camp, ‘We Will Gas You until You Die’ By Annie Robbins, November 01, 2015
Israel Torture and Imprison Palestinian Children. “A Severe Threat to the National Security of Israel” By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2015
The Belgian organisations described what is happening in Jerusalem as part of the persecution suffered by four million Palestinians due to the Israeli occupation including the war on Gaza in 2014
Call For Ban on Arms Sales to Israel By Middle East Monitor, October 31, 2015
Israel Tear Gases 8-Month-Old Palestinian Infant to Death By Stephen Lendman, October 31, 2015
Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki leaves the International Criminal Court in The Hague on June 25, 2015. (AFP photo)
Palestine Submits New Files on Israeli War Crimes to ICC By Press TV, October 31, 2015